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Rewritten (Unwritten Book 2)

Page 7

by Lauren Runow

  I inhale sharply at the sound of the baby’s name but don’t dare say a word.

  “Then the other dream was of you and a little boy. You were reading to him, sitting on a porch swing at a house in the country. You called the little boy Lyric as well and he called you Mommy.”

  He looks at me and I can tell it’s more to gauge my reaction from the Mommy comment rather than to see if I have something to say in response.

  I look down as tears fill my eyes that I can’t fight back.

  Charlie reaches his arms around me, “Please don’t cry, Allison. I’m so sorry. What can I do? I need to make this all ok.”

  “Charlie, you need to decide what you want.”

  “I told you, I know what I want. I want you. I want us.”

  “Then baby, you need to follow your heart.”

  He pauses, grabbing my hands, “What are you saying?”

  “I don’t know what I’m saying, but I feel that you know the answer in your heart. I’ve always been a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that there are signs everywhere. And these dreams, they are your signs. If we’re meant to be together, then we will be. It may take time. And please, you need to give me that time. But if we’re meant to be each other’s forever, then we will be.”

  “Oh, Allison,” he wraps his arms around me. “That’s all I needed to hear. I know we can make it through this.”

  I hug him back, looking up to the ceiling. God I hope we can make it through this… I hope I can do this…

  I meant everything I said and now I just have to let whatever happens, happen.

  We lounge around the rest of the day, wrapped up in each other, watching movies and being lazy. Charlie gets up to play a new song for me that completely melts my heart with the lyrics talking about his years of tears but it all making sense now that they are together and he just wants to waste time with her.

  “Oh Charlie, I love this song. I’ve never heard it but his voice sounds familiar.”

  “Yeah, it’s Adam Gontier, he split from Three Days Grace and started another band called Saint Asonia. This song is called Waste My Time. It reminded me so much of me, of you, of us.”

  I lean over, kissing him softly as my phone rings with a call from Sonia and I can’t help but jump up and down at the sight.

  “Yay! Sonia, how are you?”

  “Hey girl. I miss you. I just got off work, any chance you can come downtown for an early dinner?”

  “Yes, I have so much to tell you. That’s perfect. And I’m already downtown, at Charlie’s place. I can meet you in a half hour?”

  “Perfect. Does our usual, One Market, sound good?”

  “Yes. Anything sounds good. I got so sick of the food there,” I laugh. “See you in a few.”

  I turn to Charlie who is lying on the bed now. “Do you mind if I go meet Sonia for dinner?”

  “Of course not, why would I mind? You’ll come back here though right?” he lifts one eyebrow up, suggestively.

  I smile, leaning in to kiss him. “Of course I will. I live here now, don’t I?” I smirk as I turn away with a sexy sway to my hips.

  Charlie jumps up, grabbing my hips and swinging me around. “Yeah you do. I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”

  His lips surround mine as I reach into his hair pulling hard before breaking our kiss and pushing him away. “Sorry babe, I have to go. Keep that thought for when I get back though.”

  I quickly touch up my makeup, grab my purse, and give Charlie one more kiss before walking out the door. The restaurant is walking distance from Charlie’s place so it doesn’t take me long to get there.

  When I see Sonia walking up at the same time tears well up in my eyes as I run to hug her. “I’ve missed you so much. How have you been?”

  “I’ve missed you, too. Why the tears though, girl?”

  I wipe my eyes. “I have so much to fill you in on,” my tears really start to flow now. “God,” I look up, trying to stop them, “just seeing you, it made everything I’ve kept in come out in one second.”

  “Whoa, Allison, are you ok? What’s going on?”

  “Come on, let’s go inside. We need to sit first.”

  We walk in and find a table and before we’re even seated Sonia pries for more information, “Ok, spill it. Are you ok?”

  I take a deep breath and tell Sonia everything. Starting with my horrid kidnapping, my mother, Charlie and the baby. This is the first time I’ve been able to tell anyone and getting the words out makes me, surprisingly, feel much better.

  Sonia sits in shock as I continue my story.

  When I’m finished, she sighs, “Goddamn girl. This is insane. I knew something was up before when we all went out to Ruby Skye. How come you didn’t tell me?”

  “I knew you knew, and thank you for not pushing me to tell you. I’m sorry. It was just too crazy. Can you believe my mom? Oh shit,” I drop my head back. “There’s more.”

  “Are you kidding me? What else could there be?”

  “Ugh,” I look up again, starting to cry, “My parents, well, turns out my dad didn’t have an affair like we always thought he did.”

  “Wait, he didn’t? So why did you guys always think he did?”

  I take a deep breath, “Turns out they were having threesomes, the two of them with my mom’s best friend and I guess she got pregnant on purpose.”

  “No way. So you have another sister or brother somewhere?”

  “No, Sonia. I was that baby.”

  “Wait, what?!”

  “Yeah, turns out my mom, is not my birth mom. My birth mom died during my birth.”

  “Holy shit! Wait, whoa, this is crazy.”

  “I know. So they just raised me like my mom was my birth mom, hoping I would never find out. Turns out Nichole found out years ago and my mom lead her to believe it was from an affair, instead of explaining the threesome thing.”

  Sonia laughs, “Damn, your parents are freaks.”

  “Oh, God, gross, please don’t make me think of my parents like that.”

  “So wait, your parents had a threesome. The other woman got pregnant but died during childbirth, and now, there is this chick in the hospital, basically dead and pregnant with Charlie’s baby…” she tilts her head to the side. “Now that’s just weird. That’s crazy it’s such a similar situation.”

  “Yeah, that’s why they told me. Hoping it would help somehow.”

  “So is Charlie going to keep the baby? Would you stay with him?”

  “God. That’s another thing. You know I’m all about everything happening for a reason and there are signs everywhere, right?”

  “Of course, you have always been like that.”

  “Yeah, so… Guess what Charlie has had two dreams about since finding out about the pregnancy?”


  “That he has a boy and, get this, named Lyric.”

  “Shut the fuck up. Allison, that’s what you’ve always said you would name your son if you had one.”

  I drop my head back, “I know.”

  “Does Charlie know that?”

  “No, I’ve never told him. When he told me about the dream and the name I about died. I couldn’t tell him though. I’m just not sure. How can I raise a kid that’s not mine? And what if we have another kid together? Will I love them the same?”

  “Jeez, Allison,” she shakes her head. “Damn, that’s something only you can decide. But I’ll tell you this. If you do decide to raise this child and stay with Charlie, you have to treat that child like your own. Love it the same way you would your own child. Otherwise you will fuck that kid up. It’s not the kid’s fault who his birth mom is. It will become you.” She pauses, “Just like your mom did. She never treated you and Nichole differently. You have to treat it the same way. Do you think you can?”

  “I just don’t know,” I start to cry again.

  “Allison, I’ve known you for years. I love you like you were my real sister and I say this with all the l
ove and support in my heart, but I think you can do it. You love my daughter like she’s your own. I’ve never seen you fall so fast for someone and everything is falling into place for you two. In the most weird, fucked up way I have ever seen, but if you look at the big picture, it’s all there. Every sign you need. You found him to help get him out of his lifestyle, so you could learn the truth about your mom, so you can help raise this child. Him having a dream about the baby being named Lyric is just the icing on the cake with a big, fat, red cherry on top.”

  I look at her, tears running down my face.

  “I’m here for you girl. Whatever you decide. You know I love you.”

  “I know. Thank you. I do know one thing for sure though,” I look around for our waiter, “I need a drink.”

  Sonia laughs, agreeing with me as we flag down our waiter.

  We visit for a few hours, laughing and crying like best friends do. I’m so thankful for the normalness that Sonia seems to always bring back to my life, no matter what situation we are in.

  Charlie texts me around nine:

  Hey, Baby. I hope you are having a great time. Do you want me to come down to meet you so you don’t have to walk home alone? No rush, just wanted to offer.

  I smile, showing Sonia the text. “He’s so sweet. I really do love him.”

  Sonia smiles, “I know you do. Besides everything that has happened, I’m glad you found each other. Have him come down. I’d love to get to know him better.”

  I smile, texting back:

  Sure! Come down, you can have a drink with us.

  Sounds good. Be right there.

  A little while later he walks into the restaurant and slides next to me in the booth, giving me a sweet kiss hello.

  “Hey baby! You remember Sonia…” I introduce them again.

  “Of course. Nice to see you again.” They shake hands and Charlie’s face blushes like he’s embarrassed all of the sudden. “I take it you told her everything,” he looks down.

  “Yes, the good, the bad and the ugly,” Sonia laughs. “But hey, if she loves you, I love you. Don’t worry about it. I don’t judge.”

  Charlie looks at me with a slight frown.

  “Hey, I mean it. Even with all this fucked up stuff going on, I’ve never seen her as happy as when she talks about you or the way she lit up when you walked in through the door right now. To me, that’s all that matters,” Sonia reassures him. “But don’t get me wrong, if you hurt her I will personally kick your ass,” she says jokingly but as serious as she can.

  I laugh and Charlie shakes his head, “You have a deal. I would let you kick my ass.” He leans over to kiss me again. “Because I would never do anything to hurt her.”

  It’s 10:20 at night. I’m a little late but I couldn’t show how desperate I was to see Nichole again and show up right at ten, even though I’ve been sitting around the corner on my bike just waiting.

  Nichole opens the door wearing nothing but a long, white tight tank top with black, lace, ass cheek showing panties.

  Holy, fuck, she is so sexy.

  “You’re late,” she protests.

  “You’re hot! Do you always answer the door like that?”

  “I thought you weren’t coming so I started the party without you.” She turns to walk back up the stairs, showing her ass poking through her panties and suddenly I can barely walk up the stairs my cock is so hard.

  I drop my helmet as I lean forward to grab her, “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  Nichole lets me rub over her body, feeling her nipples through her tank top before continuing to walk up the stairs. “Well, you’re in luck that I’m not one to cum fast or I’d be finished already.”

  We walk into her room and I see she wasn’t kidding. Sitting on her bed is a dildo and porn plays on the TV. Damn, I haven’t been able to get this girl out of my head all day and now I see why. She may just be my dream come true.

  “Holy shit,” I grab her, bringing her in closer, rubbing my hard cock against her. “You weren’t kidding. No need for that anymore. It can’t make you cum like I can.”

  Nichole laughs, “Um, yes it can.”

  “Well, not tonight.” I pull her shirt up over her head then wrap my hands around her ass, pulling her in even closer.

  “We’ll see,” she challenges me and it’s fucking on.

  I laugh, throwing her down on the bed. “Damn doll, you are too much.” I kick off my shoes and pull off my shirt. “But I accept your challenge. I hope you don’t mind but I’m in a rough kind of mood.”

  Nichole raises her eyebrows, “What do you have in mind?”

  “Fuck, it’s more like what don’t I have in my mind when it comes to you.”

  “Well, here I am baby. Do with me as you wish.”

  My eyes grow dark and narrow, as lust filled as I can get. My entire demeanor changes as I turn to shut the door and lock it, before turning to her and flipping the TV off, then the light.

  I walk up to her, leaning down, whispering, “How rough do you like it?”

  Nichole looks up, bites her lower lip and I’m shocked she doesn’t respond. She’s nervous and it just fuels me even more.

  “You let me know if it’s too much. ‘Cause doll, I’m about to rock your world and things might get a little out of control.”

  Nichole’s breath hardens as she opens her mouth slightly letting out her breath. She’s so responsive and I haven’t even touched her yet. I fucking love it.

  “Is there anything you don’t like?”

  Nichole bites her lower lip again, shaking her head no. Again, speechless. I wonder where my voicetress girl from last night went. Tonight she’s all quiet, submissive and I’m loving every second.

  Don’t get me wrong, last night was great, but this new, submissive, almost shy girl is rocking my world just the same.

  I take a deep breath in, speaking in a low voice, “I’m going to fuck you into oblivion.” I swoop her up, throwing her against the wall, pressing my hard body against hers. She wraps her legs around my waist as I press my lips firmly to her, forcing her mouth open as my tongue invades her mouth, exploring, demanding, pulsating through her body.

  Our kiss is more passionate than I planned and my heart starts to race as I unzip my pants, pushing her panties to the side and force myself inside her, slamming her against the wall.

  My thrusts are intense as I push her up and down, pounding into her as hard as I can.

  Changing positions, I move to toss her on the bed, removing my pants completely before leaning down to remove her panties. I lick her clit as I stick two fingers inside her.

  “Fuck, you are so wet.”

  I tilt my head down in disbelief from how bad I want to take her in every position possible.

  Grabbing a condom, I slip it on and slide inside her again as I stand with her legs up on my shoulders.

  Slow at first, I start a rhythmic motion, bringing her higher and higher. I start to pound hard inside her, then pause, pulling out as slowly as I can before starting my movement all over.

  I feel like I could explode at any minute, but when I stop, my face relaxes and a smile spreads over my face before I start all over again.

  I’m lost to everything I feel rushing through my body, but I almost blow my load when I feel her body tighten around me, bringing her to the most intense orgasm, making her toes curl, her knees buckle and head fall back in ecstasy.

  I’m surprised to feel her cum so fast, especially when I wasn’t doing anything special to bring her to that point, so I bend down, whispering in her ear, “Fuck baby… and we’ve just started. That’s one…”

  I pull back, smiling a cocky smile before flipping her over to her stomach. I love how I can do with her as I please.

  I caress her ass before leaning down to lick between her legs. “Mmm, you taste so good.”

  I lie on top of her, keeping her legs closed and thrust inside of her again, moving ever so slowly to rebuild her pleasure.

  She li
es there, completely relaxed, and I know she’s still reeling from her orgasm as I continue my pace.

  I pound into her, grabbing her ass and spanking it hard. Damn, it barely moves it’s so tight. Running my fingers up her back, I push her head down on the mattress more, tilting her ass for the perfect view.

  Suddenly her legs clinch tighter and tighter around me so I reach around, caressing her breast before pulling on her nipple. I must have hit just the right spot because she responds instantly and erupts around me again.

  I can’t help my grin against her back as I whisper, “That’s two.”

  She’s too weak to even smile. Her head is in a daze at the intense orgasms so close together and I feel like a sex God right now.

  I flip her again so she’s lying on her back. “Just wait till you feel this.”

  I thrust inside her as I lie on top of her, missionary style. She squirms under me, trying to flip me over but the two orgasms have taken their toll and she’s too weak.

  I’m surprised she’s not into this position. Women seem to always want it and normally I stay far away because it feels so “coupley” and I only like to fuck, with no emotion so I avoid it at all cost but for some reason it feels right tonight.

  She tries to flip me over again but I say firmly, “No you don’t. I’m in control here.”

  I lean down, kissing her lips as I slowly pull in and out of her. She lifts her legs up to wrap around my waist, finally giving in and throwing her head back.

  I grab her wrists, pulling them back behind her head, holding onto them, making me in complete control as I bring her to her third orgasm of the night.

  Clenching my teeth, I forcefully say, “That’s three,” as I cum, moaning loudly as I fall down on her, wrapping my arms under her back and holding her tightly. We lay like that for a few moments while we catch our breath.

  Nichole gets up, walking to the bathroom and after I discard of the condom, I curl up under her covers with my arm resting behind my back, turning the TV back on to Sports Center.


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