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Fatal Exposure

Page 11

by Lia Slater

“Kade?” Lucy said, not taking her eyes off Ava.

  “I thought you were against striking women? I mean with what happened with your mother and—”

  “I didn’t hit her.” He strode across the room with heavy footsteps, stopping in front of the two women.

  “You need to leave.”

  “Why?” Lucy’s smirk was pure evil. “Want to beat her again? Like father, like—”

  “Shut up.” Kade’s jaw visibly tightened. “I’d never hurt Ava. I’m in love with her.”

  “What?” both woman said in unison.

  Ava felt the blood rush from her face as she grew faint. She stared up at the distraught expression Kade held as he closed his eyes and shook his head.

  “Never mind.” He shoved his hand through his hair. “Luce, you need to go. Okay?”

  Ava took a step away from them. Clearly, he hadn’t meant to say he was in love with her. And if he had, it was just another deception. He wanted to get this woman, who was causing him obvious grief out of his home, and his bungling words were simply a tactic.

  “Are you kidding me?” Lucy narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re in love with her? She’s your target, Kade.”

  “I said never mind. Just go. I won’t bother you with the cat anymore.”

  “Fuck the cat. You’ve known this woman for how long?”

  Ava needed to lie down, scream into a pillow, splash cold water on her face...something. Anything as long as she wasn’t there next to Kade. Of course he didn’t love her. It wasn’t possible. He had abducted her so he could collect money, for God’s sake. How could that ever be confused with love?

  As the pair continued to argue, Ava slipped away into the bathroom. She clicked the door shut behind her but was frustrated to see there wasn’t a lock on it. There was just no getting away from that man.

  And everything he represented. Someone she fantasized she could have fallen in love with. Someone she could have woken up next to every morning for the rest of her life. Someone who could have saved her from Zack and her past.

  But no. Within the past few hours, Kade had become the exact opposite, and Ava hated him for deceiving her and for getting her hopes up. A surge of loneliness fell like dead weight in the pit of her stomach, and she tried to shake off the feeling by taking in the room around her. Everything appeared to be remodeled, contrasting with the rest of the house. Dark blue and rust-colored slate covered the floor and ran up half the wall where a brownish tone of paint took over. The bathtub was new, but it looked like a vintage clawfoot tub. Its delicacy and elegance drew her near. Kade didn’t seem like a man who bothered with baths but rather used the standup shower in the corner of the room. Feeling the urge to pee, Ava pulled her pants down, sat on the toilet, and listened to the raised voices in the other room.

  The mystery woman was obviously upset over Ava’s presence, and Kade wasn’t backing down or giving in. He must have really wanted to get paid. He was going through a lot of trouble for Zack Moreno, making Ava wonder exactly what amount had been put on her head. And why Kade had brought her to his home rather than deliver her to Zack’s front door.

  She washed up and turned on the hot water in the tub. The rushing sound was what she needed to drown out the voices and calm her nerves. As she waited for the bath to fill, curiosity led her to the mirrored cabinet above the pedestal sink. It wouldn’t

  hurt to find out a little more about the man who held her hostage.

  The two shelves contained the usual hygienic products, but right behind the deodorant was a familiar brown prescription bottle. She opened it and spilled out four pills onto her hand. They were the exact same pink and white capsules Kade had fed to her.

  These might come in handy.

  She stashed them in her jean pocket and hid the bottle behind a full bottle of hair gel. Maybe she’d get through this after all now that she had ammunition.

  With new confidence, she undressed and slid into the warm bath.


  Kade drew in a deep breath after Lucy slammed the door behind her. She was pissed off, of course, but he knew she’d get over it. She was a strong woman and their relationship had been based only on sex. He’d made that clear from the beginning, and she never questioned it until tonight.

  His only regret was telling her about his parents after a few too many beers. How his father had beaten his mother until her last breath. How Kade wished every day of his life to have been able to protect her from his father’s unforgivable sins. Little had he known Lucy would slap him in the face with his drunken confessions, making him admit his love for Ava.

  The look on Ava’s face had been horrifying, to say the least. Pale, frightened. As if it was her against the world and Kade was just another obstacle to overcome.

  Damn it. He didn’t want to be her enemy. He wanted more. He wanted her to forgive him. Raven, his ten-year-old cat, purred at his feet, wrapping her body around his ankle, so Kade reached down to pick her up. The cat had belonged to his mother before she died. It was the only living link he had to hold on to.

  His attention went to the steam rolling out from under the bathroom door. The woman liked her baths hot.

  So did Kade. Well, he’d get used to the heat if it meant being entangled with her naked body. The image had him taking steps toward the bathroom. He couldn’t resist her, although every sensible bone in his body told him to stop and leave her alone. She deserved better than him or any other asshole who desired her.

  If only he had the power to erase her from his thoughts, but it was useless. He wanted her. Every part of her, not just a piece. And after the way she’d taken him in her mouth and so eagerly made him come, there had to be some part of her that wanted him, too.

  Lord, he hoped so because at that moment nothing was more important than the sight of her wet, bare body in his tub. He turned the handle and eased the door open.

  Chapter Eight

  Ava grabbed the washcloth draped over the towel rack and covered her sensitive breasts. Damn her body for wanting something it couldn’t have. She cupped her hand over her mound to both hide and to tame the pulses that were growing stronger as the door knob turned.

  Kade’s large body entered the room and seemed to take up all the space. The cat was in his arms, but he gently let it drop to the floor as he sat down at the edge of the tub. His eyes swept over her body and met her stare.

  “Shouldn’t you be watching the surveillance?”

  she asked, hoping he’d take the hint and leave.

  “I set it for the alarm to go off.” He pointed to a speaker near the ceiling.

  “Your girlfriend leave?” Her voice sounded bitter even to her own ears.

  He grinned at her. “She’s not my girlfriend, Ava. She’s nothing to me.” His hand dropped and landed on her bent knee where his fingers lightly circled.

  “Can I join you?”

  She tried to force herself to say no but, “What do you think?” was all that came out, and her voice wasn’t at all as harsh as she wanted it to be. He leaned over and began untying his boots.

  “It’’s not a good idea, Kade,” she managed to say.

  He slipped off his boots, and they thunked to the floor. Then he stood and removed his shirt, showing her his broad chest, his lean, ribbed stomach. Two cabled muscles arrowed down into his pants. Ava knew too well where they led.

  “I don’t want this,” she mumbled as he unbuckled his belt. “I don’t want you,” she said a second time more for herself than for him. His eyes devoured her as she clung tightly to the small white washcloth.

  “It’s not that simple.” He unbuttoned his jeans and yanked them and his underwear to the floor. His cock was hard and erect, reminding her of the times it had filled her up and satisfied her unlike any other man ever had.

  She gulped down a knot in her throat. “I despise you, Kade.”

  “As you should, Ava.” He peeled off his socks and stepped into the water. “But I can’t let that stop me.”

fter she pulled her legs into her chest, she dunked her head under the water and attempted to hold her breath. It was silly and childish, but what else could she do to distract her from the overwhelming urge to straddle his lap and ride him until she came?

  He spread her knees apart and wedged his body between them. Oh God. This was too much. Losing control of her senses was not something she could handle. She brought her head above water and gasped for air.

  Just as his tongue slid into her mouth. Bite, bite, bite. But she couldn’t gather the nerve. He tasted too good, so familiar and enticing all at once.

  Her body was pinned against the tub as his mouth possessed hers. His lips were both soft and powerful. His tongue tousled back and forth with hers, each fighting for the upper hand. Only Ava didn’t know what the prize was. With her last bit of self-control, she clenched her mouth shut, forcing him out. “I can’t.”

  He ignored her by moving on to her neck where he kissed and licked her sensitive skin. His erection rubbed against her thigh.

  “Stop,” she said but closed her eyes, almost hoping he’d continue and dive into her without warning, without protection, without fear. “Stop,”

  she said again while spreading her legs for his entry and tilting her neck for his mouth.

  But suddenly both were vacant. A cool breeze swept across her damp neck as she heard the bath water swish. She opened her eyes to see him leaning against the other side of the tub. He stared at her with a narrowed gaze that matched the color of the water between them. A translucent blue she could have plunged headfirst into and swam in the passion that exuded from him.

  He didn’t say a word, but Ava knew he wanted her and would probably be in her if she hadn’t opened her big mouth. It was for the best. The last thing she wanted was to get pregnant by a man who made his living kidnapping people...kidnapping her. What a vivid story she could tell her grandchildren. Ha!

  She combed back a drenched lock of hair and avoided his intense stare. “Did you do all of this?”

  she asked, hoping to break the tension. He didn’t respond so she elaborated. “Did you remodel this room?”

  “Yep.” His deep voice echoed off the walls and fluttered in her belly. He was playing with her. Probably having a grand time of it, too.

  “So you have a hobby outside of ruining people’s lives?” There. That should put a damper on hismood.

  A wicked grin curved his lips. “Turn around and come here.”

  “I may be your prisoner, but I’m not your servant.”

  “Fine,” he said, losing his smile. He reached forward and grabbed her waist, spinning her around as easily as a rag doll.

  Annoyed he had that power, she gripped the sides of the tub and attempted to take back control. His mouth touched her ear, and she quickly twisted her head to witness his next move.

  “I’ll be your servant then,” he whispered and kissed her cheek.

  Unwanted goose bumps rose on her skin. “I don’t want you to do anything but let me go.” But curiosity made her sit there and wait for whatever he had in mind.

  From the corner of her eye, she watched as he squirted shampoo into his palm and rubbed his hands together. He scooped up her wet hair and lathered the suds into her scalp.

  Ava faced forward and let his large hands work magic. Hoping he didn’t notice how much she was enjoying his touch, she closed her eyes and began to relax.

  His fingers massaged her scalp, working out the tension and titillating her senses.

  He brought two fingers up to sweep some bubbles off her forehead and then tilted her head

  against his stone hard chest. Repositioning, she scooted her butt back and sat in between his solid thighs. If he wanted to give her pleasure, then she would let him. But that’s as far as she was going. Slowly, his hands curved down her jaw line and settled gently upon her neck, where his thumbs began kneading the tight muscles at her hairline.

  “Is this all right?” he asked in a soothing voice as his thumb worked out a kink.

  When she didn’t answer, he moved his hands over her shoulders, inward toward her collarbone, and down to the tops of her breasts where he lingered for a moment, teasing her. Making her wish he’d move on and give his attention to her sensitive nipples that ached for his touch. Just an inch and he could cup her heavy swollen breasts.

  Instead, he reached for the portable showerhead. “Time to rinse.”

  Attempting to clear her overexcited mind, Ava braced her hands on his legs and sat up. His muscles flexed at her fingertips, and she couldn’t help but take in the image. Dark hairs sparsely covered his powerfully chiseled thighs. There was no doubt his body was a perfectly sculpted machine. A beautiful sight she wouldn’t have minded kissing and licking on the way up to his hardened cock.

  Ava ran her hands up to his knees and back down again.

  “You okay?” he asked, and she swiveled her head to see him smiling.

  Damn him. He had to know the effect he had on her.

  The warm water squirted onto her back so she tilted her head, letting him rinse the shampoo from her hair. When he finished, he lowered the

  showerhead into the bath and let the water rush against her abdomen.

  “What are you doing?” She tensed.

  He answered by grabbing her by the waist and gathering her against him. He lowered the pelting liquid in between her legs, against the inside of her thigh and then against her clit.

  “Oh, God.” She started at the instant pleasure and widened her legs for more.

  She figured her reaction must have ignited something in him because he dropped the device, slammed the faucet off, and lifted her chin for a deep kiss. Two of his fingers parted her folds and massaged her sensitive nub. His other hand left her chin, moved down to cup her wet swollen breast, and stroked her pebbled nipple.

  Overwhelmed with ecstasy and adrenaline, Ava fell against him as if she were his puppet and his arms were the strings keeping her alive and thriving. At that moment, she would have allowed him to do anything he desired. He could have her, and she didn’t give a damn about the consequences. Her back slid against his damp, muscled chest as he stroked firm circles against her clit. She reached around and caressed his strong jaw, sucking eagerly on his tongue while it slipped in and out of her mouth. His erection hardened against her ass, showing her how much he wanted her.

  She attempted to pivot on her butt and let him in bare and unprotected, but his arm held her in place as he massaged her breast and teased her nipple. Below, his two fingers dipped deep into her, milking that spot.

  Wanting more, she clenched down on his fingers, causing her pussy to quake, her womb to heat. His

  tongue darted into her mouth, echoing the stroking movement of his fingers.

  Ava moaned, and he pulled his lips away, watching her with leaden eyes. His breath was as ragged as hers, his cheeks ruddy. She bit down on her lip and fully allowed her stimulated pussy to have its way. The wave rippled through her center. Stinging. Coursing. Freeing her.

  His nostrils flared as she whimpered and bucked against his touch.

  “Kade.” Her body grew limp, and she slumped against him in the warm water, satiated and relaxed.

  Several minutes of silence passed before she looked up into his eyes. God, what was theexpression on his face? He was grinning, and he seemed both amused and proud at the same time. Suddenly her orgasm hadn’t seemed worth it. What had she been thinking?

  Nothing, apparently.

  “Have you forgiven me yet?” His grin twisted into a satisfied smirk.

  Pompous ass.

  Not being able to get away from him fast enough, Ava slipped out of his grasp and pushed off him. “Not even a little,” she said, feeling her face warm.

  His smile faded. “Come on, Ava. Don’t be mad. I just wanted to make you feel good, and I think I did.”

  Why had she given into him so easily? How had she forgotten how he had deceived her for his own benefit?

  She prepared to reach
across and slap his smug face or at least cut him down to size with some

  choice words, but she was startled by the alarm sounding from the speaker.

  “Shit,” he muttered and quickly climbed from the tub.

  “What’s going on? Is he here?”

  Without answering, he pulled on his jeans, not bothering with the underwear. “Here.” He grabbed a robe off the door hook and handed it to her as she stood. “Put this on.”


  Poppy drove her car into the gas station where Zack’s oversized SUV was parked. She’d stayed at least two cars back for most of the journey, but the road ahead entered into a mountainous region and she was sure her beat up hatchback wouldn’t hold out for much longer, especially in the snow. It was time to get creative.

  Through the window of the convenience store, she could see Zack talking to the man behind the counter, paying for the gas and then taking a key attached to a wooden stick. The bathroom key. This was the perfect moment.

  With the briefcase tightly clenched in hand, Zack exited the building and walked around the corner to where she assumed the men’s room was. She didn’t have much time, unless Zack was the type to sit on the toilet and grunt it out. Eww...not a nice visual.

  With haste, she slid on a skirt she had stashed on the floor of the front seat of her car. Thank God she’d dropped it after the last laundry day. She hadn’t had time to go home for clothes after Zack made his mad dash from the club. With that money.

  The glorious sight of all those crisp green dollars was still imprinted in her mind. Oh, the wonderful things it could do for her.

  She tightened Jarred’s coat around her bare upper body. His awful body odor still lingered in the lining, making Poppy want to gag. What had she ever seen in him anyway? With the briefcase in her possession, she’d never have to ask herself that question again.

  A grey-haired gentleman in overalls and a scowl watched her as she slipped from her car and made her way to the SUV. She flashed him a boob and his mouth dropped. That should keep him speechless for a while.

  Both back doors were locked, but the front driver’s side wasn’t. Idiot. He hadn’t even removed the keys from the ignition. Anyone could have stolen the damn thing. Unfortunately, Poppy wasn’t a car thief. She had her sights on the real deal. She climbed into the SUV and lunged into the back just as Zack turned the corner and began heading toward her. Luckily, the tint was so dark, she was sure he didn’t see a thing.


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