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Fatal Exposure

Page 2

by Lia Slater

  He quirked up his mouth in a smirk. “I’m not a man who likes to waste time, Lily. ” He said her name with all the falseness they both knew it contained.

  “I’m not a woman who jumps on command,” she snapped back. The guy had a lot of nerve.

  “No?” His brows squinted together as he lifted the guilty finger and licked it, his tongue consuming the bodily juices that still clung to his skin. Her juices. He winked. “Sure tastes like you do.”

  A surge of heat pulsed where his finger had once been, but she did her best to ignore it. “Sorry, sweetie.” She gave him a once-over and desperately tried to look unimpressed. “I don’t fraternize with the customers.”

  A sexy grin spread across his face. “Room at the hotel across the street. Come over when you’re done here. You won’t regret it.”

  Before she could respond, he grabbed his coat and headed across the room toward the door.


  Kade Gavin stepped out into the biting cold air and finally let out a breath. What the hell was he thinking? It was as if the woman had put a spell on him and made him forget his whole purpose for being in there. He had lost his entire focus when she moved against him in her seductive way. Her lush, petite body at his fingertips had pushed him over the edge. Almost to the point of picking her up in his arms and removing her from that shit hole of a joint. He shook the vision out of his thick skull. He had a mission to complete and none of it involved being anyone’s knight in shining armor. Just the opposite, actually.

  What a fool he was for telling her his real name.

  “Fuck,” he muttered and stepped across the street. He’d been watching her for the past few days. As a PI, it was his job to observe, but it had never resulted with him getting a hard-on or fantasizing about his target’s full breasts under his caress. But the fantasies had built up every time he saw her swaying her hips on that stage or wrapping her toned legs around that pole.

  “Knock it off, Kade,” he mumbled as he reached his hotel room. He was doing it again. Envisioning. Imagining. What was so different about her? None of the other women at the club had this arousing affect on him.

  Get a grip. This was a job. If she showed up later, he’d play it off. It would help if he knew she was definitely the girl he was looking for, the one he was being paid to hunt down. But he wasn’t positive. Take away the red hair and those obvious brown contacts, and maybe she could pass as the petite woman in the fuzzy photo he’d been given. It was all the information he had besides the description Zack Moreno had given him—long blonde hair, green eyes, and full C-cup. Not much to go on, but at least that had cut it down to two prospects. The one who called herself Poppy fit the description to a T, and then of course there was Lily, trying so hard to disguise herself.

  He walked into the hotel room and fell onto the bed. His mind raced as he let the name slide off his tongue. “Ava Lureau.”

  I’m coming to get you.


  Snow lightly fell around Ava as she stood outside her hotel room. A chill wind blew past so she pinched her jean jacket shut. The pink and blue neon sign “Girls, Girls, Girls” buzzed across the street. Three months ago, she’d chosen this place because of its convenient location...and because they took cash and didn’t ask for identification. But now she wished she were anywhere but here. She was too close to the mysterious blue-eyed stranger. Two rooms down to be exact.

  The temptation to knock on his door was overwhelming.

  She was more than entranced by the tall, broadshouldered man who had branded a desire in her so deep she ached to have it quenched.

  And spending another lonely night in a cold, bland hotel room all by herself wasn’t exactly a thrilling thought. Waking in the middle of the night whenever she heard strangers outside her room window didn’t warm her heart too much either. It was frightening to think she was a thin door away from some depraved lunatic. Or Zack Moreno. Was there a difference?

  She shook his image from her head once again. She should be used to being alone, but the fantasy of having a safe, normal life with a loving husband and family always crept into her mind. It was silly, really. The only thing she needed to concentrate on now was survival, and if that meant being on her own for the rest of her days, then so be it.

  “You’ve got the wrong room,” a deep familiar voice said behind her.

  Ava swung around to see Kade standing less than two feet away with sprinkles of snow falling onto his dark hair and a brown paper bag in his hand.

  “No. No I haven’t.” She backed up against her door and pulled the key from her jean jacket pocket.


  He stepped closer and towered over her. “You have a room here.” It was a statement, not a question. He stared at her with a blank expression.

  “Why? And for how long?”

  His leather blazer opened as he reached inside to pull out his own key. She fought back the urge to wrap her arms around his waist and cuddle up against him, indulging in the warmth of his body.

  “Uh, not too long. My house is, um, being fumigated,” she said, using the same lie she’d used at least a dozen times in the past couple of months.

  “Your house? Is it near here?”

  “Why do you want to know?” No one else had cared to ask, and she hadn’t quite worked out that detail of her fabricated life yet.

  “Just curious.” His mouth quirked up to half a grin. “Want to get out of the cold? Your lips are turning blue.” He rattled the bag in his hand and caressed her face with a gaze that warmed her insides. “A beer and some company on a chilly night?”

  Company. What a concept. Besides work, she didn’t allow herself to have that.

  For a good reason.

  She opened her mouth to say no, but a pang of loneliness deep in her chest forced her to close it. Her dark, dreary room was all that awaited her. The stiff comforter that never quite warmed her. The small television that had a lousy signal. The romance novel she’d read for the hundredth time. The telephone that never rang.

  It all sounded so bleak and depressing. And cold. God, why was she always so cold?

  She looked at Kade and could almost see the warmth emanating from him. How would it feel to be wrapped up against him for one night?

  What could it hurt? One night with a gorgeous man.

  Ava nodded once and gestured toward his room. Her room was out of the question since she couldn’t remember if she’d hidden her contact case or thrown away the bottle of medium auburn brown hair dye—

  or any other self-incriminating evidence. Not that she was a criminal. Far from it. But she was a survivor. If anything was true, it was that. And she didn’t want to make any stupid mistakes to jeopardize the only thing she had going for—her beating heart.

  Beating faster every second she was in Kade’s company.

  As Ava Lureau, never would she have thought of going into a strange man’s hotel room, but as Lily, it almost seemed natural. Besides, what if he turned out to be someone she could trust? How wonderful would it be to have someone on her side? To protect her, to keep her fight for her. Maybe she was being unrealistic and foolish, but what could she possibly have to lose that she hadn’t already? Just this once she’d allow herself to play out a fantasy to see where it took her.

  He led her to his room, unlocked the door, and waved a hand toward the dimly lit room. “After you.”


  Kade pulled the six-pack out of the paper bag and set it in the mini refrigerator that also served as a nightstand. “Would you like a beer?” he asked as he used his foot to nonchalantly slide his duffle bag farther under the queen-sized bed.

  “No thanks.”

  He eyed Lily, taking in her nervous lip biting and the way she tapped her three-inch heels on the carpet. She stood guarded by the door with her arms crossed. Tomorrow he needed to find out exactly how

  long she’d been living out of a hotel room, where this mysterious house of hers was or if it even existed.
But tonight the only burning question on his mind was if she was going to scream or score her nails into his back when he made her come. It was all he could think about ever since he’d had a taste of her. Whoever she was.

  After draping his coat over the wooden chair by the desk, he closed the distance between them and lifted his hand to cradle her flushed cheek. His other hand wrapped around her tiny waist and gathered her up against him.

  “I’ve never done this,” she murmured just as he was about to kiss her glossy rose-colored lips.

  “Done what?” He pecked at them, sampling their strawberry flavor and wanting more. It was just how he’d imagined they’d taste.

  “Had a one night stand.” She looked up at him with the combined expression of naivety, lust and fear. “I mean, that’s what it would be, right? I don’t know anything about you other than you travel a lot and sell...What do you sell?”

  “Software,” he answered simply. Of course it was a lie, but she didn’t need to know that. She gave him a nervous smile. “So you’re smart then, right? I like smart men. Although, I’ll admit you don’t look like much of a computer geek.” She let out a giggle and then stopped abruptly, her smile faded to a frown. “Oh geez, not that I’m calling you a geek. I just—”

  Kade brushed his finger over her lip, quieting her, growing desperate to strip the anxious smile off her face and the clothes off her body. “Why don’t we pretend that we knew each other many years ago?”

  He kept his voice even. “When we were both innocent and life was easier.”

  A time like that didn’t exist for him, but he was sure it must have for the petite woman in his arms. Someone must have loved and protected her from the evils of the world at some point in her life. How could they have not?

  Her dark coppery eyebrows knitted together as she seemed to mull his idea over. Suddenly, one of them arched up. “Did we used to play doctor?” she asked with a cute grin.

  “Yes.” At this point he’d say anything to keep her in his arms, to have her soft breasts crushed against his chest. “And I always made you feel better when you were sick...or happy when you were sad.”

  God, that was corny. But at least she hadn’t backed off yet.

  “Oh.” Her delicate fingers trembled as they fluttered along his neckline and then settled on his shoulders.

  He grew achingly hard in his jeans, wanting to relax her and give her the pleasure he knew she hungered for. He fought back the questions racing through his mind.

  Was this the woman Zack Moreno was looking for? And if so, what was her fate? He couldn’t let himself care. That wasn’t part of the job. Caring. All he needed to do was seize the target, deliver it to its destination, take the money, and never look back. It was cut-and-dried. Or at least it always had been before.

  She rose onto the tips of her toes to press a kiss on his lingering lips. He inhaled the innocent fruity scent and slid his tongue into her mouth searching for more.

  A soft purr rumbled from her throat, and her hand traveled down, down, down his abdomen until her fingertips lightly brushed over his jean-covered erection.

  So much for focusing on his job.

  He shoved off her jean jacket, let it drop to the floor, and began unbuttoning her pink sweater. She was braless underneath; he could tell from the dark aroused nipples piercing against the thinly knitted material. Each button unfastened with ease, and he made quick work of it before she came to her senses and walked away.

  Before she realized what a selfish bastard he was for taking advantage of her. Didn’t she sense it?

  The danger she was in?

  He fought the struggle within himself. Tell her to run. Tell her to not use her credit card the next time she forgets and mistakenly hands it to the clerk to pay for her box of tampons.

  That’s how he had found her. That’s why as soon as he pinpointed his exact target and seized it, he was going to take the money and not give a fuck what happened next. Business as usual.

  Damn woman.

  He picked her up in his arms and dropped her on the bed with more force than he had intended. More than she had counted on from the startled look on her face.

  But still she let him unzip her jean mini skirt and ease it down her legs. Tug her black, dainty panties down her smooth thighs and drop them alongside the rest of her scattered clothes. The dim lamplight poured over her naked body, and he took in the beautiful sight of her shaved pussy. Completely bald. Not a single hair to

  determine if she was a real redhead. He smirked, not all that surprised. He’d thought as much when she’d spread her legs for him on the stage at the strip joint. The panties she’d had on barely covered her. He shut out the thought of her doing that same dance for any man who walked in those doors and let himself pretend he was special. After all, she was here with him now. And if he believed her words, then she didn’t do this often, or ever. If it was true, he would make this worth her while.

  His cock tightened and his mouth watered as his taste buds anticipated licking and tasting her soft, smooth pussy. He dipped his head and kissed her mound just once, as an appetizer for what was to come. Her honey musk scent drugged him as he drew in a breath and grinned. Good enough to eat. One thing was apparent—the woman made him smile when everything and everyone else in his world left him annoyed and angry.

  He watched her curvy body quiver as he ripped his T-shirt over his head and slowly unbuckled his belt. He wanted to tease her like she’d teased him. Make her want him like he wanted her.

  She caressed her round plump breasts, and his cock throbbed and swelled against his zipper. When her pink tongue darted over her lips, wetting them, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He shoved down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. Her tanned legs spread apart to welcome him, and he stifled a groan. God, where did this woman come from?

  Hurrying his pace, he reached underneath the bed, pulled out a condom, and wrapped it over his swollen cock.

  Ava Lureau or not, she wanted him. Who was he to refuse her?

  Chapter Two

  Ava rested her hands on his massive chest when he wedged himself between her thighs. She couldn’t keep from staring at him. Every inch of his naked body was toned to perfection, leaving her craving to trace her fingers over the strength of his muscles. He had a few scars here and there, but the one that grabbed her attention was the circular indentation on his left shoulder.

  A gunshot wound? She lightly brushed her hand over it.

  “Iraq,” he murmured as if that would explain how he’d been shot. And sadly, it did. Obviously, he’d been in combat. He’d fought for their country. Which had to mean he was a man of integrity, a man of honor. Right?

  She clenched her eyes shut and tried to stop her bustling mind from over-analyzing. This was sex with a hot guy and nothing more. He was nothing more.

  He dug his fists into the mattress on either side of her head before dipping his mouth to softly kiss her top lip and then her bottom. His tongue slipped between the two, parting them. Gently, patiently—a kiss she’d never experienced from a man. He baited her, and Ava responded by opening for him, sliding her tongue along his. He tasted of a mixture of cinnamon, quiet confidence, and restrained power.

  Who was he? She didn’t even know his last name, but every fiber of fear in her body was disappearing as he manipulated her mouth with his skilled tongue. It owned her and she wasn’t protesting.

  His large, hardened cock pressed against the wetness between her thighs, tempting her. She could only imagine what he was going to feel like inside. Daring to seek more, she lifted her pelvis and grazed her pussy against his hard shaft. He was thicker and larger than either of the two lovers she’d had in the past. And she was sure he would bring sensations that would stretch and push her to limits she’d never known.

  “Fuck me,” she heard herself saying, impatiently, shocking herself.

  His eyes opened and met hers, no longer the ice cold color, but a blue that reminded her of a tantalizing hot, b
ubble bath.

  Ava took a desperately needed breath. “Please.”

  He grinned, sensually, devilishly, as if he had plans beyond her realm of fantasy. She pursed her mouth shut, thinking she’d most likely bitten off more than she could chew.

  His upper half dropped onto his elbows, resting his solid chest against her sensitive breasts. She prepared herself for the roughness she thought he was capable of, but instead, she received soft kisses down her jaw line onto her neck. He licked the crevice behind her ear and gently nibbled a path to the area just above her shoulder.

  Ava trembled at his touch and wrapped her legs around his waist, preparing for him to enter her, wanting nothing more.

  But he didn’t. Instead, he trailed licks and kisses in between her breasts and down her abdomen to her navel, his body moving down, brushing against her sensitive pussy. Her nerves zapped and tingled, and her skin shivered with need.

  “You’re teasing me,” she said.

  “You’re too impatient,” he mumbled as his fingers spread her folds.

  His powerful lips smiled at her before he descended and slid his warm tongue against her clit. He licked slowly, forcefully, commanding her to whimper his name. Kade. It felt like sex rolling off her tongue.

  Every nerve in her body was on fire, burning for him. She ran her hands down her neck to her breasts as he sucked and nibbled on her nub. The rising pressure was almost too much to take, and just as she thought she would burst, he plunged his tongue inside her slit. His fingertips bit into her thighs as he greedily took her with his mouth. She spread her legs farther apart, enjoying his uninhibited exploration, loving how he groaned as he tasted her. A new sensation built inside her slowly...steadily.

  Then she felt him pull away, leaving the cold air biting into her wet skin. “Wait,” she pleaded, not wanting the pleasure to end. She’d almost reached climax. So close. So good.

  His hot breath returned as his teeth skimmed her aching clitoris. “I’m not done yet,” he murmured and lightly bit her swollen nub. “Not by a long shot.”

  Panting, Ava tilted her head back against the mattress and waited as he climbed up her body. He was torturing her at his leisure. Again. His MO, it


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