Her Loyal Protector

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by Cami Checketts

  Her Loyal Protector

  A Strong Family Romance Companion Novel

  Cami Checketts


  Free Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  About the Author

  Don’t Date Your Brother’s Best Friend

  Also by Cami Checketts

  Free Book

  Sign up for Cami’s VIP newsletter and receive a free ebook copy of The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance here.

  You can also receive a free copy of Rescued by Love: Park City Firefighter Romance by clicking here and signing up for Cami’s newsletter.

  Chapter One

  Kaytlyn Klein rushed through the wide halls of Jacob Tarbet’s mansion. She’d worked for Jacob for almost ten years now, though for the past five he’d treated her more like a partner than an employee. He’d found her waiting tables in his hometown of Sun Valley, where she’d been scraping by just trying to earn enough money to ski on the weekends. Jacob had become a regular customer. Then he’d seen her buying lunch for a family whose child had just been diagnosed with leukemia. He hired her as his personal assistant on the spot, paid for her online bachelor’s degree in business, and taught her how to run his businesses and how to be poised and classy. He was the smartest, most generous, and most selfless person she knew.

  Jacob and his daughter, Jessica, were Kaytlyn’s closest friends. Horrifically, Jacob was dying. Kaytlyn was also expecting Jessica’s baby, a surrogate for Jessica and her husband, Peter. It still felt foreign to be pregnant and she touched her abdomen, awed that a small life rested inside. She knew she’d be attached to the little one, like a favorite aunt, but she found herself wishing, and sometimes believing, it was her own baby she carried. She forced those thoughts away quickly when she had them. What a blessing it was for Kaytlyn to be able to help someone she loved so much achieve their goal of being a mother.

  As she approached Jacob’s suite, she startled when a man stepped forward from the nook of the suite’s doorframe, his handsome face lit with a soft smile. Her heart pounded so hard, she worried she would have heart failure and this fabulous specimen of a man would have to resuscitate her. She smiled to herself. Not a bad idea at all.

  “Good morning, Cameron,” she said, winking at him. She loved to tease the ever-tough military man, and she was happy that she could still tease despite the heaviness pressing down on her. Cameron was serious and dedicated to his job of protecting Jacob, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes that intensified when he met Kaytlyn’s gaze. She’d heard a couple of funny quips slip past his lips too, and if she could get him away from his protection detail, he might be really fun. For almost two years now, she’d been deftly flirting with him, but he hadn’t asked her out … yet.

  “Morning, Kaytlyn.” His too-blue eyes drew her in, and she stopped in front of him instead of hurrying into Jacob’s suite to check in with her boss as she did every morning. “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Dangerous pastime,” she joked.

  He grinned. “I’ve got plenty of those. I’m hoping I can add another.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Taking you to dinner tonight.”

  Kaytlyn bit at her lip and tilted her head. Her long blond hair slid across her shoulder. “That might be dangerous for me,” she kept her tone teasing so he’d know she admired his well-built body and wasn’t afraid of him. She wanted to go to dinner with him, badly. She was only a month along and wouldn’t show for a while now. Would Cameron think she was crazy to carry her friend’s child or would he think it was admirable? Would he still want to date her when she started showing?

  “No, I’d be the only one in danger.” He lowered his voice and murmured, “Of losing my heart.”

  Kaytlyn’s own heart thudded wildly. She couldn’t believe this tough military man had just said that. Instead of admitting that she was already much too invested in him, she said, “I don’t know nearly enough about you.”

  Cameron’s eyebrows rose. “You hired me. I’d think you know plenty about me.”

  She had indeed hired him and four other ex-military security specialists from an entity out of California run by philanthropist Sutton Smith. While the men were all tough and competent, only Cameron had drawn her eye in the past two years; he tried to stay in the shadows when he was on duty to protect her billionaire boss, yet she never failed to notice him. Cameron’s presence was larger than life, from his well-built body to the strong, handsome planes of his face to the intelligent, humorous spark in his blue eyes. He couldn’t hide in the shadows, nor anywhere else. Though he was a soldier through and through, it was obvious that he was meant to be a leader.

  “I know you graduated from West Point, spent almost ten years in the Army, took two tours in Afghanistan and one in Kuwait, and achieved the rank of sergeant before you retired three years ago and started working for Sutton Smith.”

  Cameron nodded, as stoic as ever, but there was a welcoming light in his blue eyes. “See? You know plenty about me.”

  “Do I?” She took a large step closer. She knew Cameron was trustworthy—the fact that her body automatically drew toward him was proof.

  He didn’t step back, instead leaning a little closer. He was interested. Yes! She hadn’t dated much since high school graduation, choosing to work hard and spend her free time on the slopes in the winter and hiking in the summer. She’d gone on dates sometimes and traveled the world with Jacob, but no man had really caught her eye until she hired Cameron.

  Kaytlyn said, “I don’t know what your favorite food is, where your family lives, what sports you like to play, or what you like to do on dates.”

  A smile played around Cameron’s lips, and his eyes were dancing. “How are you going to find out those things?”

  She breathed in deeply; she was close enough that she could smell his clean, crisp scent. “When we go to dinner tonight, I’ll be able to ask all kinds of questions.”

  Cameron’s smile lit up his face, and Kaytlyn’s eyes widened. She’d always thought he was handsome. When his full smile came out, he was the most irresistibly appealing man she’d ever come across.

  “Six?” was all he asked, but that smile told her everything she needed to know.

  “Yes, sir.” She mockingly saluted him.

  “Wear your hiking clothes,” he murmured, his gaze tracing across her face and warming her up from the inside out.

  Yet again, she was impressed. He’d noticed that her favorite pastime was exploring the mountain trails close to their home. It was early July, and the trails in the mountains around Sun Valley were insanely beautiful, exploding with greenery and wildflowers.

  Her phone rang Jacob’s tone, and she reluctantly stepped back and pulled it out of her purse. “Yes?” she answered, grinning at Cameron. They were going on a date. She’d said yes. Maybe tonight she could tell him about the little one inside of her. She thought he’d take it superbly. She was excited to spend one on one time with this intriguing man.

  “When you come this morning …” Jacob sounded more tired than usual, as if it was an obvious effort to talk. Had he taken a turn for the worse? Her heart ached at the thought. “Bring Cameron in.”

  “Okay. I’m here.” She ended the phone call and slid it back into her purse. “He wants both of us to come in.”
  Cameron’s eyes asked the question, but his military training was strong enough that he didn’t put voice to it. She didn’t have answers anyway, so she just moved toward the door to open it. Cameron moved in front of her, and his strong arm brushed against hers. Warmth spread through her as his eyes shot to hers again. Did he feel the connection as strongly as she did? After she met with Jacob about work questions and ideas, she was going to tell him that she and Cameron were going to start dating. She doubted her friend would have any objections, but she wanted to make sure she was up front with the man who had done so much for her.

  Cameron pushed the door open, then stepped back to let her walk through. Kaytlyn gave him an unsteady smile and walked briskly into the suite. The nurses had already been here; Jacob liked them to come early. Jacob was sitting up in bed, dressed in a golf polo and comfortable sweats, as ready for the day as he could be. The retractable blinds were open, giving an incredible view of the lush mountain valley, green and sparkling in the early-morning sun.

  “Come in, come in.” Jacob gestured to both of them, surprisingly energetic, as if their presence granted him strength. Kaytlyn knew he and Cameron had grown close over the past two years, and she imagined Cameron felt as much respect for Jacob as she did.

  Kaytlyn’s heels tapped across the hardwood floor as she approached the bed. Cameron was by her side. He stopped a few feet away, but Kaytlyn walked right up to the bed. Jacob extended his hand, and she clasped his fingers with her own. He was only in his early sixties, but the battle with bone marrow cancer made him look like he was eighty.

  “How are you this morning, Kayt?” He wasn’t himself. She couldn’t put a finger on it, but something was troubling him deeply.

  “Wonderful.” It was true. She was going out with Cameron. “Have you been giving the nurses a hard time?”

  He waved his free hand and gave her a half of a smile. “Always. I’m so happy you’re here.”

  Maybe it was his time and he knew it. She wasn’t ready for that, and she doubted she’d ever be.

  “You look beautiful today,” Jacob continued. “What am I saying? You look beautiful every day. A face like an angel.” His smile grew and he patted her hand, as if he were a proud uncle, not just her best friend. “Am I right, Cameron?”

  Kaytlyn glanced back at Cameron, who was watching the two of them steadily. Cameron nodded, warming her face with his blue gaze. “Yes, sir.”

  Jacob gestured to Cameron. “Bring some chairs over, will you, son? I’ve got something important to discuss with Kaytlyn, and I want you to be our witness.”

  Kaytlyn’s pulse sped up. She knew it. Something was going on, something out of the ordinary. They discussed important matters every day: his investments, his numerous businesses, and the charitable foundation they’d dreamed up together, Protect the Young. She couldn’t help putting a hand to her abdomen. There was a little one growing within her. No matter that he wasn’t hers, she already loved the child. It was perfect that it was Jessica’s, if only Peter didn’t make Kaytlyn so uncomfortable with his comments and lewd looks.

  Cameron slid a chair up for her. She thanked him and sat close to Jacob’s bedside.

  “You too,” Jacob said.

  Cameron retrieved his own chair and set it next to Kaytlyn’s. His strong presence so close was messing with her brain waves, but she simply set her large purse on the floor and pulled her laptop out. “What’s on the agenda for today, boss?” she asked. Each of Jacob’s businesses, from the restaurants to the theaters to the ski resorts, had more-than-competent managers, but Jacob still liked to be involved and Kaytlyn was basically in charge of everything now. When he passed, it would be hard to turn everything over Jessica and Peter. Even Protect the Young. Kaytlyn felt like she was part of the family but she was still an employee, and didn’t own any of it. Jessica had promised they’d keep her involved.

  “Something … tough,” Jacob murmured. His eyes darted to her abdomen then back up again. “Put the laptop away. I need you to focus on me.”

  Kaytlyn’s hand trembled on the laptop. Jacob had never asked her to put it away. She glanced at Cameron but he looked as confused as she felt. What was going on?

  Chapter Two

  Kaytlyn did as instructed, sliding the laptop back in her purse. She sat straight in the chair and gave Jacob her full attention.

  He reached for her hand again. “Kaytlyn. You’ve been like the daughter I always wanted and the best friend any old man could ask for.”

  She squeezed his hand, a little confused. Jessica was his daughter. She and Kaytlyn had grown close throughout the years, despite Jessica getting irritable and oddly jealous of Kaytlyn at times. When Jessica couldn’t conceive a baby, Kaytlyn hadn’t hesitated when she and Peter asked her to be their surrogate. She wasn’t comfortable around Peter, but she loved Jessica.

  Yet Jessica had acted really off the few times they’d texted or chatted on the phone the past four weeks. Kaytlyn worried Jessica was upset and envious that Kaytlyn got to experience the pregnancy she wanted so badly. Yet Jessica was busy supporting her husband who was a state senator hoping to move on to the U.S. Senate and someday become president. That was why Kaytlyn hadn’t had a chance to have a heart-to-heart with her and make sure everything was all right with her friend.

  “Thank you, Jacob,” Kaytlyn said. “You’re my best friend as well. Thank you for seeing the potential in me and giving me so much.” Without him she’d be on the streets.

  She could feel how stiff and uncomfortable Cameron was beside her. He was probably wondering why he was here to witness them gushing about each other. If he knew about her pregnancy, would he rescind his date offer?

  “Now. I have something to ask of you, something … huge. Please understand you can tell me no.”

  Kaytlyn couldn’t remember ever telling Jacob no. He’d always been so good to her, and their relationship was as pure and undefiled as her love for her mother, her two younger sisters, and Jessica. “You know you can ask anything of me.”

  Jacob’s dark eyes grew contemplative. “I hope so.” He drew in a breath and said, “Jessica came to visit me last night.”

  Kaytlyn’s gaze darted to Cameron, and he confirmed it with a nod. Cameron had been overseeing the safety and protection of the mansion and Jacob ever since a kidnapping and ransom attempt two years ago. When they used to go out in public, Cameron or one of the other bodyguards would be close by. Now that Jacob was homebound, the guards’ job was much easier, but they were still here.

  “Oh? What did she want?” She tried to say it positively but it stung. She thought Jessica was still in Boise. Why wouldn’t her friend come and at least say hi? At least come check on her and the baby. The last time Kaytlyn had seen her was the day of the procedure in Boise. Kaytlyn had flown back to Sun Valley shortly after and Jessica had stayed to be with Peter.

  He drew in a breath and pushed it out. “I changed my will recently.”

  “You did?” That was news to her but he could do anything he wanted with his money.

  “I changed it to give you the foundation.”

  Kaytlyn’s heart hammered faster. She glanced at Cameron who smiled gently at her. She’d asked Jacob to start the foundation about five years ago because she’d been neglected and emotionally abused by her father, and Jacob had supported her and helped her make the charity even better than she could imagine. Now, Protect the Young had orphanages and family and women’s centers throughout the world, in addition to well-stocked food and supply pantries that were always available to parents and children in need.

  “Thank you, Jacob.” Her voice broke. She normally wasn’t a crier but this was huge, and maybe there was something to be said for pregnancy hormones.

  He nodded. “And I changed it to gift you with fifty million dollars. Fifty million that is already available or easy to liquidate.”

  “What?” Kaytlyn put a hand to her heart, hardly able to swallow. “I don’t need ...” She couldn’t think what
to even say.

  “I thought it would be enough for you to run the foundation, create other charities that I know you’ve wanted to create, and live happily.” His eyes filled with sorrow and regret. “I thought with the gift you’re giving to Peter and Jessica she would be ecstatic with the change in will.”

  Kaytlyn’s stomach lurched uncomfortably. She put a hand to it. Cameron’s eyes dipped to her hand and he gave her a questioning look. They hadn’t told anyone about the pregnancy yet. She was hoping to have time alone with him at dinner to explain. Jessica had begged and Kaytlyn had so few close friends, of course she wanted to do this for Jessica and Jacob. Not for Peter so much. He made her uncomfortable, always complimenting her and giving her significant looks. She’d noticed Jessica didn’t seem to like the way he treated her either and Kaytlyn didn’t blame her friend.

  “She threw a fit.”

  Kaytlyn shrugged. Jessica was intense. She was either happy or sad and some would say Jacob had spoiled her rotten but Kaytlyn didn’t allow that kind of talk about her friend. She’d seen Jessica throw her share of fits, but Kaytlyn’s more even disposition was a good balance for Jessica’s fun-loving but sometimes mad or irritated personality.

  “She said … a lot of things.”

  “She was upset,” Kaytlyn immediately defended Jessica and honestly didn’t want to hear the things. She was loyal to her friend. She was carrying her child.

  “Ah, Kayt. You’re always so kind.” Jacob stared intently at her. “You have to hear what I am going to tell you.”

  Kaytlyn hesitated but then nodded. She could be strong. She’d been emotionally abused by her father for eighteen years. She could stand to hear that Jessica didn’t want to share her fortune. Kaytlyn knew Jacob’s finances. Fifty million that could be easily liquidated would be hard for Jessica to give up with Peter’s political aspirations and propensity to spend. She about suggested he give her far less or restructure to give her businesses that were slow profit centers. She could manage them, just like she was already doing, and use excess profits to run her foundation.


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