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The Third Reich at War

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by Richard J. Evans

  147 . Noakes (ed.), Nazism, IV. 515.

  148 . Solmitz, Tagebuch, 983 (2 February 1945), 995 (27 February 1945), 1,010 (9 April 1945).

  149 . Solmitz, Tagebuch, 765 (8 September 1942).

  150 . Ibid., 888 (8 January 1944), 928 (10 June 1944), 943 (8 August 1944).

  151 . Ibid., 944 (3 September 1944), 958 (27 October 1944).

  152 Herbert, Hitler’s Foreign Workers, 359-64.

  153 Ibid., 329 (quote) and 326-45.

  154 Ibid., 326-8.

  155 . Ibid., 366-9; Fritz Theilen, Edelweisspiraten (Frankfurt am Main, 1984); Bernd-A. Rusinek, Gesellschaft in der Katastrophe: Terror, Illegaliẗt, Widerstand - Köln 1944/45 (Essen, 1989).

  156 Herbert, Hitler’s Foreign Workers, 369-71.

  157 Frieser, ‘Die Schlacht’, 200-208.

  158 . Quoted in Merridale, Ivan’s War, 260.

  159 . Ibid., 261.

  160 Ibid., 261-2.

  161 Nicholas, The Rape of Europa, 361-7.

  162 Merridale, Ivan’s War, 277-82.

  163 Ibid., 267-9.

  164 . Atina Grossmann, ‘A Question of Silence: The Rape of German Women by Occupation Soldiers’, October, 72 (1995), 43-63, at 51.

  165 . Merridale, Ivan’s War, 270.

  166 Ibid., 267-8.

  167 . (Anon.), A Woman in Berlin: Diary 20 April 1945 to 22 June 1945 (Oxford, 2006 [1955]), 173. The author was the journalist Masta Hillers (Grossmann, ‘A Question of Silence’, 54).

  168 . Ibid.

  169 . Quoted in Antony Beevor, Berlin: The Downfall 1945 (London, 2002), 52.

  170 Ibid., 46-55, 88; Heinrich Schwendemann, ‘ “Deutsche Menschen vor der Vernichtung durch den Bolschewismus zu retten”: Das Programm der Regierung D̈nitz und der Beginn einer Legendenbildung’, in Bernd-A. Rusinek (ed.), Kriegsende 1945: Verbrechen, Katastrophen, Befreiungen in nationaler und internationaler Perspektive (G̈ttingen, 2004), 9-33.

  171 . Walb, Ich, die Alte, 313 (26 March 1945).

  172 Kershaw, The ‘Hitler Myth’, 200-225.

  173 Boberach (ed.), Meldungen, XVII. 6,732-3.

  174 Ibid., XVII. 6,733-4.

  175 . Klemperer, To the Bitter End, 443 (22 April 1945).

  176 . Ibid., 444 (22 April 1945).

  177 . Ibid., 453 (4 May 1945).

  178 . Ibid., 453 (5 May 1945).

  179 Ibid., 419-27 (26 March-15 April 1945), quote on 419.

  180 . Walb, Ich, die Alte, 333 (23 April 1945).

  181 Speer, Inside the Third Reich, 575-7.

  182 Quoted in Noakes (ed.), Nazism, IV. 659-60; see also Kershaw, Hitler, II. 784-6.

  183 Speer, Inside the Third Reich, 541-601; Kershaw, Hitler, II. 784.

  184 . Speer, Inside the Third Reich, 604.

  185 . Ibid., 610-18; Noakes (ed.), Nazism, IV. 659-61. For a critical discussion of Speer’s actions in the final phase of the Third Reich, see Rolf-Dieter M̈ller, ‘Der Zusammenbruch des Wirtschaftslebens und die Anf̈nge des Wideraufbaus’, in DRZW X/II, 55-378, at 74-106.

  186 Kershaw, Hitler, II. 768-75, 782.

  187 Redlich, Hitler, 207-9, 223-54.

  188 . Speer, Inside the Third Reich, 629.

  189 . Ibid.

  190 . Ibid., 631; Redlich, Hitler, 227.

  191 Atmospheric account of Hitler’s routine in Kershaw, Hitler II. 775-7.

  192 Ibid., 780-81.

  193 Ibid., 785-91.

  194 . Maschmann, Account Rendered, 146.

  195 . Ibid., 157.

  196 . Ibid., 163.

  197 . Ibid., 149.

  198 . Speer, Inside the Third Reich, 619.

  199 . Noakes (ed.), Nazism, IV. 666.

  200 . Ibid.

  201 Kershaw, Hitler, II. 803-5.

  202 Sereny, Albert Speer, 530-33; Speer, Inside the Third Reich, 635-47.

  203 Duggan, The Force of Destiny, 529-32.

  204 Kershaw, Hitler, II. 807-19.

  205 Ḧrter (ed.), Ein deutscher General, 16.

  206 Kershaw, Hitler, II. 802-19.

  207 . Ibid., 820-31, and 1,037-8 n. 156. See also the classic account by Hugh R. Trevor-Roper, The Last Days of Hitler (London, 1962 [1947]), still well worth reading; detailed sifting of the evidence in Anton Joachimsthaler, Hitlers End: Legenden und Dokumente (Augsburg, 1999 [1994]).

  208 . Domarus (ed.), Hitler, IV. 2,236; Werner Maser (ed.), Hitlers Briefe und Notizen: Sein Weltbild in handschriftlichen Dokumenten (D̈sseldorf, 1973), 326-66.

  209 . Kershaw, Hitler, 824.

  210 . Quoted in Christian Goeschel, ‘Suicide at the End of the Third Reich’, Journal of Contemporary History, 41 (2006), 153-73, at 167.

  211 Reuth, Goebbels, 613-14; Trevor-Roper, The Last Days, 241-7.

  212 . Kershaw, Hitler, II. 831-3, 1,039 n. 15. The skeletons of both men were discovered during building work in 1972 and identified by their dental records.

  213 . Richard Overy, Interrogations: The Nazi Elite in Allied Hands, 1945 (London, 2001), 145-6, 205.

  214 Ibid., 165-8.

  215 Ḧhne, The Order of the Death’s Head, 534-6.

  216 . Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich, 265.

  217 . Steur, Theodor Dannecker, 156-60, pointing out that she would hardly have done this had her husband not killed himself. Rumours that he survived were thus unfounded.

  218 Burleigh, Death, 273, 351-84.

  219 . Goeschel, ‘Suicide’; also idem, ‘Suicide in Weimar and Nazi Germany’, 196-200; Richard Bessel, Nazism and War (London, 2004), 154.

  220 Ḧss, Commandant of Auschwitz, 193-4.

  221 . Maschmann, Account Rendered, 163.

  222 . Ibid., 164.

  223 Sereny, Albert Speer, 543-4.

  224 . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen, XVII. 6,737.

  225 Goeschel, ‘Suicide in Weimar and Nazi Germany’, 209-13.

  226 . Quoted in Bessel, Nazism and War, 155.

  227 . Damian van Melis, Entnazifizierung in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Herrschaft und Verwaltung 1945-1948 (Munich, 1999), 23-4; Bessel, Nazism and War, 155; Naimark, Fires of Hatred, 117.

  228 . Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten, 235.

  229 Wirrer (ed.), Ich glaube an den F̈hrer, 324 (Inge to Alfred, 4 August 1945). Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten, 238 (22 April 1945) and 240 (3 June 1945).

  230 . Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten, 44 (5 May 1945).

  231 . Kershaw, Hitler, II. 831- 3.

  232 . Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten, 123-4 (1 May 1945).

  233 . Walb, Ich, die Alte, 338, 344-5 (2 and 8 May 1945).

  234 . Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten, 141.

  235 . Ibid., 163-5 (29 April 1945).

  236 . Solmitz, Tagebuch, 1,022 (30 April 1945), 1,031 (5 May 1945), 1,037 (8 May 1945).

  237 . Kershaw, Hitler, II. 822-3, 835-6; detailed account of the surrender of German forces in various parts of Europe in Klaus-Jürgen Müller and Gerd Ueberschär, Kriegsende 1945: Die Zerstörung des deutschen Reiches (Frankfurt am Main, 1994); see also Jörg Hillmann and John Zimmermann, Kriegsende 1945 in Deutschland (Munich, 2002) and Marlis Steinert, Capitulation: A Story of the Dönitz Regime (London, 1969).

  238 . Perry Biddiscombe, Werwolf! The History of the National Socialist Guerilla Movement 1944-1946 (Cardiff, 1996), 38-9.

  239 . Klaus Tenfelde, ‘Proletarische Provinz: Radikalisierung und Widerstand in Penzberg/ Oberbayern 1900 bis 1945’, in Broszat et al. (eds.), Bayern, IV. 1-382.

  240 . Robert G. Moeller, War Stories: The Search for a Usable Past in the Federal Republic of Germany (Berkeley, Calif., 2001), 3, 6, 24, 43; Norbert Frei, Adenauer’s Germany and the Nazi Past: The Politics of Amnesty and Integration (New York, 2002 [1997]), 303-12

  241 . See Telford Taylor, The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials (London, 1993) and Overy, Interrogations.

  242 . Sereny, Albert Speer, 702-21; Matthias Schmidt, Albert Speer: Das Ende eines Mythos: Speers wahre Rolle im Dritten Reich (Bern, 1982); also Albert Speer, Spandau: The Secret Diaries (London, 1976 [1975]).

  243 . Höss, Commandant of Au
schwitz, 195-201.

  244 . Steinbacher, Auschwitz, 137-9.

  245 . Ibid., 139-45.

  246 . Ḧhne, The Order of the Death’s Head, 535-6.

  247 . Klee et al. (eds.), ‘Those Were the Days’, 297-9.

  248 . Burleigh, Death, 269-80; Schmidt, Karl Brandt, 351-84.

  249 . Kater, Doctors under Hitler, 2-3; Steven P. Remy, The Heidelberg Myth: The Nazification and Denazification of a German University (Cambridge, Mass., 2002), 198-203.

  250 . Horace W. Stunkard, ‘Erich Martini (1880-1960)’, Journal of Parasitology, 47 (1961), 909-10.

  251 . Lifton, The Nazi Doctors, 380-83.

  252 . Klee, Auschwitz, 488-91.

  253 . Sereny, Into that Darkness, 13, 16, 261-77, 301-7, 321-2, 339-66.

  254 . Cesarani, Eichmann, 200-323.

  255 . Steinbacher, Auschwitz, 145-52.

  256 . Konrad H. Jarausch, After Hitler: Recivilizing Germans, 1945-1995 (New York, 2006), 54. The figure for the ‘incriminated’ does not include the British Zone. See also Clemens Vollnhals, Entnazifizierung: Politische Säuberung und Rehabilitierung in den vier Besatzungszonen 1945-1949 (Munich, 1991); Lutz Niethammer, Die Mitläuferfabrik: Die Entnazifizierung am Beispiel Bayerns (Berlin, 1992).

  257 . Jarausch, After Hitler, 271-81. For Best, see Herbert, Best, 403-76, and more generally Norbert Frei (ed.), Karrieren im Zwielicht: Hitlers Eliten nach 1945 (Frankfurt am Main, 2001). For problems of social adjustment immediately after the war, see J̈rg Echternkamp, ‘Im Schlagschatten des Krieges: Von den Folgen militärischer Herrschaft in der frühen Nachkriegszeit’, in DRZW X/II. 657-97.

  258 . Ḧrter (ed.), Ën deutscher General, 16.

  259 . Bock, Zwischen Pflicht und Verweigerung, 11-25.

  260 . Hosenfeld, ‘Ich versuche’, 111-46.

  261 . Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten, 44.

  262 . Ibid., 45.

  263 . Ibid., 273.

  264 . Maschmann, Account Rendered, 168-223 (quotation on page 190).

  265 . Steven Bach, Leni - The Life and Work of Leni Riefenstahl (New York, 2007), 252- 92; Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema, 125-34, 263, 307; Emil Jannings, Theater, Film - Das Leben und Ich (Munich, 1989 [1951]).

  266 . Kater, Composers, 3-30, 211-63.

  267 . Shirakawa, The Devil’s Music Master, 364.

  268 . Ibid. More generally, see Toby Thacker, Music after Hitler, 1945-1955 (London, 2007), 39-74.

  269 . Petropoulos, The Faustian Bargain, 239-53.

  270 . Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich, 267-75.

  271 . Remy, The Heidelberg Myth, 54, 204-5.

  272 . Klukowski, Diary, x-xi, xv-xx.

  273 . Martin Chalmers, ‘Introduction’, in Victor Klemperer, The Lesser Evil: The Diaries of Victor Klemperer 1945-59 (London, 2003 [1999]), vii-xvii.

  274 . Klemperer, The Lesser Evil, 359 (8 July 1951).

  275 . Ibid., 621-4.

  276 . Cited in Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich, 312-13; information from Staatsarchiv der Freien- und Hansestadt Hamburg.

  277 . Eric A. Johnson and Karl-Heinz Reuband, What We Knew: Terror, Mass Murder, and Everyday Life in Nazi Germany: An Oral History (New York, 2005), 337-44.

  278 . Bill Niven, Facing the Nazi Past: United Germany and the Legacy of the Third Reich (London, 2002), 233-41; Peter Reichel, Politik mit der Erinnerung: Gedächtnisorte im Streit um die nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit (Frankfurt am Main, 1999 [1995]).

  279 . Bullock, Hitler, 808.


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