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The Sleeper 1: Any Witch Way Café

Page 4

by Nia K. Foxx

  “This is the friend I told you about,” Tom said.

  “The med student,” she guessed, accepting Paul’s outstretched hand.

  “Technically, I’m a resident now, and you are just as they described.” He smiled showing a neat row of white teeth.

  “I’m scared to ask if that’s good or bad,” she quipped.

  “Very good.”

  Sandy hadn’t exaggerated in her description of him either. He was tall, not anywhere near Falcon, but she was certain he cleared six feet. He had a wiry athletic build, and a confidence about him that probably turned heads on a regular basis. His blond hair was neatly cropped close on the sides with little more than a couple inches up top perfectly gelled and mussed. Definitely attractive.

  “I can’t blame you for shying away from the blind date thing. Whenever Sandy mentioned it to me, I have to admit I changed the subject,” he confessed.

  Christine laughed at that, picturing the spitfire of a woman badgering her friend in her matchmaking efforts.

  “I hope it’s not too late to change your mind,” he said expectantly.

  “Actually --”

  She didn’t get a chance to finish her thought as large arms encircled her from behind, pulling her into the wall of a hard chest. There was no mistaking who said body parts belonged to.

  “Sorry I’m late,” he said loud enough for the two men to hear, but for her ears he mumbled something that had heat rising throughout her body. “I’d hoped to find you waiting for me as you had the night before.”

  How the hell did he know about that?

  “Paul and Tom, I’d like you to meet Falcon,” she offered, proud her outward appearance didn’t reflect the bundle of nerves she’d become at his nearness.

  “Ah, yes, the new guy everyone has been buzzing about today.” Tom nodded, extending his hand after Paul and Falcon’s greetings.

  “And it seems also the person who was lucky enough to meet Christine first.” Paul looked between the two, his genuine smile only faltering slightly.

  “It would seem so,” Falcon answered coolly.

  Be nice, Christine sent the mental message.

  Why don’t we go across the street and I’ll show you just how nice I can be.

  She stiffened in his arms. Her mind had to be playing tricks on her.

  Why do you think that, little witch?

  Because there’s no way I can be talking to you in my head. I mean, I know there are telepathic witches but I’m not one of them, she explained.

  While his telepathic ability was evident to her from the beginning, she’d assumed that it was a one-way street. Christine marveled in silence at how he held a conversation outwardly with the two men while silently communicating with her.

  Hmm, perhaps it’s only with me that this ability is available. It pleases me to know that I share a connection with you that no other does. Do you wish to stay here much longer, or shall we return home so that I can answer your questions?

  Home, she liked the sound of that.

  Christine was aware how it would look to take her leave so soon after Falcon’s own arrival, but she didn’t give a rat’s ass. The night was short and they had a lot of talking to do.

  Chapter Five

  “Where should I start?” he began, ignoring her protests as he pulled her onto his lap on the thick pillow-covered futon that served as the closest thing to a sofa in her living room.

  “From the beginning. I hope it will make sense when we get to Lexi’s involvement.”

  “As I told you before, my kind are called Sleepers. We are summoned by the Forces of Nature to prevent or cause necessary events on Earth.”

  He paused as if giving her a chance to absorb things.

  “Why would the Forces want to cause events?”

  “Everything happens for a reason, Christine, even things perceived as tragic or upsetting. Childbirth is painful yet a necessary occurrence if one is to experience the joy of bringing a new life into the world. The same happens in all aspects of life in the universe.”

  “And your role?”

  “To do what is necessary to ensure the continuation of all species.”

  “I take it that is the role of the other Sleepers as well?”

  “In a broad sense, yes, but we are all called forth for our specific abilities.”

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to know all that those “abilities” entailed. “What was the last event you were awakened for?”

  “To prevent the assassination of a very important lineage.”

  “Who? How?”

  “That I am not at liberty to disclose, plus I do not think you would like to hear the details.”

  “Did it require you to kill anyone?” She wanted to know.


  “More than one?”


  Christine pushed back the panic welling inside her. She’d never known anyone who’d taken the life of another person, let alone many. In his case probably hundreds, maybe even thousands.

  “Perhaps you should move the direction of your questioning, little witch, before you force yourself into an anxiety attack.” He cradled her as one would a scared child, his soothing tone calming her nerves.

  “Why are you here now?”

  “Because you awakened me.”

  “Me? How? I didn’t mean to --”

  “Shhh.” He stroked her hair. “The Forces had a hand in this as well, as I’ve recently learned. It is their belief that we will make a good union, that you should be the one to carry my future offspring.”

  The silence was deafening.

  “Is this your way of asking me to marry you and have your child?”

  Falcon seemed to think for a moment. “I guess it is.”

  “Because the Forces think it will be a good idea?”


  “I see.” That wouldn’t do at all. She could never see herself being with anyone who didn’t want her wholeheartedly. “And what does my sister have to do with this?”

  “Another is being awakened to handle the matter of your sister.”

  “What?” Christine struggled in his hold. “Let me go, Falcon. You can’t honestly believe that I’m going to sit here and allow you to tell me that my sister is going to be killed.”

  “Calm yourself, Christine.” He held her effortlessly in spite of her struggles. “She won’t be harmed.”

  “But you said.” She took a deep breath, her movements losing some of their force. “You said…” She couldn’t find it in herself to continue.

  “I’ve said nothing about your sister’s future as of yet. One of my gifts includes clairvoyance of sorts. I saw very disturbing events that would require my assistance if your sister were to continue down her current path. I have spoken to the Forces on her behalf, and they believe she is at a pivotal point which will determine her future.”

  “Does this have to do with her ex?”

  Falcon nodded. “His betrayal was the catalyst for her recent actions and future ones. If events are stopped now, before they spiral out of control, she will not have to be vanquished.”

  Christine’s heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. What had Lexi done? Should she reach out to her? Tell her parents?

  “Christine, the Forces have taken this matter under control and we can only follow along with the next chain of events.”

  “Which involves saving Lexi from herself, right?” She couldn’t stomach the alternative.

  “Right,” he agreed.

  That one word managed to put her mind completely at ease.

  “Have you asked all of your questions?”

  “Not quite, but I think I’ll save some for tomorrow. This is all a bit much to take in one sitting.”

  He nodded. “I just have one more question for you.”

  She sighed heavily, trying to process all the information Falcon had just given her. “Hmm?”

  “What is your answer on our union?”

  “I don’t
know. It seems as if you’re trying to satisfy the desires of the Forces again. I can’t be part of an assignment. I deserve more.” Was it possible he could feel for her the inexplicable passion she did for him? Creation help her, but she’d gone and fallen in love with him.

  “Christine, do not let my inability to show strong human emotions prevent us from being together. I know we both share a great fondness for one another, what you mortals would call love. My kind is unable to express those feelings as you might, but I hope it means something to know that in all my years of existence you are the only creature I’ve wanted to bond with, to be the mother of my hatchling.”

  Not a sweeping declaration of love, but she guessed it could do for now. When he would have continued, she pressed a finger against his lips. “Shhh, big guy, you had me at Christine.”

  This time Falcon didn’t attempt to stop her as she shifted in his lap, straddling him until his cock pressed intimately against her nether regions.

  “So you will share a union with me?”

  Her heart stopped at the lopsided grin that spread across his face. “Yes.”

  “You will take my seed and bear me a hatchling?”

  She quirked a brow at him. “When you say hatchling, you don’t literally mean an egg?”

  “Yes, there is a ten month gestation period, after which a hatchling --”

  She cut off his explanation. “You know what, tell me later. It’s been a long day, and if I don’t have you inside me soon, I might die from depravation.”

  “I can’t allow that.” Even as he spoke, Falcon was pulling her shirt over her head. Her bare breasts sprang free from the clingy material, and his eyes instantly fell on their small perfection. His large hands cupped the round globes, kneading the mounds, while he rubbed her nipples to stiff points with the pads of his thumbs.

  Christine threw her head back, arching into his touch, grinding her nether regions against the length of his cloth-covered cock, until unbelievably her body began to quake from the multiple stimulation.

  “I need more,” she moaned even as she shook from the force of her premature climax. When she would have risen to remove her cotton shorts, Falcon stopped her part way, ripping the crotch wide until it resembled a misshapen skirt.

  “If I’d known you weren’t wearing any undergarments today…” he growled when questing fingers came in contact with her hot, soaking core.

  “Show me what you would have done,” she said saucily, jerking the buttons free on his pants before quickly easing down the zipper.

  He barely allowed her to push the denim low on his hips before he began pulling her over him. His cock stood at attention in an open invitation. Christine didn’t hesitate to position herself for the ride they both were anticipating. She guided him into her body slowly until he filled her completely. His quick inhalation of breath was audible when she managed to seat herself completely, enjoying his tight hold on her hips.

  “How would you like it?” she rasped.

  “Slow, very slow.”

  She had no problem accommodating his request, riding up and down his thick staff, leaning forward to give him a lingering kiss while she rode him. He excited her beyond anyone she’d ever known, and she demonstrated just how much with her sensual riding. If she lived a dozen lifetimes, she would never get tired of the way they fit.

  “My turn,” Falcon grunted, flipping them easily until he lay wedged between her thighs. Christine gasped as he leaned forward until each reentry had his thick shaft gliding down the underside of her clit. His movements were slow and methodical, and she met him thrust for thrust, arching up into each penetration with relish until their movements became more frantic, their breaths short.

  How she loved his cock, his deep strokes… hell, she loved him.

  “I want to hear you say it,” he groaned.

  She didn’t have to ask what “it” was.

  “I love the way you feel… I love you.” She repeated the last three words several times as she toppled over the edge into another incredible orgasm. Falcon’s completion was only a few thrusts behind her own when he pushed deeply inside her, his body convulsing. She knew he filled her with his seed, as he would do every day for the rest of their lives, and like a glutton her body welcomed every ounce.

  Falcon rolled onto his side, pulling her close. “Did I hurt you?” His eyes searched hers for an answer.

  Christine smiled. “Not in the least. Us witches are made from some pretty sturdy stock.”

  “Good, but I’ll remember to be more careful in the future.”

  “You do, and I will seek out the Forces of Nature personally and request an annulment.”

  “My little witch, don’t even joke about such a thing. I would rather cease to exist than not have you in my life.”

  “You mean it?”

  “More than anything. I should warn you, Sleepers are an immortal race of beings, and as my mate you will be also.”

  “Hmmm, now that I think about it, forever seems like a mighty long time. When does this point of no return take place anyway?” She smiled.

  “When you agreed to have me as your mate.”

  “No ceremony, magic, not even a little blood exchange?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing so dramatic. The Forces believed we should be together and you agreed, so as you humans say, you’re stuck with me.”

  * * *

  “My parents will be here shortly after your own on Sunday. They thought it best for us to reveal everything to your family first,” Falcon said, flipping the sign on the door the next evening. They were closed for business.

  “Your parents? I thought they were… well… dead.”

  He cocked his head to one side. “Hardly. My father retired several centuries ago and they have been galaxy hopping ever since.”

  “Galaxy hopping, huh?”

  He smiled and she knew no matter how long they lived, she wouldn’t get tired of seeing that.

  “Yes, and speaking of my parents, I think there is something you should know.”

  Here it comes, she couldn’t help but think. “Don’t tell me, they don’t like witches. Oh wait, they don’t like biracial witches.”

  “Far from that, my little witch.” He closed the distance between them, pinning Christine between the counter as he popped open several buttons on her blouse.

  “Someone could walk by.”

  “Let them. They won’t see anything unless I want them to.”

  Christine wet her lips. The thought did have some appeal.

  “Before we get completely off topic you were saying something about your parents.”

  He tossed the top aside.

  “My mother really. I just wanted to prepare you for her.”

  “The overprotective sort.” She tried to stay focused as Falcon finished unsnapping the bra she’d put on as an afterthought that morning. He’d become immediately fascinated with how pronounced her nipples were through the top and had continued to find ways to aid their stimulation, much to Christine’s frustration. She’d hoped that a bra would cause less distraction and keep her from hauling him into the backroom for a quickie during the lull. She’d only been partially right.

  He feasted his eyes on her pert breasts. “She’s a demon.”

  She chuckled. “You mean a hellion.”

  “No, those are a lot less friendly. I mean she’s a D-E-M-O-N.”

  Christine pushed against his forehead as it dipped to give his mouth access to a taut nipple. She knew he stopped only because he wanted to.

  “Wait a minute, but you said you’re not a demon.”

  “I’m not. Sleeper DNA is very powerful and has a tendency to dominate. I happened to inherit my eye and hair coloring from her side of the family.”

  “You’re serious?”


  “Wow, my child will be part demon,” she said more to herself.

  “Yes. Do you have a problem with that?” He pulled back to look her squarely in the eyes.
  “Not with you as his father. Besides, it won’t be all that bad. It’s not like he’ll have a tail or horns.”

  “No. Well, not after the first three months.” This time he didn’t give her a chance to reply. He swooped down to take one inviting nipple between his lips.

  “Ohh,” Christine groaned. She would give him a piece of her mind for withholding such vital information later. Tonight they would be too busy making the perfect baby.

  Nia K. Foxx

  Nia K. Foxx is the proud mother of three beautiful, very active children, all under 10 years of age. They currently reside in a picturesque, small town burg of Michigan, where they enjoy biking, swimming, fairs and traveling in their minivan. Ms. Foxx holds a BA from the University of California, Santa Cruz, in International Politics and Literature. She began an interest in writing romantic stories at the age of twelve, trying her hand at erotica only recently. Ms. Foxx has written several unpublished novellas and novels, mostly writing for her own enjoyment until now. Nia loves to communicate with other readers of erotic romance and encourages anyone to email her at or read free excerpts on her website at:




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