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The Rainmaker (Saga of the Chosen Book 2)

Page 28

by Petra Landon

  “Certainly” she responded composedly to walk through the door.

  Inside was a small intimate amphitheater with a raised stage and seating arranged before it in a semi-circle. DiZeyla made her way unerringly and without prompting to the space between the stage and the semi-circular theatre seating, where a table with four chairs, possibly for a discussion of some kind, sat empty.

  “I apologize if my Pure Bloods have inadvertently interfered in Ancient affairs, DiZeyla. I’ve the utmost respect for the First Ones” Bianchi stated suavely, seating himself across from her.

  “That will make my job here easier” she said politely. “I would like you to release Caroline Hamilton into my custody.”

  “There seems to be a misunderstanding here.” Bianchi was unperturbed. Gone was the consternation briefly on display at his first glimpse of her, waiting calmly inside the very warehouse he held the Wizard girl hostage in. Especially a location he’d considered secret from everyone in this city — Chosen and human alike.

  “I don’t believe so. We know that you’re holding her against her will here” she said calmly.

  “I’m not denying that we have a Wizard in our custody. But we don’t intend any harm to her.”

  “Only to kidnap her and hold her hostage while you make demands of her father?” DiZeyla inquired, making her skepticism of the Vampire’s claims clear.

  “My Pure Bloods assumed that she was a friend of the Pack when they found her outside their Lair.” Bianchi was unruffled. He guessed that her father, the powerful David Hamilton, had dispatched DiZeyla to demand his daughter’s release once the Pack had refused to give up Sienna in exchange for his daughter. Though he hadn’t expected Hamilton to involve the First Ones in this affair, it was a minor wrinkle, not yet an insurmountable one. Bianchi was still confident that the matter could be salvaged — that he could get to Sienna by using the Hamilton girl.

  “I’m not sure what you’ve been told, DiZeyla, but it was never our intent to drag the First Ones into this conflict” he countered suavely. “The Pack has something that belongs to us. The Wizard is merely a guarantee to ensure that the Pack does not renege. I assumed that holding her might be a more palatable option to the Chosen in San Francisco than an all-out assault on the Pack here.”

  DiZeyla gazed at him calmly, choosing to ignore the Vampire’s subtle threat against her city. “I think it is you who doesn’t have the whole picture” she suggested gently. “There’s a pact in place in San Francisco that you might not be aware of.”

  “A pact?”

  “One that unites First Ones, Wizards and Wyrs in face of a threat to one of ours. Your assault on Caroline has angered both Wizards and Wyrs. That’s why I’m here tonight. To give you a chance to fix this mistake before it becomes something you regret.”

  Bianchi looked gobsmacked by her revelation, clearly shocked by the existence of such a pact. To his knowledge, no Chosen factions had ever co-operated in such a manner. He’d been counting on the Hamilton girl to create discord between the Shifters and Wizards, dividing them over their responsibilities to Sienna and the city in general.

  “You say you don’t intend to harm your hostage” she continued. “I hope you mean it, for it will mean that the First Ones will guarantee your safe exit from San Francisco. If your hostage is released unharmed into my custody, I give you my word that neither you nor your Blutsaugers will be harmed if you leave this city by dawn.”

  The Vampire who had opened the front door to DiZeyla rushed into the room before Bianchi could respond.

  “A hundred Chosen surround the building, Rafaelo” he gasped out hurriedly before being shoved out of the way as Duncan, Stuart Hamilton and JaRol pushed past him.

  Bianchi ignored them, only to rise precipitously as the Alpha and David Hamilton followed them in. The five Chosen came to a stop by the table with the Alpha and David Hamilton arraigned behind DiZeyla, who never took her eyes off Bianchi.

  “Chosen surround this building, Blutsauger” DiZeyla warned. “There’s no escape from here. You can either deal with me or one of them.” She gestured at the Alpha and David Hamilton.

  A hint of uncertainty crossed Bianchi’s face. He ignored the Alpha, who he clearly didn’t want to deal with. One look at David’s thunderous visage seemed to make up the Vampire’s mind.

  “Get the girl” Bianchi commanded the Vampire who hovered uncertainly behind the five Chosen he had been shoved aside to make way for.

  “She’s unharmed” he directed at David Hamilton. “I told you she would be and I always keep my word.”

  “What word?” David retorted angrily. “You’re the coward who went after my daughter because you don’t have the guts to go up against the Pack.”

  “I understand your frustration.” Bianchi used his most soothing tone. “But this situation could have been avoided if the Pack had not interfered in Wizard matters.”

  “I’ve heard enough.” David raised his hand to pre-empt Bianchi. “Sienna McAlister was offered sanctuary at the Lair only because we Wizards couldn’t get our act together. Though why that is any concern of yours, I fail to understand. You’ve no right to accost Sienna under any circumstances, Vampire! You should thank DiZeyla for saving your hide tonight” he continued wrathfully. “She convinced us to treat this as a rookie mistake. That’s why we’re offering you the chance to slink away from our city.”

  Bianchi remained silent, realizing that his options were limited. This pact between the Chosen factions had completely thrown him for a loop. Chosen had never co-operated with each other before — not at the local level, and certainly not at any larger scale. Faoladh, who believed that unity was key to the survival of the Chosen, had advocated for the formation of the CoC to facilitate this very type of co-operation.

  Bianchi scrutinized the three leaders shrewdly, looking for a weak point to exploit. DiZeyla and Hamilton seemed very cozy with each other. It was harder to tell with the Alpha. So far, he’d remained silent, allowing his presence here to make his point, and Hamilton had shut down his attempt to blame this on the Shifters. What was it with Raoul Merceau and his newfound enthusiasm for Wizards? But Bianchi was not deterred yet. He suspected that eventually, the Pack would either cut Sienna loose or drop their guard. He’d watch from the sidelines until then, waiting for his moment.

  “Oh, and this is a one-time offer only. If you ever set foot in San Francisco again, DiZeyla will not stop either Raoul or me from giving you the thrashing you deserve” David Hamilton emphasized with deadly intent. “You’re not welcome here, Vampire.”

  “What?” Bianchi’s eyes narrowed.

  DiZeyla had offered him a safe exit from the city. To Bianchi, that meant waiting it out until things had calmed down. The Beast Lord would be gunning for him, he knew. The Shifters never forgave or forgot any transgression, but he’d meant to divert the Alpha’s attention and slip back in after a few weeks had passed.

  “You’re banned from San Francisco, Bianchi. We’ll enforce it.” The Alpha spoke up for the first time, his tones dispassionate, in contrast to David Hamilton’s wrathful voice.

  “You can’t do that” Bianchi protested, just as Caroline Hamilton stumbled on to the raised stage behind him from a side door, with two Vampires trailing her.

  Her brother rushed to her and her father ignored Bianchi’s words to follow his son.

  “Try me” the Alpha warned softly. “This isn’t over, leech, not by a long shot. DiZeyla wants to be fair. She’s giving you a few hours to clear off. I suggest you take it.”

  Thwarted thus, the Vampire’s expression tightened.

  “How is she?” DiZeyla called out to the three Hamiltons making their way carefully down the stage stairs, her brother and father flanking Caroline.

  “I’m fine.” It was Caroline who answered, her eyes scanning the crowd in the room. “Just a little groggy from whatever they put in me.”

  “Good.” The Ancient leader looked relieved. “Take her home, David. Raoul and I wi
ll finish up here.”

  DiZeyla turned to Bianchi. The Vampire wore a strangely helpless expression on his face. “Remember, Blutsauger, once the sun comes up, I won’t stop the Wyrs or Wizards from exacting their revenge. And take Raoul’s advice: don’t come back to our city” she added as an aside. “I will not help you again.”

  “A minute, DiZeyla” Raoul interjected as the Ancient stood up. “There’s someone here who wishes to have a word with Bianchi.”

  DiZeyla nodded, turning to have a word with David while Caroline and her brother exited the room.

  Bianchi watched as Duncan called out to Luis. This was the cue for Sienna to walk in.

  Caroline had already exited the auditorium when Sienna strode in with Jason by her side. Somewhat to Raoul’s surprise, Roman Durovic accompanied the two Wizards.

  “Sienna” Bianchi exclaimed, intrigued and surprised.

  Sienna eyes flashed to him, alight with anger. “I’ve something to get off my chest.”

  The obvious fury in her voice had DiZeyla and David Hamilton breaking off their conversation to glance at her.

  “Leave me alone” she hissed angrily, coming to a stop before Bianchi. “I want nothing to do with you.”

  Bianchi ignored her words, his eyes on her neck. For a moment, he seemed to stagger back in shock, almost falling over. “Your …” He stopped himself in time, his horrified gaze on her bare neck.

  Despite the provocation, Sienna remained silent. Furious and determined to have her say, Sienna nevertheless did not intend to allow her fury to override her judgement. The Alpha had been emphatic that she not betray any knowledge of the locket’s significance, so she played clueless at the Vampire’s reaction.

  “My what?” she demanded as Bianchi continued to stare at her as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. “Do you mean my mother? Well, you can tell her that I want nothing to do with her, either.”

  There was an involuntary movement from David Hamilton, and Roman’s eyes narrowed on Sienna. Bianchi continued to look dazed, almost as if he was unable to process everything.

  “This is the last time you go after my friends” Sienna continued her tirade, undeterred by the Vampire’s silence. “You kidnapped Caroline to get to me, so here I am. Tell me what you’ve to say, and then stay the hell away from me. Tell me.” Her voice rose angrily.

  “Quite the firebrand” Roman murmured sotto voice to Raoul, who was watching the tableau impassively.

  Though low-voiced, the underlying note of amusement in the words seemed to penetrate Bianchi’s self-absorption. The Vampire shook off his stupor to direct his attention on the Ancient.

  “Who’re you?” Bianchi demanded peremptorily.

  Roman arched his eyebrow at the brusque demand, but answered readily. “I’m Roman Durovic.”

  This time, it was DiZeyla’s turn to look astonished. The name was well-known in the Ancient world — he was being groomed to lead an influential faction of First Ones. Where DiZeyla had not comprehended the significance of Sienna’s reference to her mother, she recognized Roman.

  “Durovic … Durovic” Bianchi muttered under his breath, before a flash of recognition seemed to smite him. “You’re TorElnor’s Ancient!”

  “Yes” Roman said briefly.

  “You’re here with the Ancients?” the Vampire inquired, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

  “No.” Roman shook his head with a quick glance at DiZeyla’s studiously poker face. “I’m here with the Wyrs. I was drawn here tonight by the prospect of a brawl, before it all fizzled out.” He directed a laughing glance at the Alpha.

  “A guest of the Pack” Bianchi muttered under his breath, confusion and astonishment vying on his face.

  This had been a day full of surprises for the Vampire. The surprises had followed on the heels of one another, each bigger than the other. First, the local leader of the First Ones had shown up to demand Bianchi release his hostage to her, then had come the announcement of the pact between the local Chosen, followed by the bombshell absence of the artifact on Sienna, And now this! What the hell, Bianchi wondered.

  “We’re done here” Jason spoke up for the first time, exchanging a glance with Duncan who had wandered over to them. They’d accomplished their mission here; it was time to go. “Let’s go.”

  His words seemed to irritate the Vampire, who bristled noticeably.

  “This is none of your concern, Guardian” he bit out harshly, his charm noticeably missing in action. “This is between Sienna and me.”

  DiZeyla and David ignored him to make their way towards the exit, but the others halted as Sienna opened her mouth to respond. “There’s nothing between you and me, Rafaelo Bianchi. And there never will be.”

  “Will you let this Guardian speak for you, Sienna?” Bianchi demanded. “You’re destined for great things. He’s just a Wizard.”

  Sienna’s lips twisted, at the irony in the Vampire’s words. “Jason may speak for me any time he wants” she stated firmly. “He’s more than earned the right.”

  An ugly expression twisted Bianchi’s face. Reeling from the quick-fire revelations tonight, he was also a little afraid of how his Lady would react to the news of the locket’s disappearance. He’d been promised greatness by his Lady, in exchange for his loyalty. To have Sienna elevate a Guardian to the role that he had been promised made the Vampire see red.

  “The Guardian has no right over you” Bianchi spat out, his anger betraying him into indiscretion. “Your mother has promised you to me, Sienna. I’ll be the one by your side while you and your sisters rule over our world.”

  Silence descended on the auditorium. For a moment, they were too stunned to react. Duncan glanced at Raoul, his brow arched. So, this is what Bianchi was after — it finally made sense. Lady Bethesda had bought the Vampire’s loyalty by promising him a prominent role in the new world order she envisioned creating with her daughters.

  Sienna burst into laughter at the absurdity of the Vampire’s claim. The laughter served to prompt Jason, stunned speechless by Bianchi’s statement, like the others.

  “Over my dead body, Vampire” Jason said with a kind of understated aggression that was unusual for him.

  He faced up to Bianchi, a steely expression on his face. Sienna, who had never heard anything remotely like this tone from Jason, turned abruptly to look at him. Something in his expression seemed to sober her.

  “That can certainly be arranged, Guardian” Bianchi shot back with deadly intent.

  A martial light leapt into Jason’s eyes, his body thrumming with intent.

  As tension simmered in the air, Duncan reminded Jason. “We made a deal with DiZeyla and David for tonight, Jason.”

  “I wasn’t part of that deal, Duncan” Jason said through gritted teeth, his attention not wavering from the Vampire before him.

  “The Pack made the deal, LaRue. And you’re of us” Raoul spoke up, his words casual but their import enormous.

  The Alpha’s inference stunned everyone, except Duncan. Only Sienna, focused on Jason, did not process the Alpha’s words. Roman looked astonished, and Bianchi flabbergasted. Jason turned away from the Vampire to face the Alpha.

  “The deal allows the leech to go free only for tonight” Raoul reminded him. “He’ll be punished soon enough. When that day comes, I give you my word that you’ll be standing by my side.”

  The promise seemed to abate the Guardian’s fury. Relieved at the subtle change in Jason’s body language, Sienna addressed Bianchi, engaged in watching the exchange with a strangely frozen expression on his face.

  “You’re a moron, Vampire, if you believe my mother.” There was a complete lack of subterfuge in her words. “My mother has no influence over me, and she knows nothing about me, if she thinks that I would ever contemplate any relationship, let alone a romantic one, with someone like you.” Her low opinion of the Vampire came clearly through.

  Bianchi’s lips tightened in response.

  “Every encounter I’ve ever had with you
has only reinforced what a monster you are” Sienna continued, her voice steady. “I don’t know who I despise more. My mother, for recruiting someone like you to her cause, or you, for willing to harm the innocent for the chance to be a player in the new world she fantasizes about.”

  She turned to the others watching her silently. “Shall we? I’m done here.”

  “Promise me to him indeed” she muttered with a shake of her head as the others fell in line behind her to exit the auditorium. “What does she think we live in, the medieval times? Rule our world together. The absurdity of it!”

  Beside her, Jason smiled, his anger finally vanquished.

  “That was fun” Roman remarked irrepressibly, as they exited the warehouse. “Is it always this exciting around here?”

  “The Shifters certainly live a more exciting life than us Wizards, I can tell you that” Jason laughed, his good humor restored.

  “Certainly seems so.”

  A fleet of cars waited for them outside the warehouse, as did David Hamilton, who walked over to Raoul.

  “Did I hear Sienna refer to her mother in there?” he inquired softly.

  “Yes.” Raoul didn’t intend to paper over any more Wizard secrets. Now that Faoladh had given him the green light, he was determined to run things his way.

  “She’s Lady Bethesda’s daughter. Are you saying that …” the Wizard paused.

  “Keep your ears peeled open, David. Revelations will start pouring into the public realm soon.”

  “My God” David exclaimed, stunned by the inference in Raoul’s words. “Is that what you’ve been investigating for the Wizards?” he inquired.

  As the Alpha looked inquiring, David hastened on. “The First Wizards’ sudden coziness with Faoladh is common knowledge in Wizard circles. And I know you’ve been working with Sienna and Jason LaRue, at Faoladh’s request.”



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