The Consummate Traitor (Trilogy of Treason)
Page 34
10. Why did the traitor betray Grace to the Gestapo in Denmark?
11. Did you realize who the traitor was before the author revealed it? How does the author foreshadow his exposure?
12. Why was Project Amanita so important to the outcome of the war?
13. Since the story was based on true historical events, did you find any scenes that changed your perceptions of the war? If so, what were those specific scenes?
14. The “ring of light” is a significant symbol. Why? What does it mean to you?
15. How does the author treat male characters in the story?
16. SS Colonel Ketmann was modeled after a real Nazi officer. What drove his evil? Did the author succeed in showing his vulnerabilities? How?
17. Of the German characters who appear in the story, which one most represents the average German trapped under Hitler’s regime? Explain your choice.
18. Why was Hitler able to mesmerize the German people into following him so blindly?
19. Select one scene in the story you remember most. Why did you choose it?
20. Discuss the characterizations of Quinn Bergin, Erich von Lohren, Sir Fletcher McAlister, Rolf Haukelid, Tobias Baldur-Meyer, the Danish physicist Dr. Nielsen and Morgan Saunders? Who did you like the most and why?
21. Of these characters, which one gained your sympathy more than the others and why?
22. Lee affects the men in relationships with her. What about her draws them to her? How do the following change because of her relationship with them: Quinn Bergin, Rolf Haukelid, Ludwig Ketmann, the guard Max and Morgan Saunders?
23. What role do children play in the story? What lessons do we learn from their involvement?
24. How does the author show the public’s reaction to people who have endured wartime trauma?
25. Which love story affected you the most and why?
26. After reading the story, how do you explain what drives Grace and Lee to be so brave under devastating wartime conditions?
27. What happened to the traitor that shaped his ultimate betrayal? Why did he still feel justified in the end?
1. Which Bible verse does Grace quote the most to Lee? Why?
2. Why does Grace not try to convert Lee to her Christian faith?
3. What happens to Grace that makes her question her faith and God?
4. How does Erich von Lohren regain his faith in God?
5. Since Lee does not have Grace’s faith, what sustains Lee through the dark days of her interrogation and torture?
6. Why does Lee refuse to surrender to God?
7. How does the author show God’s forgiveness in the story?
8. How does Lee’s spiritual sensitivity change through the story?
9. If Lee was your friend, how would you try to overcome her distrust of religion and her disillusionment in God?
10. How did each of the Bible verses listed apply to the story?
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; for He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. —PSALM 91: 5,11
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life …will be able to separate us from the love of God. —ROMANS 8:38,39
Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing. —1 THESSALONIANS 5:11
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. —JOHN 15:13
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. —ROMANS 8:28
In the years since I wrote the original Treason & Triumph, many people have come into my life to encourage me to stay the course to develop the Trilogy of Treason, of which this is Book One.
First among these are my mentors: New York best-selling author Gayle Lynds and award-winning author Vicki Hinze.
Gayle took time to harness my writing at a time when I let the words flow without understanding what genre I wanted to pursue. With an editor’s red pencil, perceptive questions and relentless expectation, she pushed me to hone the skills of a thriller writer, while Vicki reached out heart-to-heart to help me embrace the spiritual values of my writing. Year after year, as Vicki does for anyone she believes in, she has stood by me and encouraged me, no matter what the challenge or setback. To Gayle and Vicki, thanks can never be enough to express my gratitude.
Over time, so many writers, editors and publishers have become dear friends as well as inspired blessings: my long-standing sister-inspirit author Rita Gerlach, author J. Carson Black, author Pat Bertram, publisher Cheryl Haynes of Future Word Publishing, publisher and editorial director Joan M. Hochstetler of Sheaf House Publishers, author coach Joy DeKok, editor Tracy Ruckman, author Robert Gandt, author David E. Meadows and writing buddy Rachel Moore.
There are special friends who have encouraged me to pursue this wondrous dream of writing novels. You know who you are and I thank you with all my heart.
The greatest influence into steering me into a career as a novelist has been my North American agent, Diana Lee Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency. She’s been an astute critic, tough taskmaster and champion cheerleader. A dear blessing in my life.
Another tremendous influence has been my foreign rights agent, Philip Sane of Lennart Sane Agency AB who first recognized the potential of my work and insisted I find a North American agent who believes in me as much as he does. I found her, Philip, and now it’s forward ho!
To my fellow veteran advocates for their steadfast support and encouragement, my heartfelt thanks.
To all those who provided historical insights, background, references and critiques stemming from the original novel, in particular Violeta Rostas and Jeanine Allison, a beloved thank-you.
To my son-in-law, Don Harton, who has taken the essence of this novel and produced a thrilling video production for my book trailer; to my daughter Trish and Jesse, Amanda and Megan, big Nana hugs all around.
And by far the greatest but not last thank-you is to my husband, Wally. He has encouraged me when my spirits have flagged, he has taught me the tenacity of love is greater than the frailty of our bodies, he has honored the commitment of faith and the power of belief in a God of Love who recognizes the desires of our hearts and makes all things possible for those who believe. To God, the glory. To Wally, peace my love. Shabbat Shalom!
One woman is betrayed, the other is sacrificed in a chain reaction of double crosses that exposes a secret England wants buried forever.
Coming Soon
In the blood-soaked hills of Rwanda, secret lies of a broadcaster’s parents thrust her into the cross hairs of an assassin.
Coming Soon
Betrayed by the Allies, a Russian Mennonite woman flees to Paraguay with a hunted Nazi war criminal the CIA has recruited.
When Bonnie Toews should have been thinking about her music lessons, she was more interested in listening to tales about the secret lives of her music teachers. Nazi jackboots goose stepping across Europe interrupted their concert careers, but rather than wallow in fear and despair, they slipped into the shadows and risked death to fight Hitler’s tryanny. Today Bonnie’s characters imbue their quiet bravery, steadfast faith and fierce tenacity. As a journalist, she has covered significant events such as the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Her eyewitness view contributes to the plight of children in war as a recurring theme through her novels. With hundreds of published articles and five business press awards in her portfolio, Bonnie currently advocates for better care and t
reatment of Canada’s veterans and is a member of the Canadian Veterans Advocacy, Military Writers Society of America and American Authors Association.