Her Loyal Protector

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Her Loyal Protector Page 2

by Cami Checketts

  “Kayt.” He looked out the window. “She despises you.”

  “Excuse me?” Kaytlyn’s back hit the chair. She turned to Cameron. He was staring compassionately at her, as if he already knew.

  “It all came out last night.” Jacob shook his head. “She said she’s always been jealous of you—your beauty, your kindness, your brilliance at business. She feels like you took her place as my daughter and now she claims you’re trying to steal Peter.”

  “What?” Kaytlyn’s stomach rolled with disgust at that suggestion, and at the same time her heart broke that Jessica might truly despise her. Jealousy could turn ugly, she knew that, but why would Jessica accuse her of going after her too-smooth husband?

  “She said that you came to them offering to be their surrogate and apparently they used your egg because Jessica had none.”

  “What?” She shot to her feet. If that was true, it would help to explain why she already felt so attached to the tiny one growing inside her. Yet if that were true and it was Kaytlyn and Peter’s child? That made Kaytlyn so faint with repulsion she sank back into her seat.

  “You’re … expecting?” Cameron asked, breaking his long silence. He looked so tough and protective of her. She wanted to lean against him for support, but forced herself to be strong and stay straight.

  Kaytlyn nodded. “I thought I was carrying Peter and Jessica’s baby.” She turned back to Jacob. “Why would she tell you that?” She could hardly believe everything she was hearing. Jessica turning her back on Kaytlyn because of money and jealousy? This baby might be … Kaytlyn’s? That was the only good news she’d heard this morning.

  “You should’ve seen her. She was so upset it was like it all spilled out and then … I thought she’d cry and tell me she was sorry and beg me not to tell you, but …” He looked away again. “I know I spoiled her, Kayt, but you know Jess, you love her too. I feel like Peter has broken her. She didn’t admit it but I’m sure he’s cheated on her. Now she’s become bitter, selfish, and cruel. Everything is about Peter’s political ambitions, public perception, and her having everything she wants at any cost.”

  He rubbed at his brow. “I’m broken, Kayt. My girl.” He shook his head. “The way she was so cold and unfeeling. I could feel how deep her hatred is for you, but also for …” He broke off, cleared his throat, and started again, “For me.”

  Kaytlyn could understand, she felt broken too. Jacob had given Jessica all the love he could, losing his beloved wife when his daughter was only three. Kaytlyn and Jessica had grown very close the first few years Kaytlyn lived here. Things changed when Jessica married Peter, but Kaytlyn had buried her worries. She hadn’t wanted to admit how much Jessica and their friendship had changed. She supposed now she could remember conniving or angry looks Jessica had given her, snide comments, but she’d written them off as Jessica just being in one of her moods. If Peter was stepping out on her … that was horrible and made her feel some pity even though she could hardly believe Jessica could now despise her.

  “She claimed she’s going to destroy you, Kayt. She’s going to take your baby, your fifty million, and bleed the foundation dry.”

  Kaytlyn could hardly catch a breath. Was this truly her baby? She placed her hand over her flat abdomen. The idea was thrilling and overwhelming. If it was true, she’d fight for her child with everything she had. She didn’t care about the money, but she couldn’t let anyone destroy the foundation. Too many children relied on and needed what her foundation provided.

  “I think she honestly thought she’d throw her fit and I’d change my will back to her inheriting everything, but I saw through her last night, Kayt. She’s dead inside now, only living to trample her way to the top.”

  Kaytlyn hated what he was saying. Could Jessica really have changed so much?

  “I’ve heard rumors of how corrupt, and unfaithful, Peter is and recently Larry was able to confirm some of them through a private investigator he hired. I don’t want that cheating liar having anything. I thought he was sincere … for about a year. Sadly it seems he and Jessica are both unethical and warped enough to believe that all that matters is their selfish ambitions. We’ve both loved Jessica, and I’ve given her everything I could her entire life, but I’m done now. Maybe the course I’m about to take will wake her up, but it might not.” His gaze steadied on Kaytlyn and he nodded. “We’re going to change my will … again.”

  “You are?” Her eyes were drawn to Cameron as he shifted again. He was probably wondering why he was privy to this conversation. Jacob said he needed a witness. Why hadn’t he called for his closest friend and lawyer, Larry?

  “I’ve been on the phone with Larry last night and again this morning as more ideas and thoughts are stewing. He’s currently doing the paperwork to immediately transfer all my resources, the businesses, and the foundation into your name and rewriting my will to reflect that. You’re the sole beneficiary, Kayt.”

  Kaytlyn sucked in a breath, and she heard Cameron do the same next to her. Most people would probably be excited about the thought of becoming an instant billionaire, but Kaytlyn was only thinking about the responsibility. All those businesses and livelihoods, plus her foundation, would rely on her. Jacob had trained her well over the years, but it still was terrifying to think of doing it without him, and doing it while this baby grew inside her … She placed a hand on her stomach. If it was true that they’d used Kaytlyn’s egg without telling her, she could get genetic testing done, and she might be a single mother as well. There was no way she was sharing a baby with that vile Peter. He’d ruined her friend. He wasn’t going to hurt her child.

  “Please say yes, Kayt. There’s no one else who I trust and who knows the businesses like you do. I hate to do this to my … daughter.” He had to clear his throat again. “But maybe if I’d done something tough years ago she wouldn’t be so entitled and corrupt. The new will protects you, the foundation, and so many livelihoods. I know you’ll do good things with the money. I wouldn’t even be part of the foundation without you dreaming it all up.”

  She smiled, remembering. He’d been supportive but a little leery of giving so much money away, but she’d actually saved him a lot in taxes, so he’d gotten on board pretty quick.

  She found her eyes drawn to Cameron as she stewed over how to respond to Jacob. Cameron had been trained to observe and protect, and she was always aware of where he was in a room. His blue eyes were full of respect and admiration for her. Because of Jacob’s kind words or because she’d been willing to be a surrogate for Jessica? She liked that look. Pushing aside the heartache over Jessica’s betrayal, she thought about going out with Cameron tonight. She’d thought they would finally go on their first date. Would he still want to date her?

  “Kayt?” Jacob pulled her from staring at Cameron. “Will you accept the responsibility?”

  “Yes,” she said after a beat, her throat dry and scratchy.

  “Thank you,” Jacob breathed. “Now there are some other things Larry and I think are imperative.”


  “Jessica knows you inside and out. She thinks she can control both of us. We’ve been blind to the hatred, envy, and selfishness growing in her.” He sighed. “When she finds out you’ve taken everything from her, she’s going to go after you. So we need to make sure her lawsuits won’t stick.”

  Kaytlyn swallowed. She didn’t want this. She didn’t want a battle with Jessica. What would something like this do to the baby? She still could hardly wrap her mind around the baby possibly being hers. If that was true? She blew out a breath. No wonder Jessica had hardly spoken to her in the past month. “Don’t give it to me. Transfer everything to someone else you trust.”

  “I’m sorry, Kayt. I know you. I know you don’t want to be caught in the hailstorm and you’ll want to protect the child, but believe me this is the best way to do that. The other problem is … there is no one else I trust completely. No one else who is genuine and has no aspirations where my money is concer
ned.” His gaze slid to Cameron, and he smiled. “The two of you and Larry. That’s it. And I’m not giving anything to that old windbag. He doesn’t need or want it.”

  Cameron looked pleased but uncomfortable. “Thank you, sir. I’ll do everything in my power to protect you.”

  “I know. And you’ll need to protect Kayt.”

  The load just kept getting heavier. She still remembered those men breaking into the mansion two years ago, trying to kidnap Jacob so they could get a ransom. Luckily, their security guys had slowed them down and the police had arrived quickly. That was when they’d hired Cameron and his men. Now she would be that target. The only good part, besides the baby, was that Cameron would stay close at all times. No one would ever hurt her with him by her side.

  “Happily,” Cameron told Jacob. He met her gaze, and her heart leapt. Jacob was giving them his blessing to be together. The two people he trusted. She abhorred the thought that she’d lost Jessica’s friendship and now she was losing Jacob, but with Cameron as her protector, she could be strong.

  Her cheeks reddened. They hadn’t even been on one date. Yet she thought Cameron was amazing, and obviously he and Jacob had gotten close over the past two years.

  Kaytlyn beamed under his warm gaze and she thought about how there was a silver lining to everything. After two years of waiting, she would finally be able to date Cameron. Now wasn’t the moment to tell Jacob the two of them were going on a date tonight, but she loved that their boss and friend seemed to already know they were interested in each other, and he had their best interests in mind. The next few weeks or months would be hard, going into a legal battle with Jessica and Peter, being pregnant, and now taking over everything. Losing Jacob would be harder, but the anticipation of growing closer to the one man she’d been undeniably drawn to would help temper those pains.

  “So here’s the plan,” Jacob said.

  The room thickened with uneasy anticipation. Jacob was brilliant and quite often had different plans to share with her, yet this one was going to change her future. She felt that as surely as she felt Cameron’s gaze on her face.

  Chapter Three

  Kaytlyn finally pulled her eyes from Cameron’s handsome face and concentrated on her friend and boss’s plan. Whatever it was it must be good if he thought it would protect his money from Jessica. Kaytlyn had seen enough of Jessica’s explosions when she didn’t get her way, and Peter was as corrupt as they came. They would both be livid when the new will came out.

  Jacob started talking again, his voice stronger and more certain. “Instead of starting a fight that I might not be able to see through to the end, we’re going to do all we can to make your case ironclad. We can’t let Jessica and Peter have any play with an outdated will, or claiming you tricked me, or whatever they try. We’ll get everything in place and blindside them after I die. They’ll be behind the game and hopefully realize they can’t win. Then they’ll walk away. I’ve set up an annuity for them. At twenty grand per month, they should live comfortably, but they won’t get Peter into office, at least not with my money.”

  Kaytlyn let him finish, then said, “So what have you and Larry schemed up?” Her mind was racing with ideas, but she had no clue how they could make her case “ironclad.” Redoing the will was the only course, and Jessica and Peter could definitely challenge that. They had copies of the original will, and though she had many witnesses that could prove Jacob was in his right mind when he transferred his assets, they could definitely claim she’d tricked him into changing it before his death.

  Jacob looked uncomfortable. It was an odd expression for him. Though he was physically uncomfortable most of the time, he was always in control, always confident. She found herself dreading his answer; at the same time, she leaned forward to make sure she heard him clearly.

  “Well, my dear,” he said, “this is where the second gutsy question comes from me to you. Do you want to protect our legacy and make sure Peter can’t get his hands on it?”

  “Yes.” Despite the sick sorrow she felt over Jessica’s duplicity and betrayal, she also felt an odd sort of relief. The signs of her being unstable and deluded by Peter were all there. At least they’d found out the truth before he passed and all of that money and Jacob’s businesses went to support Peter. Worse, her foundation was destroyed to support them. She wasn’t trying to excuse Jessica, but she blamed Peter for deluding and twisting her former friend. Yet what about the baby? Possibly her child. She focused on what she could control right now. “We can’t let them destroy your life’s work, or my foundation.” Kaytlyn’s resolve grew as she thought everything through.

  “I thought you’d say that.” His face was grim and determined. “Now what I’m about to ask of you can’t leave this room.”

  Kaytlyn exchanged a glance with Cameron. They both nodded.

  “Larry and I have been up most of the night, and we agree that what I’m about to ask of you is unconventional, but it should be our strongest play. You need to realize also that your biggest battle will come after I pass. Blindsided, Jessica and Peter will be scrambling hard to fight, but everything will already be in place.”

  Kaytlyn hated the thought of Jacob passing. She would be lonely and overwhelmed without his counsel on business matters every day. Yet now the businesses would be hers. She didn’t want them for the financial gain, but she’d been overseeing most things since Jacob had been diagnosed, and she’d protect them from Peter’s schemes. Maybe someday she could admit they were Jessica’s schemes too, but she was still wrapping her mind around it all.

  Jacob took a long breath, and Kaytlyn wondered why he was so reluctant to ask her whatever he and Larry had decided upon.

  “It’s okay,” Kaytlyn reassured him. “I’ll do whatever we need to do. We’re a team. You and I. Always.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I love you, Kayt. You’re the most incredible person I’ve ever known. I love my daughter, as I know you do as well. I always will love Jessica, but now that I know the truth, I realize I should’ve seen the signs and not been so shocked by her betrayal. You have no deceitfulness in you at all. You’re loyal, grateful, and angelic all the way through.”

  Jacob had never before been so complimentary or told her he loved her. She loved him like an uncle, definitely like a best friend. He’d done so much for her—teaching and inspiring and lifting. She’d do anything for him. “I love you too, Jacob,” she said simply.

  His gaze flickered to Cameron. “Son. I know I can trust you, and that’s why you’re here. Kaytlyn is more priceless than any asset she will now own. You guard her with your life.”

  Cameron replied with a solemn nod.

  “This goes beyond money,” Jacob said sternly. “I’ve spoken with Sutton and have his approval. With your consent, I’m putting ten million dollars in your account and hiring you away from Sutton, with the sole purpose of you staying by Kaytlyn’s side day and night.”

  Cameron sat even straighter. “For how long, sir?”

  “As long as she needs you.”

  “Jacob,” Kaytlyn protested. Heat traced through her at the thought of being so close to this attractive man, but she didn’t think this was acceptable. “Do you understand what you’re asking? He never gets a day off? Any kind of break?” She had been excited twenty minutes ago about the prospect of dating Cameron and being protected by him, but she couldn’t take away the man’s foreseeable future.

  “I understand exactly what I’m asking, and I think Cameron does as well.” He arched an eyebrow at Cameron.

  “I do, sir.”

  “What’s your answer?”

  Cameron gazed deeply into Kaytlyn’s eyes, as if she was the queen and he was the knight pledging his loyalty and life to her. That was nuts. They weren’t living in medieval times. His eyes were tender and deep, and she couldn’t look away—especially when he said, “My answer is yes.”

  Kaytlyn’s own eyes widened and her stomach pitched. “Yes? You’re committing to protect me? Solely fo
cus on me?”

  Cameron nodded. No indecision. No fear. He was fully committed to … her.

  Excitement stirred in her breast, mingling with a sense of safety and comfort. Yet a sense of dread crept in too. If Cameron was her protector, could he date her? After Jacob told them whatever proposal he had and they got everything settled with him, she and Cameron would have to figure out if going on an innocent date was still in the equation. She certainly hoped so, but there were so many heavy things weighing on her mind, and wonderful things growing within her. Would Cameron want to date a single mother? Was she truly this little one’s mother?

  “Now for the idea Larry and I believe will secure your future and protect my fortune.” Jacob’s smile was strained. She was beginning to wonder how much longer he’d draw the suspense out when he rushed ahead: “Kayt, I need you to marry me and have my child.”

  Kaytlyn sputtered and yanked back away from him. “What?” She was already expecting. What was he saying?

  Cameron stood, towering over both of them. “You just hired me to protect her, and I’ll protect her from you if I need to.”

  Jacob held up his hands. “Calm down, both of you. The marriage will be in name only.” He dipped his head toward Kaytlyn. “If Peter could unethically use your egg, and they both know we can prove that by in utero testing, I don’t think they’re going to want an ugly legal battle if we claim the baby is mine.”

  Cameron didn’t sit back down. His gaze swiveled from Jacob to Kaytlyn, his blue eyes stormy and unsettled.


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