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Sharing Freedom

Page 9

by Harley McRide


  One more time she woke up, but this time she remembered right away. Before she even opened her eyes, she saw her father’s face. With a sob, she sat up.

  “Freedom,” Poke said grimly.

  “Yeah,” she replied.

  “You gonna spaz on me?” Poke asked.

  She blinked a few times and let the tears flow down her face and she looked at him. “My dad is dead.”

  “Yep, he is,” Poke agreed firmly.

  “Who?” Freedom asked.

  “Gang bangers,” Poke said with no emotion in his voice. “They wanted to send a message.”

  “What message was that supposed to send?” Freedom cried.

  “Who the fuck cares?” Poke shrugged.

  “I do,” Freedom whispered. “I care, why did they have to kill him?”

  “Because that is what bastards like them do,” Poke said. “Listen, I am sorry about your dad and all but let’s be real. He owed them money, they didn’t just pick him off the street and say ‘hey let's kill this dude’.”

  Freedom jerked at the callousness in the man’s voice. “People make mistakes.”

  “Most time none that would get you killed,” Poke said.

  Her breath hitched and she yelled, “Fuck you, Poke.” She became angry and forgot her grief. “You don’t get to fucking say a word about my father, you didn’t know him, you didn’t meet him. You know nothing.”

  “I know he tried to give you to them for fucking collateral. Do you know what they would have done to you? He sure the fuck did,” Poke said coldly.

  “I hate you,” Freedom screamed and threw her arm out slapping him across the face. He didn’t even flinch when she continued to hit him, over and over. On his chest, his arms anywhere she could reach until she was exhausted.

  “I get you hate me, and that is cool. But, darlin’, don’t put him on a pedestal, the man knew what he was doing when he borrowed the money. Little fuckwads would have told him. Just remember that, he left you long before they took his life. You need to think about what you are going to do now,” Poke said coldly.

  “I have nothing,” Freedom cried.

  “Bullshit,” Poke said. “Creed gave you a chance before all this, it is up to you to take it. I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but this is not over. The police want to talk to you, get yourself together so we can call them.”

  Freedom cried for a few minutes, and then looked up at him and nodded.

  “I’ll be ready,” she whispered and stood shakily.


  “They are dead men,” Easy said in frustration as he looked at Shady who was glaring at him.

  They were in a meeting, but Shady had been allowed to attend because they needed weapons and fast. But having a woman here was just a fucking pain in the ass, Easy thought as he watched the girl grimly nod.

  “You should be with her,” Shady said slowly.

  “Fuck, Shade, give it a rest. Poke has her,” Easy yelled.

  “So what, he is gonna fuck her for ya too?” Shady snorted.

  “Let’s get on with it,” Creed said. “We need solid info and we need it now. Not gonna fuck around anymore. Find me their house, and find out how they got on our property.”

  The men nodded and stood, no one fucked with them and lived to brag about it.

  Chapter Ten

  The police were skeptical that a man of her father’s standing could have gotten involved with a gang. By the time she actually spoke to the police, they had spoken to his friends and colleagues who painted a completely different picture of him. When Freedom walked in the station, they already assumed it had been her who dragged her father into the situation. They had her bank account records that were empty, and it took the bank manager to tell them that her father had transferred the money out of her account, rendering her penniless. It had thrown her for a loop and she had wanted a friend’s shoulder to cry on, but she didn’t get it.

  Shady wanted to go with her, but Creed had not allowed it. In fact, she noticed several times, where Shady was going to come with her different places, Creed stopped her. Freedom tried not to take it personally, because one of the men always came with her. But she wanted a girlfriend to talk to sometimes, and no one had been there. She had relied on the men, who weren’t so touchy feely. The message she got was—suck it up.

  The restaurant was going to close; with no capital and a lot of outstanding bills, she had little choice. She had spoken to several people about it, and there was no other recourse unless she came up with tons of cash. The employees blamed her, because her father had never shown that he was in debt, he covered it well, so they figured she just didn’t want the business.

  Of course, the media showed her upstanding father in the newspaper as a victim of random violence. None of them called her to ask anything. It was all one sided, and Freedom didn’t have the energy to correct them.

  During the whole ordeal, the Warriors stood by her side. Each of them at one time or another helping her and protecting her. She began to realize this is what they did. They also didn’t let her wallow in her grief; they made her face reality, which is what she needed. She just wished they would have let Shady and the other girls hang out with her a little. She felt alone, and needed a friend. But it seemed they were more determined for her to lean on them.

  When the day of the funeral arrived, Freedom figured she was going to quietly go to the service alone and then come back. She hadn’t said a word to any of them about attending. After getting another talk from Creed about fucking growing up after they found her crying last night, she assumed this was how they were going to toughen her up. She could do it.

  Freedom looked in the mirror above her dresser and grimaced, the black dress made her pale skin look worse. The bathroom situation over the last few days had been easy. Both Poke and Easy took their showers at night and so the mornings were hers. She had made sure her stuff stayed in the small drawer she found empty her first morning.

  Walking out of her room, she saw no one was in the leaders’ common area; in fact, no one was on the floor at all. She wondered briefly where they were, it was unusual to see the place empty. Not that she had really talked or joined in. For the last two days, she had remained on the top floor, feeling sorry for herself and trying to figure out what a mess her life had become. Freedom wasn’t sure what the hell she was going to do. Feeling lost and alone she thought about Poke’s offer of a bus ticket, and wondered briefly is she should take it.

  As she descended the stairs, she barely noticed how silent the place was, no activity on the second floor either. Shrugging, she continued on, and the main level was just as silent. It was probably good, she thought, the pitying gazes she received over the last few days were getting on her nerves. She had actually gotten her car back.

  Her car was the only thing that survived the fire someone set at her home. The day after she went to the police station it had burned to the ground. Freedom hadn’t even cared. Numb from any more tragedies, she had just shrugged and nodded when she was informed. The insurance may cover part of the debts her father had, and any other money had been seized as well. She was broke, and didn’t really care.

  As she stepped out in the crisp morning, she saw something that finally made her show the emotion she buried the last few days. The Ops Warriors were in the parking lot waiting for her. The entire club from what she could tell. All on their bikes, wearing their cuts and sunglasses, ready to follow her to the funeral.

  Freedom looked helplessly at the crowd not knowing what to do. Creed got off his bike and stood with his arms crossed staring at her. He motioned with his head for her to come to him. She walked slowly, nodding to the bikers as she passed.

  Creed’s face showed no emotion, and she stopped in front of him, looking into his sunglasses reflection waiting. Easy stepped up and looked down at her.

  “Get on,” Easy said and waited.

  “But…” Freedom said, not sure what the hell she was going to say

  “You are family,” he said with a hard tone, and Freedom let a small sob escape.

  “Thank you,” she whispered and looked at the others. None of them looked at her with pity, they all had a grim expression on their face, but it gave her strength, she took the helmet, and straddled the leader’s motorcycle. Poke came up next to them and nodded to her.

  Creed raised his hand and whistled, they all started their engines, and with them in the lead, they pulled out of the driveway and proceeded to bury the last piece of her old life.


  There was no gathering after the funeral, and so Freedom stood at the graveside and thanked her father’s friends for coming. Although all of them stared at the Warriors with a mixture of worry and disgust, none of them said a word, or offered to help her.

  The Warriors stayed until the end, and then just as they came they left, together with Creed in the lead. When they arrived back to the mansion, the members shrugged off their funeral attire and everything went back to normal.

  Freedom and the leaders went to the top floor in silence as the rest of the club pulled out food, and Cap began serving beers behind the bar. She looked at them and smiled as she walked to the stairs.

  When she arrived to the top floor, she went to her room and went into the closet. It was where she changed her clothes so no one could see her. Taking off the black dress, she threw it on the floor, knowing she was going to throw it away later, and she pulled on her soft well-worn jeans and a blue tank top, then wandered out to the main room.

  Shady and Rock were cooking something, and Numbers was handing out the beers to people. They all stopped when she walked out of her room. Creed walked over to her and stared at her intently.

  “Let it go,” Creed ordered and she looked at him in confusion.

  “Let what go?” Freedom asked.

  “The pain, whatever, let the shit go. It’s over and done. We let you wallow for a few days but now it's over,” Creed said stoically.

  “You make it sound so easy,” Freedom said sadly.

  “It is, just let it go. He doesn’t care that you are tearing yourself apart over it. No one does, except the Diablos and they are fucked up pricks,” Creed shrugged.

  “I will try,” Freedom said.

  “No, you will do, or I will kick your ass,” Creed said firmly.

  Freedom nodded slowly, walked to the couch closest to her, and sunk down in it. Easy walked up and put a beer in front of her and didn’t say a word, just sat down and flicked on the television and put a game on.

  The room began to fill with talking and laughter. Freedom grabbed the beer and drank it slowly, watching the interaction of the people. Poke, Easy, and Magnum were arguing over a play in the game. While Shady and Rock were moving in the kitchen making something that smelled like BBQ. Creed had walked back over to the table where the rest of the guys were sitting looking for papers and joined them.

  “Come get it,” Shady called and set out plates. The guys jumped up and grabbed a plate and began filling it. She was slower, and when she finally was staring down at the food, which was pulled pork sandwiches and potatoes salad, with an array of veggies, she didn’t know if she could eat any. Freedom was about ready to put her plate back down with Easy grabbed it with a growl. He filled it up with way more food than she could actually eat. She opened her mouth to protest but Easy glared at her and she shut her mouth.

  He carried the plate back to the couch and set it on the table that was in front of them, the whole group had done the same thing, ignoring the dining room table and sitting on the couches. Freedom followed silently and then sat down. She picked up her beer and drank it, then slowly began to pick at her food.

  “When are we gonna reopen the businesses,” Magnum said before taking a huge bite. Everyone looked at Freedom intently after he asked the question. Fork is the one who looked at her in the eye and said.

  “Nothing said up here is repeated. We will never discuss specifics unless we are in church, but there are times when we talk. Creed wanted you up here and so you are here, but if you open your mouth about anything, we will shut it. You feel me?” Fork said casually.

  Freedom nodded slowly and looked at everyone in the eyes. She could see they didn’t fully trust her but were giving her a chance for some reason.

  Creed finished what he was chewing on before answering, “Monday.”

  Freedom looked up surprised. She had totally lost track of time, today was Thursday, they had been closed since Sunday. A full week of business closed had to hurt their income.

  “The mine too?” Rock asked and she paused.

  “Nope, it stays closed until we figure out how they got onto our property. It’s cool, we are giving employees paid leave,” Numbers shrugged.

  “Trick is making waves about Free being up here,” Shady shrugged.

  Freedom looked up sharply and bit her lip. “Sorry.”

  “Damn it, do not fuckin' apologize,” Creed snapped. “She can get over it, she made her choice when she went to the apartments.”

  Freedom had no idea what was going on and so she sat and listened. She didn’t want to be here anymore than apparently Trick didn’t want her to, but it was a moot point. She had nowhere else to go.

  They finished eating and took their dishes up one by one and Rock paused and looked at the board. “I will take dishes if you want me to,” he said quietly to Freedom who looked up with a surprised expression to see her name had been added to the rotation on the board. She had dishes today, and bathrooms tomorrow. She shook her head at him and said.

  “No it is fine, I need something to do anyway,” and went to work cleaning up the kitchen.

  The group mumbled behind her and she lost herself in her own world. When she was finally done, she turned and saw that everyone was still sitting in the same spots but Easy and Poke, they were absent. Freedom went back to the couch, grabbed another beer, and sat down listening.

  Shady plopped down beside her and nudged her shoulder and said, “How you doing?”

  “Fine,” Freedom responded and looked down.

  “You know they are right, don’t you,” Shady said.

  “Not so easy to do though,” Freedom said and felt the tears threaten again.

  “Yeah, well it wasn’t easy for any of us to admit that we needed something other than ourselves. I mean growing up my parents were fucking assholes, didn’t give two shits about me or where I was most of the time. Stumbled into town with only a few bucks left to my name, Rock and Magnum were at the store, saw me shoplifting, and offered to help,” Shady said with a shrug. “Now, it is like the before me, and the me now. I like the me now better, ‘cause I am loyal to the Warriors and they are loyal to me. As long as you don’t fuck up and break any hard rules, you will have a family for life.”

  Freedom looked around the room and then leaned in and whispered, “Do you sleep with all of them?”

  Shady grinned at her question. “Yep. I won’t apologize for liking sex, have since I was young, the thing is though, it isn’t weird because of that. I mean if I am feeling rowdy then I go to Rock, if I need it soft, Numbers. That is just the way it is. No one will expect you to fuck them though, they respect your choices.”

  “Where are Easy and Poke?” Freedom asked finally, she knew the answer but wanted to hear it.

  “On this floor you can’t come up unless invited. So, if I wanna fuck someone, I go there. The guys do the same because this floor is just kinda sacred, I guess you could say, so unless they are fucking me, they go somewhere else. Poke and Easy like to share, and so they went to go see Rain probably.” Shady shrugged.

  “Share as in?” Freedom swallowed.

  “Honey, all these guys like to share or take you single. If you are with one, fine, or you could be with two or more. Whatever you want. They like to fuck and don't care who sees or who is involved. Easy and Poke are the only pair who stick together all the time, the rest mix it up. See it’s just how everyone is feeling,” S
hady said. “None of them have old ladies, and if they find one, cool.”

  “So what am I here for?” Freedom asked.

  Shady looked at her with her head tilted and stared for a moment before responding. “Well, depends.”

  Freedom frowned and said, “On?”

  “You, there is no doubt the guys think you are hot. Not to say they are gonna force themselves on you or anything. Creed brought you here the first night ‘cause you needed protection. They knew it, but they let you stay because they saw something in you. We all did. A kindred spirit. Being a Bitch is not something most girls dream about when they are young. However, to girls like us, ones that need the feel of belonging, there is no better place. You pledge yourself to them, they will never let you down. You're considered a Bitch but you do have to pass by the major vote for it to be permanent. If it is not what you want, then you will be moved down to club rat or whore. You don’t want that, and they will be fair,” Shady promised.

  “But I didn’t want this, any of it. I have a degree, I had plans. Now it is all a mess,” Freedom whispered furiously.

  “You think any of us didn’t have plans too? You think you are so much better than us?” Creed said slowly.

  “No that is not what I meant.” Freedom blushed.

  “Whether you want to admit it you need us. Not just for protection. You don’t just walk into a fucking strip club and apply because you were on the run. You had nowhere else to go, face it. Well we are giving you some place. You just have to take it. But if you don’t want it, quit wasting our fucking time. Because none of us need a stupid stuck up cunt looking down her nose at us, as we provide food and shelter. I for one don’t think your pussy is worth that much,” Fork said and stood up.

  “I don’t get you people!” Freedom finally lost it, stood, and started yelling. “First you are all nice to me, then you are pricks, what the hell is your damn problem? Were you not breast-fed or something? Well let me tell you something. I will not be your whore, or your club rat. Fuck that, I am worth more than that. If you want to fuck me, you have to be nice to me you stupid bastards. My life may be a goddamn mess, but guess what? It is my fucking mess. I am not some stupid bimbo you can push around. I have a damn brain, and it may have not been working much the last few weeks, but guess what. When you get your entire fucking world blown apart in twenty minutes, it takes a while to get your feet back under you. Well I got them just fine now and you all better get used to it, cause the days of Freedom being a target are fucking over.”


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