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Helen of Troy

Page 42

by Jack Lindsay

  Johannowsky, W., Boll. d’ Arte (1960), 202ff.

  Johansen, K. F., (1) Ark. Kunst. Meddel. iii no 3 (1945); (2) Les vases sicyoniens (1923); (3) Iliad in Early Greek Art (1967).

  Jouan, F., (1) Euripide et les légendes des chants cypriens (1966); (2) REG lxxiv (1961), 484-8; (3) ib. lxix (1956), 298-300.

  Jurenka, Wien. St. xxxvi. p.417

  Kaibel, (1) Epigr. Gr. (2) Hermes xxvii (1892), 249-59.

  Kaiser, J., Peleus and Thetis (1912).

  Kakouri, K. J., Dionsiaka (1965).

  Kakridis, J. T., Homeric Researches (1949).

  Kamps, W., Archives d’hist. et du droit oriental iii (1947).

  Kantor, H. J., (1) Archaeology xiii (1) 14ff; (2) AJA li (1947), 58f; (3) The Aegean and the Orient in the 2nd mill. BC ( I 947).

  Kapelrud, A. S., (1) The Ras Shamra Discoveries and the O.T. (1963); (2) Baal in the R.S. Texts (1952).

  Karageorgis, L., (1) Procs. 2nd Cretolog. Congress (in Greek); (2) Nouv. Documents pour l’étude du Bronze Récent à Chypre (1965).

  Kardara, C. P., AJA lxxiv (1970), 325ff.

  Karo, G., (1) AfR vii (1904), 142ff; (2) AM lv (1930), 22ff; 138 pl. II, 2, and Beil. III, 1; (3) Die Schachtgräber von Myk. (1930).

  Karouzou, C. I., PAA xxxii (195-7), 225-32.

  Karsten, R., Civil. of S. American Indians (1926).

  Kehmptzow, F., De Q. Smyrn. fontibus et mythopoeia (1891).

  Kekulé, (1) Terracotten von Sicilien; (2) Festschr. Un. Bonn (1879); (3) Berlin Akad. Sitz.-Ber. (1908), 691-703.

  Keller, O., Thiere des klass. Alt.

  Kenna, Cretan Seals (1960).

  Kennedy, F., (1) Art of Persuasion in Greece (1963); (2) TAPA lxxxix (1958), 77ff.

  Kerenyi, K., (1) Niobe (1949); (2) The Gods of the Greeks (1951); (2a) ib.(1958); (3) Symb. Osl. xxxiii (1957); (4) Die Geburt der Helena (1946) (= Mnem. vii (1939) 177ff); (5) Heroes of the Greeks (1959); (6) Arbeits-gem. Nordrhein-Westfalen Heft 58 (7) Eleusis (1967); (8) Diogenes xx (1957).

  Kern, O., (1) Die Religion d. Griechen (1926-8); (2) Inschr. v. Magnesia.

  Khafaga, Bull. Fac. Arts Fouad I Univ. xiv (1) 94-8.

  Killen, J. T., BSA lix (1904), 1-15.

  Kinkel, G., Epic. Gr. Frag. i (1877).

  Kirk, G. S., (1) The Songs of Homer; (2) Homer and the Iliad (1965); (3) Language and Background of Homer (1964-5); (4) BSA xliv (1949); (5) MH xvii (1960), 189-205.

  Kjellberg, E., Studien zu den att. Reliefs des V Jhdts. v Chr. (1926).

  Klausen, R. H., Aeneas u. d. Penaten (1839-40).

  Klinz, A., Hieros Gamos (1933).

  Kluckthorn, C., Harvard Theol. Rev. xxxv (1942).

  Knaack, G., RhM xlviii (1893), 632ff.

  Knight, W. F. J., (1) Cumaean Gates (1936); (2) Vergil’s Troy; (3) Ant. vii (1933); (4) CQ xxvi (1932), 178-89.

  Knox, M. A., JHS xc (1970), 117-20.

  Koch, W., Paris vor Helena (1889).

  Kornemann, RE Suppl. iv 87 (1924) sv Bauernstand.

  Korres, G., (1) Procs. 2nd Cret. Congress ii 107-18; (2) Ta meta Kephalōn Kriōn Kranē (1970).

  Körte, Hermes xxxix (1904), 482ff.

  Köstler, R., in Griech. Rechtsgesch. ed. E. Berneker (1968).

  Kraiker, W., Die Malerei d. Griechen (1958).

  Krappe, A. H., (1) CP xxxvii 353; (2) RhM lxxviii (1929), 249-67; (3) ib. lxxx (1931), 113-28; (4) La Genèse des Mythes (1938); (5) Myth. universelle (193o); (6) RhM lxxxiv (1935), 276-88.

  Kraus, T., Hekate (1960).

  Kretschmer, P., (1) Glotta xiii (1924); (2) Die griech. Vaseninschriften (1894); (3) Aus der Anomia (Arch. Beit. C. Robert) (1890), 22ff; (4) Semele u. Dionysos (1890); (5) Glotta 1936-7); (6) Einleitung in d. Gesch. d. gr. Sprache.

  Kretzenbacher, L., Die Seelenwaage (1958).

  Krischan, J., RE xvii (1937), 2251-3.

  Krockiewicz, A., Meander (1950), 6f; (1951), 3f, 8f.

  Kroll, W., RE sv Ninnius 6, xvii (1) (1936), 634.

  Kruse, RE sv Potnia.

  Kubler, K., Atlatlische Malerei (1940).

  Kuiper, W., (1) Mnem. liv (1926), 175-88; (2) Mnem. xlvii (1920), 207ff.

  Kullman, W., (1) Die Quellen d. Ilias (1960); (2) Ph. xcix (1955), 167-92; (3) ib. c (1956), 132f.

  Kulper, K., Mnem. xlviii (1920), 207-21.

  Kunze, E., (1) Gnomon ix (1933); (2) (Arch. Schilbilder) Olymp. Forsch. ii (1950); (3) Kret. Bronzereliefs.

  Lajard, Culte de Vénus.

  Lane, G. M., Smyrnaeorum Res Gestae et Antiq. (1851).

  Lang, A., Myth, Ritual and Religion.

  Langdon, S., Babylonian Epic of Creation (1923).

  Lanza, D., SIFC xxxiv (1963), 230-45-

  Laroche, E., in Eléments, 113-28.

  Latte, K., RE sv Themis vA 2.

  Lauer, J. P., (1) ASAE xxviii (1928), 96ff; (2) ASAE xxix (1929), 103f.

  Lauffer, S., AM lxiii (1937), 94ff.

  Laumonier, A., Les cultes indigènes en Carie (1958).

  Lawall, G., Theocritus’ Coan Pastorals (1967).

  Lawler, L. B., (1) The Dance in Anc. Gr. (1964); (2) TAPA lxxvii (1946), 112-30.

  Layard, J., (1) Stone Men of Malekula (1942); (2) Folk Lore xlvii (June 1936); (3) ib. xlviii (June 1937).

  Leaf, W., (1) Troy (1912); (2) ed. Iliad; (3) Strabo on the Troad (1923).

  Lechat, H., (1) BCH xiii, 467-76; (2) Au Musée de l’ Acropole d’ Athènes; (3) and Defrasse, Epidaure (1895).

  Lefebvre, Romans et contes égyptiennes (1949).

  Lefka, C., De Euripidis Alexandro (1936).

  Legrand, P., Etude sur Theocrite (1898).

  Lehmann-Hartleben, AJA xliii (1939), 669ff.

  Leibovitch, J., IEJ viii (1958), 141-6.

  Leitzke, E., Moira u. Gottheit im alten gr. Epos.

  Lenormant, (1) Gad. Arch. v (1879), 24; (2) and de Witte, Etude des monuments céramographiques.

  Leonhard, Hettiker u. Amazonen.

  Lepore, E., AT VI C.

  Lesky, A., (1) Gesch. d. gr. Lit. (1963); (2) SIFC xxvii-xxviii (1956), 216-26; (3) RE xix (1) (1937), 271-308; (4) Entr. Fond. Hardt vi (1961), 129-33; (5) RE sv Homeros; (6) Die trag. Dichtung d. Hellenen (1904); (7) SB Heidel. Akad. Ph.-Hist. Kl. 4 Abh. (1961).

  Lethaby, W. R., (1) JHS xxxvii (earlier temple of Artemis, Ephesos); (2) Architecture, Nature and Magic (1956).

  Leumann, M., Homer. Wörter (1950).

  Lévêque, O., Aurea Catena Homeri (1959).

  Levi, D., (1) AJA xlix (1945), 270ff; (2) Annuario (1955-6); (3) Illustr. London News 6 October 1956, 548; (4) Ann. x—xii (Arkades) 640ff.

  Lindsay, J., (1) Life and Letters Today no 110 October 1946, 15-27; (2) Clashing Rocks (1965); (3) Origins of Astrology (1971); (4) Origins of Alchemy (1970); (5) Men and Gods on Roman Nile (1968); (6) Daphnis and Chloe (1947) transl. (7) Short History of Culture (1962).

  Lipp old, G., (1) Ant. Gemäldekopien, Abh. bayer. Ak. d. Kiss. (1951); (2) in HB d. Archäologie iii I (Die gr. Plastik) (1950).

  Littauer, M. A., AJA (1972) 145-58 (Chariot).

  Liverani, M., Storia d’Ugarit (1962).

  Lloyd, G. E. R., Polarity and Analogy (1966).

  Lloyd, Seton, (1) Early Anatolia (1956); (2) Early Highland People of Anatolia (1967).

  Lloyd-Jones, H., The Justice of Zeus (1971).

  Lobel, E., (1) Sapphous Mele (1925); (2) see Page (4); (3) Alkaiou Mele (1927).

  Loebbecke, Z. f. Num. xvii (1980), 11ff.

  Long, A. A., JHS xc 121-39.

  Lord, A. B., The Singer of Tales (1960).

  Lorimer, H. L., Homer and the Mons. (1950).

  Löwy, E., (1) Polygnot (1929); (2) Wien. St. xxxiv (1912).

  Luckenbach, J. f. Philol. xi Suppl. B (1880), 491-638.

  Lullies, R., AM lxv (1940), 1-27.

  Maas, S., Hermes xxv (1890).

  Mackay, The Wrath of Homer.

  Macuso, V., La Lirica classica greca in Sicilia e nella M. Grecia (1912).

  Maess, E., Hermes xxii (1887), 572ff.

  Magnien, V., Les Mystères d’Eleusis (1950).
r />   Mair, A. W., Lycophron, Loeb.

  Malten, L., (1) Jahrb. xxviii (1913); (2) xxix (1914); (3) RE Suppl. iv sv

  Ker; (4) AfR xii (1909), 285ff; (5) Arch. Jahrb. (1928), 90ff.

  Maniet, A., EC xv, (1947), 305-22.

  Mannhardt, W., (1) Ant. Wald-u. Feldkulte i, 2nd ed. (1904); (2) Baumkultus.

  Marinatos, S., (1) Crete and Alycenae (1962); (2) AA (1933), 303; (3) and (4) BCH (1933), 224-8; (5) PAA (1930), 91-9; (6) Mit. Ueber Höhlenforschung (1928), 4ff; (7) AD x (1926), 78-90; (8) Fest. Schweitzer (1954), 11-18; (9) in Modiano.

  Markscheffel, Hesiodi Frag. (1840).

  Maschet, V., AO(2) xv (1946), 413ff.

  Mason, P. G., JHS lxxix (1959).

  Masqueray, P., Euripide et ses idées (1908).

  Massow, W. von, AM xli (1916), 81ff.

  Mathieu, G., (1) Les idées politiques d’Isokrate (I925); and Brémond, Isokrate.

  Matthews, W. H., Mazes and Labyrinths (1922).

  Matton, R., (1) La Crète antique (1955); (2) La Crète au cours des siècles (1957).

  Matz, F., (1) Gotterscheinung u. Kultbild in mino. Kreta (1958); (2) Forschung auf Kreta (1942); (2a) ib. (1951); (3) Kreta, Mykene, Troja (1956); (4) Frühkret. Siegel (1928); (5) Gesch. d. griech. Kunst; (6) Crete and Early Greece (1962); (7) HB d. Archäol. ii (1954).

  Mayer, A., Moira in griech. Inschr. (1927).

  Mayer, M., De Euripidis Mythopoeia cap. duo (1883).

  Mazon, P., (1) Intro. à l’Iliade (1942); (2) Hésiode (1926).

  Méautis, G., REA xxxvi (1934), 165.

  Meerdink, J., Ariadne (1940).

  Mellaart, J., AJA lxii (I958), 9-53.

  Merlar, P., (1) in Eléments, 77-94; (2) Syria xxviii (195 I).

  Merkelbach, R., (1) and West, Frag. Hesiodea (1967); (2) Aeg. xxxi, (1951), 254-60.

  Mertens, P., AC xxix (1960).

  Metzger, H., (1) Recherches sur l’imagerie athénienne (1965); (2) Les represéntations dans la céramique attique du IVe s. (1951).

  Meyer, B., Harmonia (1932).

  Meuli, K., Kalewala (1940).

  Michell, H., (1) Econ. of Anc. Greece, 2nd ed. (1957); (2) Sparta (1964).

  Millet, M., Studies in Gr. Genealogy (1968).

  Minto, A., Vase François (1960).

  Miraeaux, E., (1) Les poèmes homer. et l’hist grecque; Homère de Chios et les routes de l’étain (1948); (2) ib. ii (1949).

  Modiano, M., Times 1023 (March 1973).

  Mollard-Besques, S., Cat. raisonné des figurines et reliefs i (1954), ii (1963).

  Molpurgo, Myceneae Graecitatis Lexicon.

  Momigliano, A., (1) Aeg. xii (1932) 113ff; (2) AeR (I931), 133ff.

  Mommsen, A., (1) Feste d. Stadt Athen. (1898); (2) Heortologia.

  Monro, D. B., (1) Homer’s Odyssey; (2) JHS v (1884), 1-41.

  Montuoro, P. Z., AT VI C.

  Montet, P., Byblos et l’Egypte.

  Moret, A. and Davy, G., (1) Des clans aux empires; (2) From Tribe to Empire (1926).

  Muhl, P. von der, (1) RE Suppl. vii (1940), 696ff; (2) Kritisches Hypomnema zur Ilias (1952).

  Muller, F., (1) MKAW lxxviii B i 15; (2) Mnem. S.3 ii 1935 180-94.

  Muller, K. O., Proleg. zu einer wiss. Mythologie (1825).

  Muller, V., Der Polos (1915).

  Mundig, G., Hesiods Erga in ihrem Verhältnis zur Ilias (1959).

  Munsterberg, Zu den Spartan. Dioskurienreliefs.

  Murr, Die Pflanzenwelt in d. gr. Myth. (1890).

  Murray, A. S., White Athenian Vases in the BM.

  Murray, G., (1) The Rise of the Gr. Epic (1934); (2) Gr. Studies (1946).

  Mylonas, G. E., (1) Studies Goldman (1958); (2) Epistem. Epeteris Philos. Sch. Panepst. Athinon (1954-5), 139-52; (3) Myc. and the Myc. Age (1966); (4) Studies presented to D. M. Robinson (1951); (5) as (1); (6) CJ xli (1945-6), 203; (7) AJA xlix (1945), 557-99; (8) BCH (1933); (9) AJA lii (1948), 56f; (10) Eleusis and the El. Mysteries.

  Mylonas, K. D., AE (1890), 1ff.

  Myres, J. L., (1) Homer and his Critics, ed. D. Gray (1958); (2) and Frost, Klio xiv (1915), 337-67; (3) Who were the Greeks? (1930); (4) JHS xxvi and xxvii.

  Nahm, M. C., Early Gr. Philosophy, 4th ed. (1964).

  Napoli, M., AT VI C.

  Nestle, W., (1) N.J.f. kl. Alt. xx (1905), 161ff, (2) Von Mythos zum Logos.

  Neumann, E., The Great Mother (1955).

  Neumann, G., Gesten u. Gebärden in der gr. Kunst (1965).

  Nicole, G., Meidias et le style fleuri (1908).

  Nilsson, M. P., (1) Gnomen (1938); (2) Griech. Feste (1906); (3) Gesch. d. Griech. Religion (1955); (3a) transl. Fielden, Hist. of Gr. Rel. (1925); (3b) 2nd ed. ib. (1955); (4) Opuscula Selecta (1951-2); (5) Min.-Myc. Religion and its Survival in Gr. Rel., 2nd ed. (1950); (6) Myc. Origin of Gr. Myth. (1932); (7) Klio xii (8); Eranos (1952), 131-40; (9) Homer and Myc. (1933); (10) Eranos xv (1915), 277ff; (11) AfR xxii (1924), 363ff; (12) Greek Piety; (13-14) Primitive Time Reckoning; (15) Arch. Jahrb. (1916), 329ff; (16) AfR (1908), 530ff; (17) Die Anfänge d. Göttin Athena (1921).

  Noack, F., (1) RhM xlviii (1893); (2) Gött. G. Anz. (1892), 769ff; (3) jdAI xlii (1927), 75-9.

  Nock, A. D., (1) Conversion; (2) JEA xi (1925), 126-37; (3) JHS xlv (1925), 84-101; (4) HTR xxxvii (1944), 141-74; (5) AJA 1 (1946), 140-70.

  Norden, E., Klio (1905).

  North, H., Sophrosyne (Cornell St. Cl. Ph. 35) (1966).

  Norwood, G., Pindar (1945).

  Nylander, Ant. xxxvii (1963).

  Oesterley, W. O. E., Sacred Dance (1923).

  Ogilvie, R. M., JHS lxxxii (I962), 106-10.

  Ohnefalsch Richter, M., Kypros, die Bibel u. Homer.

  Oliver, J. H., Demokratia, the Gods and the Free World (1960).

  Onians, R. B., (1) Origins of European Thought, 2nd ed. (1954); (2) CR xxxviii (1924).

  Orsi, P., Boll. d’arte (1909), 413ff.

  Orsini, M. L., Dioniso xix (1956), 82-8.

  Orth, R. E., sv Safran.

  Oswald, E., The Legend of Fair Helen (1905).

  Otto, W. F., (1) Dionysos, Myth and Cult (1965); (2) The Homeric Gods (1954); (3) Die Gestalt u. das Sein (1955).

  Overbeck, Kunstmythologie.

  Pace, B., Mon. Ant. xxx (1925), 170ff.

  Page, D. L., (1) Sappho and Alcaeus (1955); (2) History and the Homeric Iliad (1963); (3) The Homeric Odyssey; (4) and Lobel, Poet, Lesb. Frag. (1955); (5) Poetae Mel. Gr.; (6) Alcman the Partheneion (1951); (7) in Greek Poetry and Life, 223ff; (8) Lyrica Gr. Sel. (1968).

  Pagel, K. F., Die Bedeutung des aitiolog. Momentes f. Herodots Geschichtsschreibung (1927).

  Palmer, L. R., (1) Myceneans and Minoans (1965); (2) Myc. Gr. Texts; (3) in Times 17 July 1964; (4) Achaeans and Indo-Europeans; (5) Trans. Philol. Soc. (1950).

  Pareti, Storia di Sparta arcaica.

  Parke, H. W., (1) and Wormell, Delphic Oracle (1956); (2) Oracles of Zeus (1967).

  Parlasca, JdAI lxxviii (1963), 270-4.

  Parthenos: P. and Parthenon ed. G. T. W. Hooker, Greece & Rome Suppl. vol. x (1963).

  Parry, H., L’epithète trad. dans Homère.

  Paton, De Cultu Dioscorum apud Graecos (1894).

  Patroni, G., Mem. dell’Ist. Lomb. di Sc. e Lett. xxv 16, serie 3, fasc. 2, (1951), 13-89.

  Paulcke, M., De Tabula Iliaca Questions Stesichoreae (1897).

  Payne, H., (1) Neocorinthia; (2) BSA xxix 240 no 38 (1927-8); (3) Protokorinth. Vasenmalerei; (4) JHS liv (1934), 191.

  Pearson, A. C., Frags. of Sophocles i (1917).

  Pearson, L., (1) Pop. Ethics in Anc. Greece (1962); (2) Hasting’s Enc. Religion and Ethics sv Demons.

  Peat, JEA xi 225-9.

  Pečirka, J., in Geras 183ff.

  Pedersen, J., (1) Berytus vi (1941), 63-105; (2) AO xviii (1939), 1-14.

  Pelekidis, A., Hist. de l’éphebie attique (1962).

  Pfeiffer, C. F., Ras Shamra and the Bible (1962).

  Pfister, Der Reliquienkult im Alt.

  Pfuhl, E., (1) Malerei u. Zeichnung d. Gr. (1923); (2) Masterpieces of
Gr. Drawing and Painting (1955).

  Pendlebury, J., Aegyptiaca (1930); (2) Arch. of Crete (1939).

  Penzer, N. M., The Ocean of Story (1923 on).

  Perdrizet, (1) REA vii (1905), 110ff; (2) BCH xxxvi (1912), 248ff; (3) Terres-cultes Fouquet; (4) RA i (1904), 26.

  Peristiany, J. G., ed., Honour and Shame (1965).

  Perrot-Chipiez, Hist. de l’art.

  Persson, A. W., (1) Religion of Greece in Prehist. Times (1942); (2) ‘Der Ursprung d. eleusin. Mysterien’, AfR (I922) xxi; (3) New Tombs at Dendra (1942); (4) Royal Tombs at Dendra (1931).

  Pestalozza, U., Religione Mediterranea (1951).

  Petersen, RhM (1900), 1ff.

  Pettazzoni, Le Origini dei Kabiri.

  Philippson, P., Thessal. Myth. (1944).

  Picard, C., (1) Les origines du polythéisme hellénique (1932); (2) Les religions préhelléniques (1948); (3) REG xl 336ff; (4) Ephèse et Claros (1922); (5) RHR xcviii (1928); (6) RA (1951), 1, 79-83; (7) Man. d’arch. gr., la sculpture i 1935, ii (1) 1939 (2) 1939, iii (1) 1948; (8) REG 1 (1937), 194ff; (9) RA 2 (1937), 258f; (10) RA (1941), 1; (11) REG lv (1942), 25-37; (12) RA xx (1942-3), 83-6; (13) BCH lxx (1946), 472f; (14) RHR 1 (1914), 224ff; (14a) RHR 2 (1928), 62-4; (15) L’art crétomyc.; (16) Mél. Holleaux (1913), 175ff; (17) REA xlii (1929), 195f, (18) RHR cxxii (1940), 102-24; (19) RP vii (1933), 341ff; (20) RHR cix (1934), 73ff; (21) in Eléments.

  Pisani, V., Riv. filol. cl. (1928), 476-99.

  Platon, N., (1) Chretika Chronika (1947); (2) ILN Arch. no 2207, 28 Nov. 1964, no 2208 5 Dec. 1964; (3) Crete (1966); (4) Corpus d. Min. u. Myk. Siegel, ii Hieraklion (1969).

  Pley, De lanae in ant. ritibus usu.

  Plommer, W., JHS lxxx (1960), 127ff.

  Poerner, De Curetibus et Corybantibus (1913).

  Pohlenz, M., (1) Herodot in Neue Wege zur Antike (2te Reihe, Heft 7f); (2) Die griech. Tragödie; (3) Die Anfänge d. griech. Poetik.

  Polites, Paradoseis.

  Pollard, J., Helen of Troy (1965).

  Pollitt, J. J., (1) The Art of Greece (1965); (2) Art and Expression in Classical Greece (1972).

  Pope, M. H., (1) and Röllig, in WB d. Myth. (ed. H. W. Haussig, 1962), 219-312; (2) El in Ugaritic Texts (1955).

  Porter, H. N., Yale Cl. St. xlii (1951).

  Porzig, W., Die Namen f. Satzinhalte (1940).

  Posnansky, Nemesis u. Adrasteia (1890).

  Pottier, E., (1) Rev. de l’ art anc. et mod. i (1901), 1-18; (2) Mon. Piot. xxix 158ff.


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