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Sharing Freedom

Page 2

by Harley McRide

  “Fuck,” Poke said and shifted a little as he watched Shady dance. “After the meeting I need some pussy.”

  “Shit, you always need some pussy,” Easy said and lifted the beer to his lips. Although he felt the same way, they hadn’t fucked a woman for two days, and he needed a release in a bad way.

  “What club rat works tonight?” Poke asked Shady when she bent down to show them her tits.

  “Everyone,” Shady laughed and licked her lips slowly as she moved seductively in front of them.

  “Make sure they know Easy and I need our cocks taken care of,” Poke said and reached up and pinched her nipple hard. Shady moaned and nodded.

  Ted ‘Maxi’ Coul walked up to the table. He stared at the stripper across the room from them and frowned. “Where’d the new whore come from?” he asked.

  Poke leaned around so he could see the other woman and he grinned. “Creed hired her. She came in last night.”

  “Well fuck, we are gonna lose money on that piece of ass, she won’t get a rise out of any pricks,” Maxi said and the men laughed.

  The woman was obviously a novice, the one thing she had going for her was her long, red, curly hair and voluptuous body to distract men from her dancing. Even from where they were sitting they could see her bright green eyes, shit they were sexy. Easy frowned as he noticed the woman for the first time. She didn’t look like she belonged here. Even though she was smoking hot, her movements weren’t smooth, but it didn't keep his cock from going hard even as he watched the chick move like a freak.

  “Damn,” Easy said and shook his head. Poke looked at his usually quiet friend and raised his eyebrows. Easy got his name for never saying much, he was quiet, but deadly, when he struck, most never saw it coming. The scars on his face and body showed that if pushed, things could get ugly with the huge fucker.

  “What?” Poke said and grabbed the beer in front of him and took a long pull after releasing Shady’s nipple.

  “How are you supposed to get a hard-on watching that? A bitch should have us beggin’ for a fucking taste, watching her makes me check to make sure my dick is still fucking alive,” Maxi grumbled.

  “She has great tits, hell, I am getting hard looking at her,” Poke shrugged.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, she looks like she is having a seizure,” Easy argued even as he adjusted in his seat. Damn, he was hard himself, yeah, he definitely needed to shoot his load. “Besides, you get fucking hard when the damn wind blows.”

  “Come on, who cares how she dances, she looks like she could fuck like a champ,” Poke said.

  Easy rolled his eyes, of course his best friend would say that. He got his road name Poke because he would poke any woman he could. He was a man-whore and proud of it. Easy was one of the few that knew his mother was a whore, it explained a few things, which is why they worked so well together when it came to women. Easy didn’t show much emotion, and Poke faked a lot of it. They were the perfect match.

  Like the rest of them who served in the military and had been in war zones—it changed them. They couldn’t follow normal rules, when they were in combat a certain mindset came into play, it was all about justice to these men. They had seen, more often than not, shit that wasn’t right, but the laws had hampered them. They had gotten in trouble the one time they had intervened when a group of militants was raping a young girl on the side of the road. The Warriors believed in delivering their own justice, what was right was right. Which is why the Ops Warriors MC was feared and respected. People knew not to cross them, if they did, they had better be able to deal with the consequences.

  “Hey,” Poke laughed and said, “pussy is pussy, and as long as I don’t have to put a bag over her head it is all good.”

  “Prick,” Easy laughed and the men stood. Maxi groaned when Candy, the woman who belonged to the club and an experienced dancer, came to take the new chick’s place.

  “Damn, Candy is coming. Shit, I swear I can see her juice from here,” Maxi said, running his hand over the crotch of his pants and adjusting himself.

  Easy shook his head at the man’s tone. When would he ever learn, his whiny pussy tone is what got him the nickname Maxi, he was lucky they hadn’t given him the one they first picked, which was Kotex. They agreed, however, Maxi encompassed his pussy high voice when he whined. He sounded like a slut on the rag.

  “She will be coming later too, you know her, once she gets on that pole, she'll fuck herself raw to keep the orgasms real.” Poke laughed.

  Another thing that attracted the men to the club lifestyle, the sexual freedom they had. These men all liked sex, rough and dirty sex, and were not ashamed to admit it. The women who belonged to the club knew it and accepted it. The hanger-ons came for the parties, wanting to get laid and drink for a few days and then go home to their pretty lives; the women of the club lived with them and believed the same as they did.

  “Come on, bitch,” Poke said to Maxi. “Church is about to begin.”

  Easy laughed, anyone who lived with them knew church was a meeting. They considered them sacred, which was the reason for the name.

  They walked to the stairs and climbed to the top, nodding at several of the other members who were just arriving. The whole top floor of Bitches was a meeting room, it was where they dealt with strictly club business. When Creed had it built, he made sure one, it was soundproof and two, there were two entrances and exits. One everyone knew about and one only the leaders knew about, in case one of their issues needed burying after the meeting.

  By the time everyone arrived in the meeting room, the leaders were seated up front. Creed was the President and his VP, Dex ‘Fork’ Vertim, was right next to him. Then Easy and Poke, the SGTs of Arms, were seated to their left. On their right were Numbers and Secretary, Tom ‘Raven’ Lourd. The rest of the room held their members of this region, all sixty of them. All of them lived on the compound, although only twenty lived in the main house. The others lived in their own homes, if they had an old lady, or they lived in the apartments they built. All of them partied at the main house. There were only a few rules while at a Warriors' party, everyone was there of their own free will, and respected the club. Anything else was free game.

  Creed leaned back in his chair and whistled loudly, telling everyone to shut the fuck up and then said, “Call the meeting to order.”

  Raven read the meeting notes from last time and Easy zoned off. The last week had been long; he and Poke had just gotten back from a run to the coast. One of the other Warriors' chapters they had in Cali needed more protection and they provided it. The guns they had taken were clean and untraceable; it was necessary to shift weapons every few months in case. Their barrels were sanded so the marks would never be identified. The Shop on the compound took care of that. Shady was in charge of the Shop, the woman knew her guns; growing up in another club, Shady had picked up the skill from her father.

  As SGTs of Arms, Easy and Poke were the enforcers of the group, they were all freaky badasses, but the two of them were the best, they were the clubs own private law. The two men were Security Forces in the military—they took their job seriously. They also helped train a few guys to help in case they needed muscle. They called them Arms and no one fucked with them.

  “Poke,” Creed said loudly. “What is the status of the Shop?”

  Easy smiled, that was part of their duties, to monitor the Shop, no weapons were given to anyone who didn’t know how to use them. Each member could carry as long as they had a permit, and were cleared with the Arms. And no weapon was cleaned unless they knew why it needed it. If one of the dipshits shot up a local place for no reason, they would be dealt with.

  They owned Bitches and Lucky’s as well as Slinging Ink, their tattoo parlor. The businesses all sat on Warriors' property, they wanted them all close so they bought the land right in front of the mine and opened their businesses. Slinging Ink pulled in a great profit because everyone wanted Kink, the brother who ran Slinging Ink, to do their tats. He was k
nown in the MC world as the best of the best. All in all the club made big money, with the mine and the shops, they could sit and drink beer all fat and happy and never have to worry about a thing. However, it wasn’t who they were, they needed a purpose, and the Warriors gave them that.

  As the meeting began to wrap up, the men stood, and Easy couldn’t help but turn to their leader and ask, “Creed, what the fuck is up with hiring the new piece of ass?”

  Creed narrowed his eyes and looked at his friend. “Why?”

  “Have you seen her dance?” Easy asked.

  “Nah, looked at her tits, then hired her.” Creed laughed. “Where are my reports?”

  Poke shook his head and handed them to their leader. “One of the cunts is bringing it in, don’t know who. We need to do some more digging. And the new stripper is…uh, interesting.”

  “Interesting? The whore has no skill in making a man hard. She is like a fucking spaz on stage. If you wanna make any money off her, you are gonna have to set her up with Shady for lessons,” Easy said and then looked at Poke who was laughing. “What?”

  “I just don’t know why you give a shit,” Poke said.

  “Those whores make us fucking money, if one of the bitches can’t fucking perform it is gonna give us a bad name. Just don’t wanna have to kick someone’s ass for badmouthing one our strippers.” Easy shrugged and Creed shook his head.

  “Really?” Shark said as he walked by. “Who the fuck is badmouthing one of our ladies?”

  Creed and Raven ran the club hiring, but Shark and Magnum were the managers. They took their job seriously, and one of the biggest things they cared about was making sure one, the women were safe and two, they knew the score.

  Creed rolled his eyes and sighed. “Listen, she came in last night, asked for a job. Rain wants to go back to school and we needed a new girl. You know how hard it is to find quality pussy. She is hot, a little uptight, but she said she was willing to learn. She seemed desperate, I gave her a shot, if she doesn’t work out she doesn’t.”

  Easy frowned and looked at Poke who was doing the same. They both were suspicious fuckers and Poke said, “She walked in at night? To a strip club?”

  They didn’t usually hire like that. Creed wanted the women checked out before they were hired, they had to have tests for drugs and diseases before even being allowed on stage. For Creed to have hired her right off the street, there had to be something else going on.

  Creed sighed. “Look, seemed like she is in trouble. She didn’t say anything, but when she came in she was wearing a nice pair of pants and top like someone from an office would wear. Didn’t make sense, I asked her and she got a scared look on her face, then said she needed to make money to get out of the area. I told her the pre-reqs and she just looked at me with her eyes wide. I knew she was clean. Don’t really care as long as she's willing to spread her legs and able to get a man hard.”

  “Give me her name,” Poke said seriously.

  “Freedom.” Creed grinned.

  “Not her nick name, asshole,” Poke growled.

  “It’s not a nickname, fucker, and remember who your speaking to, it is her real name. Freedom Stands, I swear to God.” Creed laughed at the look on other men's faces.

  “We will make some inquiries,” Easy said and the two men stood, getting ready to leave.

  Several times women had come in under suspicious circumstances and they were either a cop or a plant from another club. Either way, no one ever came in to apply to be a stripper unless they wanted something. As long as it had nothing to do with the Warriors, they were cool.

  “About the drugs,” Creed said.

  “Yeah, we may have to have a meet and greet with the Diablos. Bring em’ here after our next run, we can lay it out for them, or make them disappear. Their choice.” Poke clenched his fists and grinned.

  “Little fuckers think they rule the streets here since they decided to shove their way in. Dealing meth and other shit to kids is wrong on any level, man,” Easy said.

  The Warriors may dip their toes in illegal shit, but they were adults, and they would never hurt a kid. That was off limits, hell, some of the members had kids, and every Warriors was protective of them. Family first; and the Warriors were all family.

  Chapter Two

  Freedom sat in the strippers changing room. She had actually done it; she had stripped off her clothes for money. Last night she had cried herself to sleep after accepting the job, and today she had done it. She had no other options. How low she had fallen. Being on the run for the last three weeks, Freedom discovered a few things. Her father was not only a bastard, but a weak man, whatever money she had, her father had taken right out of her account in order to help pay off the debt. He owed the Devil Savages money, and he owed the Diablos money, she had no clue why he had borrowed from both groups or how much he owed them but regardless, she was caught in the middle.

  When she left, she had a small bag of clothes, and five hundred dollars in cash. She left her cell phone in the car when she abandoned it, because she knew they could trace it. The money didn’t go very far when you were trying to hide, and she had no car or means of transportation. When she called her father to tell him she had left, he had yelled at her to come home. They had found her car and called him, he had it towed home and refused to give it to her unless she came back to talk to him reasonably. She knew what would happen, so she refused.

  Freedom's father had never talked to her like that. The anger and hate in his voice had stopped her short. She thought she knew her father, and she was getting a scary and clear picture of the man he had hidden from her. Of course she had been a glutton for punishment and refused to believe her father had been that different. She convinced herself it was the stress he was under. Until the second and third time she called him from different pay phones so he couldn’t find her. He had screamed and yelled at her, demanded she return, then his voice would change and he would whisper how sorry he was. She would start to cry and that is how she found out he owed each group fifty thousand dollars, explaining that if she came back and would go with them, it would give him time to come up with the money to pay them. She would refuse and then the hard ass man that raised her would surface as he ordered her to bring herself back home. After the last call a thought hit her and she went to the bank to try to withdrawal more money from a branch in town, that is when she had been devastated.

  She learned all of her savings were gone. She had trusted him, and he failed her. She knew how hard it was with all the bills piling up, but damn it, he should have come to her. Freedom would have figured it out. Now she was stuck in a mess, with no money and hiding from two groups of men who wanted to claim her. Well fuck that, she thought and wiped the tears she hadn’t known she was crying off her face with a furious wipe of her hand. She refused to think about it. It is what it is.

  The outfit she wore to dance in was an old one from the other girls, it didn’t even fit, and the red clashed with her hair. Made her feel like the two bit whore she was sure she looked like; she laughed out loud, a fucking virgin stripper, no one would believe that shit.

  Freedom had always thought she would save herself for her wedding night, they would have a huge white wedding, and her dream lover would kiss her passionately and make love to her, claiming her as his. Damn her father for taking her dreams.

  “Hey, honey,” the woman who had introduced herself as Shady a few hours before, said. She was gorgeous, with straight raven black hair, and bright green eyes, plus her body was rock hard and firm with all the curves in the right places. It would be intimidating being around her and dancing.

  “Yeah?” Freedom replied.

  “You okay?” Shady asked.

  “Yeah,” Freedom said sadly.

  “Then get your ass up and clean up the room,” Shady said brusquely.

  Freedom looked up at her with a surprised look and said, “Huh?”

  “You heard me, get your ass up and clean this place up. We have rules; we d
on’t leave a mess after our shift. I hate coming back here to find crap laying all over, so do the others. Trick and Treat will be here soon, no they are not related but they are best friends. Sloppiest bitches you will ever meet, if you don’t clean up before they get here, you will be stuck cleaning up after them. It sucks,” Shady said. “No use crying over anything. It is what it is, deal with your shit and move on, but don’t leave a mess.”

  Freedom looked at Shady and frowned. “Trick and Treat?”

  Shady rolled her eyes. “Okay, quick rundown. This place is owned by the Warriors, you know that right?”

  “I thought Mr. Creed owned it,” Freedom said and picked up a towel that had fallen.

  “Are you for real?” Shady laughed. “Ops Warriors MC…owns this place, and a few other places around here. Damn, I can’t be a bitch like normal to you—it’s like kicking a puppy. You have no clue what you stumbled into, do ya?”

  Freedom felt the blood drain from her face as she sunk back down into the chair she had just stood from. Another motorcycle club, she had walked into a place owned by a motorcycle club? Fuck, was all she could think. She had learned a few things over the last few weeks about motorcycle clubs, and she had been terrified. What some of the people had said scared the shit out of her.

  “Half the women who dance here currently belong to the club: Me, Rain, Trick, Treat, Nike, and Bob. Bob though is currently on the road with a few of the guys. The others are club whores: Candy, Sandy, Vicki, and Trix,” Shady said with a happy tone. “You are the low slut on the strippin' pole, which means you get the shit jobs. Main rule: don’t touch anyone outside the bar, you leave the work here. If you are caught selling it on the outside, you are done here, no one takes income away from the club. Taking off your clothes is a job like any other. Lap dances and body shots cost extra, and you get to keep the money, anything above and beyond, you need to work with Rock and Magnum, there are a few rooms for privacy to use. You will be fine if you just go by my motto 'keep your nose clean and your pussy cleaner',” Shady laughed at the end.


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