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Helen of Troy

Page 51

by Jack Lindsay

  [346] W (1) 116f; Jeanmaire (1) 455. Crete: PM iv 297-9; Hesych. sv boua; W (1) 116, 84, 112. Ganymedes: Delcourt (1) 67; Il. xx 232-5; Louk. Dial. Gods 24; Plat. Leg. 636d; Athen. xiii 601. Hebe: Ar. Clouds 976; Paus. ii 13, 3.

  [347] Dugas (7) pls. 9, 18f. Aphrodite as guide, bidden by Delphoi, ib. 36; sacrifices on shore a goat bitch (changed to buck), hence Aphrodite Epitragia.

  [348] E.g. Britomartis (‘Sweet Maiden’) pursued 9 months by Minos; Aphaia (? Apha) on Aigina.

  [349] W (1) 179ff. Name: Paus. iii 14, 2; Solin. 11; Diod. v 76; Ant. Lib. 40; Paus. ii 30, 3; Hesych. sv Aphaia; Soph. O.K. 1556. Apha: IG iv 1582; W (1) 182 n287. Art: Dugas (7) 85. Temple: Aigina i 370, 373. Diktynna, not Dikte: W (1) 182-4. Mt Tityros: Str. x 479; IC ii 128f. Str. x 470, 466; W (1) 193. Further: Kall. H. Art, 189 sch.; Paus. ii 30, 3; sch. Frogs 1402.; Frogs 1358; Eur. IT 126 (nymph of solitude); said to Laphria at Kephallenia. Temple of Aphaia has on its east terrace many Mykenean remains (including 150 clay balls and many female idols, one with two children); Leto said to be mother of Britomartis).

  Jouan (1) 384-8; Wagner; C. Robert (1) 680-89; H (6). Art work: Kerenyi (5) 231; Daidalos, sch. Od. xi 322; crown, Hyg. PA ii 5; WM (15) 234 (depths); Aphrodite gives it: Arat. 71; Hephaistos, xviii 400ff, Od. xxiv 74f. Ariadne, Semele: Jeanmaire (4) 345f. Minos gives her: Jouan (1) 384 n1. Theseus inconstant: Hes. fr. 105 (attrib. also to author of Aigimios).

  [350] Art: Dugas (7) 83. Dia: Diod. iv 61, 5; Od. xi 321-5. Ariadne in Nekyia: WM (7) 149f thought it an Attic interpolation; Jacoby sceptical brings in Athena or Poseidon for aid against Minotaur; see also Wagner 803. Ap. ep. i 9f; DS iv 61; Plout. Thes. 20. Pherekydes: J (1) 385. Diod. iv 61, 5, v 51, 4; Hyg. Fab. 43.

  [351] Hyg. Fab. 43. Sch. Theok. ii 45f; Plout. Thes. 20; Ap. ep. i 9f; DS iv 61. Paion: O. Seel.

  [352] Refs. J (1) 386 nn4-7.

  [353] Dugas nos 20f; Kerenyi (5) pl. 56; Brommer 130 B5. Syleus painter: Gerhard (2) pls. vi—vii. Fresco, temple of Dionysos Eleutheros (Paus. i 20, 3): T. leaving A. asleep, while the god approaches her; date unclear. Korone: Kerenyi (5) pl. 57; Antiope: Dugas (7) pl. 8. For supposed Minotaur carrying off girls on gold ring from Athenian agora: Levi (1) 177 n25; AJA (1933), 540; Hesperia iv (1935), 319; Bossert (1) figs. 500f; CZ iii 1090. Persson (1) ioi sees a predecessor of Hermes psychopomp.

  [354] Plout. Thes. 10d.

  [355] Attic vases: Kretschmer (2) 198. Delos: Ditt. SIG (2nd) 769 with notes. Otto 75f, 182; Hesych. sv Ardela; WM (9) i 402, 405. Names in Linear B: Webster (1) 117f; Palmer BICS ii (1955), 40.

  [356] Aiglē: Plout. Thes. 20, citing Hereas; WM (c,) i 404; Shield 182; Athen. 557a; Paus. ix 35, 5. Koronis: IG 4 (2nd) 1, 128, 43; Webster (1) 50; Nonn. xiv 221; Diod. v 52, 2; Kerenyi (5) 253 (vase).

  [357] Vase: Palermo Mon. d. 1st. ii 17. Hagno: Otto 187; Paus. viii 38, 3; 31, 2; 47, 2. Wife: Hes. Theog. 948; Eur. Hipp. 399; Prop. iii 18, 8; Ov. Fast. iii 510ff. Nonn. xxv io5ff; different, xlvii 664; Aug. CD xviii 12; sch. Il. xiv 319; Guthrie (1) 170f. Euseb. (Chr. 168, Karst.) & Kyrillos (C. Iul. x 341): death of Dionysos goes back to poet Deinarchos (? Hellenistic). Perseus fighting Mainads on sixth-century black-figure: Roscher Lex. iii 201b; J. L. Catterall RE xix 987.

  [358] Epimenides: Diels Vorsokr. 498; sch. AR iii 997. Argos: Paus. ii 22, I; 23, 8; Welcker (3) ii 592.

  [359] N (5) 527f; Paus. ix 40, 2; Welcker (3) 590; W (1) 195; JH (4) 321-4 (Oschophoria); Plout. Thes. 21. Various theories: N (2) 369ff. Bearded Aphrodite, Delcourt (1) 27f: this book in general for transvestism, 24-7 for Dionysiac cult. Semele: Otto 71; Eur. Bacch. 6ff; Aristeides i 72 Keil. T. Homolle Fouilles de Delphes iii (1) (1905) 195; Eur. Bacch. 11. Lerna: sch. Frogs 479. Plout. Q. Gr. 12 (293df). Elis: E. Diehl ALG (3rd) vi (1942), 206; Paus. ii 37, 5; 31, 2. Also Eur. Phoin. 1751; Otto ch. 3 in general. Orphic H. 44.

  [360] Girls: W (1) 195. Oschophoria: n19 above, with W (1) 195f; Grégoire (4) 63-71 takes as based on mole-hill! Paus. i 33, 2. Epidauros: Paus. ii 27, 3; F. Robert (2) 297f, 156, 342, 353-6, and REG (1933), 186; Lechat (3) 98-100; Noack (3); Svonoros (2); Chapot for theories; Eldenkin AJA (1911), 161-7 wrongly identifies tholos and thymelē.

  [361] Crane dance: Sch. Il. xviii 590ff, and passage itself. Not a reference to a representation of a choral dance on her crown as taken by WM (9) i 403. Crown: Paus. ix 40, 2; Welcker (3) ii 590; Otto 186; CZ i 479ff; W (1) 123; Leaf Iliad 609f; Paus. ix 40, 3f; Lawler 45-7 (cosmic), who thinks of two different dances; Poll. iv 101, Sachs 259. François vase: Furtwängler (1). Snake: Lawler (2), (1) 34-6. Bull-mask: CZ i 172-95; Webster (1) 55f. Cyprus: Lawler (1) 52f, figs. 14f; Persson (1) 76-9, 179, pl. 24. Some scholars do not see dancers there. Bull and crane: CZ i 482. Plout. says T. was first to give palm in contest. Further on the dance: Matthews 19ff, 156ff; Oesterley 69f; JH (2) 123; Frazer, Dying God (1911), 76f. Cornwall: M. A. Courtney Cornish Feasts and Folklore. Albania: P. Thornton Dead Puppets Dance. Crete: PM iii 74-8. Caves: Eustath. 1166, 7 & 590. Louk. Katapl. 22, Dance 15; sch. Theok. ii 36; Vell. i 4, i; Kurnai, Sachs 154. Hekate: sch. Lyk. 77; Prichard Sel. Essays of Plut. 21 5; Stob. Flor. 120, 28; Turchi, Fontes Hist. Myst. 81. Maze dances in general, R. Winter. Mykenai: N (6) 402f, 113ff, 555f; Persson Archiv f. Relig. xxi 1922 292; F. Noack Eleusis 1927 14f; Palmer (1) 168, stirrup-jar with Linear B on it found at Eleusis, dated c. 1200. (G. Wilke Die Relig. d. Indogerm. (1923), 13f sees the series: spiral, snail, vulva.) Vase found in Cypros: Ohnefalsch-R. i 446, 48 (no cxxxii, 2).

  [362] Kall. Del. 312f; Louk. Dance 49; Soph. Aias 700 (self-taught dances). Oxen: Od. i 277 & ii 196 are not suitors’, but those about the father: Eustath. Crete: W (2) 99 etc.; Str. x 482.

  [363] W (1) 125f; Michell 188; Louk. Dance II, 16; Athen. 630 de; Pindar (Sandys: Loeb) 547ff. Deikelistai with masks dedicated to Artemis at Sparta: Athen, 621ef; BSA xii 338; Plout. Ages. 21; Thiele, N. J. f.d. klass. Alt. ix (1902), 411. Ludus Troiae: Dion Kass. xlix 43, liii 1, liv 26; Suet. Aug. 43, Cal. 18, Ner. 7, Tib. 12; Tac. Ann. ii 50, xi 11; Verg. Aen. v 553-603; ancient nature of Ludus shown by the Tragliatella vase. Od. iv 18f; W (1) 124-6. Patterns: Deedes 34, Murray God of the Witches pl. iv, 4. Cuirass: Schefold (9) pl. 26. Tragliatella oinochoe: Matteus 157f, F. Muller (2).

  [364] Fall of Ariadne, rise of Dionysos: Kerenyi (6); de la Ferté 10; Webster (1) 49f. Ariadne as vegetation-goddess: Meerdink. Sarcoph., Mus. Therm. no. 124682; Delcourt (1) 63. Isopata: N (5) 84, 311, (3) pl. 15. Webster (1) 51 citing Matz (3) 60. Tomb of Double-Axe: Archaeologia lxv (I914), 10, fig. 16. Snake-cults: Webster 51f who sees two goddesses. Snake-goddess is Nurse of Dionysos: Kerenyi (8).

  [365] Malta: Zuntz especially 23-53, citing 28, for refs. Face-urns: CZ iii 192; Neumann 42ff. Lerna: Higgins 72f. Zuntz 31f, spectacle spirals under rim of pithos from Knossos; Bossert (1a) fig. 73; BSA ix 139; Schachermeyr (3) pl. 62; Demargne (2) pl. 203f. And on late Minoan jug from grave at Katzabas: Demargne pls. 206, 209, cf. necklace, Bossert fig. 228c; Zervos pl. 701; Mon. Ant. xiv 59. Labyrinth not the whole palace as Evans thought, cf. CZ i 473, but theatral area at NW corner. Daidalos thought in antiquity, eg Plin. xxxvi 84, to have imitated Egyptian labyrinth, which was taken as sacred to Sun. Labyrinth name: Eilmann 74ff for support of cave-idea; labyrinths called Kyklopeia in caves near Nauplia, Str. viii 369 etc. Labyrinth as House of Double-Axe: Evans (2) 109; Kretschmer (6) 404; Hekate in cave on Samothrace, sch. Lyk. 77; Labyrinthine dances in caves: Eustath. 1166, 77 & 590. G. F. Hill, 14, noted likeness to Cretan labyrinth of temple of Marnos (Zeus Kretagenes) at Gaza. Plin. xxxvi 13 (19) on labyrinths at Clusium.

  [366] Layard (1) 339f. In general Layard, Deacon, Deedes, Knight. Rub out: Deacon (1) 30. Types: Layard (3) 118. South India: S. M. Natesa Sastri, Hindu Feasts, Fasts and Ceremonies (1903), 18; J. A. Dubois Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies (1899), 152f, 579f; Layard (3) 12 I f. Pu: Layard (3) 138f; cited, 139; snakes, 156-8; E. Thurston Ethnog. Notes on S. India (1906) 290; Ganesa, Thurston, Castes and Tribes of S. India (1909) vi 232. Fort: Layard (3) 173f. Near East: Deedes 24f. Spiral dances among Nagas: Layard (3) 179f; meaning of kolam, 178. I have lost my refer
ences for sand-patterns in N. England. Kolam: also FL (June 1938), 181. Caen Droia: Mathews 92, Knight (1) 112; Sparta: Paus. iii 14, 8-10.

  [367] Layard (2) 161-8; Deacon (2) 570, fig. 470; JRaI lxiv 474. Tattoos: Mysore Census (1901), 557-9. Second dance: Layard (2) 157-60. England, 170. For Castellum: G. R. Owst Life and Pulpit in Med. Eng.; JL John Bunyan. Soviet investigations claim the stone mazes near coast can be used for catching fish; but even if this practical use was developed, the origins of the form are ritual. Knight for Christian use of the maze pattern, Sumerian myth seems to have the Persephone-type rape (of Ereshkigal).

  [368] Sex-metaphor, weaving: Arist. Clouds 55. Finn: Carmichael Silva Gadelica ii 343. Burns: notes to his Hallowe’en poem; cf H. Miller Scenes and Legends of N. of Scotland ch. v.

  [369] Sousa: Suhr ch. v. Inscr., IG iv 1389, 18. Distaff: Od. iv 135, 357; Il. vi 491. Omphale: Suhr ch. viii, Kerenyi (5) 192-7; GT (3) 174; Diod. iv 31, 5 (Dionysiac); Frazer (1) i 240f, 275, and Adonis i 124ff for relation to Sandan of Tarsos. Use in comic drama to satirize Perikles dominated by Aspasia.

  [370] Eliade 17f for refs. Greeks: Campbell 92, 333; Ps.-Plout. Mor. 568e; Plat. Tim. 41f; Sext. Emp. Adv. Dogm. iii A4; Ps.-Aristot. De mundo 401 B18; Campbell 374f; Plout. Daimon. of Sokr., Mor. 575b-578f.

  [371] Il. xiv 32if, Hes. fr. 3o9. Thebes: Platon (2), Palmer (3). Cf. with Pasiphae, Europa’s mother Telephaessa, ‘Far-shining’. There may be primitive sky imagery in all this, eg earliest known form of Zodiac derives from the swastika, ie the revolving sun: CZ i 491; Frazer GB iii 77; W (1) 102f. Ap. iii 1, 3; Liban. Narr. 23; Mythog. Vat. i 47. Cow: CZ i 540; Frazer GB iii 87-9; sch. Il. ii 294; Ap. iii 4, 1f; Kerenyi (2) 96f. Flower: Sch. Il. xii 292; Moschos 2. Crocus, Caeretan vase, Mon. Inediti vi-viii 77; Kerenyi (2) pl. 3a. Necklace: P. Oxy. xi 1358. Gifts: Eratosth. Kat. 33, Hyg. PA ii 35. Gold dog: Ant. Lib. 36. Cave: Louk. Dial. Sailors xv 4; Dion. Halik. ii 26; W (1) 215-18, also for other birthplaces of Zeus. Dionysos Bull: Gruppe (1) 1425; Curtius; Grégoire (3) etc. Bull in Near Eastern legends: Schaeffer (1) 60-72; Pritchard 29ff; W (1) 162f etc. Bull sacrifices to Zeus: CZ i 712.; Hesych. sv Hekatombaios, etc. Female deity with bull still worshipped at Kolophon in classical times: P (4) 509. Bull themes in Mykenean art: Webster (1) 55 nn 6-8 etc. Theseus killed Bull of Marathon before tackling the Minotaur. Chthonia: JH (2) III; Paus. ii 35, 2. Cretan origin of Bouphonia: Cook JHS xiv 131. Europa at Teumessos: Antimachos fr. 3 W.; Paus. ix 19, 1; Hom. H. Apollo 224; Gruppe (1) i 60 n5; on vases of Kabeirion, Wolters 98 K9 pl. 10f, 44. Europa as originally of Boiotia: E. Schwartz 20-24; Gruppe (2) 6f; Vürtheim (2), (3); against, Coste-M. 93 n4, Brauw; N (5a) 532, 624; Kadmos Greek, Vian 54ff. Kabeiron five km from city on road to Thespiai, goes back to Geometric era: Hemberg (2) 189f, but earliest ref. not before 500 BC.

  [372] Dendra: Persson (1) 131-4, (4) 65, 121; Levi (1) 270-6; Technau 99; Hampe (4) 67-9; N (3) i 332; Coste-M. 153-63; Malten; CZ i 639ff; Brauw 52-67, 102-8. Coins, Levi 277 n32. See Astarte: here ch. x n5. Woman on monster, lost seal from Gournia, Levi 274. Potnia Taurōn: Picard (16), Technau 89, Lehmann-H. Different attitudes, Levi 271 n36.

  [373] Glaukos: JL (2) ch. xiii; also Cornford (2) for threefold pattern.

  [374] See above for Harmonia and necklace; she was linked with Kadmos like Europa; her name suggests an abstraction but she is yet another daimon with deep earth-roots. The gods were at her wedding; her necklace has links with Ariadne’s thread-coil and Helen’s garland. Aphrodite was called her mother; poets tell of Aphrodite Harmonia; the Delphians of A. Harma. At Akmonia she was wife of Ares and mother of the Amazons. See Hymn to Apollo and pelike by Meidias painter for her likeness to Helen. Her name shows she was the tutelary deity of the (Theban) citizen assembly cf. Aphrodite Pandemos. Also shows strong craft-basis (joining and fitting); Harmon (primal Fitter in Od.); harmostes, 5th c governor; harmozein, in marriage, means customary and correct relation of man and woman together. Ephoros tells us of mystery-search for H. as for Persephone on Samothrace. (Kabeiric triad suggests in some ways Helen and Twins.) One Kabeiros at Thebes, assimilated to Dionysos and with a pais. Running woman on pediment of New Temple at Samothrace: ? running Demeter of Kyzikos, but what of Helen leader of dances and races for girls? For general significance of objects like the Necklace: Gernet. Od. v 248, 361; Prom. 551; Il. xxii 255, v 59. Black-figure amphora, Vian 36, pl. 1, c. 500-480 BC, Kassmos and Harmonia in chariot drawn by lion and boar; in general C. Robert (7) 378; L. Robert (2) 230; Oliver 106-17. Triad: Paus. ix 16, 3f; Vian 143. Ephor., sch. Phoin. 6; IG xii 8, p. 38; Chap. (1) 154-84. Demeter at Theban Kabeiron, Paus. ix 25, 5. Running figure. Chap. (1) 170 n6; Arch. Untersuch. pl. xxxix, xl; Rubensohn 186f, 181, 166. Hekate at Samothrace: Chap. 171f; Kybele 156ff. Harmonia was married but we know too little of her harpagē to generalize. List of Greek Mysteries: Magnien 16-20.

  [375] Schefold (9) fig. 28; F. Willemsen 7th Olympianbericht (1961), 181ff, cf. Schefold pls. 27 a, b (early 7th c.).

  [376] JH (4) 179f, cf. storm in Aen. iv 160; fr. 44 Aisch. Nauck (Athen. 600); Paus. ii 36, 1.

  [377] Sceptre: Higgins fig. 222 (twelfth century); Dikaios pl. xxvi, 4, first dating seventh-sixth centuries, then eleventh, 113. Apollo with hawk: Birds 525. Cypriot statuettes: Discovering Art 5, ed. J. Chancellor (Feb. 1964) 72f. Mykenean goddess: Higgins figs. 208-10. Dove: Roscher Lex. i 407.

  [378] Potnia: Dikaios 52f; F (1) ii 427, 434f. Fish: Paus. viii 41, 4; Athen. 325c (note chains). Ortygia: F (1) ii 433; Birds 870; Soph. Trach. 2Str. 639; Tac. Ann. iii 61; sch. AR i 419; Athen. 392d. Agrotera: IG ii 467; Paus. i 19, 6; Xen. H.G. iv 2, 20; Ar. Knights 660; F (1) ii 444. Artemis appears as bear, hare, and with stags (Head 660).

  [379] JH (4) 176-8; N (5) 132ff; Persson (1) 61-3 etc. Hes. Works 486, Theog. 97. Aisch.: JH (4) 175f; (2) 620; cry of ‘Hye kye’, rain conceive, at end of Eleusinian rites. Labyrinth first in Hdt. ii 348; building with the name at Miletos: Milet vi 56; Suppl. Epigr. iv 446 (third-second centuries BC). Cave: Higgins fr. 174 (he takes them as arms of a warlike goddess). Labrys: Eilmann 74ff etc. Guthrie 230; Hester; Dow 166 takes to refer to palace; Persson (1) 89 notes ‘the ankh-shaped double-axe’ ie symbol of mating phallos and vulva. Attribute of Aegean Great Mother: Deroy.

  [380] Paus. viii 22, 2; Attemis ib. 6f, and bird-legged maiden; F (1) i 191, 244ff; Rose HB 103f; Paus. ix 2, 1-9. Teleia: Aisch. Eum. 214. Guthrie (1) 61-7; Hera earth-goddess, Welcker (3); image at Samos hidden, Athen. 672, Guthrie 68. Coins: CZ ii 681; Laumonier 95f; Imhoof-B. 143; Atallah 42-4; Loebbecke: Head (2nd) 696. In general: Delatte (4) 271.

  [381] Moral personifications of Near East: Deubner (2) 2071-2110; Guterbock 114 n71; Picard (11); Burkert 133 n6. Against Krappe (6). Politics: Paus. i 33, 2; Welcker (1) i 579; iii 28; N (6) 170; WM (9) ii 137. Rhamnous: Solders 67ff; Herter. Ancient: H (1) 2342. Queen: Souda sv Rhamnousia; sch. Demos. xviii 38; H (1) 2346, sources. Themis: H (1) 2347; Frazer (2) on i 33, 2; Webster (1) 106. Statue: Paus. i 33, 3; Plin. xxxvi 17; Str. ix 296; H (1) 2348f; CZ i 275. Arist.: H (1) 2350 thinks he had clear idea. See above, ch. 4, nn25-6.

  [382] Zuntz 100, 105. Megara: Hanell 178f. WM (9) i 106 ni; Pind. Ol. i 12 (O. Schroder ad loc., ed. 1923) Eur. HF 396. Selinos: IG xiv 268; apples, Gabrici 374; AM lxxiv (1959) pl. 22; Jacobsthal 188ff. Bodyguard of Persian king (spear-butts with gold apples): Hesych. Statue at Panea: Euseb. HE vii 18; Harris (3) 366-72. Pomegranates: Gubernatis ii 168. Love-gifts: Rose HB 276f; Hdt. i 23f; Ov. Fast. ii 79ff; Ail. NA xii 45; Plout. Septem Sap. Conv. 160e.

  [383] Gold apples among toys of Dionysos: Orph. H. 34; features of earthly paradise in West. We saw above about Hesperides and Hera: guarded by Hesperides, Daughters of Evening, generally a triad, and Ladon, a dragon who could assume different tones of voice. (In Arkadia a Ladon, river and river-god, son of Okeanos; so we see hint of oracular spring.) Cf. with Herakles’ exploit, voyage of Gilgamesh in cup. Rose HB 23; Hes. Theog. 215 etc.

  [384] N (5) 547; 6 (24) for Minoan-Mykenean roots. Nereus shape-shifter: sch. AR iv 1396; Robert (7) ii 492; Ap. ii 21 (Athena). Nymph stealing on vase by
Sosios: A. S. Murray pl. xvii. Herakles: Schefold (4) ii.

  [385] Rose HB 258f; Kerenyi (5) 1 18f; garland, sch. Theok. ii 120. Sanctuary: Ov. Met. x 687, cf. tale of Theseus and Ariadne. Nemi: Grattius Cyneg. 490. Melanion: Andr. 281; Lysis. 781ff; Plout. Numa 4. Stinton 49; Paus. v 19, 2; Ap. iii 9, 2. Golden tree in Little Iliad. (In Boiotia the lover was Hippomenes, ‘Stallion-fury’: cf Hippolytos, ‘Stallion-loosened.’)

  [386] JH (4) 236; FHG iii 604.

  [387] Frazer on Paus. i 33, 2; Kerenyi (1) 208-10. Coins: BM Paphos 45; Paus. Loeb vol. v fig 82, 10. Stags: H (1) 1350, 2376; F (1) ii 401; Welcker (3) i 578f, iii 28.

  [388] Volkmann (1) 74 & (2); H (1) 235 2-4; F (1) ii 493f; Paus. ix 35, 6; Plin. xxxvi II-3; Paus. vii 5, 2; Cadoux; Sweitzer (2); Coman. Occasionally a single goddess: CIG 3164; BMC Ionia 110f, 254 (winged). Double: BMC Ionia I 110f, 250, 265; Lydia 210, 155; Babelon 106; Schweitzer 203-05; Coman 38-44; H (1) 2353, 2374-6. Flourished third-second centuries BC, extended in all directions: Cadoux 223 n1; Coman 27-9; in general Lane 14, 42-6, 54; Cadoux. Naxos: Devambez (2), with N. Pax on coins; Alexandreia, Rostovtzeff; Ephesos, Schweitzer (2) 208; winged type, Perdrizet (2). At Naxos related (?) to Games: Devambez (2) 220f. In general, Premerstein (2).

  [389] Boupalos: Cadoux 89f n2; Paus. viii 34, 3. For N. and Graces: Sweitzer 195, 202; Heidendreich 672; Aristeid. xlii 724 (xxiii 22), xxi 437 (xx 21, xx 427 (xviii 8). New city: F (1) ii 4931T; Ehrenberg 35 n8; Legrand DS iv 1, 53; H (1) 2363: Paus. vii 5, 2. Triad: Usener (4), H (1) 2364. Combination: Schweitzer 203. Theognis; Volkman, H (1) 2352f, Cadoux 84 nz. Magic: Delatte (4) 188ff, 238, 335; H (1) 2364. Dream: Schweitzer 203; H (1) 2353; Akurgal (2) pl. 46a; Cadoux 95-7, 22 n5; Coman 27f; Boeckh, CIG 3163; Two peaks: Ramsey (1) 5-9.


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