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Awakening (Willow Creek Vampires Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Stephanie Summers


  “Well, like we disappeared kind of the same way, and she says another offering before her had family that up and left, too. She says Brendon was always a little bonkers and never mentioned anything about his family.”

  “He’s done something to them.” The urge to find her family went into overdrive. Where the hell were they? And what exactly had Bastian done to them? Gut clenching as it threatened to spill the contents of her lunch, she doubled over for a second before regaining her composure.

  “I mentioned to you how my grandparents had always said my mother died. What if they weren’t saying it to protect me from the truth, and he just made them think she died? Fuck, can you imagine going through the loss of a child that wasn’t really lost?”

  She was so shocked by the revelation that she almost forgot to breathe. Sabine inhaled sharply. “They think I’m dead,” she said with a tremble in her voice.

  She knew it in her heart. There was no need for confirmation or further investigation. She had to find them as soon as possible and prove to them that she was alive and well. The thought of going through life without them as they mourned her was the final straw in the shitstorm of her life. She had to get this magic thing down even if it drove her insane in the process.

  “I need to go, Sam. I have to focus.”

  “I know, but before I let you go, there’s one more thing I want to tell you, and it’s actually good news.”

  “Lay it on me. I need to hear something good for once.”

  “Remy has agreed to release Mom. He’s even buying us a house in Willow Creek to live in.”

  Her heart smiled, and she felt a sense of accomplishment that he’d taken her suggestion seriously. Even if he wasn’t himself all the time, at least she knew he really was still in there somewhere.

  “That’s wonderful, Sam!”

  “I’ll let you go now before we end up talking for an hour,” Sam said with a chuckle. “You’ve got important work to do.”

  “Oh, Sam, you have no idea. I’ll fill you in on everything when I see you again.”

  As the girls ended their conversation, Sabine assessed her situation.

  Remy is possessed by an ancient vampire… the ancient vampire, I should say. I have to become an all-powerful witch because said ancient vampire wants to use me as he pleases. The real reason I need to become an all-powerful witch is because I need to save the man I love from the ancient asshat. My parents think I’m dead. Again, being a witch would be uber helpful in finding them. Bastian is still on the loose with that evil fucktard Brendon. Even if he isn’t a vampire, he’s still a psycho that I have no desire to ever encounter again… What else could go wrong?


  “Damn it, girl. You’re not trying hard enough,” Mary said, throwing her hands up in the air with exasperation.

  “I’m trying!” Sabine sat in the middle of the basement floor with a lit candle in front of her. “I’m sorry but I think it’d be a hell of a lot easier to blow out the damn flame than to magically poof it away.”

  “Well, no shit, Sherlock. But where would that get you as far as learning magic?”

  “Nowhere, I suppose.”

  “Then just do it already.”

  “I know why it isn’t working.”

  “Oh, yeah? Enlighten me…”

  “I could just blow it out.”

  Mary sighed. “We just had this conversation five seconds ago.”

  Sabine chuckled. “What I’m trying to say is this isn’t working for me because the easier solution doesn’t involve magic. Give me something that would be easier to use magic to accomplish than to just do it myself… Like have me pick up a car or something.”

  A loud cackle burst out of Mary. “You little dummy!”

  “Hey! I am not a dummy!” Sabine stood, dramatically placing her hands on her hips while she tried hard not to laugh. “Ok, so maybe not lifting a car, but you get what I’m saying, right?”

  “I do. That actually isn’t a bad idea, but if you fuck up and the damn car goes rolling away, then what the hell do we do? I don’t think insurance covers magical disasters.”

  “Probably not.”

  Four months had passed since Sabine moved to Mary’s. One thing she knew for sure was that eagerness wasn’t all you needed to use magic. Eagerness, she had plenty of. There was nothing more she wanted than to be able to fix Remy and to find her family. What she didn’t have plenty of was any magical abilities to show for it.

  Her attempt at location spells for her family had even gone belly up, though that wasn’t totally her fault. Mary hadn’t had much luck either, mainly because Sabine only had a picture and not anything that actually belonged to her family. The closest they had come was figuring out that her family was somewhere in Pennsylvania. The state as a whole was circled with the herbs they used for the spell instead of a pinpointed location. She needed something more personal to narrow down the search, but where she was going to get anything like that now, she didn’t know.

  She’d left most of her stuff behind, thinking she could bring more once she got settled in at the Manor. Remy had convinced her this would be best. Little did she know, he’d actually had a plan to set her free and thought she’d be back with her family in no time. That wasn’t what happened at all, but looking back, she wondered if maybe it would’ve been for the best. Sure, she would’ve missed him, but maybe she’d been able to move on with her life by now. Maybe she wouldn’t be doing everything she could to get him back, even though she wasn’t sure at times that he could truly be saved.

  “Let me think on it, and I’ll find something else for you to try, but in the meantime, keep trying with the flame.”

  “Alright. I’m taking it up to my room.”

  “Uh-huh. You better not be asleep if I come in there fifteen minutes from now.”

  “I promise.” Sabine blew out the flame, grabbed the candle and matches, and headed up to her room to practice. She half-expected Remy to be waiting on her when she got back, but he wasn’t. He was due for a feeding and would be popping up any time now.

  He pretty much avoided the front door since Mary didn’t want him there in the first place and had reluctantly allowed him back in. She only had because, even though she hated to admit it, Remy scared her with his seemingly endless supply of power and abilities, and she didn’t want to test him too much. After all, they were fairly confident that it was Nicas they were dealing with after failing to reach him.

  Since he no longer used the front door, he was forced to use other means of entry. The light tapping on the window or him materializing in her room reminded her so much of times past when he would show up at her parent’s house back when he was tasked with keeping her alive and unharmed until she turned twenty-one.

  The weather had become cooler as summer gave way to autumn. Sabine loved opening her window and letting the crisp air of the afternoon flow through her room. As she slid the window up, the sound of a familiar voice broke the silence. She instinctively turned, thinking he had come in without her noticing, but the room was still empty.

  Realizing that Remy was outside talking to someone on a cell phone, she casually sat down next to the window to eavesdrop on his conversation. She used her newfound technique of quieting her mind in order to really hear him. It was an amazing trick to use when she wanted to focus on a particular thing because she could block out whatever noise she deemed unnecessary. It might have taken her two months to master it, but she was proud of her accomplishment.

  “Yes, I’ve decided to purchase the one on Walnut Street we talked about… That’s right. It’ll be in her name alone. It’s a gift… No, not that one, the one with the patio on the back and the big yard with the willow tree… I’m not in Willow Creek right now, but I can come by tomorrow to complete the paperwork… I’m certain they’ll accept my offer. Will they be there as well?”

  My house is on Walnut. I can’t believe he wants to buy my house with my willow tree for Sam. Her hands
fisted at her side. Rage started to grow deep in her belly. Not because she didn’t want the best for Sam and her mother, but because it was another slap in the face by him. Why am I fighting so hard for him again?

  “That’s unfortunate… Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He slid his finger across the screen, ended the call, and glanced toward her window. His eyes met hers and before she had time to look away, he stood before her.

  “You look angry. What is it now?”

  “Really? You’re buying my house?”

  “I’m not.”

  “I just heard you! You were talking to someone about buying the house on Walnut with the willow tree.”

  “Well, what do we have here? Someone has developed a keen sense of hearing, haven’t they? Those magic lessons are really starting to pay off, hmm?”

  She turned away from him in disgust, focusing on the candle as she spoke. “Sam has told me numerous times about house hunting with you. I know it’s for her.”

  “It is for her, but it isn’t your house. You know the town is called ‘Willow Creek’ for a reason… Yours isn’t the only house on that street that has one.”

  Her knuckles went white as she gripped the edges of the dresser, still focusing on the candle. Choosing to focus on the candle had more to do with not wanting to look at him than it did with anything else. She hadn’t even bothered to light the wick, so it was pointless trying to put it out with her mind.

  “Any luck finding your parents?”

  “No. Any luck finding Bastian?”

  “I haven’t been looking.”

  Anger slammed into her, amping up the feelings of rage already present. “Yeah, why bother, right? He’s only the best way of finding out exactly where my family is. No biggie.” Her eyes narrowed as her brows drew together, still looking at the wick of the candle. Her cheeks flushed as the rage began to radiate through her body.

  He moved closer to her, hand sliding up her back to rest at the nape of her neck. “I’m hungry,” he breathed into her ear, “and I want you.”

  They’d slept together a half a dozen times since she came to Mary’s. She hated herself afterward every time. It was Nicas she was ultimately having sex with, and she knew that, even though he always lied to her during the act with his beautiful, green eyes. Desperate for a connection with her love, she gave in too many times. Not this time.

  A spark flickered, igniting the wick of the candle. She gasped and stepped back. “Did you see that?” A feeling of glee overtook her at the realization that she had caused the candle to light.

  “I’m impressed. I wasn’t sure you really had it in you.”

  “I wasn’t even trying to light it. I was just trying to focus on anything but you.”

  “Glad I could help, now come here.” He took her hand softly in his, leading her over to the bed.

  “I’m not fucking you, Remy. Not anymore.”

  His eyes flashed green as he smiled sweetly at her. “I don’t want to fuck you, either. I want to make love to you.”

  “Just stop. That’s not going to work anymore. I only end up hurting the next day for giving in to you. Bite me and go.”

  “You know what? I’m suddenly not in the mood for your blood. I’ll find someone else to indulge on.”

  “Fine by me.”

  He hesitated, calling her bluff. When she didn’t waver, he disappeared through the window.

  The thought of him feeding, or more, on someone other than her didn’t settle well with her, but she couldn’t keep giving into him. Not until he was himself again.

  “Mary, you have to come here,” Sabine shouted. She focused on the flame she had created and began to play with it. The more she focused, the bigger it grew.

  The door swung open. Mary watched her with bright eyes and a jaw that began to drop. “I knew you could do it! How did you learn to control it?”

  “Through anger, rage, and guilt.”

  “Yep, those will usually do it. I’m so proud of you… Now we just gotta get you to that point without feeling like shit first.”


  Remy got into his car, slamming the door shut and speeding off down the road. Trying to find someone else to feed from wasn’t something he wanted to do, though he knew he could pick up some fresh-faced college girl on the Pitt campus easy enough. It was a quick drive from Mary’s to Oakland, and there would be plenty to choose from. All it would take would be a flash of a smile and words laced with his Londoner accent. Women went nuts over it, especially American women.

  I’ll starve if I can’t have her.

  He’d only threatened picking up someone else, hoping she would give in. Those times with her were the only times he felt as if he were completely in control of himself, like he’d been able to break free from whatever it was that was holding him back. She pulled him out of the darkness and cleared his mind when they connected, not only physically, but also on an emotional level, and he was able to keep the dark entity away for much longer after their encounters.

  He longed for the taste of her blood as it had been the first time he had her. It was sweet and flowed like warm honey down his throat the night they married. It was then that he convinced himself that he could live on only her, despite what he’d initially thought when the pairing was announced. Though her blood was still almost sickeningly sweet, the last few months, the taste had altered. A bitterness had crept in and began tainting the love that flowed through her. The only explanation could be that she was falling out of love with him, and who could blame her?

  What in the bloody hell am I going to do if she ends up hating me? I have to keep moving forward with my plan and hope that I can shake the thing in the dark.


  “You’re going to have to seduce him,” Mary said matter-of-factly.

  “There has to be some other way.”

  “I’m not deaf, honey. I know there’s been a little somethin’, somethin’ going on up there at times between you two.”

  “Yes, but not for a while now. He hasn’t even been back to feed since last week. I pissed him off when I told him I wouldn’t do anything with him.”

  “That’s perfect! You can play it like you want to make it up to him.”

  “Okay, but then what? Do I actually have to go through with it?”

  “No, but the closer you are to it, the less focused he’ll be, and I can subdue him easier.”

  Mary and Sabine had decided that it was time to exorcise Remy even though Sabine wasn’t nearly as powerful as Mary had hoped she’d be. Fortunately, she’d come across a spell to temporarily boost a witch’s powers, and she was confident she could do the exorcism herself with the boost. All Sabine needed to do was help get Remy into position and chant a few specific lines throughout the process.

  “How am I supposed to get him in the basement? He’ll be expecting me in my room.”

  The basement was a hot spot of sorts for magical occurrences. Though Mary could perform spells and use her magic in other places, she preferred to be as close to the earth as she could. Dirt was an excellent conductor of magic. What better place for such an in-depth spell than below ground in a basement?

  “I’ll go outside to boost myself. I can go just behind the tree line back there so no one will see me. I’ll wait until he comes into the house before I start. Text him and say you’re practicing in the basement. Trust me, if he thinks he’s gonna get with you, he’ll go wherever you are. Just make sure you stay in that circle. Hopefully, we’ve made it big enough that he won’t notice it around the edges of the room.”

  “I’ll text him now.” She grabbed her phone from her pocket and began typing a message to Remy.

  I’m sorry about last week. I miss you.

  Seconds ticked by as she waited for a response. Finally, it came through.

  I’ve missed you as well. Shall I come over?

  Yes. Please hurry…

  I’ll be there in a few minutes. I won’t bother driving.

  Mary isn’t here. I�
��m in the basement practicing, so just come in.

  Mary hurried out of the house and to a thin line of trees that separated her property from a local city park, waiting for him to appear.

  He descended from the sky and stood by the front door, assessing the area. She watched him cautiously, ready to react to protect herself if necessary.

  Come on, you son of a bitch. Don’t get suspicious now.

  He walked up to the door and turned the knob, disappearing inside.


  Her heart beat against the inside of her chest in anticipation. Footsteps coming down the stairs alerted her to his presence. She stood, waiting for him to come to her. Trying hard to mask her trembling hands, she wrapped them around her body as she crossed her arms in front of her.

  He hesitated just at the foot of the stairs and looked down. Oh, shit. He sees the salt.

  “Planning on making some magic with me tonight?” He smirked and stepped over the line of salt on the floor. “We don’t need any protective barrier though. I’m all the protection you need.”

  “It’s just there because I’ve been practicing.”

  “No matter… Take off your clothes.”

  “Um, excuse me?”

  “You called me here for a specific purpose, did you not?”

  “I’m not opposed to it. I just thought we’d reconnect a little first.” She was trying hard to stall so Mary would have plenty of time to complete her spell, and she had very little desire to actually go through the actual act with him.

  “We can reconnect with no clothes on.” He flashed a grin at her as he slid his black shirt up over his head, exposing his torso. “Your turn.”

  Her fingers shook as she unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt, exposing the purple pendant that had belonged to his mother. His eyes locked onto it and he stepped back, almost stumbling over his own feet.

  “What’s wrong?” She reached out to touch him, but he only stepped back once again.


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