My Professor's Secret Baby
Page 17
My heart melted watching my son grow each day. And the fact that everything had worked so smoothly for Izzy to get back into school and have a daycare that works made it even better.
Of course, Noah had to be the genius of his daycare. He was the first child to learn the alphabet and how to count to ten before their first birthday. Everyone was so surprised. I wasn’t. I had always been a scholar and his mother was highly intelligent. I had very high hopes for my son. Knowing that he took his first steps right in the halls of my own alma mater where I had tenure gave me confidence that my son will have a legacy that will be passed on for generations to come.
All because I fell for a student.
A very sexy, beautiful student, but a student nonetheless.
I reached down and ruffled the brown, curly hair all over my son’s head and scooped him up into my arms, hugging and kissing him.
“I missed you, buddy,” I said. “What are you and mommy up to?”
It warmed my heart to see them. Even though I loved teaching, I found myself thinking about them a lot. The fact that they were always nearby comforted me somehow. So, their surprise visits were like icing on a proverbial cake.
“I just got out of classes and picked him up from daycare,” Izzy said, sauntering toward me. “I thought that, since we were here, we could stop in and see you. And see if you’re going to make it home on time.”
She reached me just as she was finishing her sentence. I wrapped my arms around her waist, leaning my forehead down on hers.
“You must miss me, too, huh?” I said playfully. She grinded her hips into me a little, then stopped herself, remembering that I son was toddling nearby. She bit her lip and eyed me hungrily.
“Later,” she said. “Will you be home soon?”
I looked at her, confused.
“Aren’t I always home on time?” I asked, trying to remember a time when I was late.
“Okay, I was horny and wanted to just see you,” she said, her cheeks reddening with embarrassment. She was still so amusing to me sometimes. She was always very mature and responsible, but it was moments like these where I was reminded of just how loving she was.
She wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her.
I scooped up Noah in my arms and put my arm around Izzy’s waist.
“Let’s go home,” I said, walking toward the classroom door.
As soon as we walked into the hallway, we were greeted by a few students who knew us, some who were in my class, and other students and faculty who had heard about us. We were like living legends in the school. People started saying that teachers hooking up with students was going to become a thing because ours was a success story that other families should want to aspire to.
I wasn’t too sure about that.
We walked down the hall toward the parking lot, dodging students hurrying through the halls, sweating bullets so that they wouldn’t be late to their next class. I saw a flash of a student that reminded me of Trent, but once his face came into full view, I saw that it wasn’t him. But it reminded me of something I had overheard in the faculty breakroom at lunch. I turned to tell Izzy what I had heard, moving stealthily down the hall.
“By the way, I heard some news about Trent today,” I said.
“Oh?” she said, cocking her head to the side, reaching over to take a wiggling toddler from my arms, who was already reaching for her.
“Yeah,” I said, watching my son lay his head on his mother’s chest, sucking his thumb. “Apparently, he got hired on by a research firm. They have a horrid reputation. Tons of people have sued them for misrepresenting information.”
“You mean lying?” she asked.
We shared a laugh.
“Anyway, rumor has it that they work their new employees to death like slaves. So, he’s going to be buried in paperwork probably for the next five years. And who knows? That might just be enough to make him want to head back home to Europe.”
But, even if he didn’t, I knew that that was the last time I would ever see or hear anything about Trent.
Right before we got to the front door, Izzy ran into Layla.
“Oh my god! Izzy? Is that you??” she screeched.
Izzy hugged her friend, jumping and screaming excitedly. Noah looked on from her arms, afraid. He started to cry. Layla and Izzy both cooed and comforted Noah, Layla hugging and doting on him like he was her own son. As the two chatted, catching up on the past year, I noticed Belva standing near the door, speaking with an administrator. Our eyes met a few times and she nodded and smiled in my direction. She looked at Izzy, eyeing Noah curiously. After a few minutes, she dismissed herself and walked toward us.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite college family,” she said, smiling and waving at Noah. “And how old is this little guy?”
“His first birthday is coming up soon,” I said. “I’ll be sure to send you an invite so that you can come celebrate with us.”
Belva looked shocked, scratching her head.
“A year?” she said, looking in the distance like she was trying to remember something. “It can’t have been a year already. Was he born prematurely? Because it seems to me like we were just celebrating your wedding.”
Belva elbowed me in the side and winked before I could say something. I blew out a relieved sigh, grateful that she was able to poke fun at me and the interesting set of events that led up to this moment. I chuckled shakily, glad that Belva had such a great sense of humor.
“Seriously, though, it’s really good to see you guys,” she said, putting a hand on Izzy’s shoulder.
“Thank you, Belva,” said Izzy. “For everything.”
I had filled Izzy in on how amazingly Belva had handled things, even recommending me for tenure when things may have appeared sketchy, at best.
“Of course,” she said, nodding at a young man with black hair holding a stack of stray papers in his arms. “I’ve got to catch him before he leaves, but we will definitely have to get together soon.”
We said our goodbyes and she rushed off.
I turned toward Izzy and my son, extending an arm toward her.
“Shall we head on home and have some lunch?” I asked.
“Okay,” sighed Izzy. I could tell that she was tired and ready for some down time. I had to admit that I was looking forward to it to.
Especially since I had a surprise for her.
We got home and made a lunch of homemade chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I ate two giant bowls of soup and four grilled cheese sandwiches. Noah had eaten quite a bit himself and was falling asleep in his chair.
“Oh no you don’t, little guy,” said Izzy, wagging a finger in his direction, lifting him out of the chair into her arms. “Let’s get you down for your nap so you don’t fall asleep in your chair.” She kissed him on the head as he snuggled down into her chest, already fast asleep before she disappeared around the corner. After a few minutes, I padded over to the living room, sinking down into the fluffy, gray couch cushions. Izzy came to join me after a few minutes, settling in next to me. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling a shawl over us. She felt so warm and smelled like flowers.
I couldn’t think of anything much more perfect than this.
Except for my news.
“Honey, I need to tell you something,” I said. She stirred and sat up, the sleepiness fading away fast as she became more alert.
“What is it?” she asked, her voice sounding worried. I patted her arm, pulling her back to me.
“It’s nothing to be worried about,” I assured her. “It’s actually really good news. You remember that house that you mentioned that you liked that was near your parents when you were pregnant with Noah?”
She whirled around to face me, her face stone serious.
“Yeah?” she asked, waiting.
I pulled out a copy of the check that showed where I put a deposit on the mortgage.
She clapped a hand over her mouth and gasped, surprised. She
sat, staring at me, in complete shock. I grinned, expecting that she would be surprised.
I didn’t expect her to burst into hysterical laughter. She laughed so hard, clutching her belly, tears pouring from the corner of her eyes. Then, her laughter turned into sobs. Her sobs were so deep and long that I began to worry. Was she sad? I had to know.
I leaned down next to her where she sat crouching on the floor and put my hands around hers. Her tears stopped, and she stared at the floor silently. My heart started to be faster.
I felt the last year flash before my eyes.
Watching Izzy’s belly grow, spending so much more time with her, learning her quirks, and falling deeper in love with her. And then, just when I thought that that was amazing, Noah showed up and made me a father. I grew to love both of them on a deeper level. It made me excited for the new adventure that the day would have.
We had been talking about how things were great now, but as Noah got older, we would need more room. And maybe, after Izzy finished school, we could talk about adding a few more little Rivers babies to the bunch. Izzy had talked more about it over the last few months, so I thought that it would be perfect to seal the deal on the new house so that we could celebrate Noah’s first birthday there.
“Do you want to go and see the house?” I asked her softly.
“You already have the keys?” she asked, her voice a harsh whisper. I nodded, pulling a single key out of my pocket. She snatched it from my hand, staring at it clutched in her hand like it was magic, like if she loosened her white-knuckled grip on it, it would disappear.
“Well?” I asked, holding out my hand toward her. She snatched her hand away from me like I had singed her with fire.
“No,” she said, sharply. “I’m going to see if Candy can come up and keep an eye on Noah for a bit. Then you and I are going for a drive.”
She clapped her hands together eagerly, rushing toward the door, grabbing a sweater, and disappearing out of it. She reappeared quickly after a few minutes with Candy, our 16-year-old neighbor sleepily trudging behind her.
“We should be back in two hours, maybe three hours, tops,” said Izzy, pulling out some snacks to give Noah if he woke up and putting his milk on the counter. She scribbled on a piece of paper and shoved it toward Candy, turning her attention to me.
We barely said goodbye to Candy before rushing out the road and into the car.
Driving down the road, I got overwhelmed by good feelings of a secure and happy life. I looked over at Izzy and saw a peaceful calm settle over her, her long, dark hair billowing all around her head like lightening.
“A penny for your thoughts?” she said, breaking into my trance. I blinked and swerved the car, remembering that I should have been watching road instead of looking at her. Luckily, there weren’t very many cars on the road. But I tightened my grip, deciding that I should pay more attention, anyway.
“I’m just hoping that I can give you the life of your dreams,” I admitted, throwing a quick look at her before returning my eyes to the road.
“It’s funny that you should say that,” she said, her voice taking on a lower, silkier tone. “I was just thinking the same thing. One of my favorite things about you and how things went is that, even though having a baby wasn’t in our plans that early, between the two of us, we are great at planning and getting things done. It’s just…”
She turned away from me, staring out the window. The way that her voice trailed off made me start to worry. I looked over at her, trying to catch her gaze, but she refused to look back.
“What is it, love?” I asked, gently, my mind already gearing up to figure out what could be bothering her and putting together a plan to fix it.
“Well…I guess I worry that you will get bored with me, that’s I’m too conservative for you,” she said, slumping forward in her seat, her head hung low. She had the saddest look on her face, her bottom lip poked out far in front of her. She looked almost comical. I had to stifle laughter so that I wouldn’t make light of how she felt, but I also wanted to set her mind at ease. I reached over and massaged her shoulder, splitting my gaze between my nervous wife and the road.
“You don’t have to worry about that with me,” I said. “I was more than happy being single. Honestly. But there is just something about you that excites me. Every day, I learn something new about you and it makes me love you more. Watching you take care of our son…” I paused, getting choked with emotion as I thought about how wonderful she had been to me.
I looked over and was surprised to see that she had a sneaky smile on her face. I was confused by the extreme change in her mood.
“Huh?” I asked, voicing my confusion. “I thought…I mean…”
She scooted closer to my seat, running her hand up and down my thigh. I hadn’t expected it and sat up even straighter in the car, my hands glued to the steering wheel.
“Wha-what are you doing?” I stammered. I had to will myself to stay focused as her hand made its way to my zipper and into my jeans, fishing out my stiffening penis. My gasped, sure that I would crash.
“Are you okay, professor?” asked Izzy, her voice dripping with playfulness. Her almond shaped eyes looked up at me, toying with me. I swallowed hard, not sure what was going on. This was a side of her that I had never seen.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just hard to drive with your hand right there.”
She giggled playful, leaning her body closer to mine, stroking my dick with her soft, warm hand beneath the steering wheel of the car.
“I seem to remember some time ago being given a similar test, where I was put under extreme pressure and expected to pass with flying colors. I challenge you now, Professor Rivers, to lead by example. I want you to drive down the road with your dick in my mouth and not crash.”
I look at her, certain that she was joking. Every alarm bell was sounding in my head telling me that her idea was not a good one.
My protests melted away as soon as she put her hot mouth on my dick. Every nerve in my body stood on end as she slurped and sucked on my dick, pulling it in and out of her mouth with her hand. I kept my eyes fixed on the road, my moans penetrating the air at intervals. It didn’t take long before I was unloading a fresh batch of hot cum. I pushed her away from me, spraying a steady stream of white onto the steering wheel in front of me.
Izzy laughed, wiping her mouth.
“Good job, Picasso,” she said, still giggling.
I struggled to calm myself so that I could find the words for her.
“WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED?” I finally asked once my dick had returned to its softened state and my heart had finally stopped beating out of my chest.
“That’s just something spontaneous that I wanted to try,” she said. “Maybe once we get to the house, we can do a little more.”
She winked at me, her hand moving toward her own crotch.
I shook my head, not believing that she could ever think that I would get bored with her. One of the things that I had learned about her is that she is both smart and entertaining. She didn’t have to worry about trying so hard with me, but I was going to do my best to show her that it was worth the effort.
Besides, not a lot of guys could boast of getting head while driving on the highway.
I knew that I was living the dream and literally and figuratively, the road to our bright future lay all ahead of us.
We drove in silence, hand in hand, riding out into the sunset.
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Sneak Peek of My Father’s Best Friend’s Secret Baby
I shouldn’t have been doing this. Shouldn’t have these thoughts about James’s daughter.
But, she was so damn hot. And she had been practically throwing herself at me. Those hips, those lips, those eyes… it was as if she was begging me to do what I wanted, which was to bend her over my lap and spank her ass for being such a bad girl, and then thrust my dick deep inside her mouth.
Her father James was the only good friend I had these days, and he had been ever since I so desperately needed one. After I was injured at war and discharged from duty, he’d taken me to his house and let me stay with him even though he had only been my commanding officer. We’d grown close, both due to the gratefulness I’d felt for him and the bond we’d shared as he’d helped me get back on my feet.
Fucking his daughter was no way to repay him for his kindness— even though it was clear she wanted me to take her for her very first time. Sure, she was an adult and seemed to know exactly what she wanted— which was very obviously me. And I wanted to take her— every which way I could.
From behind, while she was on all fours calling out my name and I was pulling her hair. From on top, while I was looking into those pretty eyes she liked to bat so innocently at me. From underneath her, so that she could spread those legs wide and let me all the way into her tiny, tight, wet little pussy.
I couldn’t do it. Could I? It could have all sorts of negative consequences. James would no doubt kick me out of his house. And what if I knocked her up? She had her whole life ahead of her, and mine had just been unexpectedly derailed.
I had to fucking control myself. But could I? Not with those curvy hips of hers walking in front of me, while she was dressed only in her bikini, begging me to come for a swim with her. Swim with her? I wanted to swim in her. And I always got what I wanted.
Chapter 1
“Hope the chicken isn't too spicy for you,” said James, looking over at me while I absentmindedly scraped my food around on my plate. I was so lost in thought, I almost forgot where I was.