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Page 32

by Patrice Wilton

  “So, guys…” She gathered up the plates, standing as straight as she could to take the pressure of her back. “You might want to beat the rush-hour traffic. Mom, are you packed?”

  She looked confused. “I’m not going anyplace, dear. As a matter of fact, Tom has decided to stay with us for a few days. Isn’t that the nicest thing? He’s got people in Daytona covering for him. They can do without him for a day or two, can’t they, sweetie?”

  “They will just have to.” He leaned over and kissed her nose. “I’m romancing my wife.” Tom smiled at Jenna. “Your mother tells me you’re a real good cook.”

  Jenna’s foot started tapping. “Oh, she did, did she?”

  “Oh, Jenna. Don’t be angry. This is so nice that you got to meet Tom. It would be all so perfect, if Cindy were here too.” Her eyes welled with tears. “We’ll go visit her when the children come home. Would you like to come too?”

  “I would, but my back is killing me. Maybe tomorrow it’ll be better.”

  “I’m so sorry it’s still troubling you. I had mine go out a couple of times, and it’s something you never forget. Oh, well. Take some heavy duty pain killers, and whatever you do, don’t vacuum.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it.”

  “Good.” She stood and picked up their glasses. “Here, let me help you with the dishes. I’ll make sure I have the kids back home in time for dinner. What time do you usually serve?”

  “Grant was going to take me out, but I’m not really up to it.”

  “Not with your back,” her mother quickly replied. “It’ll be less trouble for you to cook.”

  “I’m sure it will. So, shall we say, dinner at six-thirty? Do you or Tom have a special request?” She didn’t bother keeping the sarcasm from her voice.

  “Well, we do love a nice rack of lamb. And we’re rather partial to seafood too. But whatever you make is sure to please. You’ve always been a creative little cook.”

  “I aim to please,” Jenna replied, nearly gagging on the words.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t love her mother, but Sharon had to be the most inconsiderate woman on the planet. Still, she would bite her tongue, and bid her time. Hopefully, the two love-birds would be gone soon, and Jenna would once again have the house to herself.

  * * *

  Grant wondered how Jenna was making out. It had only taken him half a minute to see that she didn’t get along with her mother. He just hoped Sharon was being helpful and letting Jenna rest that back.

  He knew a good chiropractor to recommend. Just last year he’d made an incorrect golf swing that had put his own back out. He hadn’t even been able to finish the round, and had been laid up for a week. His recovery would have taken much longer without Charlie’s help.

  It was unlikely that she’d be able to keep their dinner date. That could be postponed a night or two.

  During his lunch Grant gave Jenna a call and asked about her back.

  “Agony,” she said. “I’m sorry I’m not up to going out tonight.”

  “Not a worry. As soon as your back’s better, we’ll have a night out.”

  “I feel so stupid. What an idiotic thing to do.”

  “You didn’t do anything. It just happens, doesn’t take much.” He thought of her lying down on the couch after he’d helped her home yesterday. He’d wanted to massage her back, and any other part of her that ached. He might have done it too, if her mother hadn’t shown up so unexpectedly.

  “Well,” she said, “it probably would heal quicker if I didn’t have to run around after my mother. She’s got me cooking a big dinner for everyone tonight. Oh, I didn’t tell you…I called her husband Tom, hoping he’d come and take her home. Instead, he’s decided to stay for a few days. Now, I have another mouth to feed.”

  “What are you talking about?” Grant’s voice grew rough. “You can’t be on your feet. You need to be lying down with your feet up, resting that back.”

  “Tell that to my mother. She wants a rack of lamb.”

  “Give her the name of a restaurant. You can’t be on kitchen duty.” Grant gave her his chiropractor’s name and number, but she told him it would be a waste of her time.

  “I’m all right,” she assured him. “I only wish I could rest on a real bed. Tom and Mom took over the spare room, so I’m sleeping on a sofa-bed in Amy’s room.”

  “My God, Jenna. You need a proper mattress. Surely your mother can see that?”

  She wished. “My mom only sees what she wants to see. But don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

  “How about if I come over and bring dinner? I could even cook for you if you prefer.”

  “You’re a sweetie, but you’re too late. I called Joe’s market and had a prepared lamb delivered. All I have to do is put it in the oven and make some side dishes.”

  “Jenna. I’ll come and do the sides—if you want to see me, that is.”

  Jenna didn’t answer right away.

  Of course she wanted to see him. Who wouldn’t? The man was as kind as he was gorgeous. But she didn’t have the energy to be entertaining and charming, and she looked like hell. She couldn’t wash her hair. She’d barely managed to take a five-minute shower and dress herself that morning.

  “I’m sorry,” he said slowly. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”

  “Grant, you’re not. Come for dinner. I’d like to have you here, I really would.”

  It would be nice to have someone on her side. Lately, she’d been feeling as if all her good intentions were not only unappreciated, but unwanted.

  * * *

  Somehow, bad back and all, Jenna had managed to cook the rack of lamb, sweet potatoes, and asparagus. They’d had a Caesar salad as a starter, and a strawberry torte for dessert.

  It was a beautiful night, and they were eating outdoors under the screen enclosure, an enormous birdcage-like structure. Amy played in her playpen beside Rob.

  As they ate, Tom entertained them with stories of cruising the country on his hog and the interesting people he’d encountered along the way. He also told the children how he’d met their grandmother at a craps table in Vegas.

  “It was love at first sight. She had these tight shorts on and a pair of cowboy boots, and I took one look at that fanny and said, ‘Tom, ol’ boy, that gal’s for you.’”

  Appalled at Tom’s bluntness, Jenna looked across the table to see Grant’s reaction. He grinned at her and winked, which made her feel warm all over.

  She felt something under the table and realized he had nudged her foot. Playfully, she nudged his back. She was enjoying the moment, her weird and crazy family, and Grant’s company.

  “Tom!” Sharon blushed. “You shouldn’t be telling the kids tales like that. What will they think of me?” She batted her eyelashes. “And it’s not true. He actually met me the night before at the AA convention. Thousands of people and there we were, sitting right next to each other.”

  Jenna bit back a laugh. Her mother was wearing a pair of imitation snake-skin pants that she couldn’t have squeezed another ounce into, and a halter top that barely covered her ample breasts. Her cropped platinum hair was spiked with mousse, and she wore silver bangles on both arms and turquoise jewelry around her neck. What the children, or anyone, thought of her was actually quite immaterial. She is not the kind of woman who give’s a rat’s ass.

  For that matter, Jenna thought, neither does Cindy.

  Still, who was she to judge? She needed to practice tolerance, and accepting her mother as she was—not the way Jenna wanted her to be—would be a good start. Especially considering Sharon might hang around for a while.

  Grant was conversing with Rob, allowing Jenna the opportunity to watch him. She was glad he was there. He had helped her in the kitchen and had carried out the food. He had told her how pretty she looked with her hair in a ponytail, dressed in a Mets shirt and shorts.

  He was the most attentive man she’d ever met. Nothing escaped his notice. When she had stooped to pull something out of the oven
and felt a twinge in her back, he’d been right there to massage her shoulders and run a gentle hand down her back. His hands had felt wonderful on her skin.

  Doctor’s hands—warm, gentle, caring. She thought about those hands and how they would feel on other parts of her body. One day she might have to find out. After all, she was a passionate woman who enjoyed sex, and she no longer had a boyfriend. So why not?

  She glanced around at the other people gathered at the table. No one was paying her any attention—except Grant. He tilted his wineglass in her direction and they exchanged a smile.

  After dinner, Kelly cleared the dishes. Nick was supposed to help, but Jenna noticed him staring at the shimmering pool water with a strange look on his face.

  Jenna held her breath. What was going on with that kid? Now that Rob was spending more time at home, Nick had stopped going out at night. He was quiet and moody, not like himself at all. Was it worry over his mother? Was this preying on his mind?

  A moment later, Nick erupted. He turned to his father and hit the table with his fist. “I can’t stand this bullshit. What is wrong with this family?”

  “What do you mean, son? What’s the matter?”

  Kelly dropped a glass in the kitchen, and the noise startled everyone. Grant jumped up to see if she was all right.

  Nick glared at his father. “I heard you guys fighting. I know she was having an affair.”

  Jenna was glad Grant had gone into the kitchen. She hoped he couldn’t overhear this particular family discussion.

  Rob’s mouth fell open, slammed shut, and then opened again like a guppy fighting for air. “What did you hear?”

  “Before Amy was born. Maybe a year ago. You guys were so busy yelling at each other that you didn’t hear me come in.”

  Sharon patted Nick’s hand. “Now, Nick, that couldn’t be right. I’m sure you misunderstood. Your mother wouldn’t…would she?”

  Kelly shoved open the sliding screen door. “Tell him it’s a lie, Dad. Tell him.”

  Grant followed Kelly outside, and came to stand behind Jenna. He rested his hands on her shoulders and the comfort felt good.

  “Now, honey,” Tom said. “I’m sure there is a simple explanation for this.”

  Rob rubbed the side of his nose and cleared his throat. “What transpired between your mother and me is our business, and it has nothing to do with you kids. Your mother and I love you both very much and only have your interests at heart.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Kelly asked, her face flushing a mottled red. “She did?”

  “We were having some problems—but we’ve worked everything out. We are not getting a divorce. I love your mother. And that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.”

  No one spoke. Jenna felt tears prick the back of her lids. This was her sister they were talking about. The sister she had raised and loved. She didn’t want to believe Cindy was capable of doing this to her family, but she knew it was true.

  She felt her heart tighten and squeeze. A lump formed in her throat. Cindy’s callousness damned near broke her heart, even though, or perhaps because, she’d witnessed it time and time again.

  Sharon spoke. “If she cheated on you, then whose baby is Amy?”

  Grant’s fingers dug into Jenna’s shoulders, and she heard his sharp intake of breath.

  It was like a bomb had detonated. The shock and horror resonated from one to the other as the implications became clear.

  Sharon tried to backtrack and soften the blow of her thoughtless words, but it was too late. “That was a silly question,” she babbled. “Of course she’s yours, Rob. Look at the eyes and hair color. She’s your baby. Anyone can tell by looking at her.”

  Rob didn’t say a word.

  Kelly started shrieking. “No friggin’ way! You mean it’s possible? Mom screwed around and the baby might be some other guy’s? Not Daddy’s? That’s so gross!” She ran off crying.

  Nick got up from his chair. “I’m going out.”

  “Where are you going?” Rob demanded. “I want you to sit back down so we can talk this out.”

  “No way. I’m outta here.” Nick strode into the house, closing the screen door with a bang.

  Sharon looked at Tom, who was shaking his head sadly. Nobody would look at Rob. The silence lasted a few uncomfortable minutes.

  Jenna gazed at this unhappy family and once again felt disconnected. She wished she had some magical powder to sprinkle in the air that would take away all the hurt.

  She stood up slowly and squeezed Grant’s hand. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

  As they passed through the kitchen she added, “I’m sorry about this. It must be very awkward for you.”

  He tugged her hand, stopping her, and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry too. Your family is suffering, and it’s not easy on anyone.”

  She walked to his car with him, thanking him for coming.

  He quickly kissed her cheek. “Take care of yourself, Jenna. Call me as soon as your back is better. I’d like a real date with you,” he added with a sexy smile.

  Before he could get in his car, they both heard the front door open and turned toward it. Rob stood in the doorway with Beets, who jumped up and down beside him, barking with excitement. Rob was holding the dog by the collar and fighting to put the leash on him, but didn’t make it in time.

  The dog took off, racing past Jenna and Grant. “Catch the dog,” Rob yelled.

  Grant ran after him, but Beets headed for the nearby lake.

  “Shit.” Rob took off. “He’s after the ’gator.”


  Jenna knew there were alligators in the swamps of Florida, but she didn’t realize they co-existed with the human residents of gated communities. She wanted to see what was going on, but her back prevented her from running after Rob, Grant, and the dog. She walked slowly in the direction of the lake.

  Rob was yelling at Beets, and Beets, standing at the edge of the water, barked ferociously at a dark shape she could barely make out. As Jenna got closer, she could see the beady eyes of an alligator as it swam toward the grassy area, heading straight for the dog.

  Prickles of fear made the hair on her arms stand. She screamed. She wasn’t crazy about the dog, but she liked the gator a lot less, and the thought of Beets in the huge jaws of that prehistoric creature was enough to send her into a panic. “Beets! Come here, boy. Come here.”

  Grant had hold of the dog’s collar, but Beet shook him off and continued to bark and growl at the approaching alligator. The dumb dog was asking for a fight, and the gator planned to give it to him.

  The reptile looked to be about twenty yards away in the dark marshy water when Rob reached Beets’ side. He snapped on the leash and tried to drag the yelping dog away.

  Beets had other ideas, like scrapping with a reptile three times his size. He planted his feet and pulled back, edging toward the lake and the fast-moving alligator.

  Grant got behind Beets and pushed his rear end, placing himself between the dog and the ten-foot reptile torpedoing through the water.

  “Grant, be careful,” Jenna cried.

  He turned to see the gator lifting its head and opening its mouth, revealing rows of sharp-edged teeth. In the moonlight, Jenna could swear she could see the hideous creature smiling.

  Grant gave the dog one last solid push, just as the alligator dived under. For a second it couldn’t be seen, but then it came up with a splash. The dog and the men jumped, and everyone started running.

  Jenna moved backward as fast as she could. Grant took her arm, and, looking over his shoulder more than once, helped her back to the house.

  They all laughed about it afterward. It was Jenna’s first up-close-and-personal experience with a living, breathing alligator, and she hoped it would be her last.

  When she walked Grant to the car for the second time that night, she whispered, “I was so scared for you, Grant. What were you thinking putting yourself between the gator and the dog?” />
  She shivered, folding her arms around her middle. “If anything had happened to you…well, you know… It would have been horrible and I’d have been pretty mad.”

  He laughed. “I hope you’d be upset, but mad? At me or the gator?”

  “At you…for your stupidity. The gator was only going after food. He’s not supposed to be smart; you, on the other hand, are.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “I’m smart enough to make you think I was in danger. And look where it got me.”

  Smiling, she leaned back to look into his face. “Where?”

  He dipped his head and took her mouth in a not-so-gentle kiss. A fleeting thought that she should probably not encourage him was replaced by ‘hell, why not?’ She could handle a fling if he could.

  She put her hands around his neck, and kissed him back. His warm mouth tasted like wine, and something else—something that made her want to linger for more.

  He deepened the kiss, and his tongue slid inside to touch hers. She felt a thrill of anticipation, and a growing fire in her belly. She leaned in, wanting his kisses, his comfort—and to be carried away from all the unpleasantness in this home.

  Grant’s hands slid lower, to her backside. He drew her closer, against the length of him. He continued to use his mouth expertly, hot, moist kisses that stole her breath and elicited a sexual tingle deep in the core of her.

  “Grant…” She paused for a breath. “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re a great kisser?”

  His lips curled in a sexy grin. “Did you know that you’re a very passionate woman?”

  She tilted her head to look at him. “With everything going on here, I need this right now. Please…don’t stop.”

  His hands slid back down to her rump, and pulled her close. She could feel his arousal. Flickers of desire raced through her. When she didn’t pull back, he shifted ever so slightly. She sucked in her breath as she felt the heat, the strength, of his desire.

  If she wasn’t careful, her control would vanish in one hasty moment of pure lust, and she’d drag him into his car and run off with him.

  She slid her hands up over his chest, feeling his heart pound, sure hers did the same. After what seemed like forever, but not nearly long enough, he broke the embrace, and stepped back.


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