A Beautiful Child
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(304) 558-1467
(800) 352-0927 (nationwide)
FAX: (304) 558-1470
Wisconsin Department of Justice
Division of Criminal Investigation
P.O. Box 7857
Madison, WI 53701-2718
(608) 266-1671
(800) THE-HOPE (in-state only)
FAX: (608) 267-2777
Wyoming Office of the Attorney General
Division of Criminal Investigation
316 West 22nd
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-7537
FAX: (307) 777-7252
Control Terminal: (307) 777-7545
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
National Missing Children’s Services
1200 Vanier Parkway
P.O. Box 8885
Ottawa, Ontario, CN K1G 3M8
(613) 993-1525
(877) 318-3576 (toll-free)
FAX: (613) 993-5430
Website: www.ourmissingchildren.ca
Missing Children Program
Centro Estatal Para Niños Desparecidos y Victimas de Abuso
P.O. Box 9023899
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902- 3899
(800) 995-NINO (limited calling area)
(787) 729-2523
FAX: (787) 722-0809
Website: www.niepr.org
National Criminal Intelligence Service
P.O. Box 3016
2700 KX Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
FAX: 011-31-79-345-8881
Website: nl.missingkids.com
Nonprofit Organizations Serving Missing and Exploited Children
AMECO, the Association of Missing and Exploited Children’s Organizations, is a membership organization founded in 1994. AMECO supports the endeavors of the membership on behalf of missing and exploited children, their families, and the community at large. The activities of AMECO and its member agencies are strictly noncommercial and not-for-profit.
The Nation’s Missing Children Organization and Center for Missing Adults, Inc.
2432 W. Peoria Avenue, Suite 1283
Phoenix, AZ 85029
(602) 944-1768
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 690-3463 (FIND)
FAX: (602) 944-7520
E-mail: nmco@aol.com
Website: www.theyaremissed.org
Website: www.missingadults.org
Morgan Nick Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1033
Alma, AR 72921
(501) 632-6382
Toll-Free Hotline: (877) 543-4673 (HOPE)
FAX: (501) 632-0795
E-mail: morgannick@aol.com
Website: www.morgannick.com
Amber Foundation for Missing Children, Inc.
P.O. Box 565
Pinole, CA 94564
Phone: (510) 222-9050
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 541-0777
FAX: (925) 680-4861
E-mail: amberjeansmom@yahoo.com
Website: www.missingchild.org/
Child Quest International, Inc.
1625 The Alameda, Suite 500
San Jose, CA 95126
Phone: (408) 287-4673 (HOPE)
Toll-Free Hotline: (888) 818-4673 (HOPE)
FAX: (408) 287-4676
E-mail: info@childquest.org
Website: www.childquest.org
Children of the Night
14530 Sylvan Street
Van Nuys, CA 91411
Phone: (818) 908-4474
Hotline: (800) 551-1300
FAX: (818) 908-1468
E-mail: llee@childrenofthenight.org
Website: www.childrenofthenight. org
Interstate Association for Stolen Children, Inc.
7024 Amberwick Way
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Phone: 916-965-5959
FAX: 916-965-5961
E-mail: iasckids@pacbell.net
Website: www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6042/
The Polly Klaas® Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 800
Petaluma, CA 94953
Phone: (707) 769-1334
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 587-4357
FAX: (707) 769-4019
E-mail: pklaasfdtn@aol.com
Website: www.pollyklaas.org
Vanished Children’s Alliance, Inc.
2095 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126
Phone: (408) 296-1113
FAX: (408) 296-1117
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 826-4743 (VANISHED)
E-mail: info@vca.org
Website: www.vca.org
Missing Children’s Task Force
P.O. Box 261141
Littleton, CO 80163
Phone: (303) 588-2909
E-mail: childfinders@qwest.net
Website: www.childfinders.org
The Paul & Lisa Program, Inc.
P.O. Box 348
Westbrook, CT 06498
Phone: (860) 767-7660
FAX: (860) 767-3122
E-mail: paulandlisaprogram@snet.net
Website: www.paulandlisa.org
A Child Is Missing, Inc.
500 S.E. 17th Street, Room 101
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Phone: (954) 763-1288
Toll-Free Hotline: (888) US5-ACIM
FAX: (954) 763-4481
E-mail: acim@mindspring.com
Website: www.achildismissing.org
Child Watch of North America, Inc.
Don Wood, Executive Director
7380 Sand Lake Road, Suite 500
Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: (407) 290-5100
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 928- 2445; (888) CHILDWATCH
FAX: (407) 290-1613
E-mail: info@childwatch.org
Website: www.childwatch.org
Jimmy Ryce Center for Victims of Predatory Abduction, Inc.
1111 Kane Concourse, Suite 305
Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154
Phone: (305) 864-7477
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 546-7923
FAX: (305) 864-7008
E-mail: misujim@netrox.net or
Website: www.jimmyryce.org
Missing Children Center, Inc.
Joan Thompson, Executive Director
276 E. Highway 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Phone: (407) 327-4403
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 330-1907
FAX: (407) 327-4514
E-mail: mccijoan@aol.com
Website: www.missingchildrencenterinc.org
Voice for the Children, Inc.
411 Wilder Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: (561) 833-0290
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 28-HELP ME (children only)
FAX: (561) 835-9367
E-mail: mvoice4@aol.com
Website: http:/www.voice4thechildreninc.org
Exploited Children’s Help Organization, Inc.
Lucy Lee, Executive Director
1500 Poplar Level Rd., Suite 2
Louisville, KY 40217
Phone: (502) 636-3670
FAX: (502) 636-3673
E-mail: echolou@aol.com
Website: www.echolou.org
Rachel Foundation for Family Reintegration
P.O. Box 368
Damascus, MD 20872
Phone: (202) 320-0848
FAX: (301) 840-9413
Website: www.rachelfoundation.org
Missing and Exploited Children’s Association (MECA)
Lutherville, MD
br /> Phone: (410) 667-0718
Toll-Free Maryland: (888) 755- 6322 (MECA)
FAX: (410) 296-7812
E-mail: taavonjm@erols.com
Website: www.go.to/meca
Missing Children’s Network of Michigan
1600 Military Street, A-1
Port Huron, MI 48060
Phone: (810) 984-2911
The Jacob Wetterling Foundation
P.O. Box 639
St. Joseph, MN 56374
Phone: (320) 363-0470
Toll-Free: (800) 325-HOPE
6600 France Avenue South, Suite 672
Edina, MN 55436
Phone: (952) 915-4779
E-mail: Jacob@uslink.net
Website: www.jwf.org
Missing Children-Minnesota
Ford Centre, Suite 570
420 North 5th Street,
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: (612) 334-9449
Toll-Free Hotline: (888) 786-9355 (RUN-YELL)
E-mail: mssngchild@aol.com
Website: www.missingchildrenmn.org
One Missing Link
Janis McCall, Executive Director
P.O. Box 10581
Springfield, MO 65808
Phone: (417) 886-5836
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 555-7037
E-mail: onemissinglinkinc@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.onemissinglink.org
Nevada Child Seekers
25 TV5 Drive
Henderson, NV 89014
Phone: (702) 458-7009
E-mail: jill@nevadachildseekers.org
Website: www.nevadachildseekers.org
Child Find of America
243 Main Street
P.O. Box 277
New Paltz, NY 12561
Phone: (845) 255-1848
E-mail: childfindamerica@aol.com
Website: www.childfindofamerica.org
Commission on Missing and Exploited Children
616 Adams Avenue
Memphis, TN 36105
Phone: (901) 405-8441
E-mail: comec@netten.net
Website: www.comec.org
Heidi Search Center
7900 No. IH 35
San Antonio, TX 78218
Phone: (210) 650-0428
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 547-4435
FAX: (210) 650-3653
E-mail: heidisc@flash.net
Website: www.heidisearchcenter.org
Operation Lookout
6320 Evergreen Way, Suite 201
Everett, WA 98203
Phone: (425) 771-7335
(800) 566-5688 (LOOKOUT)
(800) 782-7335 (SEEK)
E-mail: General Office: lookoutfyi@operationallookout.org
Website: www.operationlookout.org
Youth Educated in Safety, Inc.
P.O. Box 3124
Appleton, WI 54914-0124
Phone: (920) 734-5335
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 272-7715
FAX: (920) 734-7077
E-mail: yes3124@aol.com
Website: www.yeswi.org
Christine Lamb Foundation
546 E. Adams
Powell, WY 82435
Phone: (307) 754-9261
E-mail: clamb@wavecom.net
Website: www.clamb.org
Child Find Canada
1-1808 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R2V 2A3
Phone: (204) 339-5584
FAX: (204) 339-5587
E-mail: childcan@aol.com
Website: www.childfindcanada.ca
Child Find Alberta Society
No. 101, 424-10 Street NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1V9
Phone: (403) 270-3463
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 561-1733
E-mail: childab@aol.com
Website: www.childfind.ab.ca
Child Find Saskatchewan
202-3502 Taylor Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7H 5H9
Phone: (306) 955-0070
(800) 387-7962 (nationwide)
(800) 513-3463 (FIND) (provincial)
FAX: (306) 373-1311
E-mail: childsask@aol.com
Website: www.childfind.sk.ca
Child Find Ontario
295 Robinson Street, Suite 200
Oakville, ON L6J 1G7
(Regional offices in Kitchener, Barrie, and Sudbury)
Phone: (905) 842-5353
Toll-Free Hotline: (866) 543-8477 (KID TIPS) in Canada
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 387- 7962, for sightings and case information
FAX: (905) 842-5383
E-mail: mail@childfindontario.ca
Website: www.ontario.childfind.ca
Child Find Nova Scotia
P.O. Box 523
Halifax, NS B3J 2R7
Phone: (902) 454-2030
Toll Free: (800) 682-9006
FAX: (902) 429-6749
E-mail: childns@aol.com
Website: www.childfind.ca
Child Find Prince Edward Island
549 North River Road
P.O. Box 21008
Charlottetown, PEI CIA 9H6
Phone: (902) 368-1678
FAX: (902) 368-1389
E-mail: childpei@aol.com
Website: www.childfind.ca
Child Find British Columbia
3673 Massey Drive
Prince George, British Columbia V2N 4E6
Phone: (250) 562-3463
Toll-Free Hotline: (888) 689-3463
FAX: (250) 562-3467
E-mail: childbcpg@aol.com
Website: www.childfindbc.com
Child Find Newfoundland and Labrador
451 Kenmount Road
St. John’s Newfoundland
A1B 3P9
Phone: (709) 738-4400
FAX: (809) 738-0550
E-mail: childnfld@aol.com
Website: www.childfind.ca
Child Find Manitoba
800 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G ON4
Phone: (204) 945-5735
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 387-7962
FAX: (204) 948-2461
E-mail: childmb@aol.com
Website: www.childfind.mb.ca
Missing Children Society of Canada
Suite 219, 3501-23 Street NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V8
Phone: (403) 291-0705
FAX: (403) 291-9728
Toll Free: (800) 661-6160
E-mail: info@mcsc.ca
Website: www.mcsc.ca
Missing Children’s Network Canada
376 Victoria Ave.
Westmount H3Z 1C3
Montreal, Quebec
Phone: (514) 843-4333
Toll-Free Hotline: (888) 692-4673 (HOPE)
FAX: (514) 843-8211
E-mail: search@missingchildren.ca
Website: www.missingchildren.ca