Applebottom Magic: Paranormal Romance
Page 12
Shana looked worried, “Look Apple you really can’t talk to anyone about that. I need to keep up my professional cover while I am training. Please don’t mention it to anyone.”
It seemed weird that she was so concerned but for all intents and purposes Shana was still my best friend and I would do anything for her. “Of course, I won’t say anything.”
She relaxed, “How are things with you and lover boy?”
I gave her a knowing smile, “You want all the dirty details?”
“Ewwww…. No, that would be super disgusting and completely inappropriate.” And then we both laughed and started talking about all the completely inappropriate and disgustingly dirty details. What can I say, she’s my best friend?
“So, what is the deal with you and James?” I asked out of the blue, hoping to throw her off. Every time I have brought him up she has clammed up on me and refused to give any information. It was beyond irritating. Especially to someone like me who absolutely needs to know everything about the ones that I love.
“There is no deal. We don’t even know each other.” She said evasively.
“Your pants are on fire Shana dearest, try again. I know that you are lying.”
She groaned and threw her head into a pillow. “You are like a dog with a bone about this! Are you ever going to let it go?”
“Ummm, maybe if you tell me what the hell is going on first?”
She sighed again, I considered warning her that this was becoming a bad habit in her spinster days, but I worried that if I pissed her off too badly she would not spill her guts and I really wanted the gossip on her and James.
“Do you swear not to tell anyone?” She asked hesitantly.
I crossed my heart about fifty times, “Honest I won’t tell a soul, not even the dead ones that you talk to.”
She harrumphed, “You are hilarious. I am serious Apple, you can’t even tell Ryan. This has to be kept between us.”
I was slightly offended, I could keep a secret when I absolutely needed to, “I swear Shan I will not tell a soul, not even Ryan.”
She leaned in close and whispered, “I remember James from when I was younger and he recognized me.”
My eyes widened and I laughed, “That is the big secret, seriously, it is kind of a disappointment.”
Shana rolled her eyes and muttered something about Em not being the only person of average intelligence at the cabin. I would take offense, but she’s dead right so who am I to complain.
“Apple, use your brain. If I knew James from my childhood and I am now in a disguise and he recognized me something is very off. How in the hell can he see through my glamour when no other witch or wizard can?”
I was stunned. Damn, the woman was right, I am batting with the short stick. “That is completely crazy Shan, have you asked him?”
“No! I am staying as far away from him as possible. I feel completely uneasy in his presence and want to get away as soon as possible. It would seem that he feels the same way.”
I thought for a moment and then shrugged, no doubt she was right. “That’s a bummer. I had kind of hoped that you and James would hit it off.”
She looked a little pale and lost for a moment. “In my job, there really isn’t room for romance and marriage.”
I was confused, “Being a trainer really sucks then. Why don’t you just quit and be something else?”
She smiled sadly, “There are some things that you choose to do and there are some things that you are born to do. Maybe someday I will have a chance for those things, but it will not be any day soon. For right now my greatest goal is to train Emily and that is what 100% of my focus will be on.”
I went over to hug her, “I don’t like seeing you sad Pop Tart. Are you sure that this is the way that it has to be?”
She hugged me back, “You have been so good for me Apple. You have taught me so much about life and seeing other avenues and ways of doing things. But I am afraid that for now this is the only way. Thank you though for caring. I do love you, crazy name calling and all.”
My heart warmed for my bestie, “I love you too Shana Banana.”
CHAPTER 34 - Patrick
“What is the deal with that Shana woman? She’s been up Emily’s ass since she got here and I’ve noticed that you avoid her like the plague.”
I had cornered James in the kitchen mid bite of his cereal. By the scowl on his face he was not happy about the inquisition, but I had about had it with that woman ripping Emily a new one every time they were in the training gym.
“How the hell should I know? I’m not a chick, ask Apple.” He grunted avoiding my eyes.
Oh, hell no, I blew softly and the cereal box flew up dumping the entire contents on his head, flakes and bran settling on his hair and shoulders.
“Do I have your attention now?” I asked him. The twat didn’t even look up. He just kept eating his damn cereal. I could feel my blood pressure going through the roof. I might have to hit him.
“What on earth is going on here?” Nana had just come through the front door of the cabin and both James and I looked up to see her. With a quick mutter under her breath and a wave of her fingers the mess was gone but I could tell by her face that she was more than concerned.
We answered in unison, “Nothing.”
She wore the universal look of all women when confronted with misbehaved men, a perfect blend of exasperation and irritation.
“You look nice today Nana,” I blurted out, and James snorted choking on a laugh, the bastard. Scratch hitting him; I’m going to shoot him.
Nana turned to James pointing at me, “What the hell is wrong with him?”
He replied without missing a beat, not a chick my ass, “He is upset because he thinks that Shana is training Emily too hard and he is sexually frustrated.”
Kill him, I need to kill him, and the sooner the better.
Nana had the nerve to giggle.
I was more than offended, I was outraged. I also felt extremely bugged that the twat could read me so well. “That is not at all what is going on here.”
Nana smiled, “Then tell me dear, the problem is?”
I scowled. “She is being too hard on her Nana, you need to go say something, or I will.”
James raised an eyebrow, “I am not sure that you should be getting involved in the training cowboy. Let Emily work this out on her own, she is strong, she has what it takes.”
“I know that she has what it takes!” Did it seem like I wasn’t being supportive? Or that I didn’t think she was good enough?
“Then let her do this, she can take it. I promise that I will step in if it gets to be too much.” James looked me in the eye, and I could tell that he was serious.
“I would feel more comfortable if you were in on the trainings. Shana is great and all, but she can be a bit much at times.” I knew that I was pushing, but I felt a driving need to make sure that she was safe. There was something about Shana that didn’t ring true to me. I couldn’t let this go.
Nana backed me up on this one, thank the Lord. “James I agree with Patrick on this one, I can talk with Shana if you would like me to.”
James looked uncomfortable, which was strange in and of itself. James was the most laid back, devil may care, person of my acquaintance. For hell's sake, I just dumped an entire box of cereal on his head and he didn’t say a word. This was completely out of character for him.
However, he simply stood up and headed toward the gym at the back of the cabin, “I’ll go find her then.”
I looked at Nana and wasn’t surprised to find her staring back at me. “Something is weird with all of this Nana. I just can’t put my finger on what it is.”
Nana looked concerned, “I agree. It’s almost like it’s too important to Shana. Why would a trainer be so concerned about making sure that Emily is ready? I understand doing your best for a job, but she no longer works for the organization. Technically she is rouge like the rest of us, so why is she being so intense? I wish
I could figure this out. It is like the answer is right in front of me and I can’t for the life of me figure out what it is.”
James POV
I was seething inside this damn woman had been twisting up my insides for years. And now she was messing with the people that I cared most about. I did my best to keep my cool as I walked down the long corridor back to the training gym.
Even though I was raised with magic I could still appreciate the fine skills it had taken to create this building that looked like a ramshackle building from the outside to normals passing by. The inside had so many rooms I doubt that I had seen them all. It even seemed to create new ones when a need arose such as the training gym.
I rounded the corner and caught sight of Shana at the boxing bag. I stood there for the briefest of moments transfixed by her beauty. I knew that everyone here could only see her glamour which was of the plain unattractive middle aged woman. There was a certain part of me that was glad I didn’t see that, because the show I got when she was around caused a standing ovation for the fellow, every damn time.
Sweat trailed down her breasts and stomach, she should look disgusting, why did I want to pounce on her? Pull it together man!
“Shana, we need to talk.” I said in a slightly gruffer tone than usual.
She turned around more quickly than intended and almost lost balance, but I grasped her tone upper arm to balance her. And there goes the standing ovation, oh shit, readjust.
“What is it?” She was slightly breathless, that was NOT helping things.
“You need to lay off Emily,” I said tersely, “Everyone thinks you are going too hard on her.”
Her eyes widened. “I can’t do that James, you know that.”
“You have to Shan. Unless you want to let everyone in on your little secret and if that is the case, then let’s gather them all together now.” I knew that I was calling her bluff.
“Damn you Jay, you would have to be here, screwing things up!”
I smiled; she hadn’t called me Jay in a long while. “Look, I know you have a job to do. But you can go about it a better way. And surprise, you are getting an assistant per Nana.”
She looked ill, “Don’t say you, please don’t say you.”
“Oh, yes princess, looks like we are back in business.” I was grinning now, call me evil but sometimes it is nice to see the mighty cut down for size.
“We are all going to hell in a handbasket.” She grabbed her towel and went to leave but I stopped her one last time. But not without taking a good look at her fine back side, hot damn that woman looked good.
“Well princess, if we are going to hell, we might as well enjoy the ride.” She huffed angrily and stomped out of the room to the sound of my laughter.
You see the thing is, I know all about Shana and the little game that she’s been playing here. I’ve stayed out of her way because quite frankly if I am being honest she is scary as hell. But one of these days it’s going to blow up in her face, and I’m going to be on the front row loving every minute of it.
CHAPTER 35 - Emily
Child, you must heed my words. You and your loved ones are running out of time. The evil that is rising against you will soon be at your door. Be ready, be strong, know that I have blessed you with everything that I have. I would that I could fight this battle for you, but this is a road you must walk alone.
I woke out of gasping for breath, the feelings of fear and despair rising throughout me. What was I thinking? I couldn’t do this? I wasn’t strong enough to lead a rebellion against the magical council, especially not against my father who had abused me my entire life.
I felt the bile rising before I could stop it and barely made it to the bathroom before vomiting. A warm hand brought a wash cloth to my lips and pulled my hair away from my face.
I looked up, mortification etched across my face. Surely, I could have this one moment to wallow in self-pity and doubt.
Patrick looked into my eyes. His look was almost savage and yet pleading. “You are enough Emily. Do you hear me? This is important. You need to hear this, and you need to listen. You are enough. The woman standing before me is capable, incredible and the woman I love. Don’t ever mistake that.”
His voice was not gentle which was in stark contrast to his tender touch.
I felt off kilter. Had he just confessed his love for me?
He flipped on the shower and then put toothpaste on my brush and led me to the sink. I brushed my teeth, thankful to be rid of the sour taste in my mouth.
I could hardly meet his eyes in the mirror. I knew that mine were sad and deepest shade of violet. My eyes had always been a window to my soul. But one of the things that I loved about Patrick was that his eyes remained the same color, must like his steadfastness and trueness. I could always rely on him.
I felt a swelling of love for him in my breast. “I love you too,” I whispered.
He crushed me too him, “I know you do Em, I know.”
There was a flurry of movement as we shed our clothes and suddenly we were both in the shower. The hot water was cascading down, making our bodies’ slick. He kissed me with a passion of the ages. I felt cherished and loved, desired and whole. I knew that I was his everything in that moment and I wanted to be the same for him.
It was hot and carnal. Patrick was cut with muscles where I was soft and hair where I had none. I licked him every place I could reach and it was glorious. He was also taller than I was which he quickly remedied by picking me up at the waist and I wrapped my legs around him.
My core trembled being open against his skin. It had been way too long since I had done anything close to this kind of thing and it had never been with someone I loved. I could feel his excitement pressing into my behind and knew that with a little encouragement I could get this party really started.
I started rocking against him and biting at his neck. He bit off a curse and told me to try and slow down and make it last, like I was going to listen to a stupid I idea like that.
I ground my hips into his erection, kissing him for all I was worth, and he finally gave in. It was a tight fit, we both groaned in unison at the perfect moment.
“I love you Emily, I have loved you for a while now and I will love you forever.” His voice was so deep and his body was stretching mine so beautifully it was truly the perfect moment.
“I love you too Patrick, always.”
We made love there in the shower. The first time was fast and furious. The second time was slow and leisurely. The third time we made it back out onto my bed and as we slipped into slumber wrapped around each other I realized that maybe he was right. Maybe I was enough.
I awoke a bit sore and deliciously happy. I heard a faint snoring next to my ear and felt a tale tell sign of someone’s good morning in my backside. I couldn’t help myself and I giggled.
I felt him smile against my neck, “Are you laughing at me?”
I giggled a little bit louder, “Never.”
He bit my neck gently, “Liar.”
I smiled, I could get used to this.
Remembering my dream, I turned in his arms, “Oh my word, Patrick.”
At once the smile left his face, “What? What is it?”
“The dream, the one that I have had for weeks now, about the woman in the old clothes who couldn’t talk to me, I know who she is.”
“Well,” he said, pulling himself up against the headboard “Tell me, who is it.”
“She is your mother. Not the woman that raised you, but your birth mother. But I am getting all of this confused I need to start at the beginning.
I didn’t tell you this earlier because things got so crazy. But right before you came into my room I was visited by the moon goddess again and she said that the evil that was rising against us is coming soon, right here to the Grand Canyon.
I felt panicked and scared. I know that I am not ready and that Shana is trying her best and that I am not where I need to
be. I felt scared that maybe I wasn’t the one that could fulfill the prophecy.”
He interrupted hotly, “You are amazing Emily, you can do anything. You just need more self-confidence.”
I smiled, “Just wait, there is more. After we, um” I wasn’t sure how to phrase round one, two or three.
“After we did naked,” He wiggled his eyebrows, and I knew that I would never be living that down.
“Technically we are still doing naked,” I drooled rolling my eyes at his silliness, “But yes, ‘after we did naked’ and I fell back asleep, Mary was actually able to come through. She said that she has been trying to reach me. She was killed shortly after your birth by evil men much like my father and knew that you would not have the chance to grow up with your family.
At that time, she made a bargain with the moon goddess. She has been waiting for hundreds of years to come through and tell you about it, but the goddess insisted that it had to be the right time.”
Patrick looked incredulous, “And now is the right time?”
I grasped both of his hands, “Now is the right time, it is the perfect time. The moon goddess promised her that if she fulfilled promises in the land of the dead that you would be blessed in the land of the living.”
“Emily, I don’t follow. What does all of this mean?”
“It means that even though I am much too old to be in childbearing years for a witch we are going to be blessed with children. And apparently, they are going to be some kick ass kids. It means that my insecurities about who I really am are my problems and not my reality, because we are truly the ones spoken of in the prophecy. It means that I love you so much more for casting your lot in with me, not even knowing if this was really going to work out. It means that I need to spend every waking moment, no; we need to spend every waking moment training and preparing because now that I have you I do not intend to let you go.
CHAPTER 36 - James