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Page 7

by Blair Grey

  “I thought about it, and the fact that this might be a man who is behind bars without having done anything wrong,” I said, trying not to let my voice get defensive. “And the more I thought about it, the more I realized it’s my job to make sure justice is served to everyone. If he’s not guilty, then I need to make sure he’s not punished for what someone else did. That’s all.”

  Rocco stared at me with a penetrating gaze. I knew he didn’t fully believe that was all, which bothered me. I didn’t like that this man was able to see right through me. It bothered me to think that he could pick up on when I wasn’t being entirely truthful with him.

  At the same time, I wasn’t entirely lying, either. There was truth to what I was saying. Well, some truth to what I was saying, anyway. I did want to help those who were innocent, just like I wanted to bring justice to victims of crimes.

  Sure, I didn’t have a high opinion of the MC, and in my line of work, I had seen what they were capable of more times than I cared to. To think that I could be helping a man get out of jail when he deserved to be there was enough to make me sick. But, there was also the idea that he didn’t deserve to be there, too, and the thought that he would be left to rot in a cell while the real criminal walked free was enough to make me see red.

  Sure, I didn’t agree with really anything MCs were about. I knew enough about them through my own experience to know I didn’t want anything to do with them, and I didn’t think too highly of the people who were part of them, either.

  But, I didn’t want a man to be brought down just because of the fact he was part of a club. There were a lot of things people did that I didn’t agree with or wouldn’t choose to do myself, but that didn’t mean I thought they should take the heat for a crime they didn’t commit.

  I knew guilt could be held against someone because of the fact they were involved in a crime – even in a very small way. But that didn’t mean that I supported the idea of someone being held responsible for a crime when they were merely part of an organization known for crime.

  “I think there’s more to it than that, and if you and I work together long enough, I’m sure I’ll figure out what it is,” Rocco said with a small smile. He gave me another look that told me he could see right through me, but I bit my tongue. I wasn’t going to get drawn into any sort of argument with him.

  In fact, I decided the best thing to do would be to set down some boundaries right away.

  “That’s not going to be necessary,” I said.

  “What’s not?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

  “I’m not going to require your help with this,” I told him. I tried to keep my tone flat and to the point as I spoke, not wanting to show any more emotion than what was professional. The last thing I wanted was for him to conclude I didn’t want to work with him because of any sort of attraction I felt.

  God knew I was already thinking about such things in my own mind. I didn’t want anything I said or did to betray me. I wasn’t about to let him know I was really attracted to him. Though, it had to be more obvious than I wanted to let on.

  But, despite my effort to keep it to myself, the look on his face told me he once again saw right through what I was trying to do.

  “I’m sure you’re going to need more of my help than you’re letting on,” he said with the smirk etched across his face.

  “I’m sure I’ve got it taken care of, thank you,” I told him again as he rose from the chair and looked down at me. There was a bit of relief that ran through me knowing he was finally leaving, but I still felt rather on edge. There was just something primal about Rocco that sent something running through my veins I couldn’t quite place my finger on. There were men who had turned me on in the past, I wasn’t denying that, but there was something about Rocco that was different from any other man I’d ever thought was attractive.

  I had long since considered myself married to my career. I didn’t have the time for men, and I wasn’t looking to get involved with any. There just wasn’t anything in me that wanted to, really. I wanted to focus on my career and what I could do there.

  I wanted to be the best of the best, and from what Rocco had told me, it seemed I’d done a pretty good job of getting there. After all, he had insisted more than once that I was the one for the case, and I didn’t want to disappoint.

  Hell, if I took it on, I would work damn hard to make sure I didn’t disappoint, either. But, the thought of working with Rocco on this case was more than just working on the case itself. He seemed to sense that, too.

  Even without a doubt in my mind that he wanted to make sure his friend came out of this okay, I knew he was also pretty okay with the fact I was as attractive as I was, too.

  The sexual tension between us was undeniable, and with the smirk still on his face as he leaned toward me and extended his hand, I knew he was well aware of the subliminal energy throbbing through the moment.

  I gave his hand a polite shake, averting my eyes as he once again reminded me of his thoughts on the matter.

  “I’m sure we’re going to be crossing paths again on this,” Rocco smiled. “And, I’ll be sure to have plenty of information for you when we do.”

  “Thanks.” I tried to shrug it off, ignoring the jolt that ran through my body when our hands touched. It was hard for me to admit someone had this sort of power over me, and I felt a bit of relief wash through me when he walked out of the room.

  “Good God! Get yourself together…” I shook my head. But, I didn’t have long to think about the interaction before Sarah poked her head into the office.

  “What was that all about?” she asked. I hadn’t told her I’d changed my mind about the case, so when Rocco showed up that morning, she had been completely surprised to see he had an appointment.

  She didn’t have time to ask me before he got there what was going on, so she took the chance as soon as he was gone to ask me about it. I was ready, but it was still hard to keep a straight face as I brushed it off.

  “I figured this could be a good way to show how far we’ve come,” I said with a smile.

  “Meaning?” she asked. “You’re going to work with that hunk? That’s coming pretty far.”

  “I mean, we’re going to show that we can get someone even in an MC out from behind bars if that’s what we need to do. If that man is innocent, then we’re going to prove it,” I said quickly. “It has nothing to do with Rocco. Or his muscles.”

  “Uh huh…” Sarah gave me a knowing smile, and I wanted to tell her again it wasn’t anything, but I bit my tongue. I didn’t have the words to argue with her right now, and I didn’t want to say something stupid.

  Hell, with the thoughts running through my own mind, it was hard for me to be serious as I told her I wasn’t going to do this for any reason but helping an innocent man behind bars.

  I was glad Sarah didn’t stay to argue the fact further. She turned and headed back to her desk, leaving me to fight the blush that was forming on my cheeks. I didn’t understand the effect the man had on me, that was for sure, but he did, and it wasn’t going to be easy working with him without having to fight to control myself around him.

  I had to stay focused on this. I had to keep in mind what I was doing. This was for an innocent man. This was for the good of my own career. I would have a lot of bragging rights if I could prove that this man didn’t do anything and get him out of the situation he was in.

  Sure, Rocco was the hottest man I’d ever laid eyes on. Sure, there were a lot of dirty things I wanted him to do to me. And sure, I would even admit it was hard not to keep dwelling on the night before and how good it felt to have him pushing me up against the wall of that bar.

  But, I would stay focused. I was going to do this for the right reasons, and those reasons were for Roman, and only Roman.

  I wanted to help an innocent man. That was the end of that.

  I would stand by that. No matter what.

  At least, I was going to try.

  Chapter 13

>   Rocco

  The next morning, I made a point of showing up at Amelia’s office before she got there herself. She had been early the day before. I’d arrived right when the doors opened, and she was already there. So, today, I wanted to be there even before she arrived, so I showed up half an hour early.

  Of course, I knew she wasn’t expecting me to be back at the office. I really didn’t care whether she did or didn’t. I was going to show up regardless of what she told me about the case. I knew what I was doing, and I wasn’t going to change it.

  I was attracted to this woman, and I was going to make sure she knew it. After all, there wasn’t a woman out there who had been able to withstand my charms, and this one wouldn’t be any different. I wasn’t going to let her slip out of my life.

  I would make her my own.

  Now that I had her on the case, I was ready to move on to the next step of making her mine: proving to her I wasn’t who she thought I was. She might not have said so directly, but I knew she thought poorly of those who were in MCs. I was going to prove to her we weren’t all what she assumed.

  And today, I was starting off by meeting her with coffee and doughnuts.

  I waited in my truck. I was going to ride my bike just to make a bigger point, but I decided against it at the last second. I didn’t want to risk spilling the coffee or dropping the doughnuts on the way to the office, and it made for a greater surprise when she pulled up and stepped out of her car.

  “What’re you doing here?” she asked. “I thought I told you I had everything under control.”

  “You did,” I said with a smile. “But I told you I was going to be there to help you with the case, and that’s what I’m doing.”

  “There’s nothing you can do,” she said. “Really.”

  “You say that now, but I’m going to prove to you there’s plenty I can do. Trust me, you’re going to be glad to have my help starting with breakfast.”

  I held out the doughnuts to her, but she turned up her nose.

  “I don’t eat doughnuts,” she said.

  “Come on, you can’t live on fruit and coffee,” I insisted.

  “I can for breakfast, and that’s what I’m going to do,” she said. “I always start my day the same, and I’m not in the mood to change it now, believe me.”

  “You’re going to have to live a little sometime,” I told her with another shrug. “Do you really think you’re going to be working with me and still stay as uptight as you have been?”

  “I’m not uptight, for starters!” she hissed. She looked around the parking lot. There were a few other lawyers and staff members pulling into their places, and I knew she was feeling the pressure. With a sigh, Amelia grabbed a doughnut.

  “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” I asked as she took a bite. She let out a soft moan.

  “Alright, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. But, I’m not going to get in the habit of doing this. It’s bad enough I have to watch what I eat so carefully, the last thing I need is to start eating sugar for breakfast,” she said with a shrug.

  “You’re not going to get fat by eating a doughnut,” I laughed. “And, do I have to tell you how hot I think you look today?”

  “Don’t,” she said quickly. “I’m not going to have you showing up to my workplace to hit on me. I don’t care what you bring me for breakfast, I’m going to keep this professional.”

  “Of course,” I said with a grin. “But I’m not going to let the opportunity pass by to tell you how hot I think you are without pointing it out to you. Come on, you’re the most attractive woman I’ve ever met, and you should know that.”

  “Stop,” she said again.

  “Shall we head inside?” I asked her sweetly.

  “Do you really think I’m going to let you in there?” she asked with a laugh. “I’m not.”

  “It would be a lot easier for you to just let me in, rather than make me have to push through all the people who try to get in my way when I let myself in,” I said with a shake of my head. “I’m going to help you with the case whether you like it or not. Roman is like a brother to me, and I’m going to be there until we get him out.”

  Amelia hesitated. I knew she was trying to decide what to do. She clearly didn’t want me to go with her, but at the same time, I wasn’t going to let her push me out. There was a reason I wanted to be involved in the case, more than just the fact I was in the process of seducing her.

  I was going to make sure Roman got all the fair treatment he deserved. And while I had full confidence in her ability to do that, I wasn’t so sure the rest of the legal system was going to work in our favor.

  I was going to make sure Roman got out of jail sooner rather than later, that was for damn sure, and to do that, I was going to be there throughout the entire process. He was more than just my friend. He was another member of the club. He was family.

  And from what I understood from seeing him the day before, things were only getting worse for him on the inside. That wasn’t sitting well with me.

  I would go in there and let him out myself if I had the ability, but the only way I could do that was to push for it on this side of things. Here in the office was where I could fight for him, so here was where I would.

  “Alright,” Amelia said at last. “But you’re going to have to do as I say. I do know what I’m doing, you know, and I’m not going to let you fuck this up for us.”

  “I’m not here to fuck anything up,” I said quickly. “I’m here to make sure things go as well as possible for my friend.”

  “Then come on,” Amelia sighed. I knew she wanted to be in control over this, but she knew I was going to do what I wanted. I had made that clear from the beginning, and I wasn’t going to change it now.

  I was used to being in control. I might not be the leader of the MC, but I was the chaplain, and with that came a lot of responsibility. I was going to keep that responsibility and power that I had, no matter what. I wasn’t afraid, that was for sure.

  But, I still had to admit, there was a different dynamic that came with Amelia. There was something about her that genuinely felt hard to get. It seemed to be more than just a game for her. More than her just proving a point. And, I was okay with that.

  I wasn’t intimidated with the thought she wasn’t just falling into my arms. No. I would win her over. I knew with time, I would.

  But, in the meantime, it was interesting to see her resist me the way she was. She clearly had a difficult time keeping herself together around me. I was used to making women nervous. It wasn’t at all uncommon for a woman to blush when I spoke to her, and Amelia clearly had to fight to keep from either.

  She tried to focus only on the case, but I still slipped in little comments here and there to make sure she knew I was still interested – and there were more reasons than one I wanted to work with her on the case.

  After working most of the morning, she finally had enough with the banter.

  “I’m sorry, but if you want to keep working with me, you’re going to have to stop. It’s never going to work between us, okay?” she said. “Let’s focus on your friend and keep it professional.”

  “Who said it’s not professional?” I asked. “And, who says it’s not going to work? There’s no reason to think we’re not good for each other when we haven’t given it a chance.”

  “Trust me when I say I know,” she told me. “I don’t need to give it a chance. I already know how it would work out, and I’m not going to flirt with it and let myself be right. Let’s just focus on the case and leave it at that.”

  She didn’t let me continue, though I couldn’t help but notice the flush that ran through her cheeks as she turned her attention back to the paperwork in front of us. It was clear she didn’t want to keep talking about it, but I did. I had a feeling if I were to keep it in the forefront of our day, she would at least cave in and talk about why she didn’t think we would work out.

  I knew I would have a good answer for each reas
on she would try to give against it, and I knew I would be able to convince her to at least give me a chance. Hell, all I needed was for her to give me an evening to convince her it would be a good idea, and she would be putty in my hands.

  As it was, she was practically there already, forcing herself to stay on topic with the case and that’s it. I wasn’t making it easy for her, not by any means, and I didn’t plan to start. I knew what I was doing, and I was more than happy doing it, too.

  It wasn’t until she told me I had to leave after lunch that I realized I was going to have to push even harder to get what I wanted out of her.

  “I thought you said this was going to be your main priority?” I asked her when she told me she was going to the court to deal with another case.

  “I did, and I’m treating it that way,” Amelia said flatly. “But being the top of the list doesn’t mean that it’s the only thing on the list, does it? I have to take care of another client this afternoon, so if you’ll excuse me, we can touch base again later.”

  “I’ll call you tonight,” I told her, but she shook her head and held up her hand.

  “There’s no need for that, trust me,” she said. “I’m going to deal with this when I have more time; but right now, I’ve got another case.”

  Reluctantly, I let her leave. I had to get going, too, but I wasn’t ready to be done with this for the day quite yet. I had enjoyed the time we spent together, and I felt like we were making progress with both the case as well as with what I wanted from her.

  But, she was set on leaving, and I knew I didn’t have any other option but to leave as well. I wasn’t going to hang out in the office while she wasn’t there. She wouldn’t allow me to, anyway.

  So, as she packed her briefcase and prepared to head to court, I grabbed my own paperwork I’d brought along to take notes and tucked them under my arm. I would head down to the jail and see how well Roman was doing, though I already had a feeling he was just barely keeping things together.

  I knew Roman, and I knew things weren’t likely going as well with him as they could be. But, I wanted to give him an update on the case and let him know we were making progress.


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