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Sisters In Blood (Blood Series Book 6)

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by T. Lynne Tolles

  Sisters in Blood

  T. Lynne Tolles


  Troll Publishing

  Version 1.0 January 13, 2013

  Copyright 2014 T. Lynne Tolles


  Edited by Tina Winograd

  All Rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews, is illegal and punishable by law.

  Publisher’s Note:

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the work of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, locales or events is coincidental.

  T. Lynne Tolles

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Author Note

  Chapter One

  Katarina sat in front of Dominic’s desk feeling like a little girl pretending to be a grown up in its enormity. A stack of zebra stripes on fuchsia invitations piled to one side of the desktop, along with envelopes and the address list on the other. With pen in hand she dove into the task laid before her.

  With the aftermath of the three marriage proposals that were accepted at Devon and Darby’s wedding rehearsal dinner, Katarina thought a trip to Las Vegas would be a fun way to celebrate and an even better means of getting all the girls together now that bride Darby and groom Devon were home from their honeymoon.

  With Katarina’s own wedding date approaching at lightning speed, this trip could serve as a bachelorette party for her and a chance to blow off much needed steam from dealing with all the headaches of the impending nuptials.

  * * *

  The first envelope was addressed to her soon to be daughter-in-law and bride’s maid—Melanie Harper. They had grown quite fond of one another since the deadman’s blood incident with Dr. Rowe. It’s not every day that a son and father marry mere months apart. Melanie and Josh had opted to stay in Connecticut since there was nothing in Washington waiting for them. They were able to pull their resources and savings together and bought a house in town not too far from her and Dominic.

  Along with getting to know Melanie, the move had allowed Katarina and Dominic a second chance at reacquainting themselves with their son Josh. They had missed much of his life but when Josh cleaned out his adopted parent’s house after their recent accident, Dominic and Katarina had been blessed with hoards of pictures the Brenner’s had taken documenting every milestone of Josh’s childhood.

  After the destruction of the Bloodstone Heart, each one in the group received a new power they worked to master. Josh’s was strength and Melanie’s was the power of healing. Before the Bloodstone Heart incident Josh had been gifted with an unusually strong telepathic ability, unbeknownst to him, had been the result of father’s vampiric blood. But being brought up by telepathic humans can feel more like a curse than a gift. Thankfully he ran into Melanie, literally, who saw his affliction with her own psychometric ability. They learned together that what they both hated about themselves would in the future save them and their unknown family.

  It had been a long road, but now that Melanie and Josh were in Katarina and Dominic’s lives, wounds of the past were being healed. Josh was coming to terms with the fact that Katarina hadn’t given him up because she didn’t want him, but because society had locked her up and labeled her as insane. Dominic was just thrilled to find he had another son in Josh. And well, Anton and Josh connected from the get go. Finding they were brothers was an added bonus.

  * * *

  The next invitation was for Julianna D’Angelo. From Katarina and Julianna’s first meeting something clicked between them and they had become fast friends. Katarina often referred to their relationship as cosmic sisters; sisters that were not of blood, but of destiny. Julianna was Katarina’s maid-of-honor and at the house nearly every day. Of course dating Dominic’s son Anton contributed to Julianna’s frequenting the house, but whether they saw one another or not, they rarely missed a day without a little chat.

  Not long after Darby and Devon left for their honeymoon, Julianna and Anton became serious. Problems abounded with Julianna being a four hundred year-old made vampire and Anton, a born vampire descending from the original four brothers, but they seemed determined to make it work.

  With Anton’s apartment in New York City, Jules’s house in Boston and visiting in Connecticut, both spent more of their time traveling to meet up than sharing time with one another. Recently though, they took a page from Josh and Melanie’s book and bought a house in Connecticut. When Anton wasn’t with Julianna, he was usually with Josh. They’d become almost as inseparable as Anton and Julianna, so it only seemed logical to reside in Connecticut.

  When no one was traveling, Sunday night dinners at the Larsen mansion brought loved ones together. No longer was the big old house dark, cold and lonely; it was full of family, laughter and love.

  * * *

  The next invitation was to Rowan O’Rielly, soon to be Bloomington. She finished her degree at UC Santa Cruz and was creating an undergrad course teaching ‘Werewolves and Witches,’ a subject near to her heart, being both.

  Rowan was the last of the three surprise proposals to wed next spring. This would allow her to get settled in her job before she was up to her eyeballs in wedding planning. She and Blake, a born vampire and nephew to Dominic, planned to take a small vacation before she started work, to visit Darby and Devon in Ireland after which both couples would fly back to the states stopping on the east coast for a visit with the Larsen crew.

  * * *

  Next on the list was Alyssa Sarducci. She and Mark were presently living in the cottage below the mansion while Mark worked full time for Dominic.

  They’d become like family to the Larsens and Bloomingtons and were almost always in attendance of the Sunday dinners at the big house, or any other family function. Mark, Bernard, Anton, Dominic, and Josh got together for poker whenever they could, and Alyssa often filled in when one of them was absent. The problem was she was a better poker player than any of the guys, often breaking the bank and sending them all home with empty pockets. But not only was she a better poker player, the tiny wisp of a woman could out drink the humans, keep pace with vampires, and smoke a cigar like no one’s business.

  With the girls, Alyssa was the comic relief, always coming up with a joke or gypsy saying that always lightened the mood and kept them laughing.

  * * *

  The next invitation was addressed to Sally Keaton. She and Dean, her very own werewolf, settled in Oljone buying the Bennet house Devon and Blake had rented next to the O’Rielly sisters when they first arrived in California.

  Though quiet, she had made a great success out of the Cauldron Book and Candle that Darby sold to her. Alyssa, Melanie, and Sally spent hours on the phone almost daily. When Sally wasn’t talking to Alyssa, she was talking with Melanie. Blake, Dean, and Mark were often texting rude, gross, and chiding comments to one another when they weren’t hard at work, keeping them connected. Alyssa and Mark flew to California every chance they got since Dominic sent Mark to the west coast for research on almost a monthly basis and Josh and Melanie whenever work allowed.

  * * *

  The final envelope was to Darby O’Ri
elly. Darby and Devon had spent their honeymoon traipsing through Europe for ten weeks. A weekly call to Blake and Rowan was their only connection to the family while they were gone, but once they were back, Darby kept in constant contact with Melanie and Rowan.

  Though carrying their daughter for going on four months already, she showed no sign of the impending birth since the pregnancy could be anywhere between eighteen to thirty-six months with a vampire daddy. The lack of a baby bump didn’t stop Darby from buying up a storm of adorable little girl items. Since Darby heard the baby’s thoughts she knew exactly what to eat and what not to eat without feeling too sick.

  Devon doted on his girls as much as he could. He received a lot of razzing from the guys for his pampering, but it didn’t seem to bother him; they’d be doing the same thing when their time came.

  * * *

  With all the invitations lovingly addressed, Katarina placed each one into a shipping envelope along with tickets, itineraries, hotel reservations and marked:

  Girls Night Out

  She set the sealed envelopes on the round table in the foyer for pick up later that day, patting the pile affectionately as she thought how much fun they would have in Las Vegas.

  Chapter Two

  One by one responses came in from the girls by text, phone, and email. All were able to make the dates work, with some minor rearrangements to accommodate the weekend. It was a relief to Katarina that everyone seemed to be tickled pink to get away for some girl time.

  Dominic was planning a weekend of poker with the boys who were local, and Katarina was sure fun would be had by those in attendance.

  In between phone calls to caterers and florists, sorting out final details of her wedding throughout the following week, she shopped for the trip finding attire for swanky nightclubs, fancy restaurants, shows, and downtime at the pool and spa.

  When Bernard assembled the luggage in the foyer the day of the departure, Dominic asked, “Exactly how long are you going to be gone, Kat?”

  “Just the weekend. Why?”

  “It looks like you’re leaving for a month,” he said pulling her waist to him and kissing her softly.

  “You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” she said with a laugh, nuzzling her face into his chest. “I’ll be back before you even notice. Besides you’ll be busy with the boys. Now don’t forget, you, Josh, and Anton need to get fitted for your tuxes and…”

  Dominic gently touch his index finger to her lips stopping her from speaking and said, “Hush now. This is supposed to be a break from all that. I can handle things while you’re gone. You know I’ve planned a party or two from time to time.”

  “I know. You’re right. It’s hard to turn it off sometimes,” Katarina admitted.

  “It is, but you need to enjoy yourself too. Right?”


  “I can’t believe the wedding is so close, a matter of days now,” she said holding him tightly, enjoying the moment.

  “Are you nervous?” Dominic asked.

  “Not about the actual wedding… Mostly about the reception.”

  “Don’t worry, Kat. Once we’re married, the whole place could fall down and I would call it a success. All I care about is having you as my wife. The rest is icing on the cake,” he said reassuring her.

  “Nicky, I love the sentiment, but let’s not jinx things. I’d really rather not have the building falling around us.”

  “As you wish, my dear. Now have some fun,” he encouraged.

  * * *

  “I will. I’m waiting for…” she started to say as the door opened and a tiny out of breath brunette came in with luggage that looked four sizes bigger than her.

  “Alyssa. You carried that all the way from the cottage? Where’s Mark?” Dominic asked.

  “He had a flight into New York this morning to check up on that lead you asked him about a couple of days ago,” Alyssa said plopping a large colorful tote on top of the suitcase in front of her.

  “Oh, right. You should have called up here. Bernard or I could have carried that for you.”

  “No worries. I’m a lot stronger than I look,” Alyssa said with a huge determined smile. “Is Jules here yet?”

  Katarina glanced at her watch. “No. But I expect her and Melanie any second. They were coming to the house together.”

  “I should have gotten a Suburban for you girls if this is any indication of the amount of luggage you’re all bringing,” Dominic said.

  Katarina gave him a little shove of disapproval. Alyssa laughed and swung the giant door open when she heard a car door outside. A squeal came from her as she spotted Julianna and Melanie making their way to the porticos.

  Dominic retrieved the bags from the oncoming girls as they hugged and greeted one another in high pitch twitters he was sure only other females could interpret.

  As soon as he set the heavy load down, he heard another vehicle make its way up the crushed gravel driveway and guessed it must be the limousine scheduled to take the ladies to the airport.

  Without missing a beat he lugged the bags back outside and Bernard met him with Katarina’s and Alyssa’s luggage. They helped the driver arrange bags in the trunk and after several attempts at getting everything in, he finally opted to put one large and one small bag in the passenger seat beside him in the front.

  Dominic and Bernard were met with a parade of kisses and hugs of hellos and goodbyes from the four women as they made their way to the car. Dominic and Bernard looked upon each other and laughed as they shared a colorful arrangement of red and pink lip imprints on their cheeks.

  “It’s good to be loved,” Dominic said proudly displaying his lip prints.

  “Indeed,” Bernard said delightedly flaunting the vibrant kisses on his face. They both waved to the ladies in the limo as it drove off.

  * * *

  On the opposite coast, Dean and Blake were driving Sally and Rowan to San Francisco airport to meet up in Las Vegas.

  “Now don’t forget, Blake, you need to call in your measurements for your tux,” Rowan reminded Blake while Dean sniggered.

  “I know,” Blake replied less than enthusiastically.

  “I don’t know why guys are so hesitant to wear tuxedoes. If you knew how much women loved men in a tux, you’d wear them all the time. Even a nerd can look pretty darn good in a tux,” Sally said.

  “Pffft,” Dean said as he changed lanes on the highway to their destination. “I don’t buy it. Tuxes make you look like a wuss.”

  “Do you consider James Bond a wuss?” Sally retorted.

  “No, but he’s not Rambo either,” Dean defended.

  “Well, I think you both looked amazingly handsome at Devon and Darby’s wedding in your tuxes,” Rowan said then sneezed.

  “Bless you,” Blake said.


  “Of course we looked awesome. We’re manly men…at least I am. Can’t say that for old fang face,” Dean said.

  “Don’t start with me, Dean,” Blake said from the backseat. “You feeling okay?” Blake asked Rowan.

  “Yeah. I’m fine,” she said.

  “At least I don’t have to wear a monkey suit for this one,” Dean said proudly. Sally jabbed him in the ribs from the front passenger seat.

  “Seriously. What is the issue with tuxedoes?” Sally asked.

  “First off, their uncomfortable as all hell. The shoes they give you are intolerable. The whole thing is stifling. It’s like wearing a straightjacket,” Dean explained.

  “They’re not that bad, though I’ll agree if you have to rent shoes, they can be pretty uncomfortable. The tux itself isn’t horrible. My neck sometimes gets a little chaffed, but I think it’s because I don’t wear a tie much. Not used to it,” Blake said.

  “Chaffed? Pansy…shall I get you some flower scented moisturizer?” Dean said.

  “Moron,” Blake answered.

  “So tell me, Dean, how many times have you worn a tux?” Sally asked.

  “Once,” Dea
n replied.

  “That was at Darby and Devon’s wedding, right?” Sally said.

  “Yeah, so?”

  “Seems to me you got lucky that night,” Sally said.

  Dean smiled devilishly at Sally, obviously remembering the events of the evening. “Why, yes I did!” he said with excitement, stroking Sally’s arm.

  “Then if the only time you had to wear a monkey suit got you a memorable night in bed, wouldn’t you be willing to wear one again if it received such an impressive response?” Sally explained.

  “Ooooh… I see where you’re going with this, sweet thing. Baby likes the Deanster dressed to kill,” Dean flirted.

  “I think I’m going to puke,” Blake said with playful disgust.

  “Deanster? You are such a nut,” Rowan said laughing uncontrollably. Sally patted Dean on the arm and smirked at him. If he was a cock in a hen house, he’d have been strutting his proud self around.

  Dean pulled up to the airport departure curb and jumped out of the SUV. With Blake’s help he deposited the bags nearby for the girls. Rowan and Sally said their goodbyes to the men and made their way into the terminal and their awaiting plane.

  * * *

  Devon accompanied Darby on the first leg of her trip from Ireland to the states allowing him as much time as he could get with his new bride. When they landed in New York, they parted one another with a few hundred kisses. Darby headed west to Las Vegas and Devon headed south to Connecticut for some male bonding and poker.

  Chapter Three

  Unfortunately for the Connecticut group, there were no non-stop flights to Las Vegas out of Hartford or Providence, so they had a short layover in Chicago. Melanie, Alyssa, and Katarina chit-chatted throughout the flight and layover, but Julianna was silent only speaking when spoken to and with short straight-forward answers. Melanie and Alyssa went to the food court giving Katarina a moment to speak with the quiet Julianna.

  “Jules, you okay? You don’t seem yourself,” Katarina asked with concern.

  “I’m sorry, Kat. I don’t want to rain on your parade with my problems. This is supposed to be a fun time for you,” Julianna said.


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