Amelie: Wizards of White Haven

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Amelie: Wizards of White Haven Page 12

by Frances Howitt

  ‘You must be stronger than you look.’

  ‘I had no choice in the matter; I did what I had to do,’ she said and looked out the window. Jim and Lord Dirk were just outside, but with them were four soldiers. One man was occupied saddling her horse. Jim’s horse had already been done and was tied beside Lord Dirk’s horse and the soldiers’ mounts. Jim suddenly looked up and met her gaze; could he sense her looking at him from there?

  Daniel joined her at the window, ‘they look about ready to go. Come on.’

  ‘Aren’t you worried I’ll get away from you? All the soldiers are down there.’

  ‘You could,’ he conceded easily. ‘But Lord Dirk has your mate.’

  ‘He’s not my mate,’ Amelie corrected.

  ‘No? I don’t believe you.’ He gestured at the room. ‘You have been sharing a bed with that man and his scent is on you.’

  ‘Believe what you will. I couldn’t care less,’ she shrugged and threw the heavier of the packs, Jim’s, at him to carry. She snatched up her own pack and trotted lightly down the stairs. Out in the yard she ignored the men, strapped her pack securely to her saddle and mounted. Jim was ready quickly too and without asking anything of her he moved to her side and they left, following Lord Dirk. The wolf-man and then the soldiers followed on behind.

  The town was quite different this early in the morning. Few people were about on the streets yet so their progress was largely unimpeded. They passed through the main market place and watched the stallholders arriving and setting up their booths. The air was crisp and bright. Autumn was well advanced. Looking at the clouds heading their way she wouldn’t be surprised if it snowed later.

  Finally, on the far side of town, they passed through a guarded gateway set in a substantial stone wall and saw their destination. Lord Dirk’s place was an historic and austere mansion set in manicured formal grounds. Several large blocks of outbuildings were just visible around the edge of a thick hedge, presumably the stables and barracks areas. Stable hands appeared to take the horses, and at a gesture from Lord Dirk the soldiers were dismissed. Amelie and Jim followed him inside and into a comfortably furnished reception room. At a gesture of invitation they sank into softly upholstered armchairs before the roaring fire while Lord Dirk went off to speak with his staff. A pair of enormous hounds came to sniff at them then returned to basking near the fire. They seemed to avoid the wolf man standing near the door.

  ‘Mm, this fire’s cosy,’ Amelie said to Jim. ‘Wonder if there’ll be a storm later.’

  ‘Quite likely, I think.’

  Jim had responded slightly automatically she thought and she realised he was scanning the room rather carefully. She hastily sharpened her own senses and heard breathing coming from the wall to one side of the fireplace. Who was spying on them?

  ‘Don’t let on you know,’ Jim warned her mentally.

  She got up and wandered over to the nearest window. ‘Pretty gardens; come see,’ she said to Jim and he immediately joined her. ‘Look, you can see the castle up above us on the cliff.’ They could also see that the steep and winding path over the pass ran close to the castle walls. Anyone travelling that way would be clearly visible to and at the mercy of the soldiers on the castle battlements for most of the climb. They would not be able to travel that way unnoticed.

  ‘Time for a rethink,’ she said almost in his ear and returned to her armchair. Jim stood looking out on the garden for a while longer before returning to his chair.

  ‘Breakfast is served,’ a butler announced from the doorway. ‘Please follow me,’ he added and led the way back across the black and white tiled entrance hall to a formal dining room. Inside however the large polished table was informally set and they sat where indicated. Lord Dirk reappeared and moved to the head of the table. As soon as he was seated, servants came in bearing platters and serving each of them in turn with bacon, sausages, scrambled egg and crusty rolls. The servants might have raised an eyebrow that Amelie had a man sized portion of everything offered but on the basis that Lord Dirk and her other dining companions made no comment they shrugged and watched. For a painfully skinny woman she ate enough to sate a large man and still seemed to have room for a sweet pastry hastily brought in that had been meant for lunch.

  ‘Let me show you your rooms,’ Lord Dirk said when they’d finished.

  ‘Rooms?’ Amelie queried the plural.

  ‘Well yes. Daniel tells me you two are not married, so separate rooms it is.’

  Lord Dirk smiled at them and Jim was sure this arrangement suited some plan of Lord Dirk’s rather than just bowing to conventional expectations of decency.

  ‘This one will be yours dear lady,’ Lord Dirk said and waved her inside. He and Jim both followed and Lord Dirk moved over to the wardrobe and opened the doors. ‘There is a selection of clothes here you can use. My mother had a habit of wearing something only a few times before getting bored with it and my sisters appear to be continuing the trend so no one will miss these.’

  Lord Dirk led the way across the hall to the room opposite.

  ‘You might want to dress for dinner tonight,’ Lord Dirk suggested, gesturing vaguely at the few items of male apparel in the wardrobe. Lord Dirk eyed the young woman he’d summoned and in particular Jim’s response to her. ‘Well wizard, Drew here can alter something if necessary to fit you and will look after your every need. I’ll see you both later.’

  ‘This way lady,’ another young woman directed and Amelie was ushered out of Jim’s room. She heard the door close behind her and felt rather strange to be separated from Jim by other women. Shortly however she was diverted by the delightful thought of immersing herself in a tub of hot scented water. She only emerged when the water started getting cold and her fingers wrinkly. In the main bedroom, Jilly the maid had lit the fire and laid out a number of dresses for her to choose. A beautifully warm velvet and silk dress in blue and grey fitted best. She found a grey fur waistcoat in the back of the wardrobe, which didn’t look out of place and supplied a great deal of cosy warmth. High winds were now rattling the windows and sleet was swirling. She was very glad to be inside somewhere warm and dry. Jilly spent a great deal of time brushing Amelie’s long hair dry before the fire whilst chattering almost non-stop. Amelie didn’t mind; she was thoroughly enjoying the unaccustomed luxury and attention.

  A gong sounded downstairs. ‘That’s lunch,’ Jilly announced. ‘This way my lady,’ and led Amelie back to the dining room.

  Amelie felt much better now and knew she looked and smelt far better too. Lord Dirk smiled at her and passed her some rather flirtatious compliments. Jim did too, although she sensed something was preoccupying him. Lord Dirk excused himself immediately they’d finished eating and disappeared.

  ‘Wonder where he’s off to again?’ Amelie said.

  ‘Well, they are at war. There’s bound to be lots of things left undone back home while they were away with the army,’ Jim responded.

  ‘I suppose so. It just seems strange that he seems to have expended so much effort to track us down and then as soon as we’re here he goes off to do other things.’

  Jim shrugged, ‘I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.’

  An early wintry storm blew in late afternoon, bringing with it snow in addition to the high winds. They sat near the fire very glad they were not out travelling in such weather.

  Over dinner Lord Dirk spoke of Prince Casper’s war campaigns that had been raging since the spring thaw. Prince Casper had conquered three counties, at great cost, but still seemed to have a thirst for further conquests. Prince Casper, as one of the King’s younger sons, was not interested in or concerned by the extra work he was giving his nobles as they attempted to consolidate, manage and hold the new lands. Prince Casper sought glory, recognition and respect and kept his nobles’ support by granting them some of the captured lands. Lord Dirk hoped that soon they would stop for the winter as they were all exhausted.

  They learned that Prince Casper now lived in the cas
tle above them and that he’d been seriously injured in the battle. That was why they were back here in the city. All his nobles were now simply trying to hold their positions until his health improved and he could issue new orders.

  ‘Why do you tell us of this weakness?’ Jim asked. ‘We have no loyalty to any side here.’

  ‘Nevertheless you did choose to help us. The creation of that river saved the day and was clearly a wizard’s doing. Our enemies are now your enemies,’ he added with satisfaction. ‘They quiver in their boots knowing we have a wizard to call on.’

  Jim exchanged a look with Amelie. She’d been right. They’d come for him. He’d put her in danger. ‘I told you before; I’m not a warrior wizard.’

  ‘Well, whatever you are, you’re not just a Sensitive,’ Lord Dirk said and turned his attention to Amelie. ‘And you dear lady are rather a rare find. Not much flummoxes Daniel, but you did it several times over.’

  ‘If I’d been fit, he’d have remained flummoxed,’ Amelie said and smiled.

  Jim watched Lord Dirk’s reaction to her assertion and definitely predatory smile. Daniel too stared transfixed.

  ‘What makes you say that?’ Lord Dirk asked.

  ‘I am not anyone’s find,’ she said coolly. ‘I have been hunted and imprisoned one way or another all my life. I warn you, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. Jim has already told you we want no part in your war. Once the weather clears we will be on our way. I trust you have no problem with that?’

  Lord Dirk stared at her bold challenge. She was not remotely as submissive or obliging as he’d hoped a horse would be. ‘I’m sure we can come to some arrangement that will suit everyone,’ he said easily. ‘Anyway, the hour is late. I will let you retire and sleep on it.’

  Amelie was very unsure about being parted from Jim. Together they could protect each other if necessary. But the same maids as earlier appeared and took charge of them both, neatly separating them. Amelie allowed herself to be tucked up in a big soft bed by the maid who quickly left the room. Amelie crept to the door after her and peeked through the keyhole. Instead of leaving down the hall, Amelie’s maid went into Jim’s room. Jim’s maid immediately left his room but the other remained. Quite some time elapsed before she finally left. Amelie couldn’t sit still any longer, she hurried through to Jim’s room and over to his bed.

  ‘Amelie?’ he queried softly. ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘They haven’t harmed you have they?’ she asked quickly.


  ‘What did they want?’ she asked.

  ‘They’ve both offered themselves to me today,’ he said deciding the bald truth would be easier to handle.

  ‘And you let them both seduce you?’ Amelie asked sharply.

  ‘It’s rather rare for young attractive women to be offering themselves to me,’ he admitted. ‘The places I’m sent are usually remote farmsteads. Single available women are scarce in such places. We have been out here in the sticks many months since then, too.’

  ‘You’re not worried they are probably seeking a gifted child? Or be under orders to try and trap you emotionally?’

  ‘I’m not going to be trapped like that, I can assure you.’ They had no chance; they were not her. He was already hopelessly in love, but with Amelie.

  Amelie brushed his soft blonde hair out of his big expressive eyes. They seemed to pull at her and there was fire in their depths. His breath caught at her touch and seemed to speed up. Abruptly she remembered he sat, only half covered, in a bed he’d just been having sex in and under that decorously placed sheet he was naked. She swallowed nervously. Something in his regard told her he physically wanted her. But he said nothing and was not pushing her into it. He was allowing her to choose and to make the first move. Why hadn’t she realised it before? She hadn’t thought he wanted her that way. Was that why he’d been acting a little strangely the last few days? Both Lord Dirk and Daniel had seemed surprised they were not lovers. They clearly thought Jim was a good match for her.

  ‘Thank you for checking on me,’ Jim said softly and put a finger under her chin so she would meet his eyes. What he saw in them cheered him immensely. ‘Hopefully the weather will clear tomorrow and we can leave.’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, grateful of a normal topic to divert her swirling mind. He smiled and she stared at his suddenly irresistible looking lips. She jumped up completely flustered, stared at him once more before hastily leaving his room.

  ‘Your wizard has been busy tonight,’ a male voice commented with lazy amusement.

  Amelie turned hastily to find Daniel the wolf sitting in the corridor. ‘Yes, I was just checking on him,’ Amelie said getting her emotions under control hastily.

  ‘Really,’ Daniel said sceptically.

  ‘So why are you here?’ Amelie asked quickly, rather annoyed she was flustered in his composed presence.

  ‘Just checking on you,’ Daniel said, his head tilted on one side assessing her keenly.

  She was abruptly aware she stood in a thin nightdress before a male she really didn’t know. He was animus; if he chose to attack her she wouldn’t be able to change quickly enough to defend herself.

  ‘Why would you want to do that?’ she asked and moved over to her door.

  ‘Because I’m curious about you,’ he said honestly.

  ‘You certainly tracked me diligently,’ she said. ‘Why?’

  ‘I wanted to meet you. Our kind is getting rare,’ he added sadly.

  ‘Do you have a family here?’ she asked.

  ‘My mother and sister.’

  ‘Are they wolves too?’

  ‘That’s what we’ve always been. What about you?’

  ‘My family have always been hunted. Often baited with one of our kind,’ she added eyeing him. ‘I don’t know if any of my family still survive.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he said now understanding the reason for his cold reception and her distrust in general. ‘How many forms can you take?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I’ve never had the freedom to experiment, or enough food to fuel it,’ she added.

  ‘How old are you?’


  ‘Ah,’ he said eyeing her. Perhaps her youth and inexperience were the reasons Jim was holding back and also why he hadn’t with the maids. Frustration maybe? ‘So how did you meet your wizard?’

  ‘We met when we were locked up together. We helped each other to escape. Anyway, I’m getting cold. Good night Daniel,’ she added firmly and closed the door behind her, making good her escape. Had she already said too much? He did not follow her into her room so she gratefully climbed into the big snug bed and pulled the blankets up to her chin. It had certainly been cold and draughty standing there in the corridor. She was very happy to be inside somewhere warm and dry for a change.


  Prince Casper

  Jilly woke her early and ran her a bath. Amelie was surprised to see riding clothes laid out on the bed when she was finished; they hadn’t been in the wardrobe yesterday. Amelie was very tempted to ask Jilly about Jim but realised all she could come up with stemmed from jealousy and her own lack of experience with men. So she said nothing and sourly watched the girl going about her duties humming a jolly tune. A gong sounded from downstairs and Amelie observed that Jilly stared at Jim when they opened the door and met in the corridor. Jim’s own maid was also looking at him rather flirtatiously. Jim gave both of them a brief nod and joined Amelie to go downstairs to breakfast.

  ‘They’re both still keen on you then,’ Amelie said to him.

  ‘Looked that way didn’t it,’ he agreed conversationally but was more interested in how Amelie felt about it. Was she jealous? He rather thought she seemed to be. Maybe things were truly looking up.

  ‘Wonder what they’ve got planned for us today,’ she said. ‘See, they’ve found me clothes I can ride in.’

  ‘Good morning. This way please,’ the butler announced from the foot of the stairs before Jim cou
ld respond to her. They followed him to the dining room and sat where he indicated at the table.

  ‘Good morning my lady; Jim,’ Lord Dirk said cheerfully entering the room, Daniel following. ‘You’re looking better this morning Jim. You slept well I trust?’

  ‘Yes, very comfortable thanks,’ Jim said simply, aware of Lord Dirk’s knowing smile and not rising to it. Clearly his activities had not been remotely secret.

  They all fell to exchanging innocuous pleasantries as the servants brought out ample quantities of a full cooked breakfast. They all tucked in with relish, savouring the range of flavours and quality of cooking sadly absent both in the army camp and travelling through the wilds.

  ‘That hit the spot,’ Lord Dirk said appreciatively to the butler and rose to his feet. He led them through to the reception room across the hall and closed the door. He waved them into seats but paced by the fire.

  ‘Well, wizard, as I mentioned yesterday, Prince Casper is unwell at present. You will accompany me when I visit him today and see if you can heal him.’

  ‘Why should I want to do that?’ Jim asked coolly. ‘He imprisoned me amongst savages for weeks and for no reason. Why should I expend my energies trying to ease his pain? Besides which I am not trained in healing. I might inadvertently do more harm than good. This is not a good idea.’

  ‘Come now, don’t be so modest. I saw what you did for her.’

  ‘She was different,’ Jim said.

  ‘Why? I think it only seemed so because you were properly motivated to save her.’

  ‘No, her Gift gives her body good healing ability of her own. That meant I could work with and use her own magic to help her,’ Jim explained.

  ‘I see. You’re trying to make me believe it was only because she has magic that you were able to heal her?’ Lord Dirk asked.

  ‘Yes,’ Jim said.

  ‘I don’t think you’re being entirely truthful. I think you have more power than you’re willing to reveal. Perhaps because you’re young and haven’t completed your training you do truly doubt your capabilities,’ he acknowledged that possibility. ‘But Prince Casper knows you’re here and has called for you. You don’t have any choice in the matter.’


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