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Russian Enforcer's Royal Engagement (Russian Enforcers Book 7)

Page 7

by Nic Saint

  He told Armand how he’d called in the police but they never showed up.

  “Which reminds me,” he grunted, and walked over to one of the consoles, picked up the horn and put in the call once again. Two minutes later he had his answer: his distress signal had never reached police headquarters. They could have waited forever for the GIGN to show up. Now, at least, things had been set in motion, though he held little hope that they’d catch these bastards quickly. They had probably thought of all possible contingencies when devising their plan of campaign.

  Diana stood beside him while Rob and Yulian checked on the others, who’d been bound and gagged. “It’s so weird,” she told him, holding a hand to her aching head. “I’ve just discovered I’m a very wealthy woman, the heir to a giant fortune, only to have it stolen away from me in the same moment.”

  “We’ll get the money back,” he assured her.

  “No, that’s not what I mean,” she returned softly. “It’s just…” She darted a glance over to Yulian. “It’s such a pity for Yulian, to have all his money stolen.”

  He eyed her incredulously. Only a woman as soft-hearted as Diana would worry that a multi-billionaire like Yulian Gornakov would be out of a few million dollars. “I’m sure he’ll survive,” he announced dryly.

  She bit her lip. “God, I sure hope so.”

  He held her close, and pressed a kiss on her lips. He didn’t care one bit about Yulian’s millions. The only thing that mattered was that she was safe. He deeply regretted not having been able to stop the bastard from taking that shot.

  At that moment he swore that he wouldn’t rest until the man who’d harmed her would pay for his crime.

  Just then the door to the elevator swung open and his father and brother stepped out, followed by Mike and Emily.

  Emily eyed her sister-in-law solicitously. “What happened? What did they do?”

  “I’m fine,” Diana assured her. “Just got the wind knocked out of me, that’s all.”

  “Any sign of the bastards?” Jack asked Mike.

  Mike shook his head. “Not a trace. It’s as if they simply vanished into thin air.”

  “We’ll have to check the cameras,” he told the security man. They both turned to look at Armand, who was already busy checking the equipment for any sign of a break-in. Whoever had managed to hack into the castle’s security system must have left some trace.

  “These guys are good,” Mike opined. “I doubt whether we’ll discover much.”

  That’s exactly what Jack thought. The operation had gone off without a hitch, except for the part where Jack had spirited Diana away to the safe room. They hadn’t foreseen that little contingency, but had dealt with it nonetheless. It had bought him and Diana some time, but in the end the assholes had gotten what they wanted after all.

  “So I hear congratulations are in order?” Emily said, squeezing Diana’s hand and staring up at him with sparkling eyes.

  He stared at her blankly.

  “The engagement?” she pressed.

  Ah, that… He frowned, remembering the ruse he’d used to be able to stay by Diana’s side. He now noticed she was eyeing him intently.

  “That—that was just a ruse, wasn’t it, Jack?” she asked hesitantly.

  He nodded, trying to read her face. It had been a ploy, though now he suddenly felt oddly disappointed that it wasn’t true. He found to his surprise that he considered her his woman. He wanted her—in his bed and in his life.

  Crazy? Maybe so, but then why did it feel so…right?

  He held out his hand, and she gave him a weak smile. God, he wanted her. Wanted her so badly he could taste it—could taste her—could feel her, wrapped tightly around his dick, screaming out her ecstasy as he plunged into her.

  And in that moment he decided she would be his.


  Diana walked along the beach. Even here on the French Riviera the nights could get chilly in November, and she was glad she’d brought her woolen sweater. The day had passed uneventfully. Police had finally arrived on the scene and the castle had turned into a confused maelstrom of people running around. Jack had busied himself with the proceedings, setting up a task force with Armand and Mike and Emily, trying to ascertain where the hostage-takers had fled to and cobble together what exactly had gone down.

  Her heart bled for Mike and Emily, whose beautiful wedding had so brutally been interrupted. What was supposed to be the best day of their lives had turned into a veritable nightmare. She felt for her mom and dad too. Though she’d assured them they’d always be her parents and she thought nothing less of them after the shocking revelations, she’d still seen the hurt in their eyes, and nothing she said seemed to diminish the pain.

  She told them she understood perfectly well why they’d kept the secret to themselves all these years. The promise to a mother. The fear of losing a daughter. They all made perfect sense to her, and she decided that whatever happened, she would always be their little girl. Nothing had changed in her mind. Her brothers had also promised she would always be their sister.

  She hadn’t lost a family, she had gained one. She now stood firmly rooted in both families, and was effectively the physical bond that tied the Petrovs and the Gornakovs.

  She didn’t care about all of that. All she cared about was catching the people who’d turned all of their lives upside down and then had run off with a fortune.

  No matter how much Yulian insisted the millions they’d stolen were peanuts—and probably to him they were—she still felt responsible. It had been her iris scan that had opened that account. Her actions had made it possible for them to steal all that money. She’d offered her help, and demanded to be kept informed of the investigation, but so far there was no sign of the attackers.

  She sighed as she stared out across the Mediterranean, waves gently lapping at her feet. The setting sun set the sky ablaze and lit up the rippling surface.

  Paradise on earth.

  Her mind finally drifted back to the one thing that had been occupying it all this time. Not the terrorists, nor the money, Yulian or her family.

  Only one thing kept playing through her mind over and over.

  His Royal Highness.

  Prince Jacques.


  Twice they’d made love—twice she’d been his, and all she could think about now was that she wished to be in his arms again, wished to be in his bed again, wished for him to be inside her again. Though they’d been voluntary prisoners, the hour they’d spent in there had changed her life. Never before had a man so entranced her—captured her heart, body and soul with such sweeping finality.

  She cherished the memory, for she doubted whether it would be possible to repeat what had happened in there. It had been madness, of course. Two strangers unexpectedly thrown together. Psychologists would probably have a logical explanation. Stress, perhaps. The pressure cooker environment of the safe room. The knowledge of the terrorists nearby…

  All she knew was that Jack was in her system now, and that she would never be able to get him out again. Nor did she want to. Quite the opposite: she wanted him to take her, over and over again. But she also knew that he never would. They were worlds apart. He was a prince. She was a girl from Brooklyn, scion of a family of Mafia enforcers. And even though it had just been revealed she was related to the famous Gornakovs, that made things even worse.

  No royal house would ever allow their son to get involved with the daughter of a man like Yuri Gornakov, a well-known mobster.

  Her chances of being with Jack had been slim when she’d just been Diana Petrov. Her chances being Anastasiya Gornakov were zero. Those terrorists hadn’t merely stolen her heritage, they’d stolen the one thing that mattered even more: they’d stolen any chance she had to be with Jack.


  Jack watched Diana pack her stuff and felt the need churning in his gut. She’d announced she would be flying out with the rest of her family tonight.

  Not happening.

  “I want you to stay,” he repeated emphatically. His massive frame casually draped across the sofa, he wished she would stay still for just one fucking second so they could talk. Ever since that morning she’d been avoiding him like the plague.

  He could understand the rest of her family flying out. They’d only planned on staying for the wedding, and probably had stuff to do back home. What he didn’t understand was why she was so eager to leave. She’d told him herself she’d taken the week off from work and was only due back Monday. That left her five more days in Montinia. With him. Where she belonged.

  Of course that’s not what he told her. He was still wrestling with his emotions where she was concerned. He knew he wanted her and wanted her badly. He just didn’t know what type of relationship that entailed. He just knew they needed to spend more time together. Get to know each other without being locked up in a panic room with a bunch of homicidal maniacs lurking outside.

  It was obvious they were a match on a purely physical level. Hell, the sexual tension between them was so hot he was hard even now as he watched her sashay into the bedroom.

  Was it so difficult for her to understand he wanted to take things to the next level? See where this insane attraction would lead?

  “Did you hear what I said?”

  She hadn’t stopped moving, as if to stop and listen was to declare defeat.

  “Why do you want me to stay?” she finally asked. He watched her stalk into the bedroom, carrying a handful of clothes and stuffing them into the suitcase that lay open on the bed.

  “Because…” He was treading dangerous ground here. He’d never been good at expressing his emotions. How could he make her change her mind? How could he tell her how he felt without coming off as a complete jackass? “Because I want you to,” he finally ground out, and she shot him a critical look.

  “I have stuff to do back home,” she told him, an edge to her voice that hadn’t been there before.

  “I thought you said you took the week off?”

  “I did,” she admitted, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t have other things going on. I need to…” She waved her hand ineffectually. “…pick up my dog and…”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Pick up your dog?” Was that the best she could do?

  “…and other stuff,” she added lamely. She appeared in the doorframe, cheeks flushed and looking absolutely gorgeous. “What is to you anyway? What do you care if I hang around or not?”

  He wasn’t ready to admit he simply couldn’t bear to see her go, so instead he said, “I bet Mike needs you with the investigation. After all, this whole case revolves around you.”

  She seemed to waver for a moment, then finally said, “I guess I could stay a couple of days.”

  He sat back with a nod. “Your brother will be thrilled.”

  They stared at each other for a beat. Christ, what a load of bullshit. He didn’t care what Mike thought. Or about the investigation for that matter. The only reason he wanted her to stay was for his own selfish motives. He needed her here—needed her in his life. Badly. Just the thought of her leaving drove him up the wall. The moment she stepped on that plane he would probably never see her again. They’d both go on with their lives, the memory of what had happened growing stale as time went by. He didn’t want the memory to fade. He wanted it seared on his brain—imprinted on his body—the feel of her pussy etched on his cock.

  Fuck. Who was he kidding? He wanted her right now.

  He swiftly rose and walked over to where she stood, pensive and wavering. He clasped her in his arms, and repeated gravelly, “Stay with me, Diana.” Then, before she could utter a word in protest, he shut her up with a kiss.

  Her lips, puckered in surprise, quickly yielded, and then she let out a soft sigh, her body going fluid in his arms, molding against him. Finally, she slanted her head and he took the kiss deeper, plunging his tongue between the seam of her lips. Frantically exploring the wet heat, he reveled in the scent and feel of her.

  He could feel her heart hammering like a tiny bird caught in a cage, her chest rapidly rising and falling as he desperately plundered her mouth. Her lips parted and he explored deeply, her tongue a perfect match for his as they wildly tangled, her body soft and pliant against his hardness.

  Instantly, he felt his cock respond, his own breathing quickening.

  Oh, she would stay, all right. Forever, if it was up to him.


  She felt the heat race through her body, rolling in waves between them at his touch. The fire was undeniable, as was her attraction to this man. Her breath caught and she couldn’t help but fall into the moment. There was no pulling back, no changing her mind for her mind was gone the moment he put his hands on her. Everything she wanted to say wiped from her mind—all her plans nothing but a distant memory, she gave herself to his embrace and the kiss.

  She moaned as his hands ran up her sides and lightly brushed against her breasts. Inadvertently, she pressed forward, expressing her need the only way she could, her body betraying the desire coursing through her veins, and when she felt his erection expressing his need, she ground against it, eager to have him inside her again, to feel all that throbbing heat plunging into her channel.

  She’d had no idea how hungry she’d been for him, how much she’d craved him. She knew she was falling for him, and it baffled her. She barely knew him and yet here she was, ready to give herself to him once again. A small voice somewhere in the back of her mind told her this was madness but then it was swept up in the surge of lust enveloping her. With an impassioned groan she unbuckled his pants and pushed them down. She needed to wrap her fingers around his hard erection, to feel all that heat in her hand, to experience that throbbing power under her fingers.

  He didn’t protest, merely briefly lifted his lips from hers. The smoky heat in his eyes was unmistakable, and then she was dropping down on her knees, burying his hot lead into her mouth, eager to feel him on her tongue.

  “Christ, Di!” he groaned wildly.

  She sucked him deeper into her mouth, letting her tongue swirl along the swollen head then placing her fingers along the throbbing shaft, fingering up and down his length the way she knew would tip him over the edge.

  The hoarse moans escaping his lips were a testament to her skill, and when she cupped his balls she could feel them retract, ready to disgorge their divine load straight into her waiting mouth. She wanted his cream, wanted to drink him in, and even as she knew this was madness, she couldn’t stop herself from pumping him for the nectar she knew was coming.

  Suddenly he heaved a loud grunt, and she felt the surge rush along the length of his cock then hit her palate in thick bursts, Jack’s cream pumping into her throat. She felt her pussy flood while she sucked every last drop of juice from his erupting geyser, then gingerly rose to her feet. She was so giddy she suddenly felt dizzy—dizzy with need and desire, her pussy twitching like crazy.

  Jack had her hooked on him—lust for him now reigning supreme. She remembered this was exactly the reason she needed to get out of Montinia—needed to put some distance between herself and this man.

  He had power over her—could do anything with her he damn well pleased and she wouldn’t be able to say no. She belonged to him—body, mind and soul, and if she didn’t bail out now she knew it would be too late. He not only had the power to make her do as he pleased—he had the power to break her heart. He could devastate her with a single word.

  Milked, he stared at her, his eyes betraying his surprise.

  She staggered into the bedroom. She needed to pack—needed to escape from this dangerous man. He would wreck her—ruin her. She needed to get away now!

  But before she could reach the bed, he was grasping her from behind.

  She let out a yelp at the lust raging through her—the insatiable need to be savagely taken.

  “I want you,” he breathed in her ear. “You’re mine, Diana. Tell me you’re mine.”

  She shook he
r head stubbornly. She would never admit what she already knew in her heart to be true. But then her body betrayed her once again, for when he flipped her around in his arms and pushed her down on the bed, she was already yanking up her T-shirt—pulling it over her head. She needed his hot mouth on her breasts—needed him to brand her right now or she wouldn’t live.

  Though her mind had cleverly concocted this escape valve of milking him so he wouldn’t pose a threat, his body was defying her evil little plan, for when she looked down she saw his erection as proud and resilient as ever. She gasped, her eyes squeezing shut in sweet agony.

  Then he was towering over her, and when his lips found her nipples, hard as pebbles and ready for his touch, she slammed her head back against the array of underwear she’d been laying out for her trip. She thrashed wildly, sending her clothes flying, then bunched her fingers in his hair as his lips ravaged her chest, his fingers grasping her soft tits and feeding them into his mouth.

  She struggled to lift her skirt, panting with need.

  As if he were reading her mind, he looked up, his hair mussed, his face flushed, his eyes a little wild, and demanded, “Tell me!”

  “Yes! I’m yours!” she yelled. “Now fuck me, please. Fuck me, Jack!”


  Jack licked a trail along her belly to the edge of her slip and pulled it down with his teeth, stripping her from the last vestiges of dignity, to be revealed to him once again, completely naked, and ready to be thoroughly plundered.

  He pressed her knees against the bed, exposing her pussy to him. She wriggled in agony. “Touch me!” she cried out as the fire threatened to consume her. “I need you to touch me now, Jack!”

  When he entered her with his tongue she whimpered with exquisite pleasure, and when his lips found her swollen bud she yelled out, tremors quaking through her trembling belly.


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