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Page 9

by Maynard, Glenna

  I take the package from him and lay it across the hood of my truck. "You don't fool me boy, I know you came over here hoping to see Baby. I know you are a good kid but she is only fourteen. I know she may not look it, but she is too young and too good for you. Ye feel me. I am telling you man-to-man, stay away from my girl if you ever want to earn your patch." He looks like he is bout to shit his pants. He nods and stands there looking dumbfounded. "Well since you are here, make yourself useful. I need a beer and a joint." He scurries off to fetch my shit and I open up my package so I can get this truck running, so I can have the girls deliver the corn to Romeo later.

  Opening the package, the name Gypsy Red is staring at me from the lid of a charred metal box. I remove the lid and on top is an envelope marked Grim. The letter reads:


  Consider this a peace offering. Inside are some of the answers your girls will seek when it comes to their mother. A day will come when all will be revealed. I am not a man of many words, but one day I am going to ask something of you and you will do it. Consider it a payment you owe me for killing my son and stealing my granddaughter out from under me. I will contact you when I am ready to collect your debt. DO not try to contact me, you won't find me unless I want you to.


  Part 3

  Chapter 13

  Drag Creek Kentucky


  Two years later

  I have been living with Grim and his family now for two years, I am finally eighteen and free. I can take on the world however, I choose to, but a part of me is scared to go it on my own. Everyone here has been great to me and very welcoming...well almost everyone. Baby has had it out for me ever since I got here. I don't know what I ever did to her, but I suspect it has to do with all the time I spend with Rebel. He has been a great friend to me. On the nights when Grim is on the road and Baby is occupied elsewhere, Rebel keeps me company on the bad nights. I think he likes me more than I do him, don't get me wrong he is a great guy, but I made a promise to myself that I would never settle for a man with a Harley and a patch on his back. Somehow, he is able to chase my nightmares away. He sleeps on my floor on those nights that it is just he and I. I know that I am eighteen, but I suspect if Grim were to find him in my room late at night, he would go ape shit. That man has a temper that you don't want to be on the receiving end of. I have seen firsthand what he is capable of. My father and Squirrel are evidence of that.

  The fact that I walked in on my little sister blowing him a few days ago does not help his case. For one he is five years older than her, she is sixteen and he is twenty-one, it pisses me off. And two I don't do my sisters sloppy seconds and I haven't fully gotten past my issues with men period. He says he does not remember it, but I know how men are—how they lie to get what they want. The only reason I allowed him—Rebel anywhere near me was that he wasn't trying to get in my pants.

  I still see Betty from time to time, but not often, seeing her brings back too many painful memories for both of us. She still works at the Fox's Den, doing what she has always done best. Every now and then, she will send me a book she thinks I would enjoy; my love of reading is the one thing from my old life that hasn't changed. My name on the other hand has. I go by Rumor now. Baby used to make up so many stories about me, I started going by the name Rumor as a personal stab at her. She thinks spreading lies and rumors about me hurts me, but it doesn't except for the most hurtful thing I heard her say about me, she had the tits to actually say that when I first came here that I had an abortion and that it wasn't known if the baby belonged to Squirrel or my father. My father was many bad things, most of the horror stories spoken of him are true, but he never would have touched me like that.

  Grim and Sunshine have been so good to me; they took me in and have treated me like a real daughter. I finally received my GED and I have been working at the Roadhouse in the kitchen, only helping Sunshine with the pizza and sandwiches on the weekends. Grim won't allow me out in the front.

  I don't have enough money saved up to leave yet but I will one day. My grandfather sends me money but Grim sends it back, he says we don't accept money from the Devils Rejects. A part of me wants to get to know him, but another part of me is scared, the stories I have been told about him are so bad they are so disgusting; I don't want to know a man like that. I know Grim has done a lot of horrible things, but he is a good man. Sometimes good people do bad things, doesn't mean you can't love them despite their faults. Sunshine has been trying to talk me into going to college but I am not ready to go out that far into the world just yet. Crowds of people still make me nervous and Squirrel still haunts me in my dreams. I don't know if I will ever be able to escape him. It as if his touch has marked me for life. Some nights I wake up screaming and feeling as if I can smell his breath and feel his touch on my skin.

  Baby runs around doing whatever in the hell she pleases, she is spoiled and self-centered. Grim and Sunshine cannot control her and when they try, she runs to Foxie and hides under her skirt. Foxie coddles her so much and Rebel and Striker play right into her bullshit, even some of the brother's fall at her feet. This one poor guy Trouble has it for her bad. He does anything Baby asks of him, he is so hungry for a patch on his back, guess he thinks worshipping Baby is a good way to get it.

  Being branded and claimed is the furthest thing from my mind, though I think my sister would become an old lady right now if her dad wouldn't kill the man who would be dumb enough to try it.


  I take my time getting ready for work tonight; Sunshine has changed how I see me. She has been so wonderful with me. It took me a good eight months before I was able to let her get close to me, but she showed me all the things I would have been shown had I lived with a mother. Betty was good to me, but she did not have a maternal bone in her body. How can you love someone else when you do not even love yourself...? My strawberry blonde hair is in a fishtail braid and lying to my left shoulder and my makeup is always minimal but I wear enough to give myself that extra zing. I dress in my favorite Harley shirt, my black Chucks and a pair of ripped pants. When I came here, I didn't have anything but the clothes on my back, the shirt I am wearing is one of Grim's old shirts, and it is so worn and soft. He gave me some of his t-shirts to wear until they got me my own things, I have done away with most of what he gave me but this one is my favorite. I spray myself with some body spray for the final touch other than my cross ring. It belonged to my mother and I never take it off except for when I shower. Baby wears her engagement ring; even though she is a little bitch, I am glad we both have a ring to remember our mother with.

  Over at the Roadhouse it is Friday night the place is packed for Runner getting his patch today. The Black Rebel Riders' sure do love a good party. I am trying my best to help Sunshine get all of the orders out in a timely fashion. It'd be real nice if Baby would get back in the kitchen instead of flirting. She knows she isn't supposed to be out there. Grim isn't here tonight or she wouldn't be getting by with it. Sunshine says there isn't time to worry about it to quit my bitching and get back to work. It is not fair, not that I want to be out front with all of those men, but why does she get to slack off?

  After two hours of nonstop cooking and having grease splattered across my arm burning me twice the orders have stopped coming in and the guys are focused on getting drunk and getting some strange. Betty is here tonight, all the women from the Fox's Den are here as a courtesy to the club. I don't know how Rebel and Striker stand to see their mom parading around out there like a common everyday whore.

  I am in the back storage room getting some ice to cool myself with; the kitchen gets so hot from having two ovens and fryers going in the small room. I am standing with my eyes closed enjoying a minute of downtime before I have to start on the dishes, I have an ice cube rubbing it over my lips when I hear someone clear their throat. Rebel is looking at me as if he wishes he were the ice. The ice has begun to melt and is running down my chin through my fingers and off of my lips. Reb
el walks over to me and licks the water from my mouth. He catches me off guard and for a moment, I enjoy his touch—the scruff of his beard scratching my skin, but my mind flashes to him with his head back, pants around his ankles with my sister's lips around his cock. I push him away, "don't Rebel. Just don't," he is holding my hand against his chest, the look he has tells me he knows where my mind went.

  "I told you, I don't remember that night. I would have never done that with Baby knowingly, it kills me. She is like my younger sister. I care about her, but I don't feel for her the way I feel for you." He lets go of my hand and runs his hands through his blonde hair. If I were not so pissed off at him, it would be so fucking attractive. "I have watched over her from the time she was a baby, it was always me her and Striker, you gotta' know I would not touch her that way." I would like to believe him so we can get past this awkwardness between us, but he is a man, and men lie.

  He trails his fingers down the front of my jeans, stopping above my pubic area, he takes a hold of the polka dot fabric—my panties and tugs on them, making me break out in a cold sweat. The only man to ever go near my panties was Squirrel, my mind tries to go to that dark place where the demons hide, but somehow I will them away when I hear Rebel whispering in my ear. "I never knew polka dots could be so sexy, Rumor." His teeth catch on my ear and I shrink back from him. He is not getting in my panties.

  The door swings open causing us both to jump. "There you are, you owe me a game of pool." Baby wraps herself around him like a damn scarf. "Don't you have dishes to wash Rumor?" Clearly not a question but it is her way of brushing me off and like the rest of the guys around here Rebel turns and follows her like a lost puppy dog.

  Back in the kitchen Sunshine gives me a look I have seen a lot of thanks to Baby and her stories—pity. "Rumor, I can finish up in here if you want to go out and join the party. Grim isn't due home until tomorrow not that he can stop you, you are eighteen now. Baby seems to be enjoying herself." I cannot help but look through the small window used for placing orders and staring at Baby as she rubs her hands up and down Rebel's arm seductively. Striker comes over and joins them; they have always been the three musketeers, which is what Foxie calls them. I understand that they are close, Baby used to live with them before I moved here. The three of them are laughing and Striker is dancing with Baby and Rebel is sipping his beer oblivious to the fact that Baby is using them both. Maybe I am just jealous that I never had that—real friends and never will.

  "No, I don't have any desire to go out there and make an ass of myself. If you want to go on I can handle it."

  "If you are sure, I am going to go home and enjoy a nice hot bath and give Grim a call. I hate when he goes on runs."

  I nod for her to go on and start scrubbing the kitchen, the quicker I close down the kitchen the faster I can go home and curl up with a good book. Striker comes into the kitchen; he is looking for something to wipe his glasses with. He and Rebel might be brothers and only a year apart, but they look nothing alike. Where Rebel looks a lot like their dad Striker favors their mom. He has that smart pretty boy look going until you see all of his tattoos.

  "You skipping out on the party?" He asks as he reaches into the cabinet where Sunshine keeps some of her cleaning supplies for quick use.

  "You know that has never been my scene." I start to put the veggies in the cooler thinking we are done with this conversation.

  "You know Baby will get over her infatuation with him sooner than you think." He puts his glasses back on, "you should come play darts with us when you are finished in here. Live a little." He smacks me on the ass and laughs as he turns to go back to the bar. Striker is just one of those people you can't get mad at no matter what flies out of their mouth or how ignorant they act.

  And I decide you know what, I am sick of playing it safe. What is one party going to do? I can enjoy myself and not worry about some out of towner thinking he can put his hands on me. All the guys are here but Grim, they wouldn't let anyone hurt me. I go into the back bathroom and touch up my face before I walk out front and surprise the shit out of everyone by joining the celebration. I never knew it would mean so much to them to have me join them. All the guys are wanting to be the first I do a shot with. I can see Baby giving me the death glare, jealous that I m getting some of her attention.

  I am sitting at the bar with Romeo; I know I am safe with him. Rebel comes over and takes up the stool next to me. "So you can drink with his old ass, but you can't have a drink with me."

  "Well you see Romeo isn't an asshole like you, so yea I can have a shot with him and not you." I turn my attention back to Romeo and his story about his kids, he and LL just had another baby recently.

  Romeo laughs, "I have to piss something fierce, you got your hands full with this one son, and not sure you can handle her."

  "It's her that can't handle ME." He retorts scooting closer than necessary to talk to me. "So do you want me to come over tonight, you know in case you have nightmares."

  "I think I will be okay." A part of me is yearning to tell him yes I want him to sleep over, but I don't want him getting the wrong idea. He thinks he can get into my pants, there is no need to give the guy false hope. "Goodnight Rebel." I pat him on the arm and head home to enjoy my book after all. I look back to the bar before heading out and Baby is already in his lap, yeah he wouldn't touch her alright. Men!

  Chapter 14

  Drag Creek Kentucky


  I got a letter today that I was not ready for or expecting. I mean I knew it would come for me one day, but I am not prepared to meet with that dirty motherfucker. Hook has left me instructions to come alone he didn't say to come unarmed but I know I won't get within twenty feet of him with a weapon. When he sent me, the box of Red's financial affairs I wasn't sure what to expect. I learned some things that left me scratching my head. Red and Benji were legally married, how could she not have mentioned something so important when I asked her to be mine. She was also wealthy; there is a trust fund set up for Sarah that she will receive on her twenty-first birthday. Rightfully the money should be split between her and Baby, but I have Baby taken care of.

  When I started looking through her papers and assets it hit me that I never really knew her—Kara Marie, Gypsy Red, whatever her name really was. I still love her because she was Baby's mom, I always will, but now Sunshine owns the biggest piece of me. I dread going inside and telling her that I am meeting with the head of the Devils Rejects but I will not lie to her and she knows not to try and stand in my way.

  "We need to talk," I take her by her hand and lead her to the bedroom. She takes a seat on the bed. I look at her and I know what I am about to say is going to upset her but here goes nothing. "I have to go to a meeting...with Hook."

  She nods in understanding and starts fidgeting with her hands, as if she needs to be doing something but she isn't sure what. "The time has come to pay my debt. I don't know what he is going to ask of me, but I know whatever it is will cost me greatly."

  "I trust you Grim, I know that whatever you have to do, you will do whatever you think is best for us." I love that she doesn't try to fight me on the big stuff and that she has enough faith in us to let things be.

  "If anyone asks you don't know where I went. You think I mentioned going over to see Skull at his place."

  "You got it. I'll see you soon." She kisses me passionately, and I would like to tear her clothes off and fuck her again like I did this morning, but I am ready to get this shit over with. I can take my time making love to her sweet pussy when I get home tonight.


  "Don't you think if I wanted you dead you would be, and if you wanted to kill me you would have done it years ago, goddamn boy sit down and stay a while all of your pacing is irritating." I don't know how he has this effect on me but this dirty son of a bitch has a way of making me feel like I am a kid again. Reluctantly I take a seat in the chair closest to the door in case I need to make a fast exit. Not that I will need one by the
looks of Hook. Old age isn't doing him any favors. He looks weak and pale nothing like the Devil he used to be. It is only he and I here in this office. For once, he stayed true to his word and came alone as did I.

  "Cut to the point old man, what do you want from me?" I cut to the chase no sense in pussy footing around.

  He scrubs his gruff grey beard, "Might as well get comfortable, I have a story to tell you son." I lean back in my chair and wait for him to elaborate. "Your mother and I were an item, don't know if you remember that or not but we were. I loved her." I instantly tense at the mention of my mother, his whore. "I didn't do right by her or you and for that I am sorry. What happened with her was my fault. You see I loved her but I couldn't marry her, I already had a family. I thought bringing her to the clubhouse so I could see her when I pleased would make things easier for her and I but it only made things worse. I know it killed her having to watch me from afar, only able to be with me when it was convenient for me."

  I don't want to walk down memory lane. "Why are you telling me this shit? I don't want to talk about her." Motherfucker better get to the point soon or I am going to lose my cool. My patience is wearing thin, I need him to tell me what the fuck he wants and be done with it.

  "Because I am your father Jack and you need to know everything to fully understand. Why do you think Shirley named you Jack, she named you after me. Jack Johnson. Giving you the surname Jones was the closest she could come to giving you mine." I am a grown man and hearing this shit is enough to make me sick. I cannot be his son, no fucking way. "I set all of this in motion Grim; everything was all a part of my plan." He waves his hand like it isn't all that important and takes a drag off of his cigarette.


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