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Rewritten (Unwritten Book 2)

Page 4

by Lauren Runow

  Really? Did he just say that?

  “Stop, Charlie, it’s nothing like that. He just wants to congratulate me on my work.”

  “Um, no, guys don’t take girls out to dinner unless they want something.”

  “Really, it’s nothing. He’s my boss, remember.” Ugh, now I kind of regret even calling him. Being irritated by Charlie suggesting something so ridiculous is the last thing I need right now.

  “I know that, I just hope he remembers that, too.”

  “Whatever Charlie,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “Hey, look, I’m sorry. I’m just upset I’m not there with you. I should be the one taking you to dinner to celebrate.”

  “We will. I come home on Friday, you can take me out then,” I say with very little emotion.

  He smirks, “You can bet I’m going to take you but it won’t be anywhere out in public.”

  I’ll admit, I’m intrigued by his comment and I can’t help but smirk, “Oh really now. And how do you plan on taking me?”

  He tilts his head back laughing as a sexy smile comes over his face, “You just wait. I’m going to take you higher than you have ever been before.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “Ah, this is torture. Can’t you come home sooner than Friday?”

  “What did you say to me before? Good things come to those who wait.”

  “Yes, and I’d wait for you forever if I had to.”

  “Well, good thing you don’t have to. I better get going. Love you.”

  “I love you, too. And I’m serious, pay attention to that boss of yours. Don’t let him think he can get in your pants without me there.”

  “Come on Charlie, you act like just because you aren’t here I would even consider it. Give me more credit than that. I promise that he won’t, it’s not like that, ok. Bye Charlie.”

  “Till next time my love.”

  Right at seven there’s a knock at the door. Alex stands tall, dressed in black dress slacks and a cashmere sweater with a dress shirt underneath and his sleeves rolled up. “Hello, Allison,” he smiles as I open the door.

  “Hi, Alex. Man, I’m sorry. I think I’m underdressed.” I look down to my skinny jeans with slip on booties and a tight sweater knit top.

  “Don’t be silly. What you’re wearing is fine,” Alex smiles.

  “Ok good, shall we?”

  We head toward the elevator and wait in silence until the doors open. “So, tell me about this restaurant?” I ask as we walk in.

  “It’s a little place with only tables for two tucked away down a small alley. I heard the food was good but didn’t want to go by myself.”

  “Sounds good.”

  We walk to the restaurant and are seated at a small table. I’m nervous about what to say. The only time I’ve spoken with him was in my original interview or while we were actually shooting. This is a totally different setting and as I sit down in my seat I realize I know nothing about this man besides the fact that he’s an amazing photographer.

  Thankfully, he breaks the ice, “Thank you for stepping in for the photo shoot today. You have no idea how nice it is to know that I can trust someone to take my place when I can’t be there. You really did a great job, you should be proud.”

  He’s taking his napkin from the table and folding it in his lap, not looking at me while he speaks which makes me even more nervous. I get the feeling this is going to be a long, very stuffy business dinner instead of a more friendly dinner.

  “Thank you for the opportunity. It really means so much to me. I feel like my dreams are coming true.”

  At that he looks up, his eyes meet mine and I see a look that reminds me of my father. That proud daddy look I get when I tell him about a big accomplishment of mine. Alex’s face relaxes and I can tell the mood has changed.

  I smile at him and he returns my smile, “I love to hear you say that. You remind me so much of myself when I was your age, full of life, enthusiasm and passion for photography. You really have what it takes to go far. I’m glad you applied for this internship. It’s been great having you on my team.”

  “That means a lot to hear you say that. I know I’ve said this a ton of times but I really can’t thank you enough for this opportunity.”

  After simple chitchat about photo shoots and the industry as a whole I’m feeling comfortable enough that I ask, “So, how did you get into photography in the first place?”

  “Funny story really. My wife and I were high school sweethearts.”

  I cut him off, a little surprised, “You’re married?”

  He smirks, “Yes, have been for 25 years... So her dream was to be a model so I offered to take photos of her to help build her portfolio. I had no clue what I was doing and this was before the digital world we live in today so I started with just a simple point and shoot camera. Man, those photos were awful. We both knew it. But I loved her and I really wanted to help her follow her dreams so I went to the library, yes, this was even before the Internet,” he laughs, “and I did all the research I could about lighting, aperture, shutter speed, everything. The more I looked into it, the more I really enjoyed what I was reading. I took all my savings and went out to buy a more advanced camera and long story short, here I am today.”

  “Wow, that is a cool story. So, your wife, how come she’s not here, in Paris, I mean?”

  “She’s at home with our daughter. She’s in college and she came home for the summer so she wanted to spend as much time as she could with her. Have their girl time together.”

  “You have a daughter, too?” I laugh in surprise.

  “Yeah, I know, I keep my private life pretty separate from the set but yes, she just turned 21. You remind me so much of her. She’s studying film at NYU. This will be her last year. Here,” he pulls out his phone, “I’ll show you her picture.” He swipes on his phone that displays a photo of his wife and daughter as his screen saver.

  “Wow, they’re both beautiful. They really look alike.”

  “Yeah, Candace, my wife, really wanted Marissa, my daughter, to follow in her foot steps of modeling but she’s never been interested. She’s like you in that way. She wants to be in back of the camera, not in front. I was shocked you agreed to be in the photo shoot with Charlie,” he tilts his eyebrow, and I know he’s remembering how sexy the photo shoot was.

  I look down, embarrassed, but not able to hide my smile from the thought. “Well, you didn’t really give me a choice did you?”

  “Am I really that bad?” His eyes pull together, searching for forgiveness.

  I look at him before timidly answering, “Well, I mean… you can be a little intense at times…”

  He looks down, “I’m sorry. I know I can be. My wife tells me all the time that I need to be nicer on set. I just get so focused on what I’m trying to accomplish.”

  “It’s ok. You’re an amazing photographer and believe me, the end result makes it all worth it. And don’t worry, it really wasn’t bad, I mean having to take those photos with Charlie.” My cheeks grow flush from the thought.

  “Yeah, I bet it wasn’t. I think everyone’s temperature raised a few degrees during that shoot,” his eyes narrow as he responds.

  The waiter walks up, handing Alex the bill, taking him out of his trance. He pays the bill and we get up to leave.

  “So, how long have you and Charlie been dating?” Alex asks as we walk back to the hotel.

  “Actually, not very long. Almost two months I guess you could say.”

  Alex laughs, shocked, “Really? He flew halfway around the world to spend two weeks with you after you had just started dating?”

  I stop to think, “Funny, I never thought about it that way, but yes, he did. I guess you could say we got serious pretty fast.”

  “I’d say so. So, why did he have to go back? Work?”

  I frown, “I guess you could say that. He’s, um, in the process of changing jobs.”

  “So, he doesn’t have a job?”

  I look
up, pursing my lips together. “No, I guess right now he doesn’t. But he’ll do fine. He’s not a deadbeat or anything,” I say, trying to stand up for Charlie.

  “Hey, he can model for me anytime he wants. I already sold some of his photos.”

  “Really?” I jump to him, grabbing his arm.

  “Yes. A few companies honed right in on him. He’s got a unique look.”

  “Yeah,” I smile fondly. “He really does.”

  We enter the elevator together and when we arrive on my floor, Alex stays in the elevator, turning to me, saying, “Well, congratulations again.”

  “Thank you and thank you so much for dinner. This was nice.”

  His lips tilt up to a semi-smile, “It was. See you tomorrow.”

  I had two more shows to shoot with the rest of the crew before I was able to head home. As I load the plane my stomach starts to do somersaults since I’m not sure if I’m ready to face what awaits me at home. Charlie and I have spoken but not about anything regarding the baby or what he plans on doing.

  The only thing I do know is that I don’t want how I feel to influence Charlie’s decision. That is why I haven’t brought it up but yet, neither has he. Now that I’m heading home, there’s no way that either of us can avoid it any longer.

  My flight is set to land at three in the afternoon and Charlie is picking me up. When I think about seeing him, all my worries melt away. I try to think just about him. His face. His kiss. His touch. Not about anything else.

  As I walk through the airport to where Charlie is waiting, a huge smile comes over my face and I start to run past the security gate. I catch a glimpse of Charlie sitting down holding one single red rose looking down at his phone.

  He doesn’t notice me since I ran in front of everyone so I’m the only person coming down the escalator.

  I quietly walk up to him and see that he’s flipping through his phone, looking at pictures of me with a big grin on his face and every question I had about us flies out of my mind. I have no doubt that he’s the one. He loves me. That’s all I need to remember.

  “Fancy meeting you here. Are you waiting for someone by chance?” I say hitting his knee with mine and standing so close I can smell his shampoo. God, that sexy, manly scent almost brings me to my knees.

  Charlie looks up, brimming from ear to ear, “Allison!” He jumps up wrapping his arms around me.

  “Hey baby,” I laugh. “It’s so good to see you.”

  He wraps his fingers through my hair and kisses me long and hard before we both sigh, “Mmmm…” at the same time.

  “It’s so good to see you,” Charlie whispers, looking into my eyes. “My place or yours?”

  I smirk, giving him a coquettish smile, “Which place is closer?”

  “The hotel across the street,” Charlie teases raising one eyebrow.

  I hit his stomach laughing, “Your place. I’m not sure how quiet I can be and my sister may be home.”

  Charlie laughs, “Yeah, I sense screaming in your near future.”


  Charlie gives me a sensuous look as we walk to pick up my bags and head for his car.

  Charlie starts the car with his phone connected to the stereo and cued up to play Unwritten Law Love Love Love. He places his hand on my knee as the song begins. Leaning over, I give him a sweet kiss as we pull out of the parking lot.

  The drive feels like it takes forever. His hand keeps inching up my thigh and I laugh, having to move it back down to the safe zone. It’s a damn good thing I’m wearing jeans or I know his fingers would have no problem finding their way home before we actually make it home.

  As we walk into his apartment I notice three picture frames sitting throughout his place displaying pictures of me alone, or the two of us together. I can’t help but smile as I place my purse down on the breakfast bar.

  Charlie walks up, putting his hands on my hips from behind, pulling me closer whispering, “God, I missed you,” before he turns and kisses me passionately.

  I slip my arms around his neck and straight into his hair as we walk to his bedroom with our lips locked on one another.

  Charlie pulls away, looking at me silently. There is no need to say anything. I can see everything that needs to be said with the dark passion that has taken over his beautiful blue eyes.

  He walks to his dresser to press play on his iPod and an orchestra starts to play through the speakers.

  I tilt my head, questioning his choice in music.

  His lips form his cocky half smile as he holds up his pointer finger twirling it around as he whispers, “It’s Beethoven Symphony No.3 Eroica. Trust me. Turn around.”

  I do as I’m told and he walks up to me from behind, lifting my shirt over my head, then wrapping his arms around my bare stomach and kissing the back of my neck. He starts to sway to the sounds of the violins playing, caressing my body, before leaning down to remove my jeans and panties.

  I’m still, frozen to his touch, yearning for him more, getting lost in the intense sounds coming through the iPod.

  After taking off his pants and top, he kisses up my leg, turning me around, hugging me tightly and swaying to the music again. We stand wrapped in each other, both naked with not a care in the world.

  He slowly turns me around and picks me up, wrapping my legs around him and kisses me softly before running his lips down my neck and walking to the bed.

  As he lays me down I instantly arch my back up in need for him, missing his body against mine. I open my legs, thinking he’s going to push himself inside but he doesn’t.

  Instead he slides down, caressing every inch of my body, kissing softly, taking my desire for him higher and even more ravenous.

  His touch gets lighter and lighter, to the point where he is barely touching me but still running his lips and fingers over my body, sending an intense sensation straight to in between my legs. I can literally feel every millimeter inside my body that is vacant, the same place that is yearning for him to push inside and fill beyond its capacity.

  It’s delicious torture and my breathing intensifies as I grab his body, pulling him onto me.

  He positions himself over me but doesn’t enter inside.

  Instead, he licks my neck as I arch my entire body up to him, grabbing his ass trying to pull him into me.

  He resists again and I respond by moaning, “I need you inside me.”

  “I want you in every way. I want it so bad but I want to wait until I can’t take it one second longer,” he replies while kissing me more, moving from my lips down to my breast, which removes him from in between my legs leaving me with an even bigger emptiness that needs to be filled.


  I grab him, trying to pull him in closer.

  He lifts up, grabbing my hands and pulling them above me. Holding onto my wrists underneath his pillow.

  Looking into my eyes he whispers, “You are so beautiful. I can’t wait to feel you,” he leans down to kiss me softly, “all of you. Places only I can go,” he kisses me again. “Feel you from deep inside.”

  I moan deeply against his lips, thrusting my hips up to meet his.

  “Tell me you love me,” he whispers in my ear.

  “I love you, Charlie,” I reply through bated breath.

  “Do you want me inside you?”

  He rubs himself right outside my entrance and I tremble from the pleasure.

  “Oh, God, yes. Please, Charlie. I need you.” I lift my hips up again, trying to force him inside me while my hands are still held behind me.

  “Allison…” He leans down and finally thrusts himself inside.

  We both moan at his slow movement as he fills every millimeter I’ve been dying to have him fill.

  The build up was so intense that I’m already higher than I’ve ever been.

  Charlie begins a slow, intense love-making pace while keeping his lips locked on mine, opening his mouth only to breathe and moan as he holds me tight. Continuing to hold my arms above my head.
r />   I’m at his mercy. I am his. In this moment and forever. I know. I am his.

  He doesn’t change his rhythm or position, and I know we are sharing the same feelings inside without a word having to be said.

  I moan deeply as I start to cum and my body is frozen in ecstasy before I start to convulse around his hard cock.

  When the waves of pleasure have ripped through my body and I start to come down, Charlie keeps up with the same rhythm and position bringing me right back up to climax again.

  I can’t help but scream, “Oh my God!” as I start to come down again only to be brought right back up.

  Holy mother of God. What is he doing to my body? How is this happening?

  He still has a hold of my arms and my body is a slave to him. And like the God that he is, he’s taking me to a sexual heaven I didn’t even know existed.

  I’m completely frozen in shock from the intense orgasm that seems never ending. He brings me higher and higher two more times before I explode so intensely around him that my body can barely even handle the feeling.

  Charlie releases at the same time, kissing me even harder, letting go of my hands as he holds on to me tightly.

  We lay wrapped in each other’s arms, enjoying just holding one another. “I can’t tell you how bad I have wanted to hold you for the last week,” Charlie admits with a big grin on his face.

  “Feeling’s mutual. I’ve never had multiple orgasms that close together.”

  “Really? Wow, I feel special.”

  “You should, that was amazing.”

  Charlie laughs proudly, “Hey, we can do it again anytime you want.”

  I hop up, straddling him, “Anytime I want…?” I lean down to kiss him.

  Charlie laughs, kissing me back before stopping saying, “Ok, maybe not anytime. We have to get up. People will be here soon.”

  I pout, falling back to the bed, lying on my back. “People? Who’s coming over?”

  Charlie sits up, putting on his pants as the doorbell rings. “Get dressed, I’ll let them in. You might want to fix your hair, too,” he laughs.

  He shuts his bedroom door as I sigh, not wanting to get up. I can hear a few people talking outside but can’t make out what’s going on. Reluctantly, I get up and start to pull up my pants when I’m surprised to hear someone burst through the door.


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