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Russian Enforcer's Royal Engagement (Russian Enforcers Book 7)

Page 4

by Nic Saint

  She’d only seen it once, when Mike had taken her on a mission to blow up a small plane filled with dope belonging to a rival organization.

  A charge of plastic explosive. C-4. Enough to blow up a plane. Or a panic room.

  “Jack!” she exclaimed with a rising sense of panic.

  Jack seemed unperturbed, even curious. “Don’t worry,” he said in a low rumble as he placed his arms around her in a gesture of protection. “We’re behind a bullet-resistant, fire-retardant steel wall eighteen inches thick. They can fire a rocket launcher at us and it wouldn’t make a fucking dent.”

  She placed her hands on his burly arms, drawing him closer to her like a human shield, finding comfort in the warmth of his embrace. If not for Jack, she’d be mortified, she knew. Just knowing he was here filled her with a strong sense of security. Nevertheless she watched in trepidation as the men stepped from the room.

  Though she’d been expecting it, she winced when the monitor flashed white, then went dead as the blast shattered the camera. Not a sound penetrated the room. Not a rumble. Incredible.

  Flush with relief, she turned around and nestled against Jack’s chest, her heart beating a mile a minute. He captured her eagerly. “Thank God,” she managed to stammer.

  “Thank Armand,” he returned in a surprisingly husky voice, his body responding to their proximity. “He’s the one who had all these panic rooms installed.” He paused. “Which reminds me, where the hell is Armand?”

  She glanced up at him, and their eyes met. Could something have happened to the old man? She hoped not. She’d only met Mike’s predecessor once, but had taken an instant liking to him.

  “Oh, Jack, you don’t think…”

  Jack’s jaw set as he glanced up at the screen where the men were circling the hostages. “If they’ve harmed a single hair on Armand’s head…”

  His voice broke, and she held on tight. She knew that Jack considered Armand a member of the family, and that he would be devastated if anything had happened to him.

  “I’m sure he’s out there somewhere,” she offered. “Perhaps locked up in one of the panic rooms, just like we are.”

  He scowled at the screens. “He would have sent word if he had. All these rooms are connected.”

  She feared the worst. Perhaps these men had captured Armand and tortured him to reveal what he knew about the security in the place. Perhaps that’s why they’d managed to breach so easily. Her heart sank. If they had Armand, they didn’t need any blueprints to cut off their air supply. Armand would know exactly where to find it.


  Jack pressed his groin against Diana’s twin globes. She responded immediately and without thinking by grinding her buttocks against his raging hard-on. It stoked the fire to such a degree that he had a tough time controlling himself. Every touch, every glance, every word she uttered made him lust for this woman more and more and she knew it, returning his desire in full.

  They’d survived the first assault by the terrorists, whose agenda was still unclear. They were safe inside this small space. He’d told her as much and now, for the first time, she seemed relieved, secure in the knowledge he’d told her the truth.

  They were safe. No one could harm them inside this secure space. Those monsters might huff and puff and try to blow their house down but they would never succeed. No way could they breach walls erected specifically for their protection. They could easily survive two weeks in here. Though he doubted whether he would last that long without laying a hand on her. He had to have her and have her all the fucking time.

  She swallowed when he let his fingers trail up her sides then let them roam across her chest, cupping her breasts and pressing her firmly against him. Her ass was still pressed against the saddle of his loins, arousing him with every movement. The sexual heat was palpable, hanging between them like a crackling cloud of arcing electricity.

  She moaned and turned her head. He took her lips in a voracious kiss, darting his tongue inside that delectable mouth, yearning to plunge into that irresistible wetness. His fingers feathered her silky skin until they met her breasts, the softness of her naked flesh satisfying an urgent need. He splayed his fingers around her puckered nipples, relishing the feel of her tongue on his. She moaned, a deep guttural sound, and he felt it reverberate all the way to his burning soul.

  Bending over on the instrument panel, she breathed, “We really shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “I know,” he growled, letting his hands sneak up her dress. She turned her head and gave him a look so hot it melted his bones and made his cock strain at the leash.

  She didn’t even need to utter a single word to make her meaning clear. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her, and he gave her a gentle slap on the creamy cheek of her ass, then yanked her slip down, revealing her bald pussy. She was glistening wet, and when he delved his fingers inside her, stroking between her folds, he slid in with such ease it took his breath away. She spread her legs, undulating her hips in response to his strokes. He slipped his fingers inside, then found her swollen nub and teased it with a gentle pinch between thumb and index finger. She whipped her head back, tossing a curtain of blond across her back. He dropped his own pants, and his cock stood erect and proud, glimmering in the dim light of the control room. She eyed it with barely veiled lust.

  “Take me, Jack,” she moaned huskily. “Take me hard and fast.”

  He took a lock of her hair and pulled her head back. The cry that escaped her throat was unmistakable: arousal had reached its peak and she was dying to be taken. Positioning himself behind her, he pressed the thick wide head of his cock between her rosy folds, now wet and plump, and plunged into her delicate flesh.

  They both groaned in delight at the renewed connection. They hadn’t been apart for more than an hour, and yet he had craved her, had craved her so badly the relief was incredible.

  “Oh, yes,” she breathed. “Fuck me, Jack. Fuck me hard.”

  He eased his cock out and then pushed in again, deeper this time. In spite of her command, he took his sweet time, smoothly sliding in then out again with a lazy motion that took all his self-control to accomplish. When she cried out with relish, he upped the tempo. Taking a firm grip on her hips, he finally drove himself into her at a frantic pace, unleashing the raging lust that had lain coiled in his gut. He took her fast, and the sight of his sex merging with hers quickly drove him to the edge of reason.

  Pacing himself, he watched as her shoulders rolled with each wave, her hips bucking to meet him over and over again, her ass cheeks slapping wildly against his punishing thrusts. When she turned her head to glance up at her lover taking her hard and deep from behind, a silvery strand of saliva trailing from her lips, he felt the response in his thick cock, straining against the walls of her cunt. Her face was flushed, her eyes smoky and hot, her hair hanging like a curtain of gold across her lovely features.

  The sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks. His breath quickened and his eyes widened as he recognized her for who she was. Diana was the woman he’d been waiting for his whole life. She was the one.

  With a groan he reared up, his towering cock spearing her soft wetness with an abandon and relish that was new to him. This felt right—so fucking right.

  “Christ, Diana,” he growled.

  “Jack,” she sighed. “Oh, Jack.”

  And then suddenly he felt more than he saw the tremors that started deep inside her, then she uttered a soft whimper, and pressed back against him, taking him as deeply as she possibly could. He strained to fill her all the way, and then they both tumbled over the edge into a massive climax that engulfed them. As her pussy clenched wildly around his burgeoning dick, his balls drew up, ready to explode their load into her soft and yielding body. Then he lost it, and came so hard he could feel the thick spurts hit her depths, pooling inside her womb.

  “God, that was amazing,” she panted.

  He staggered back onto a chair, Diana still firmly clasped in his
lap, and their mouths met again, drinking each other in with greedy gulps, tongues melding, exploring deeply. He simply couldn’t get enough of her—had to have her over and over again. As he cupped her breasts, her chest heaving and falling rapidly, he felt himself going hard again inside her, and first her eyes widened, then her smile.

  “Jack, you’re insatiable,” she said throatily.

  “Only with you,” he returned in gravelly tones. And it was true. He’d never wanted a woman more in his life—not the way he wanted her. Only her.

  And then she started to ride him, and he was lost again, lost in her. She slowly lifted then let herself fall, both so wet now he was filling her with ease in spite of his enormous girth and length. Without losing the connection, she turned in his lap until she was facing him, and he cradled her face in his hands and drew her in.


  They kissed and she felt his touch rage through her, her nerve endings jingling, her whole body so sensitized she could feel every sensation: his length deeply rooted inside her lower belly, his tongue rasping against hers, his breath warm on her face, his hands holding her steady while she rode him like a wild amazon. Her nipples were so sensitive that when he placed his lips on them and sucked them into his mouth, she cried out when the sudden release floored her, and she was reduced to a quivering mass of pleasure, quaking in his lap.

  He held her as she rode out the storm, and she almost instantaneously felt the explosion erupting within him. When he uttered a dark oath and his eyes went wild and feral, she knew he’d reached the pinnacle and was unleashing himself deep within her. She let herself go limp in his arms, panting against his shoulder, pressing her breasts against his muscular chest, and allowing the whirlwind of emotions and sensations to rage through her, unabated and undiminished.

  What was going on here? What was happening to her? What was it about this man that made her body turn into a quivering mass of desire each time he touched her—looked at her? There was a chemistry here, something she’d never felt before with anyone. She trusted him. Implicitly. When she was with him it was as if she turned into a different person. A person who could relax her vigilance and allow him to take over. She, Miss I’ll-Do-It-Myself, who never allowed a man so much as to draw out a chair for her. Who prided herself in her independence, who never relied on anyone for anything, wanted him to take care of her, to touch her and kiss her and fuck her and be there for her.

  It felt so good to be near him—so right—almost as if they were made for each other. As if he was the soulmate she’d been searching for her whole life.

  Then, as her breathing slowed, and he darted loving kisses along her neck, then her throat, she moaned in delight. She was lost, she knew. She’d lost herself to this man. He could do anything he wanted and she’d gladly acquiesce.

  She eyed him, letting her fingers explore the hard ridges of his face. His eyes were soft now, loving—so loving it took her breath away. His long dark hair hung in damp tresses down his powerful neck, the column of his throat covered with a sheen of sweat, just like his wide chest and sculpted abs. She let her fingers trail along his corded arms, bronzed, thick and muscular, then up to his face again. His strong jawline was dusted with dark stubble, his tanned features dotted with tiny scars. One sexy scar sliced his eyebrow, and she touched her finger to it. All the while he didn’t speak, merely melted into her eyes.

  “Who are you?” she whispered.

  He smiled at the question, an enigmatic smile.

  Then she allowed herself to dissolve in his arms again. She didn’t know what was happening to her—to them—but she vowed not to question it now, only to enjoy the moment for as long as it lasted. Out of the blue, this wonderful man had come into her life, and she wouldn’t spurn this rare gift.

  “I’m Jack,” he finally spoke hoarsely. “Just Jack.”

  He was right. No Prince Jacques, no His Royal Highness. To her he was simply Jack.

  “What’s happening to us, Jack?” she sighed.

  He shook his head, indicating he didn’t have a clue either, but his smile told her he enjoyed the moment just as much as she did.

  Suddenly, a harsh voice intruded upon their moment of intimacy.

  “Diana Petrov,” the voice grated. “I know you’re in there. This is your ultimatum speaking.”

  They both looked up, startled. Reality had come crashing into their bubble, and it was almost physically painful.

  She stared at the monitor, where a man stood staring into the camera. A man with a mask.

  She snapped back to reality. “Where is that?” she asked. She disentangled herself from Jack and crawled from his lap then reached for her clothes.

  “Impossible,” croaked Jack, shoving on his pants. “That’s Armand’s control room. Security HQ. Basement level.” He shook his head in disbelief. “They must have found it. But…how?”

  The man interrupted their astonishment in the same grating tone. “You might try to play hide and seek with me, Diana, but I can promise you the game is over. If you’re not out of that room in five minutes, I’ll start executing hostages at a clip of one every five minutes. And for your information, I think I’ll start with your dearly beloved brothers and parents first, how about that?”

  Diana’s hand flew to her mouth as she exhaled a horrified cry. “No!” She stared at Jack, who looked as shocked as she was.

  “Five minutes, Diana, and then it’s game over for…” He checked a list he held in his hand. “…Mike.” He looked up. “Hey, isn’t that the groom? How serendipitous for him to die first, don’t you think?” He crumpled up the document. “Five minutes, Diana. Think fast!”


  For a moment, neither of them spoke, both paralyzed by this turn of events.

  “I have to go out there, Jack,” she finally said. “I can’t let them…” She closed her eyes, the consequences too horrific to contemplate.

  To her surprise he agreed. “They’ve got us by the short hairs,” he growled, the furrow in his brow a testament to his frustrated rage. He slammed his fist down on the panel, staring at the monitor as if he could somehow drag the terrorist leader through it and kick the living shit out of him.

  Their eyes locked, and he took her in a strong embrace, clasping her fiercely in his arms. She looked up when the terrorist’s voice rang through the room once more.

  “Diana! Are you there? Clock is ticking!”

  In shock she watched as the man jerked Mike in front of the camera, then placed a gun to her big brother’s head.

  “Christ, no!” she cried.

  As she watched, Mike stared straight into the lens, his face hard and unyielding. “Don’t listen to this asshole!” he spat. “Stay where you are, Di!”

  She watched, eyes wide and brimming with tears as the terrorist hit her brother in the face, then addressed her in clipped tones. “For once disobey your brother, Diana.” Then he tapped his watch. “Three minutes. Tick tock.”

  She turned to Jack. “I’m going, Jack.”

  “I’m coming with you,” he snapped. “No way am I letting you face that monster alone.”

  Three minutes wasn’t enough to come up with any kind of plan so she didn’t even argue, the horrible events dulling her senses and making it impossible to think things through.

  “We still don’t know what they want from you,” he mused. “They might…” He gritted his teeth. “…they might kill you on sight for all we know.”

  “That’s a chance I have to take,” she returned. “I can’t watch them murder my family. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

  He nodded once, then moved over to the instrument board and hit a button. A hidden panel in the wall beside them slid open noiselessly and revealed an array of weapons. “Let’s not take any chances,” he told her. “Stock up.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she shook her head. “They’ll search me.”

  “We might be able to take them by surprise,” he offered.

  With r
egret, she eyed the weapons, spotting her favorite, the PP-90 submachine gun. What she wouldn’t give to come charging out of here guns blazing, and wipe every last scumbag from the face of the earth in a hail of gunfire. But she simply couldn’t risk it. Her family was out there, and so were dozens of other guests, not to mention Jack’s own family. “No,” she finally decided. “We need to face the bastards unarmed. Who knows what they might do to us if we go out there armed to the teeth.”

  Jack inclined his head, then took a pistol from the rack and shoved it in the waistband of his jeans. “I’ll take my chances,” he grunted viciously, a steel glint in his eyes. Then he quickly snapped on an ankle holster and rose, standing before her like a sentinel. He eyed her with fierce vigilance. “Ready?”

  She set her jaw, then nodded. “Let’s go.”

  He placed his large rough hand on her cheek and drew her in for a kiss. She closed her eyes as she reveled in the connection, perhaps the last moment they’d have together—perhaps the last moment she’d have period.

  Then she faced the door and blinked when Jack let his fist crash down on the red button. She watched as the door to the panic room slowly slid open with a hiss, and they started walking.

  All of a sudden her mind flashed to convicts on death row. Was this what they experienced when they took their last walk? For all she knew she was walking toward certain death. The only thing that gave her comfort was knowing that she was not alone in this. Jack had her back, and he would do anything he could to protect her from the evil that lurked out there.

  And then they stepped from the room and into the unknown.


  Emily watched with trepidation as the guard who’d been assigned to the women hovered around—like a predator. She hadn’t missed the lascivious glances he kept darting over to them. Even though his face was concealed by a black mask, it was obvious he was pleased to be watching the women. She wished not for the first time that Mike was sitting next to her and not twenty yards away. Not that she couldn’t take care of herself, but this was her wedding day, for fuck’s sake, and these asswipes had totally ruined it.


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