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Page 9

by Blair Grey

  She might compose herself after the fact and say that it was a one-time thing, but I knew that wasn’t the case. It couldn’t be. As we held each other for a moment in her office, I knew that there was something different about her. Something different about this situation.

  She wasn’t like any other woman I had ever met, and I wasn’t going to let this go. She was mine – I had just proven it. And now, she wasn’t going anywhere. I didn’t care what doubts we had to overcome, I would guide her through it and convince her that this was the way things should be.

  God knew I had taken on greater challenges in the past, and I always came through with what I wanted. I would do that again here, and I would make this woman’s life so much better than she thought possible.

  I knew what she needed, and it wasn’t to be the best lawyer in the world. She needed a man who believed in her and was going to go through the throes of life with her, not against her. And, she had found that man in me.

  She might not know it yet, but there was no denying our connection. Nothing was going to come between us.

  I wouldn’t let it. I’d made up my mind, and nothing would change it now.

  This woman was mine.

  Chapter 16


  As much as my mind tried to tell me how bad of an idea it had been to have sex with Rocco in my office, I couldn’t do it. I knew it wasn’t going to work out between us. There was no way a man in a motorcycle club and a lawyer were going to work out, but he insisted it would be fine.

  I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, and I really didn’t know how he thought it was going to work, but I didn’t have it in me to worry or to argue with him about it right now.

  We had sex, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it now. I couldn’t say that I regretted it, and I couldn’t say that I wanted to pretend like it didn’t happen, either.

  Even Sarah seemed to know there was something different between Rocco and me now. The day after we had hooked up in my office, she gave me a look when he walked through the door.

  I refused to acknowledge that something had happened. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her, but I didn’t want her to know that I would do something so unprofessional right there in my office. It was shocking to me that it had happened, too, and I didn’t want word to spread about it.

  Even if she didn’t say anything herself, it seemed to me that the walls themselves had ears in this place, and I didn’t want any of the other lawyers to find out about it. No, the best thing to do would be to keep my head down and focus on Roman’s case. I could work out the rest of what was going on with Rocco after we figured out what was going on with Roman.

  Rocco came into the office with a grin a few days later, smiling as he slapped more papers down on the desk next to me.

  “I think we’re getting closer,” he said. “This isn’t the best news as far as Roman himself goes, but I think we’re getting closer in the sense we’re going to have reason to believe it wasn’t him.”

  “What do you mean?” I looked up at him, and he gave a nod to the papers again.

  “I mean, they’re really trying to get rid of him behind bars, and I think that in itself says they’re trying to protect someone else. If we can’t prove that he’s innocent and he winds up getting himself killed in there, you know the prosecution is going to write it off as something that happened to a murderer and leave it at that. The real attacker’s going to walk.”

  “And, this is good news how?” I looked at him with raised eyebrows, and Rocco continued.

  “It’s good news in the sense the harder they try to silence him – and us – the more likely it is we’re getting close to the real person who did it. Not only that, but I had the guys look into a few leads that we had, and here are a few people I think we need to check up on. We can take it to the cops and get them on board with it, too, if you’d like, but we need to get more information on these guys,” he said as he tapped the papers.

  “Why don’t you keep your boys on it, too?” I suggested. “The more eyes we have on what’s going on with these people, the sooner we’re going to get Roman out of there. And, I don’t care if you think he’s capable of holding his own. I don’t want the Hell beat out of my client when he’s behind bars.”

  “Singing a different tune now,” Rocco said. He took every chance he got to push my buttons, and I did my best to ignore him. After all, there was something about that I liked, and though it was annoying, it was a form of attention I wasn’t going to shy away from.

  If he was going to flirt in that way, then that was fine with me. The fact that a blush rushed through my cheeks and made it nearly impossible for me to concentrate let the world know how much I liked it when he teased me. But, I would still try to at least act like I knew what I was doing.

  “I had to be cautious. If you knew how many people came to me with complaints over what goes on in jail, you would think they thought they had signed up for a vacation. No, those things do happen when people are locked up, but that’s not the same thing as letting a man get the life beat out of him because someone doesn’t like the fact he’s in a club,” I said.

  “Hopefully the judge comes to his senses and we can get this figured out,” Rocco said. “I want him back out on the streets where he’s not going to have to sleep with one eye open until we get the rest of this figured out.”

  “And, you don’t think being out on the streets in a club like yours is enough to make him nervous at night?” I had to take the same opportunity to place my point of view on the table, even if that wasn’t entirely the case.

  If there was one thing I had learned about Rocco over the past couple weeks, it was that he enjoyed banter. Any time we were able to tease each other about something, we took the chance.

  It felt good to do it, too. I liked to be lighter on the case, even though this was one of the hardest cases I had taken in a long time. I knew there was a lot resting on the outcome, and I hoped to God that we were going to get what we needed out of the prosecution.

  We had evidence in front of us, and I knew the people who were trying to put Roman away were just working just as hard as I had been. They thought that he might be the one who did it, and since he was in a gang, it was easier to assume that we were getting someone bad off the streets even if he wasn’t the one who had done this particular crime.

  No, I wasn’t going to let that happen. I knew in my heart now Roman wasn’t guilty, and I wasn’t going to let him take the fall for anything simply because it hadn’t been easy finding the person who had really done it.

  But, with the new information Rocco had just given me, it was only a matter of time before we were where we needed to be. I was going to find the right guy, and we were going to find a way to prove it.

  Sure, that wasn’t going to be easy, but then, there wasn’t anything easy about any aspect of my job. It was part of the reason I wanted to be a lawyer in the first place, and part of the reason I was such a good one at that. I knew that my job was hard, and I was more than willing to rise to the challenge, no matter what it happened to be.

  And Rocco? Well, he was right there with me. He didn’t want to see his friend locked up, but more than that, he had faith that I was the right person for the job. It felt good to have someone who had such faith in me. He was going to go through it all with me, and we were going to do what we could to help his fried. It might not be ideal, but we were doing our best.

  “You want to get out of here and go for a ride?” Rocco asked.

  “What are you talking about?” I replied with raised eyebrows. “I have work to do. We both have work to do if you’re going to help with this today.”

  “I think you would benefit from having a good ride right about now,” he said with a wink. I tried not to blush at the innuendo, but it was a lost cause.

  “Come on,” he pressed. “I want to take you out on my bike. It’s really a great way to clear your mind when you’ve got a lot going on, and you might find th
at it gives you a different view on the case.”

  I wanted to argue that I had more things I had to do at the office before I could even think about just going out for the afternoon, but with the way he was looking at me, it seemed that I didn’t even have the power over my own voice. I wanted to tell him that I had to be responsible. Hell, I wanted to be responsible without having to tell him.

  But with the way he put his hands on my waist, the way he looked down into my eyes with his own eyes inviting me to do something wild with him, it felt impossible to turn him down.

  I wanted to know what it was like to be more free in life. I wanted to know how it felt to be out there and do the things that I wanted to do just because I wanted to do them. There were so many things that I wanted, but I kept myself stuck in the same old pattern.

  It was almost as though I was afraid to let myself be happy, and I didn’t want to do that anymore. Rocco seemed to be able to sense it. He could see right through what I was trying to hide behind, and he wasn’t going to let me live the rest of my life in that shell.

  “You know what?” I said at last. “Alright, let’s go for that ride. But I’m telling you, the more we work on the case, the sooner we’re going to get your friend out of jail. Isn’t that what you want more than anything?”

  “Right now,” Rocco said with that same grin that could make my knees go weak. “I want you more than anything, and I’m going to take you out to prove it.”

  He motioned toward the door, and I didn’t know what came over me. Never would I have ever thought that I was going to be able to just walk away in the middle of a workday. Never had I ever let myself do anything like that before.

  It was true, we could be working. But at the end of the day, there was only so much we could do with the day. We could sit and stare at the paperwork and form new arguments, but the truth of the matter was that we weren’t going to get very far with what we were doing.

  We had to play the waiting game, as hard as it was, and it might be better for me to take a break and come back at it fresh and rejuvenated.

  There was a part of me that almost dared to think that I could let myself do these wild things and still be okay. I wasn’t sure where these feelings came from, but there was something in me that wanted to give it a shot.

  Rocco was so dangerous, but so free. I wanted to know what that life was like. He offered it to me freely, I just had to reach out and take it. And, for the first time in my life, I wanted to do that very thing.

  What the Hell, I was going to give it a shot.

  What was the worst that could happen?

  Chapter 17


  The more I got to know Amelia, the more I felt she was coming out of her shell, and the more I liked it. I thought I was hooked on her before, but no, that was nothing compared to what it could be – and that was something I quickly discovered.

  I loved every second we got to spend together, and I was starting to look for more and more time to hang out with her when we weren’t necessarily working. Sure, I still had Roman on the front of my mind, and I wanted to do anything we could to get him out of there quickly, but the fact of the matter was that I wanted to spend as much time with Amelia as possible.

  I wanted to have her. I wanted to make her mine, and I was willing to do just about anything I could to get her in bed with me. But, the more times she and I slept together, the more I realized there was more to this than just wanting to have sex with her.

  Yes, she was hot. And yes, she drove me wild with her attitude and the way she handled herself in life. But there was even more to it in my world, and I couldn’t wait to see her again.

  So, when she agreed to come with me to the bar after she got off work that night, I was elated. I wanted her to meet the guys. She had been there once, and they had all seen her, but she hadn’t gotten the chance to meet with them. And, I knew Callie and Alexis would be there. Perhaps even Jade, too.

  The more of the old ladies that were around, the better. They were the women who had fallen for and committed to men in the MC. They were so much better to hang around than the sheep. I didn’t want Amelia’s only experience with the women associated with the MC to be with those who were only there for the sex.

  No, I wanted her to see that there were great women who were part of this. I wanted her to see that she could be part of this, too.

  And to my surprise, she did.

  She stopped by her house to put on something more casual, and I was glad to see she still chose a short skirt. She wore a tank top along with it, but no bra under the tank and no panties under the skirt. I found that out when we were on the dance floor.

  It was almost impossible for me to keep my hands off her throughout the night, and I knew the other guys were noticing. Sure, they were all used to when one of us got horny and wanted to take one of the sheep home with us that night, and they all knew when we brought around a fling we were having, but this was different.

  There was a clear message that was sent when we were having flings, and an even clearer message that was sent when we were with one of the sheep. But, when there was a woman around we were interested in, the entire MC got the vibe.

  I knew the guys were picking up on what I was trying to put out there. I wanted them all to know that this girl was something special to me. She was someone I wanted to show off. Someone I wanted to prove was better than any of the others I’d ever been with.

  And, it was working.

  For her own part, Amelia also seemed to enjoy the attention she was getting. She grinded on me when we were on the dance floor, and she put her hand on my knee when we were seated at the bar or at our table with the rest of the guys.

  She was able to hold her own conversation with the others in the MC, and she seemed perfectly at ease with the other women. By the time I was ready to take her home with me, she was even hotter to me than she had been when she arrived.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked when we passed the turn to her house.

  “I thought you might want to check out where I call home,” I told her with a smile. “If that’s okay with you? I didn’t think you had to be to the office early on a Saturday, so you have the time to stay.”

  She folded her hands on her lap and didn’t bother to hide the smile on her face. “I think I’d like that, too,” she said. “I liked your friends. I think we can use some of what we talked about at the table today in the case.”

  “I thought they would help,” I said. I didn’t point out that I wanted her to meet my friends. Or the fact that I never took a woman with the intent of letting her meet my friends. I just didn’t see myself with anyone for very long, and I didn’t want to deal with the questions or the comments when it came to an end.

  But there was again that difference with Amelia. I might not say so – not right now, but I was glad she got to meet them, and I wanted her to be part of the group. I wanted her in the circle. She wasn’t ever going to be a patched member herself, but she could be with a patched member, and I wanted that to happen even more than I cared to admit to myself.

  We pulled up in front of my place, and I led the way to the door. Of course, we both knew why we were there, so as soon as we were inside and the door was locked behind us, she was on top of me.

  Our mouths met first, but our hands were all over each other’s bodies in a flash. We continued to kiss, making our way down the hall and toward my bedroom as our clothes fell along the way. I knew where we were going, and she was letting me lead her in the semi-darkness.

  I always kept a very clean house, so there wasn’t anything to stumble over on the way. We bumped through the door and right into the bedroom, nearly naked as we fell into bed together.

  Since she wasn’t wearing undergarments, she was already naked when she hit the sheets, and all I had to do was pull off my boxers, releasing my hard cock. She took me in her hand, stroking me for a moment before putting her mouth over me. Her lips closed around my girth, sending a shive
r through me as she started bobbing her head up and down.

  I moaned, lying back on the bed and enjoying her for a moment. I wasn’t going to cum in her mouth, no. I was going to wait for that to happen deep inside her. But, I let her pleasure me with her tongue and her hand, watching her tits move as her head ran up and down, her lips moving over me.

  I waited until I couldn’t stand it any longer, then I took her and pushed her down on the bed. She squeaked, letting me push her legs apart with my hands before I put my own lips to her pussy. She moaned, enjoying the flick of my tongue over her clit as I enjoyed the taste of her in my mouth.

  I knew I could make her cum – and I did. I didn’t want her to have to wait for us to join together. I wanted to make her writhe and moan under my tongue right now. She came, hard, and I licked up all the juices. She was shaking with pleasure and breathing hard as I climbed over the top of her to push my cock inside her pussy.

  I wasn’t going to waste any time thrusting in and out of her, making the most of every second of being with her. I loved the feeling of her pussy massaging me as I moved in and out of her, taking her more, making her mine. I thrust hard and fast, making her writhe on the bed and as she moaned louder and louder.

  We were in the privacy of my home, so she could be as loud as she wanted, and I wanted her to be as loud as possible. I loved hearing a woman scream as I made her cum around my dick, and scream she did. She cried out my name, pulling on my shoulders and taking me as deep as possible, wanting more of me, letting me give her all that I had in return.

  And, that was exactly what I was doing. I thrust into her hard and deep, giving her all that I could, making her my own once more. I thrust until I came hard inside her, filling her with my load and holding her until I had given her all that I had.


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