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Awakening (Willow Creek Vampires Series Book 3)

Page 11

by Stephanie Summers

  “But, I haven’t tapped into it… It’s useless to take me for that reason.”

  “You have accessed it. Mary has already told us you did.”

  “Only once.”

  “If you did it once, you can do it again,” Gretchen moved closer to Sabine, placing her hand on her shoulder. “Close your eyes, dear. This might make you a little dizzy.”

  A scream erupted from Sabine’s throat, but it was extinguished within a second by a backhand from Gretchen. She fell to her butt, cracking her head on the leg of her vanity table chair. Gretchen was on her, and Sabine kicked and punched at her as best she could. She tried hard to tap into her magic. Nothing but a flicker was all she could muster. It was nowhere near enough to subdue Gretchen.

  She was yanked from the floor as she started to lose consciousness from the blow to her head. The room began to shimmer as she was whisked away.


  He’d been making rounds in the neighborhood, making sure no one out of the ordinary was lurking about, when he heard a split-second scream. Racing back up the street, he exploded into Sabine’s room, only to find it empty.

  He dropped to his knees. I’ve failed her. I brought her here to be safe, and Gretchen got to her anyway. A fiery sensation churned deep within him. Standing, he picked up a chair and launched it across the room, shattering the mirror on the vanity table. Stepping in front of the broken and cracked shards that still remained, he watched as his own eyes darkened, pulling him back into nothingness.


  Sabine rubbed her face, still stinging from the impact of Gretchen’s hand. A familiar voice echoed in the background as she regained consciousness.

  “She’s awake…”

  Blinking, she could make out someone who looked a lot like Mary sitting next to her.

  Gretchen moved swiftly across the room and took her hand, “I’m sorry for that. I had to make it convincing in case he was listening. I really didn’t want to hurt you, but the more believable, the better.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second. Why say you needed me for my magic if you thought he was listening?

  “Because he didn’t believe you had tapped into it. I wanted to make him think we would fail if we tried to use you.”

  “Why are you acting buddy/buddy with her, Mary? She kidnapped you just like she did me, and for what? All to get back at Remy?”

  Mary pursed her lips together as she took a deep breath. Exhaling, she began to speak. “A lot has happened, and you need to trust me. She had to take you, and me, because we never would have listened otherwise. They mean to take out Nicas by any means necessary, and it had to look believable to catch him by surprise when we attack. That’s why they took us instead of asking us to join.”

  “Wait… They?”

  “Yes, I know this looks like Gretchen, but my mother has taken over her body for the time being and Bastian is here, too.”

  “But you hate both of them…”

  “Things change under the right circumstances. They still aren’t my favorite people in the world, but I believe in what they’re trying to do, and I think you should, too.”

  “Where is Bastian? I want to talk to him.”

  “Just in the next room. Go to him.”

  She stood, making her way into the other room. Bastian sat at a table, deep in thought, while Brendon sat slouching in the chair next to him like he was bored to death. She clutched her stomach at the sight of the one who had hurt her for days just because he could. As good as a vampire bite could feel, it could be equally as bad if the vampire didn’t take the pain away. Brendon had taken pleasure in making it so she couldn’t even scream when he ripped into her flesh.

  “Do not be afraid. Brendon will not harm you. I have made sure of it. As his maker, I have commanded him to leave you alone.”

  “I want to leave. This was weird two seconds ago, and it’s even worse now. Why is he here? Why are you here? Why is Gretchen possessed by Kristine?”

  “So many questions, and I assure you, I have the answers. Sit down. Brendon will leave if it makes you more comfortable.”

  “Yeah, I think that’s for the best.” She eyed him nervously. She didn’t trust that he wouldn’t hurt her. He was a sadistic lunatic, and she briefly wondered if he was capable of disobeying Bastian because of it. Hell, she didn’t trust that Bastian wouldn’t hurt her either now that he was apparently a vampire again.

  “Brendon proved crucial in helping me escape. That is the only reason he is still here. I do not care for him at all, but sometimes, one needs a general lackey, and he has played the role well. Kristine originally took possession of Brendon’s body when she broke me out of that cell, and we soon happened upon Gretchen by chance. You see, Gretchen was more than willing to help our cause after the way she had been treated. Once Kristine explained to her that Nicas had taken over Remington’s mind and body, she understood it was for the best to let Kristine inhabit her in order to save him.”

  “How did you know it was Nicas way back then? It took us awhile to figure it out.”

  “One does not forget what the presence of their maker feels like. Even as a human, it was unmistakable. Oh, but he was clever enough to coerce me into not telling anyone. Luckily for me, Kristine had been watching everything that transpired. She was able to explain to Gretchen through Brendon without me. That is when Gretchen offered to turn me once more.”

  “So, you’re a vampire again. I don’t know whether to be happy for you or pissed that you got what you wanted. What’s your end game here?”

  “To rid the world of Nicas, once and for all. He is far too powerful and too far gone to coexist with the rest of civilization. It will only be a matter of time before he desires to rule the world. It was that same desire that caused him to seek out immortality and vampirism in the first place.”

  “If you get rid of him, won’t that make you human again?”

  “If it does, so be it. I cannot sit back and let Remy rot inside himself, even after the differences we had. He deserves to be set free. What kind of maker would I be if I didn’t try and help him?”

  “But you aren’t his maker anymore.”

  “Perhaps not, but he is still a son to me. I cannot throw away centuries of memories with him.”

  “I don’t get it. You beat him nearly to death and locked him away, yet you don’t think it’s right for him to be possessed by Nicas? The only explanation I have is that all you vampires are mental.”

  Bastian chuckled. “I know it is hard to understand from a human perspective, but when you are immortal, grievances happen that can last many years, yet we always make up in the end because we have an eternity to overcome our issues. Though we act as savages at time, we are still family.”

  “Speaking of family, would you mind telling me just what the hell you did with mine?”

  “I did nothing with them.”

  “Cut the bullshit. I know you told them and my friends that I was dead.”

  “I simply convinced them to leave town. Nothing more. I did not tell them where to go, and I do not know where they currently are.”

  “You think making my parents believe I was dead is nothing?”

  Bastian looked away for just a second before meeting her gaze again. “I understand this upsets you, but you have to realize that it was easier all around for familial ties of the chosen ones to be severed.”

  She shook her head defiantly. “No, it wasn’t better. I thought everyone abandoned me, but then I guess that’s what you wanted, right? It was easier for you if we were good little prisoners who didn’t try to keep contact with the outside world.”

  Bastian was silent. “I will make it up to you somehow. This, I promise.”

  “What about all the others before me? Hm?

  “I do not care about the others. I know you do not want to believe it, but I do care about you. It saddens me that you are so angry with me. It was a mistake on my part. I only wish to see you happy.”

it was. He still wanted her even after everything that had happened. The thought of it sickened her, and she began to wonder if his plan was more about taking her for his own again than saving Remy.

  “Oh, I’m angry for sure, but I also think you’re full of it. You don’t know anything about me to truly care about me.” Sabine glared at him for what seemed like an eternity before something occurred to her that might clue her in to his true intentions.

  “Wait a minute, when you say you want to rid the world of Nicas, and earlier, they said by any means necessary, you don’t mean Remy will be harmed in the process do you?”

  Bastian rubbed his chin as he looked at her. “Though I will do everything in my power to ensure he comes out of this unharmed because I owe it to him for trying to claim you and locking him away, it is a possibility. I must confess that I do not know what will happen once Nicas is expelled. Remy could be fine, but he might go along with him.”

  “No! Just go to him and tell him you want to help. He’ll let you. I know he will. There is no need to put him in any danger.”

  “Remy is not himself. I do not expect cooperation from him.”

  “You don’t understand. He is himself! I swear he is. When Gretchen took Mary, I triggered something in him in the basement, and he came back.”

  “Can you say absolutely that it is him?”

  Sabine settled back in her chair. Her silence was all the answer Bastian needed.

  Working with Bastian was the last thing she wanted to do, but it seemed like her only option. “What’s the plan?” she asked hesitantly.


  He sat quietly in the ballroom. The mansion was empty, and he found himself alone, wondering what the next move would be. Though Remy had proved to be strong, Nicas had found a weak moment and overtook him easily enough.

  What was Gretchen planning? He’d heard just enough to gather that Sabine was going to be used against him, either for leverage or for a spell they were concocting. Stupid move. I could not care less about that girl. Her blood was divine, but I’ll find another to replace her. I suspect my desire for her was only a side effect of Remington trying to find his way out.

  Damen came racing into the room, almost startling him.

  “You have no idea what kind of crap I’ve had to deal with.”

  “I don’t really care either.”

  “You better care because they’re coming for you.”


  “Mary and Gretchen. They kicked my ass and told me to tell you that you wouldn’t see them until they were ready for you, and that you should just hand over Sabine to them now.”

  “They’ve already taken her.” He laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes before regaining his composure. “They are no match for me. A new vampire and a witch? They’d be stupid to try me.” His eyes rose to meet Damen’s.


  “Just now figuring it out?”

  “No, but Remy was in control when I last saw you.”

  “Well, he isn’t now, is he? Let them come. I’ll take great pleasure in exterminating them.”

  “Can I leave now?”

  “Why? You don’t want to miss out on the fun, do you?”

  “Well, let’s see, I’ve had every bone in my body broken over and over by them just because you are technically my maker, even though you really aren’t, and I’ve spent the last day trying to heal. No, I’d rather not see them again… or you. I’m just lucky that while they were snapping my neck numerous times in succession, they didn’t completely sever my head.”

  “It does not matter what body I am in because I am your maker and the maker of all vampires. You can go, but only after you do one more thing for me… Fetch Sam and bring her to me.”

  “No… I won’t bring her into this mess.” He tried hard not to think about how the shifter girl made him feel, fearing Nicas would use it against him.

  “You will. Go now and bring her back. She means a great deal to both Mary and Sabine, and I need her.”

  Damen ran into the woods, stopping in the middle of a clearing. The pain began to set in the moment he disobeyed Nicas’ order to bring Sam back. He wouldn’t do it, and there was only one thing that could at least temporarily stop him. In one swift motion, he reached up to his head and chin, breaking his own neck. It would buy her some time before he woke up again.


  A peaceful calmness settled over the town of Willow Creek. People moved about in their homes and around the small community as if it were any other day, not knowing that all hell was about to break loose at the mansion high up on the hill.

  The faintest sound of footsteps alerted him to their presence. He could hear them inching closer, trying to be quieter than mice. He waited patiently for them upon his throne in the ballroom, where he’d been perched for hours. Wanting to be where they could easily find him and he could easily detect them when they arrived, the ballroom seemed like the best choice.

  At once, the doors swung open, and the whole lot of them entered. Standing elbow to elbow, they formed a line in front of him.

  Bastian stepped forward and cleared his throat. “You will leave this place now. If you do not, we will be forced to act.”

  Nicas chuckled and threw his hand up as if he were about to swat a gnat pretending to be a hornet away. “You can try.”

  “We will do more than try.”

  “Oh, and how is that? Three new vampires, a witch, and a wannabe witch who leans closer to human? I’d love to see you try. I could really go for a little entertainment. You know, this town really is a boring place. I shall be leaving as soon as I’m through with you.”

  Nicas leapt through the air, but hit an invisible wall of magic ten feet in front of them and was flung backwards until the far wall broke his trajectory. He stood, glaring at them. Pacing back and forth, he contemplated about who he should try and take out first. Sabine would be the easiest. She hadn’t yet tapped into any real power within, at least not enough to stop him. Next would come Mary, then Gretchen and Brendon, and finally, he would take his time torturing Bastian for as long as it still brought him some minute amount of joy.

  Walking carefully to the point where the magical barrier began, he carefully sent out a jolt of power, dismantling it easily enough. An evil grin spread across his face as he made his way to Sabine.

  Sabine stood with her chin held high, smiling at him.

  “What are you so happy about? I’m going to kill you first, but not before I have one last taste of you.” His fangs descended, gleaming under the lights of the ballroom. “Should I lie to you first?”

  “You won’t have to, because Remy will be here soon enough.”

  “I doubt that. You see, all that time he was able to keep me at bay, I was quietly building and storing my strength. He doesn’t have a hope in the world of overtaking me now.”

  “Maybe something out of this world will do the trick.”

  Sabine looked at Mary and nodded. Mary’s eyes darkened, and she began chanting an incantation. Gretchen, or rather Kristine, took her hand and joined in the chant, gathering power with every word. Heat rose in the room as the air became thick around them.

  Nicas moved forward slowly. His legs were heavy, like he was walking in quicksand. He managed to inch closer to Sabine, and just as he was about to reach out and grab her, she took Mary’s other hand.

  The force of the three of them chanting slammed into him, knocking him to the floor. Struggling to stand again, he couldn’t get any higher than his knees before falling back once more. The lights flickered as the room darkened. A flash of fire from the corner of the room caught his eye.

  A dark mass emerged through the fire and floated toward him. The smell of sulfur assaulted his nose as the form began to shimmer and take shape. Before his eyes, a woman with grey skin, wearing tight red clothing, appeared.

  “Nicas, my lover, my, how you’ve changed… I quite miss the way you used to look, but this body suits you.”

�Why are you here?” He glanced away from her as he tried to scoot backward. “We had a deal, remember? You leave me alone as long as I still live.”

  “I remember quite well, but the fact of the matter is, you died. Had it not been for these three lovely women alerting me to your presence here just now, I might have missed that little detail. You belong to me now.”

  “I didn’t die. I merely took over another body.”

  “There are no loopholes when dealing with demons and the agreements you make with them. I granted you immortality so long as your soul became mine to add to my collection if you ever managed to be killed. Your spinal cord was severed completely in two, and you belong to me now.”

  “You can’t take me. I’m too powerful.” Nicas stood defiantly.

  A sultry giggle emanated from the demoness. “This is going to be fun.” She sauntered over to Nicas and placed her hands on his face before he could muster the speed to run away.

  “Wait!” Sabine screamed. “What will happen to Remy?”

  The demoness turned, a red flicker dancing in her eyes. “Someone must be sacrificed for summoning me. Might as well be him since the two are entangled. I can take him to the other side and drop him on my way back to hell with this one.”

  “No, please!” Sabine fell to her knees, begging for Remy to be spared. “Don’t take him.”

  She looked at Sabine with a hint of sympathy on her face. “I’m sorry, sweet girl. These are the rules we must play by.” Nicas squirmed in her grip as she spoke.

  Bastian placed his hand on Sabine’s shoulder. “Take me instead,” he said, stepping forward.

  Kristine, in the form of Gretchen, gasped in unison with Sabine. “No! We were going to make a life together now that I’m back. You can’t do this to me… You are the reason I still exist.”

  “So that was your plan all along, Mother?” Mary asked. “You stole Gretchen’s body so you could come back for Bastian. You’re no better than the filth taking up space inside Remy.”

  “I’ve been dead for a long time, dear. You’d do the same if you were in my shoes, with your true love within your grasp.”


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