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One Night in Jersey

Page 3

by Tianna Xander

  “I could eat.” Pink crept up her neck and bloomed over her face.

  “You could eat?” He chuckled. “I’m so hungry I could eat a whole side of beef.” She was hungry, as well. Werewolves had great hearing—her stomach had been grumbling for the last forty-five minutes.

  “Yeah, right. With your body, you can’t eat much.” Hayley snorted and more color bloomed on her cheeks. She covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry. I don’t usually make noises like that.”

  “Really?” He frowned. “That’s too bad. I love a lass who can forget herself and laugh. It means she’s real.” He never had liked fake chicks, and it seemed they were all over the world .

  “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I’m not. I meant every word I said.” Opening his door, he added, “Stay there. I’ll be right around to get you.”

  Standing, he circled the back of the car to her side, where she sat like a good girl and waited for him.

  “Thank you,” she said as he helped her from the car.” Straightening her skirt, she took his arm when he offered it. “Are you always so chivalrous, or are you still trying to convince me to ditch my date?”

  “I’ll let you decide.” He grinned. “So…what made you ask someone to set you up with a date? A lass like you must have the guys beating a path to her home for a night out.”

  “Yeah, right.” She threw her head back and laughed. “That’ll be the day.”

  Jamie reveled in the throaty sound of her genuine mirth. Nothing like the women who had harassed both him and Jared over the past several years, everything about Hayley appeared real, and he wished he’d been the man she’d agreed to meet in Atlantic City. No female had ever turned him on as much as this one with her guileless charm and quick wit.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He frowned. “You can’t mean you lack for dates. If ever you find yourself in need of a good time, call me. I’ll be right over with bells on my shoes.”

  “Ha ha! You’re so funny.” She patted his arm. “I needed that laugh. Thanks.”

  “You need me in your life, is what you really need.” He meant every word he said. He wanted to spend more time with her. Mate or not, it didn’t matter. However, the wolf restlessly stirring his insides told him she likely was his match.

  “Good evening. Welcome to Chez Lyrica. How can I be of assistance?” The man gave Hayley a once over as though he thought himself better than her. Jamie’s hackles rose.

  Her grip had tightened at the man’s obvious disdain and Jamie moved away. She cast her gaze to the floor at his supposed desertion until he wrapped his arm around her and drew her close.

  “The lady and I would like a table for two. Make it something away from the kitchen.” He glared at the man. “In fact, I would appreciate a table with a view of the river.” He paused to make sure the other man understood he meant what he said. “A good table.”

  The maître d’ gave him a once-over, no doubt taking in his designer suit, shoes, and the diamond cufflinks at his wrists. Jamie, more than anyone, understood the clothes he wore screamed rich and powerful. With the right discipline and choices, a man could amass a fortune in a hundred and fifty years.

  “Of course, sir. As you wish.”

  Damn straight, as he wished. Never had he been so glad he’d dressed that way before leaving the hotel when he’d set out in the morning. He’d almost decided on jeans and a T-shirt, but something had told him to wear the suit. Over the years, he’d learned to listen to his gut.

  The host led them to a table on the veranda, overlooking the river. Twinkle lights hung around them in the growing darkness. He smiled at her wide-eyed expression.

  “I’ve never been to a restaurant like this before. It’s beautiful.”

  “Every Chez Lyrica I have been to has this type of veranda for their guests who prefer tae eat all’aperto, or in the open air.” He couldn’t help but stare at her as she gazed out over the river.

  “The view is spectacular.” The words came out on a sigh as she moved to take her seat.

  He waved the maître d’ off and held her chair himself. He planned to use any and every opportunity to get close to her while he had the chance. He pushed her chair in as she sat and she gasped.

  “You’re strong.”

  “What’s my smell got to do with anything?” He grinned when she chuckled and her cheeks reddened. God, he loved the fact she blushed so easily.

  “I meant you’re muscle strong and well you know it.”

  “Did you, now?” He took the seat across from her. He wanted nothing more than to sit next to her and taste her instead of any food he might order. However, he was hungry, and he wanted nothing to detract from the evening he had planned—and he planned to spend the night making Hayley Pittman scream with pleasure.

  “Hello.” A young, pleasant-looking woman approached the table. “I’m Camille, your server for this evening.” She set menus in front of them. “Can I get you something to drink while you decide?”

  “I’ll just have a glass of water for now, please.” She opened her menu and the color drained from her face.

  Not bothering to glance at the menu, he said, “I’ll take a bottle of your best red wine to go with the steak I plan to order.” He caught the waitress’s arm as she turned to leave. “And bring two glasses.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Hayley swallowed hard. “I—I can’t afford to eat here, Jamie. I spent most of my savings for this one night that I’m missing because of that stupid piece-of-junk rental.” Her beautiful green eyes filled with tears and she cast her gaze to her hands in her lap, likely in an effort to hide the fact the thought upset her. “You go ahead and eat. I’ll be fine.”

  He inhaled slowly to keep his temper in check. The last thing he wanted was to scare her away. “What kind of asshats have you been dating? Look at me.” He raised his arms, indicating himself. “I’m a rich man, if you haven’t noticed. Do you really think I brought you here to pay your own way?”

  Chapter Five

  Hayley looked up at Jamie’s pissy tone. His stormy reply indicated he was pissed. Whether at her or the asshats she’d dated in the past, she wasn’t sure.

  The enclosed candle in the center of the table flickered, drawing her attention for a moment as she thought about what she should say next. “Well….” Licking her lips, she did her best not to squirm under his scrutiny. “Letting you buy me dinner here would feel too much like taking advantage of you. You don’t know me. I certainly don’t expect you to buy me dinner after you came to my rescue and gave me a ride. You could have left me stranded in the middle of nowhere.”

  Why hadn’t he left her there? Several other motorists had driven past her without a second glance.

  “First off.” He leaned forward. “I consider myself a gentleman, and a true gentleman would never leave someone stranded like that.” He met her gaze with sincerity.

  She had no idea what to say. How could she accept so much from a man she’d just met? Still, wasn’t that what she had planned to do later that evening with a man an agency had chosen for her? At least she could say she’d chosen this man herself...well, sort of.

  Camille returned with Hayley’s water and the wine glasses. “The sommelier will be here with your wine shortly.” She reserved her smile for Jamie. “Have you made a decision?”

  Hayley met his gaze defiantly. She would not order a meal. “I’ll just take a small salad if you have one.”

  Leaning over, he whispered, “Since you seem reluctant to order a more expensive dish, I’ll order for you.” Sitting up, he held Hayley’s attention as he ordered for them both. “I’ll have the twelve ounce rib eye and a baked potato. The lady will have the same. Make mine rare.” He glanced at Hayley for a moment. “Make hers medium.” He paused. “If you don’t like steak, now would be the time to speak up and order something else, but order more than a sal
ad that will only leave you hungry.”

  “Our chef has prepared a wonderful selection of side dishes to accompany our entrees this evening. Would you care to hear your choices?”

  “Since the lady asked for a salad, bring us each a house salad to go with the steak.”

  “Great choice, sir. Our rib eye is to die for.” Camille gathered their menus and strode back to the kitchen.

  “I told you I can’t afford to eat here.” Hayley hadn’t wanted to make a scene in front of the waitress, but perhaps she should have.

  “And I said I’d be happy to wine and dine you for free, or had you forgotten? You paid for a blind date with someone, why not just have that date with me?” He stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable. “What? Do I smell? Am I not as handsome as you’d like? What’s wrong with settling for me?”

  Oh God. How could she make him understand? She wouldn’t be settling for him. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome and everything she could have asked for in a date. In fact, he was everything she had asked for, with one little exception. He could have been her date if he’d hired the same agency as she, but he hadn’t mentioned it.

  “Jamie.” Reaching across the table, she almost covered his hand with hers but stopped short. She didn’t have the right. After all, she barely knew the man. “A date with you wouldn’t be ‘settling.’ You’re just about everything I asked for in my date. More, even. But, you’re not the man I’m supposed to spend the evening with. I don’t expect you to act as though you are. I’m not after anyone’s pity.”

  “Pity?” He shook his head as though to clear it. “Did I just hear you say you think a person has a reason to pity you?” He took her hand in his, pulled it to his mouth, and kissed her fingers. “You’re smart, funny, and beautiful. I’d give anything to have you in my life, if only for one night. Ditch the loser you have waiting for you in Atlantic City and spend the night with me instead.”

  Why not? Biting her lip, she thought about his proposition. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t already missed out on her one-night stand. By the time they got to Atlantic City, she would be at least three hours late. The man the agency fixed her up with would certainly have given up on her by then.

  I tell you what, if you’ll take me to the hotel where I’m supposed to meet my date and he’s not there, I’ll spend the time with you, instead.” She smiled at Jamie’s crestfallen expression. “I might spend the time with you, anyway. But I should at least tell the guy I’ve changed my mind so he can stop wasting his time waiting for me.”

  When the waitress brought their meals, Hayley finally decided wasting what appeared to be a delicious steak would be out of the question. Especially since she had all but agreed to spend her time with Jamie.

  He was a gentleman, just as he’d claimed. He held doors for her, helped her in and out of his car, and treated her with the deference of a man who adored her.

  I could get used to this. She knew it would end, expected it to end the moment they reached the hotel, but enjoyed herself in spite of the unhappy ending she predicted. Even if they did spend the night together, it would all come to its logical conclusion in less than twenty-four hours. Either way, it would be over. It could only last until Sunday morning, when she caught her flight back home.

  Chapter Six

  Jamie pulled to a stop in front of the hotel, got out of the car, and handed his keys to the valet. Pocketing the slip the employee gave him, he followed his dream mate inside. He couldn’t help but stare at the seductive sway of her ass as she made her way past the entrance to the hotel bar on her way to the front desk.

  Music blared in the large room as people elbowed their way through the crowd. The door closed behind the couple entering the bar, blocking most of the loud music. The hotel’s attempt at soundproofing had certainly worked.

  She stepped up to the desk. “I’m Hayley Pittman and I’m here to meet Mr. Right.” The pseudonym she’d been emailed earlier for her date.

  Mr. Right? Jamie frowned. Hell, didn’t people have any imagination? He’d thought it was a stupid name when his friend Jared used it. He shook his head. Maybe the agency had suggested it. Or had they spelled the name differently than he suspected?

  The woman behind the counter smiled. “If course. Can you spell the name please?”


  Her fingers flew across the keyboard. “It seems as though Mr. Right hasn’t checked in yet. If you’ll wait one moment, I’ll get you a key to your room.”

  More clicking on the keys filled the silence as Jamie waited for Hayley to decide what she would do. She took the room key and slid it into her bag.

  Turning, she smiled at him. “I have a room, but....” She shifted her gaze to her feet. “I think I’ll go into the bar. It seems like a hopping place.”

  “Wait a minute.” His heart leapt into his throat. “Let me get a room and I’ll join you.”


  Five minutes later, they were on the way to his suite. He was nothing if not optimistic. Waving his key, he unlocked the door and set their luggage just inside. “We’ll store these here until we’ve visited the bar.” He moved up beside Hayley and held out his arm. “Are you ready?”

  “You have no idea.” She rested her fingers on his arm. His muscles clenched as the warmth of her fingers seeped through his jacket. With the smile of a man who was fully aware of what treasure he held, he led her to the nightclub downstairs.

  The scene, much like in the last bar where he’d found himself, jarred his senses. Music blared, with people on the dance floor bumping and grinding to the beat.

  He followed Hayley as she skirted around the outer tables, not once glancing at any of the men. She made her way to the bar and leaned close to the bartender.

  “Do you know how to make a Bahama Mama?”

  “Sure!” The server turned to Jamie. “Can I get you anything, sir?”

  “Scotch on ice.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Jamie rested back against the counter and observed the gyrating crowd. This kind of scene had never really appealed to him. Even as a young wolf, he’d preferred spending time with a woman, one-on-one.

  “Here you go.” The bartender slid two glasses across the counter.

  Hayley lifted hers and took a sip. “It’s good, but nothing like what you can get in Virginia.” She sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be back there by Monday and can get them any time I want.” She didn’t seem happy at the prospect.

  “You shouldn’t drink alone.” Ha! Listen to me. He’d been consuming alcohol alone for some time since Jared had stopped after an alcoholic binge had almost killed his career several years earlier.

  “Who says I drink alone?” She remained focused on her cocktail.

  “You didn’t have to. It’s plain to see you don’t intend to socialize much once you get back home. The only question I have, is why?”

  “Because I’m tired of dating men who treat me as second best.” She took another swallow. “Don’t worry about it. You wouldn’t understand. Besides….” She pasted an obviously fake smile on her face. “We’re supposed to be having a good time.” Then, in one tip, she emptied her glass.

  “Dance with me.” God, did he just say that? He didn’t dance. At least he hadn’t tried to do so in over thirty years. Hell, man, you don’t even know how to begin to do what those others are doing out there on that floor.

  “Sure!” Her smile stopped him from recanting his offer. Hayley appeared genuinely happy he’d asked her to.

  What in the hell have you gotten yourself into now? With every step they took toward the dance floor, Jared swallowed hard and prayed for a slow song.

  As luck would have it, the music switched to one just as they stepped onto the large wooden square. With a smile, he pulled her into his arms and began to move in a seductive waltz.

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of heather. His cock hardened while
they swayed. He hadn’t realized how tightly strung he’d been over the last few years until everything relaxed when he held her close. His heartbeat slowed and his wolf settled into a lulled state it hadn’t reached in years. Nothing could convince him he wasn’t in the arms of an angel.

  Glancing down, he waited until she met his gaze. Her eyes, such a beautiful shade of green, sparkled in the soft glow from the low track lighting.

  He wanted nothing more than to kiss her lush lips, to feel her pressed even more firmly to him. His arms tightened while she continued to hold his gaze. The tip of her tongue darted out, wetting lips parted in sensual invitation.

  Deciding he couldn’t fight the roiling in his gut any longer, Jared lowered his head. He had to taste her. Until he did, he couldn’t say what his wolf would do. It had waited, deep inside him, until he made up his mind. He’d have this woman in his bed tonight, or he would go mad.

  Hayley slid her hand up his neck, her fingers threading through the hair on the back of his collar. Her fingernails lightly scraped his scalp, and she smiled. “Kiss me.”

  Closing the distance between them, he pressed his mouth to hers. Her lips were as soft and inviting as they appeared. He groaned when she kissed him back, her tongue skimming his lips before delving deep, dueling with his.

  The kiss lasted almost as long as their dance. Their connection ended with the song, and with her fingers tangled in his, he led her from the dance floor.

  A tall, svelte blonde stood and grasped his arm as they moved past the tables. “Dance with me, darling.” She batted her eyes.

  “I’m taken,” he answered, keeping his attention on the woman he intended to marry.

  “I don’t see a ring.” The blonde gave a pointed glance at his left hand.

  “It doesn’t make me any less attached.” His smile faded when he turned back to Hayley, who stood close, biting her lip. She wouldn’t look up at him. Did she expect him to dump her for this new woman? If so, she would be surprised. “In fact, I plan to spend the rest of the night with this woman, if she’ll have me.”


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