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Page 67

by Patrice Wilton

  He wanted her to invest in his land? That was what this was all about? No marriage proposal? He was not going to profess his dying love and throw himself at her feet, begging her to stay?

  Anger mixed with humiliation grew like a prickly thorn inside of her. He was only interested in what he perceived to be a “rich American”? Oh, how foolish she had been.

  Her hands flew up to her cheeks. She knew they were burning crimson. She didn’t even care that tears blurred her vision. She had to get away fast before she made a bigger mistake than she already had. How he must have laughed at her! And the lies he told. Saying she was beautiful, exciting, sexy, when in truth, he had not found her appealing at all.

  “Salvatore.” She lifted her chin and met his eyes without flinching. “You are sadly mistaken. I have no money. My daughter paid for this trip. So, you see, you wasted your time and what money you have on me.”

  She rose with as much dignity as she could, grabbed her handbag, and walked out. He called her name, but she never turned around. Her back was straight, her spine stiff as a rod, and her knees only shook a little.

  Thank heavens, she still had her own room to hide in until tomorrow when she would catch the first flight home.

  * * *

  Nicole was at home alone, wearing only her robe, when she heard a knock at the door Saturday morning. If it was Brett, she thought, she just might call the cops. He had to stop harassing her, that was all there was to it!

  Feeling righteous indignation, she stomped over to the door, ready to give him a mouthful. She pulled her robe a little more securely around her and opened the door as far as the chain would allow.

  “Don’t you—

  Seeing the visitor, she clamped a hand over her mouth. Her eyes widened with surprise. “Jake. Oh, my God. What are you doing here?” Fumbling with the chain, she hurriedly opened the door and pulled him in, nearly knocking the cane out from under him.

  “I needed to see you.” He pulled her close and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “You were right, Nic. I can’t expect you to sit here and wait for me if I don’t step up to the plate.” He smiled, and she felt her heart skip several beats. “I mean, if you’re going to be my girl, and I hope you want to be, then I need to let Brett know.”

  “Jake, oh, Jake.” Then they were kissing, and she was clinging to him and weeping.

  Finally, they released each other enough so that Jake could speak.

  “When you said you didn’t want anything more to do with me, well, it cut me through and through. I don’t want to lose you, Nicole.”

  “You won’t. Not now.” Her lips trembled, and he touched them softly with his.

  “Good. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’ve never had a girl who was a friend before.”

  “You think I’m a friend?” she asked, pulling away.

  “No.” He laughed. “I certainly do not. What I meant to say is that I never liked a woman as a friend before we became lovers, and I think maybe that is the best way to start.”

  She smiled and slipped her arms around his neck. “Are we becoming lovers?”

  “Oh yes.” He took her mouth with pleasure, deepening the kiss until she gasped for air. “After our last conversation, I begged for some home leave. Told them I had a family crisis, which it’s gonna be once I tell Brett.” His hands were in her hair, his intent gaze on her face. “I want everyone to know that you are my girl.”

  “I do too.” Nicole blinked away tears. “But won’t your family hate me?”

  “Not a chance. Nobody could hate you, sweetheart.”

  He took her face in his hands, looking into her eyes. “I didn’t want to love you, Nicole, but I couldn’t help it.”

  “Me too. I do feel bad for Brett, but he’ll just have to get over it.”

  “I don’t care if he does.” He ground the words out. “He should never have treated you badly. He should have loved you more.”

  Jake loosened her belt and pushed back her silky robe so he had better access to her body. His face was in the curve of her neck, and he was breathing in her scent.

  “Do you know how many times I’ve dreamed of this moment, of holding you, kissing you, feeling every inch of you?”

  His mouth was demanding, his tongue plunging inside. His hands were everywhere, caressing her and then pulling her into him, groping to feel everything at the same time. It was as if he wanted all of her at once, and he didn’t know which part of her he wanted more.

  “Tell me,” she gasped, tugging at his hair, sprinkling his face with little kisses. “I want to hear how much you wanted me.”

  He was strong from years in the service and months of physical rehabilitation, and he easily swept her up, injured leg and all.

  “Put me down,” she protested weakly. She didn’t want to be released, but she was worried about the strain on his leg. Only a year ago the doctors had thought he would lose it.

  “Not a chance.” He looked from one room to the next. “Which one is yours?”

  “Here.” She nodded to the open door and the still unmade bed. “I can’t believe this is happening. I didn’t think I’d see you again.” She gave a nervous giggle. “I’m glad you didn’t take me seriously.”

  “I don’t want to blow it with you. You are too important to me. And if my dick of a brother comes near you again, I’ll kill him.”

  “Don’t say that. You don’t mean it.” She cringed, hating the fact that she was coming between two brothers. It could cause rift that wouldn’t heal for years.

  “I don’t want him threatening you. I’m not sure what he’s capable of, and I don’t want to find out.”

  Jake laid her on the bed, gently pushing back her robe so he could look at her. He bent and kissed each breast with such reverence, it stole her breath away. “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” His bright eyes met hers, and she knew that as long as he loved her, everything would be all right.

  “I love you, Nicole.”

  “Oh, Jake, I love you too. I do—”

  He covered her mouth with his and kissed her for a long time. He undressed her as if he were opening a special gift, and then patiently, slowly, made love to her as if she were porcelain glass. He kept his arms rigid, his weight off her as though he feared she would shatter. Finally she wrapped her legs around his middle and told him what she wanted.

  “I’m not going to break. I want you to fuck me, and fuck me good.”

  And he did.


  Christine had gone to the Garden’s mall to buy her new set of dishes. She browsed through the kitchenware at Crate and Barrel and Bloomingdales, and after much indecision, she settled on two—a set of stoneware for everyday use, and a pretty Kate Spade design for when she felt like entertaining. She also bought new wineglasses for those special nights when she might have someone other than Nicole in the house.

  A salesclerk helped her carry her purchases to the car, and when she arrived home, she was surprised to see someone else’s car in front of her drive.

  She had no idea who it could be, but it was a rental car. It couldn’t be her mother. She was still in Paris with Salvatore. And if she had decided to come home, she would have called for a ride, not rented a car at the airport.

  No point in guessing. She might as well go in and find out for herself. She parked her car in the garage and entered the house from the back door.

  Her purchases were heavy and she took one box at a time from her trunk to carry inside. “Nicole? Are you home?” she called, peering down the hallway. “I need some help.”

  She didn’t hear any answer, so continued to unload her car. When she got the last package inside, she thought she could hear someone talking. She stopped to listen. Sounds of laughter and a distinct male voice were coming from Nicole’s bedroom.

  She knocked tentatively, wondering who the hell was in there with her daughter. Surely she hadn’t made up with Brett. But who else could it be? Jake? He was in California a
nd didn’t have leave until Thanksgiving. Unless he’d come home early.

  “Mom?” Christine heard some scrambling, and then Nicole peeked out the door. “What are you doing home so soon? I thought you were going to the Waterway restaurant to set up a menu for the singles dinner?”

  “Not until three.” Christine tried to look over Nicole’s shoulder, but the room was blocked from view. She whispered, “Who’s in the room with you? Jake?”

  “Yes,” Nicole whispered back. “Give us a minute and you can meet him.”

  Seeing the happy flush on her daughter’s face, Christine was delighted that everything seemed to have worked out.

  She went into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. It hadn’t even finished dripping when Nicole walked into the kitchen with a handsome man who walked with a slight limp.

  She marched over to him with a welcoming smile and her hand out. “Hi. I’m Christine, Nicole’s mother.”

  “Jake Calloway. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Nicole put an arm around his waist, as if to offer support. “Mom, I was as surprised as you when he showed up. But I’m so glad he did.”

  “So am I,” Christine said. Jake was gazing at Nicole with eyes full of love, and Christine warmed to him immediately.

  One look and she knew he was exactly the type of man she had always wanted for her daughter. Finally she and Nicole agreed on something.

  * * *

  Derek was at the bar with a couple of work buddies, including Maddie, when a woman sent him over a drink.

  “The beer is compliments of the lady in the white T-shirt,” the bartender told him.

  The woman appeared to be in her mid-thirties, with bleached blond hair and large breasts and a big smile, and she was alone. She raised her glass of wine in a friendly salute.

  His co-workers, Lee and Dave, looked the woman over and whistled. “Hey, man. You can still get the hot chicks, can’t you?” Lee punched his arm. “What are you waiting for? Go. Bring her over.”

  Derek flashed a smile and winked at the woman, raising his beer mug to her. He took a big foamy sip before setting the mug back on the counter. His friends were right. He should thank the lady correctly, bring her over, and introduce her to everyone.

  So why wasn’t he? What the hell was wrong with him anyway? First with Brigit, now with this big-bosomed woman who was still smiling at him, an open invitation in her pretty brown eyes. Maybe he really was having erectile failure. Couldn’t get it up anymore. Although, that wasn’t exactly true. Christine could get a rise out of him.

  His buddies were openly staring and nudging him to take some action. He slipped off the high stool.

  Maddie stood up as well, stepping on his toe. “Oh, sorry,” she said, not meaning it. “I gotta go pee. Order me another drink, will ya?”

  Maddie having forestalled him, Derek nearly sat down again. But that would be too rude. So he strode over to the woman’s table, grabbed a chair and spun it around, and sat, arms folded on the back of the chair as he faced the woman. “I’m Derek. And I just wanted to say thanks for the beer.”

  “I’m Christine. And you’re welcome.”

  Christine? Her name was Christine? Jesus. The name alone was enough to perk him up. He’d been tossing and turning in bed for days, unable to sleep from wanting her.

  Blond Christine was eyeing him with curiosity, and he felt suddenly tongue-tied. What could he say to her, when all he wanted was another woman by the same name?

  She nodded toward the jukebox, cranking out an old Doobie Brothers tune. “You want to dance or something?”

  He wasn’t sure what he wanted anymore. He’d always been so sure of everything, and then Shannon had died and nothing was the same. He hadn’t believed he’d ever be able to love anyone again, at least not the way he had his wife, but in the past few weeks things had changed. And he’d seen enough James Bond to know never to say never.

  He knew he could go home with this Christine, and give her the loving she wanted, but it wouldn’t satisfy him. Not one bit. He was a one woman kind of guy, and even if Christine Bradley didn’t want him, he couldn’t turn his feelings off for her.

  With a sense of relief he saw Maddie return and stood up. “My girlfriend’s back. Thanks again for the drink.”

  As Maddie swung past, he grabbed her by her thick waist and patted her backside. “Maddie, my darling, let’s have a dance.”

  With a flourish he swung Maddie onto the small wooden dance floor. It was mostly used on weekends when a country band would come in, and a few people would get up and do some of that country line dancing.

  Maddie blushed and grinned, and Derek knew he had made the right choice. He wouldn’t want to hurt his friend for anything in the world, and she was sweet on him. Until, Miss Right came along, Maddie would be his number one lady.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, while Christine was driving home after her meeting at the Waterway, she had a surprise phone call.

  “Christine? Darling, I’m home!”

  “Mom? You sound so close.” She had a great cell phone, but still… “Mom, I’m in the car. Did you say you were home?”

  Anne laughed. “Yes, I did. What are you doing? Right now, this very minute. Can you swing by here and visit for a little while?”

  “Of course I can. Oh, Mom, it’s so good to hear your voice and know that you are back.”

  “It’s good to be home, that’s for sure. I have so much to tell you. I’ll chill some wine and maybe you can stay for dinner. Will Nicole join us, do you think?”

  “Not tonight. She has a boyfriend visiting her.”

  “But I thought—

  “Not Brett. I’ll tell you when I get there.”

  An hour later, the two women, mother and daughter, were sharing a bottle of wine and catching up with each other’s lives. Christine watched her mother as she talked, surprised at the changes she saw in her.

  There was a new sophistication about her, and she talked animatedly about the tours and all that she had seen. When Christine asked about Salvatore, her mother changed the subject and poured herself more wine.

  “Mom? What is it? What happened between you two?”

  Color flooded Anne’s cheeks. “Nothing really. He wanted me to invest in his family’s vineyards, as it turned out.”

  “Oh, Mom.” Christine grabbed her mother’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “He said that?”

  “Yes.” Anne lifted her head, and Christine saw the tears that glittered in her mother’s bright blue eyes. Her lips trembled. “I was a fool.”

  “You were not a fool. He was,” Christine said emphatically. “Don’t you ever let a man make you think less of yourself! If he was only romancing you to get your money, then he was a complete idiot and not worth a moment’s thought.” She took her mother’s chin and gave her a stern look. “Certainly, not tears.”

  “Yes, you’re right.” Her mother forced a smile. “I cried at first. Mostly because I was embarrassed to have fallen for his smooth lies. On the plane home, I realized that my ego was hurt, but my heart is, in fact, quite intact. I wasn’t in love with Salvatore. I was in love with the idea of a European romance, and I got that. I had fun, he added excitement to my trip, and I will try to remember him fondly. Maybe he has already found some gullible woman to invest in his winery. At least, it wasn’t me.”

  “Good for you, Mom. I’m so proud of you, and I was so worried that you were falling in love and would want to make your home there.”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Good, because I would like to find you the perfect match. A nice local man.” Christine grinned. “After all, I own a dating service.”

  Her mother smiled back. “Don’t worry about me. Why don’t you find yourself one?”

  “Ha. Been there, done that.”

  “Oh, Christine. A woman as young and as beautiful as you won’t remain single forever. Give it up. Let go of that anger and stop being afraid.” Her mother shook her head. �
��Hell’s bells. If I can learn to love again after being with your father for forty years, then you can certainly do so too.”

  “But you said you didn’t fall in love—”

  “No, but I certainly aim to try. I discovered something while I was away. I enjoy a man’s company, and I don’t want to only have my women’s friends.” She laughed. “I don’t know about you, but I’m much too young.”

  Christine thought about Derek and how she liked listening to his voice, hearing the sound of his laughter, waiting for his smile to break out. She enjoyed watching him, being with him, and felt more alive in his presence then she ever did alone. “I understand, Mom. And you are right. Everyone needs love. Once I find you someone, I’ll worry about myself.”

  “Now you’re talking.” Her mother stood up. “Okay. What shall we do for dinner? Would you like to go to the clubhouse? Perhaps with any luck I’ll see someone who catches my eye.”

  “What? Find a man on your own?” Christine grumbled. “You trying to put me out of business?”


  When Christine arrived home, Nicole was out with Jake, so Christine couldn’t avoid thinking about the upsetting conversation she’d had with her mother. Over dinner, her mother had told her that Christine’s father had not always been faithful, but she had loved him and stayed with him regardless.

  Christine had been shocked and saddened to think that their marriage had not been as perfect as she had believed.

  “I’m telling you this, Christine, because I want you to realize that even good marriages have problems. We loved each other, but your father was not without his flaws. He was a very handsome man, and he enjoyed the attention from the pretty young nurses. He’d always flirted, and I pretended I didn’t mind, but after Kevin died, he seemed to need something that I could no longer provide. He began a series of affairs. Oh, they didn’t last long, sometimes up to a month or two, then he’d move on.”

  Christine had sputtered her wine. “Mom! How could you have known this and stayed with him? I don’t understand any of this.”


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