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The King's Man

Page 37

by Alison Stuart

  In the meantime, they could not regret what might have been. She and Kit had to find their own peace and make a life for themselves built on their shattered pasts. That would have to do for now.

  Author’s Note

  ‘In February 1654, a Miss Granville hurled a brickbat at the Lord Protector’s Coach.’ So writes historian Antonia Fraser in Cromwell, Our Chief of Men (Panther Books Ltd, 1975, page 494). Ms Fraser never goes on to explain who Miss Granville was or why she threw the brickbat, but the throwaway line caught my attention and provided the basis for this story.

  While Thamsine Granville, Kit, and their close friends and relatives are fictional, the rest of the cast of characters, including The Ship Inn itself, were very much real ,as were the plots they were involved in. Even Bordeaux and his English mistress, Mary Skippon, have their parts in the history books. The Ship Inn Plot and Gerard’s Plot both failed in much the manner described, with fatal consequences for the people involved. Bampfield, Henshaw and Wiseman were almost certainly double agents and Kit’s friend, Fitzjames, who was closely involved in Gerard’s plot, drowned on a crossing from France. His body was found washed up with incriminating letters in his pocket.

  Mazarin’s agent, Baron de Baas, was the brother of a certain D’Artagnan of musketeer fame, on whom Dumas based his story. His disdain for the English court, expressed in the story, is based on his own observations.

  John Thurloe ran a highly effective spy ring for most of the Protectorate and foiled not just these plots but the far more serious plotting of the Sealed Knot, which resulted in a small uprising the following year. Richard Cromwell famously described him as having “the key to wicked men’s hearts”. Whether he used the techniques I have attributed to him to secure their co-operation is based on my own supposition.

  And who comprised the Sealed Knot? Well, Kit never did find out their names! Perhaps another time.

  Finally, a disclaimer. The views expressed about slaves and slavery in the final chapter to this story do not in any way reflect the views of the author. However, sadly, they are based on contemporary writings of the period. The fate of the mostly Scottish prisoners of war sent to colonies such as Barbados was little better than that of the black slaves, whose importation from Africa had begun by the middle of the seventeenth century.

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  You’ve just read the second book in my Guardians of the Crown series. The first book in this series is By the Sword. Watch out for the third book late in 2015.

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  ISBN: 9781760378141

  Title: The King’s Man

  Copyright © 2015 by Alison Stuart

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