Amelie: Wizards of White Haven

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Amelie: Wizards of White Haven Page 11

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Which one?’ Jim asked her although he’d already homed in on the best of the bunch for their needs.

  ‘The bay there; isn’t he nice.’

  ‘Certainly is. He looks fit and capable too. Does he move well?’ Jim turned to the vendor and the man went in, took hold of the halter and proceeded to trot the horse up and down.

  ‘Wouldn’t the lady prefer this one?’ The vendor asked indicating a fine boned and slight little mare.

  ‘No, I had one like that once and she was so boooorring,’ Amelie said, in fine imitation of the ostentatious teenage ladies they’d seen passing in little giggling huddles.

  Amelie’s hawk eyesight had spotted the other good horse in the bunch, a chestnut. Neither was big or as conspicuous as warrior mounts. Instead they were both fine enough to be swift and nimble and just big enough for comfort. They both had intelligent eyes and were fluffy enough to be relatively hardy. Shortly both were being fitted for harness by the saddler the vendor had called over. The man went back to his booth and returned with an assortment of new and used leather. Jim selected two slightly battered looking, but sound and comfortable saddles complete with saddlebags. The bridles were new and he asked for a bar of saddle-soap too so they could treat and soften the hard and dry leather.

  ‘So, how much change do you want to give me?’ Jim asked the vendor cheerfully. ‘I reckon we’re at a cost of about 70 silvers,’ Jim added, raising his brows at the man, inviting comment.

  ‘70 silvers, for all this?’ The man began and they enthusiastically played the haggle game, working up to a cost of 75 silvers. The man shook Jim’s hand and counted out the much needed coppers and silver coins in exchange for the one heavy gold one.

  They mounted up and followed his directions to lodgings nearby where they were assured the beds were clean, the food simple but of generous portions and the prices fair. They were very pleased to find the place lived up to the man’s recommendation. The lunch time rush had passed and they gratefully settled at a scrubbed trestle table in the now quiet tavern. The cook was a hefty woman with arms as broad as Amelie’s leg yet she greeted them with a cheery inquiry and hastened to serve them a mug of ale each. A thick lamb stew was the dish of the day and they eagerly asked for a portion each. A big plate of thickly sliced bread and stewed greens accompanied the stew and they tucked in with relish.

  ‘What now?’ Amelie asked as she mopped the last of the juices with her bread.

  ‘We could do with some supplies. We should also decide how long we want to stay here,’ he added.

  ‘I think we should get the essentials now, then we’re all set if we have to leave suddenly.’ He nodded agreement. ‘So, since funds are strictly limited, and our saddlebags are small, we’d better decide what is essential.’

  ‘I’ve a scrap of paper here,’ and he paused. ‘So, what do you want to get?’

  ‘A tent, boots that fit, warm clothes, and of course as much dry food as we can carry.’

  ‘Yes. I’d like a decent winter coat and knife,’ he added and without further ado, they headed back out into the streets. Once down at the market, Jim spotted a stall with all manner of items, mostly well past their best, with an equally careworn thin woman.

  ‘Looks like she’s selling the contents of her home,’ Jim said quietly. ‘She’s probably a war widow trying to get what she can to make ends meet before winter.’

  ‘How awful,’ Amelie agreed and, having seen a pair of grubby children playing listlessly behind the stall, moved closer to see if there was anything they could use on her stall. What she did have was some men’s clothing that fitted Jim. Soon he was kitted out with some warm winter essentials and they handed out a silver coin to the woman’s delight.

  ‘That lot isn’t worth a silver. Here, my dear,’ the woman said to Amelie, ‘you’ve got your husband kitted out but you’re standing there shivering. See if this fits.’

  ‘This is a fine dress, warm looking too.’ Amelie shook out the heavy bundle of dark blue cloth. She held up the dress and admired the extra full profusion of multiple skirts.

  Under the woman’s prompting Amelie went behind the stall and with Jim holding the cloak up as a screen, she rapidly tried it on. ‘Well, what do you think?’ she asked Jim and couldn’t resist twirling slightly.

  ‘You have got a pretty figure,’ the woman said. ‘You’ve got your man all tongue tied,’ she couldn’t resist adding, with a smile and a wink.

  Amelie glanced at Jim and noticed his cheeks were a little pink at the comment, which was doubtless correct.

  ‘Suits you,’ he said instead. ‘You should keep it on.’

  ‘No, dear,’ the woman said when Amelie went to rummage in her purse for some more change. ‘Now, all this lot is worth that silver. Thank you,’ she added sincerely as they left the stall.

  Now with some coppers in their pockets Amelie was able to sample some of the hot snacks for sale at the food stalls. Some stalls she avoided after a quick sniff. ‘That’s not fresh anymore,’ she commented under her breath at one stall and they moved on. Soon they noticed more and more of the stalls were closing. They hadn’t found a cobbler or anyone selling knives and wondered if they might be located in proper shops elsewhere. With everything closing, they wearily returned to the lodging house.

  Amelie caught a glimpse of herself in the glass of a large shop window. She was shocked at how different she looked. This disguise made her look very different and much older. The dress clung to her new curves and its low neckline seemed to be drawing a lot of male eyes. She hastily refastened her cloak loosely about her neck, covering the exposed part of her chest.

  She and Jim were rather burdened down now, so they headed directly up to their room. She hunted through the items acquired that day and sighed.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Jim asked.

  ‘I’m being stared at,’ she said and watched his reaction closely. ‘It seems to be something about this dress and this area,’ she added pointing at her chest. ‘Can you tell me what the problem is?’

  He came closer and she thought he seemed a little reticent. ‘You know I said you were beautiful?’ She nodded and he bit his lip a little, ‘that dress now makes you look sexy too.’ He explained as succinctly as possible. He couldn’t help staring as her body suddenly blurred slightly and she grew back to her true height and build but kept the blonde hair. He let out his breath and grinned at her cheekily. ‘We’ll have to sample more of those pies tomorrow, help you fill out that dress again.’ It was amazing how a couple of inches of height took probably twice that off her diameter. Her gentle curves were now more to do with her bone structure rather than the rich voluptuousness of a grown woman.

  ‘I am no longer sexy?’ she asked.

  ‘I wouldn’t say that,’ and indeed she was aware of how his eyes roamed, ‘but you won’t be attracting quite so much of the wrong attention.’ He abruptly picked up his saddle bags and began folding and packing the items bought that day. She watched him, puzzled by the undercurrent of tension from him. She sat on the bed alongside him and silently helped check over and then pack their gear.

  ‘I heard some women talking about bathing at the hot springs,’ she said once they’d finished supper. ‘Can we go?’

  ‘We probably should get cleaned up while we've the opportunity. A good hot soak would be nice,’ he agreed and watched secretly as she changed. Her curvaceous disguise drew his eyes like a magnet and he was having more and more difficulty viewing it as merely belonging to a friend. He gathered directions and they headed off. The town’s Bathing House was a large stone building on the square in the middle of town. He paid some coppers for them both and they were separated.

  She followed the other women they’d come in behind down a long corridor and into a changing room where benches with pegs were covered with clothing. She followed their example and undressed leaving her dress neatly hung on a peg. The short corridor was dimly lit and she walked directly down a ramp into water that verged on being unco
mfortably hot. The pool was large, despite being divided in half by a wall behind which the men’s side was located. The ceiling of the building had glass panels that in daylight would illuminate the pool. Now as dusk approached, and with steam rising from the pool’s surface, visibility was strictly limited to the pools of soft lantern light. Amelie was glad and swam round the pool happily, avoiding coming too close to anyone else. The tiled edge around the pool gave the opportunity for people to sit out of the water, feet dangling when it got too hot. Many had done so at the shallower side and were obviously relishing catching up on some gossip. She watched a couple of women get out at the deep end near the dividing wall. She noticed that they went purposefully over to the wall where there was a small gap at head height. They appeared to be able to talk with men the other side. Fortunately, the gap only allowed a nosy man a very limited view of the women’s pool and only if he happened to be very tall. Amelie dived under, relishing the hot water. She surfaced near where the women were standing but close to the edge out of sight and listened to them chat.

  ‘Are there any newcomers in tonight?’ A male voice asked lazily.

  ‘Yes. Pretty blonde and her husband,’ one of the girls responded.

  ‘A blonde? Mm, but is she tall and thin? What does she look like?’ The man asked and his tone was markedly more alert.

  ‘She was nearby a while ago, shall we bring her over?’ The other girl asked and her tone was rather aggressive.

  Amelie considered and swam further away and then turned and got out where he might see her but not closely enough for facial details to be apparent. ‘That’s her,’ she heard the girl say urgently.

  Amelie turned so that the new curves that were so remarkably different from her usual form would be seen. She couldn’t think of a better way to hide but in plain sight so he wouldn’t need to get closer. She plainly heard a whistle of approval and decided he’d seen enough. She dived back into the water and away from his sight. She moved surreptitiously closer again so she might continue to eavesdrop but someone was splashing nearby and she didn’t catch what his response was, other than hearing the girls laugh and get back into the water. She was very relieved that they left soon after. Very few people were left when she saw another face appear at the gap; Jim.

  ‘Are you ready to get out yet?’ he asked when she moved closer, but remained hidden in the water. He was disappointed but then noticed someone else had joined him at the gap and was also looking through. She waved in acknowledgement and started swimming for the other side, so he turned to go as well. It was only then that he realised the other man had an aura of magic about him. Jim moved past without pause, as though he’d noticed nothing unusual and returned to the pool to swim across to the exit. He dressed swiftly and was just leaving the changing rooms as the stranger came in. He was tall, very lean and glided into the room almost silently.

  ‘I think I’ve just met that wolf man,’ Jim said, grateful Amelie had dressed quickly and they could leave immediately.

  ‘Dog boy?’ she whispered and glanced around.

  ‘I can’t be sure, but whoever it is he has animus magic.’

  Amelie took his hand and they left the building quickly. She led him swiftly down the steps, in amongst a crowd of people and out the other side. She glanced back to see a tall man standing on the steps looking around him. She hastened on, keeping as many people between them as possible. This would mingle and dilute their scent, particularly since they’d just bathed, making them virtually scent free for a brief time. The same could not be said for their clothing she supposed. Fortunately her dress had not been on her back more than a few hours and its wool still had a smell of sheep about it. The main problem was Jim’s travel worn and none too clean clothes. But having got clear, with their scent being trampled and diluted every moment by the hundreds of people milling in the square, she wasn’t too worried.

  They took a convoluted route back to their lodgings. Once there, she got Jim to change into some of the newly bought gear while she took his clothes out to the wash room and gave them all a good scrub with plenty of soap. When she got back to the room she thought he seemed a little edgy and fidgeted while she hung the wet clothes by the fire to dry.

  ‘I’m going to go down for a drink at the bar,’ Jim abruptly announced and hurried out.

  She stared after him puzzled, but she was content to have some quiet time alone and she also had to get on with some of the mending chores she hadn’t had time to attend to.

  When Jim returned a few hours later, he shed his outer clothes and climbed into bed. She immediately joined him and snuggled against him as she’d been doing out in the wilds and quickly fell asleep. He however couldn’t sleep. It was one thing to snuggle together when your mind was fully occupied with feeling cold, hungry, exhausted and hunted. It was quite another to be lying beside a beautiful woman in a snug bed and in a private room designed for couples. He was very tempted to wake her but was terrified that she might completely reject him. She hadn’t made any sexual overtures towards him although the way she seemed to seek physical contact in innocent ways kept him hopeful she would eventually turn to him. She was still very young; he would not push her before she was ready he promised himself. In the meantime he tried his best to curb his desire.


  Lord Dirk’s Place

  They woke to someone banging on the door. Jim reluctantly climbed out of bed and opened the door just wide enough to look through.

  ‘Yes?’ Jim said shortly, pretending he hadn’t recognised the tall man from the night before. Lord Dirk unexpectedly came into view from behind the man.

  ‘Journeyman wizard Jim,’ Lord Dirk said in affable greeting. ‘Did I get you out of bed?’ he added gleefully, noting Jim’s unshaven, semi-dressed dishevelment.

  ‘Yes, actually,’ Jim acknowledged. ‘It is very early.’ He kept the door semi-closed, aware that a small flurry of activity was going on behind him as Amelie hastily dressed.

  ‘You are not alone, I take it?’ Lord Dirk asked with a small, but rather predatory smile.

  Jim glanced behind him at a sudden silence; Amelie was now dressed and seated demurely on the bed, so he reluctantly opened the door wide, allowing Lord Dirk and this stranger to come in.

  Amelie rose at their entry, bobbed her head subserviently and said in a very common drawl, ‘I see you’ve got visitors, sir, so I’ll be on me way.’ She walked swinging her hips and allowing both men time to notice the low neckline her new curves were filling to fine effect. The strange man however moved swiftly to block the open doorway, an action Lord Dirk seemed surprised by but took a cue from.

  ‘Don’t leave us so soon, dear lady,’ Lord Dirk said swiftly and hastened to close the door and bring her back into the middle of the room.

  ‘Lady? You ain’t looking at me like a lady,’ Amelie said archly to Lord Dirk when he’d been looking at her for what seemed a long time.

  Lord Dirk glanced across at his man, ‘are you sure?’

  ‘Yes,’ he responded and continued to stare at her.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Jim asked sharply and finished buttoning his shirt.

  ‘You know perfectly well, wizard,’ Lord Dirk said quickly. ‘Amelie, I have seen your true form, and this isn’t it,’ Lord Dirk said directly to her. ‘Please, we all know it’s you.’

  Amelie met his eyes for the first time and saw his determination. She glanced sourly at the pesky dog boy and allowed her body to stretch up to her true height. Her hair changed from blonde to black in a rush of colour like spilt ink.

  ‘Why are you here Lord Dirk?’ she asked directly in her normal cultured tone.

  ‘I want to thank you both,’ Lord Dirk said quickly, unsettled by her sudden and radical transformation. He turned to Jim. ‘Your actions stopped us being overrun and saved the day. And you young lady saved my life several times over.’

  ‘That gratitude didn’t stop you trying to beat me into almost fatal exhaustion though did it?’ Amelie said sharply. �
��It’s thanks only to Jim that I survived that battle and you know it.’ Her belly suddenly growled and she fell silent in embarrassment. It always demanded feeding after reconfiguring herself and it’d been many hours since dinner last night.

  ‘Let me try and make it up to you,’ Lord Dirk said. ‘Come back to my place for breakfast and maybe stay a few days.’ He watched them exchange a silent glance. There was long familiarity and respect for each other in that look.

  ‘Very well,’ Jim answered politely, aware they had little real choice in this; he’d seen the small squad of soldiers standing in the hall outside. ‘We’ll come for a brief visit.’

  ‘I’ll pack,’ Amelie said to Jim, ‘if you can get the horses ready.’ Jim nodded and left the room with Lord Dirk hastily following. Amelie pulled the packs onto the bed and started assembling the belongings strewn over the room. ‘What’s your name?’ she asked the silently watchful man.

  ‘Daniel,’ he said shortly.

  ‘How did you find us? Did you track us from last night?’

  ‘Kind of,’ he said. ‘I scented the direction you were headed last night, but lost your tracks. It’s taken most of the night to find any sign.’

  ‘Why did you do it? Didn’t you hear my warning?’ she added darkly.

  ‘It’s been my assignment to find you. You were astonishingly elusive,’ and he inclined his head respectfully.

  ‘What does Lord Dirk want with us?’

  ‘I don’t know. He doesn’t confide such things,’ Daniel explained. ‘But I wouldn’t recommend staying long. He will want to tie you both to him if at all possible.’

  ‘Thought as much,’ Amelie said. ‘Thanks for the warning.’

  ‘Did you really turn yourself into a warhorse and carry Lord Dirk into battle?’

  ‘I’d disguised myself as Jim’s horse so was stuck with it. Lord Dirk forced Jim to allow him to ride me into battle. I don’t really know why. He had any number of horses of his own and Jim told him I wasn’t a trained warhorse. It wasn’t much fun I can assure you. He was very heavy, particularly with all the armour they put on me and him.’


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