Book Read Free

Rock Around the Corpse

Page 3

by Lizbeth Lipperman

  “Are you talking to who I think you are?” Maddy asked.

  “Yes. She thinks Haley may have had a thing with Brent.”

  Maddy laughed. “Say what you want about our dead sister, but she has a nose for picking up on things like that. I totally agree with her on this one.” She waved to the empty spot to Deena’s right. “Hey, Sis. Welcome back.”

  Deena pointed to her left. “She’s over here.”

  Maddy has always had great observational skills. That’s why she’s such a top notch cop. Kershaw’s definitely a player, and without a doubt, your little Miss Rockford has been around the bases with him a time or two. Tessa fell in step behind the sisters as they made their way to the courtyard outside.

  When they passed the fireplace Deena glanced up, wishing she’d been able to talk Haley into getting rid of the stuffed bear head. It looked so…scary with its mouth open in a growl, emphasizing the huge teeth. She’d lobbied for a large picture with a working waterfall to go along with the tranquility theme, but the owner had been insistent. She’d been sure the story of the stone clad monster and the hunters would intrigue her clients. Said the bear would be a great tribute to the many hunters who’d passed through.

  Deena held the door for her sisters. The courtyard was twice the size of the lobby and the main dining room. Ten small rooms were situated in a perfect circle around a central, large brick pavilion. “This is where all the pampering takes place,” she said as she entered the building, which consisted of many smaller rooms decorated with brightly colored balloons and crepe paper. Stopping at the first room, she opened the door. “Here’s a place most of us will avoid like the plague.” She pointed to the rows of treadmills and elliptical machines next to a display of weights and mats. “The dreaded workout room.”

  “Thought this was supposed to be a place where you relaxed and got pampered,” Kate remarked with a frown. “Why in the world would anyone want to ruin a good hangover with push-ups?” She poked her older sister in the rib. “Our idea of exercise is lifting a glass of wine to our lips repeatedly and then chewing on French bread with cheese. Right, Lainey?”

  Lainey high-fived her sister. “You and I always did think alike, Katie. Throw in a little rough sex at the end of the night, and you have the perfect workout.”

  Holy Mother of… Tessa inched toward Lainey. Kate has always been a little adventurous, but you, Lainey? Who are you and what did you do with my straight-laced sister?”

  Deena couldn’t help it and laughed out loud. When her siblings turned in her direction, she threw up her hands. “I had no idea how entertaining it could be to have Tessa wisecracking in my ear. She just basically called Kate naughty and Lainey a goody two shoes.”

  “I am not a goody two shoes.” Lainey scrunched her faced into a scowl before she grinned. “But she was right about Kate being naughty.” She winked at her younger sister. “At least that’s what Danny told Colt.”

  “What? I’m going to kill him,” Kate said, wrinkling her nose.

  Lainey bit her lip to keep from laughing again. “Relax. I was only joking. Can you even imagine Danny telling my husband about what happens in your bedroom? Colt would flip out. The man gets uncomfortable when anyone tells him any kind of personal stuff.”

  I remember when he had to deliver Sadie Jefferson’s kid in the back of his cruiser, Tessa said. The man’s face was bright red every time I asked him about it. She sighed. It’s not like he’d never seen a vagina before.

  “Quit fooling around, you guys. I have a lot to show you.” Deena moved to the next area. “This is the massage room. There are four tables for the actual treatments, and over there is a Jacuzzi, a sauna, and a mud bath room.”

  “Ooh! I can’t wait to try that,” Maddy said. “I’ve always had a secret desire to mud wrestle.”

  Deena tsked, pointing to the door that opened onto a large swimming pool where puffs of steam floated off the top of the bubbling water. “And here’s where you let it all hang out.”

  “Naked like we did at the one in Vineyard?” Kate asked.

  “No, silly. This one is co-ed.” Deena leaned closer to whisper. “That doesn’t mean we can’t come down here after hours and skinny dip, though.” She reached in her purse and pulled out a key. “It pays to know people.”

  “Yes!” Kate pumped her fist. “There’s something about being submerged in warm water with only your birthday suit on that I find totally exhilarating.” She leaned in and kissed her sister on the cheek. “Thanks for inviting us, Deena. I so needed a weekend away from babies and the female anatomy.”

  “You’re welcome. Now let’s go find our rooms and get situated. Our luggage should have already been delivered.” She led them to the outer edge and stopped at Room 7. “Maddy and I will sleep here.” Once inside, she smiled as her sisters raved about how tastefully the place was decorated. She’d worked especially hard, making sure each room on this side had a great view out the large picture window that opened into a beautiful park-like area with a gazebo, designed for reading and meditating.

  “I’m so impressed,” Maddy said, plopping down on the bed.

  “Thanks.” Deena handed a key to Lainey. “You and Kate are next door in Room 6. Now go so I can grab a shower….” Deena playfully shoved them out the door. “I suggest you all do the same.”

  Did you bring condoms? Tessa asked, unable to hide her glee.

  “Shut up,” Deena said. “I haven’t had sex since Mike died. I wouldn’t even know how to do it anymore.”

  It’s like riding a bike, Tessa said, lying down beside Maddy on the king-sized bed. Let’s just hope the honorable Brent Kershaw knows how to use all ten speeds.


  Deena woke from her nap and yawned. Maddy was already out of bed and standing by the window gazing out into the sitting area.

  “The gazebo was my idea,” Deena said, yawning one last time before throwing her legs over the side of the bed. “Haley thought it was too expensive and wouldn’t get much use. I had to practically beg her to spend the money on it.”

  “Glad you did. And as for it not getting used, tell that to the four people sitting out there right now,” Mattie said with a smirk.

  “Four? Really?” Deena got up and walked over to the window.

  What she saw made her smile. She’d known Haley had gone way over budget with the renovations, but the owner had assured her that money wasn’t a problem. Deena hadn’t worried too much about it until Brent Kershaw had insisted on a sit-down with her at some point tonight. She prayed he wasn’t thinking about withdrawing his financial support as an investor or talking his banker brother into calling in the loan, which she knew would be a disaster. Although Haley’s sister had left her the lodge, there hadn’t been any money to go with it.

  “You’ve got that look you always get when you worry,” Maddy said, moving behind her and enclosing her in a bear hug. “Everything’s going to be great, little sis. Fantastic, after we get some food and a couple of bottles of champagne on board.”

  Deena forced a smile. “You’re right. I need to concentrate on having fun.” She pointed to the bathroom. “You want to go first?”

  “No, you hop in. I’m going to sit by the window and enjoy the scenery for a little longer. I don’t get to see too many enchanting places like this on the job. Breaking up drunken brawls and settling neighborhood squabbles leave a lot to be desired in the tranquility department.” She pulled up a chair and sat down. “Besides, you take a lot longer than me to get ready.”

  “I do not.” Deena didn’t argue too much as she headed for the bathroom. Maddy’s long hair was basically low maintenance compared to her own new ‘do.

  If she was being honest with herself she’d have to admit that she was more than a little anxious to get the night started. Meeting the other guests and wondering what they’d say about the renovations was a little intimidating to her. She knew she’d done a great job, but accolades from the investors would validate her.

  Who w
as she kidding? The main reason she was so nervous was that she’d have a chance to talk to one particular guest again. Her heart raced at the thought of discovering just how far her attraction to the judge would take her before she chickened out and lost her newfound courage.

  As the hot water washed over her body, she imagined his hands doing the same thing. Then she made a face. The little insecure voice in her head screamed that Brent Kershaw was only being nice back at the registration desk and probably flirted with everyone, while the adventurous, hell-be-damned voice countered that she’d only live once and would probably never see Brent again.

  But could she be that girl who threw away all her inhibitions for one night of serious flirting and…whatever?

  She smiled to herself as she realized whether she could be that girl or not, she was bound and determined to go for it if the “whatever” opportunity presented itself. It had been over two years since she’d buried Mike. And this was the twenty-first century, for God sakes. Of course, the first time would be hard—assuming she didn’t have a nervous breakdown and ruin everything—but a boatload of alcohol should give her the courage she needed to do the deed.

  “Geez! How long are you going to stand there with that naughty smile all over your face?” Maddy asked as she walked into the bathroom. “If I didn’t know you so well, I might think you just had solitary sex.”

  Deena made a face. “Ha ha! Very funny.” Then she moved her eyebrows up and down as she opened the shower door. “But I am on a mission to get laid tonight.”

  “That’s my girl. And I just happen to know a guy who’s made it perfectly clear that he’s willing to be your welcoming committee back into the dating scene.” Maddy threw her a towel. “Hurry up. I’ll just take a quick shower because I’m starving—and because I don’t have to get naked with a perfect stranger tonight.”

  “Oh, God!”

  She winked at her sister. “Just to be on the safe side, I’ll make arrangements to sleep on the couch in Lainey and Kate’s room. That way it won’t get awkward.”

  “You don't have to do that. I want you all to get a good night’s sleep.” She grinned at her sister. “Besides, if anything should happen, the man has his own room.”

  Maddy narrowed her eyebrows. “Holy cow! I’m so excited that you’re even thinking about moving on, Sis. You go, girl.”

  Twenty minutes later, all four sisters were on their way to the dining hall. Deena was glad she’d splurged on a black cocktail dress at the last minute. The ornate turquoise jewelry with matching earrings Mike had brought back from a business trip to Santa Fe accented the plain but elegant dress nicely. It didn’t matter that the jewelry was probably a mea culpa because he’d slept with someone that trip.

  As soon as they entered the dining room, she searched for Brent, hoping he was there and yet also a bit nervous that he would be. Disappointed when she didn’t see him, she allowed one of the two waitresses to escort her and her sisters to a table near the front where Haley was already seated and waving at them.

  “Hope you don’t mind that I’m joining you and your sisters, Deena. I’m so nervous about tonight and thought you would be a calming force for me.”

  “Nervous? Everyone will rave about this place,” Kate reassured her, patting her hand. “It’s lovely. Really.”

  Haley thanked her before blowing out a noisy breath. “Hope so. Dinner tonight is fresh lobster I had flown in from Maine just this morning, along with garlic mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus, and a spinach salad. For dessert, Sergio has baked a wonderful Crème Brule.”

  “Sounds awesome,” Lainey said, settling in next to Maddy.

  Haley motioned to the waitress to begin serving. “Even though there are still a few people missing, I’ve got a big night planned and need to get started.” She reached for the champagne from the standing ice bucket at her side and poured everyone a glass. Then she held hers up. “To my sister Chrissy for making all this possible.”

  Glasses in the air, the Garcia sisters joined her in the toast.

  “Mind if I join you ladies?”

  Chapter Three

  They all looked up as Brent Kershaw appeared out of nowhere and snatched a chair from the other table.

  With his eyes never leaving Deena’s, he placed it between her and Haley and sat down.

  “If the food is as delicious as you all look tonight, we’re in for a feast.” He accepted the champagne from Haley. “And what were we toasting?”

  “My sister. But we should raise a glass to everyone who made all this possible, including you, Brent.”

  Brent’s eyes narrowed as he joined in the toast. “There is one thing I’ve wondered about. Did your sister invest in the lodge because she was an avid hunter herself?”

  Haley looked surprised by the question and shook her head. “She and I lost touch many years ago. I don’t know why my sister bought this place—no clue if she enjoyed the sport, although it seems unlikely since even as a child, she was a sucker for any wounded or abandoned animal she came across. In fact, she even made my dad stop in the middle of a horrific storm one night so she could rescue a baby duck that had somehow gotten separated from its family and was walking in the middle of the road. We were late for my grandfather’s birthday party while she carried that duckling to the lake with all the other ducks.”

  Brent held Haley’s eyes for a moment before he raised his glass in the air. “Then here’s to your sister and to all the people who helped transform Tranquility Rock into the beautiful spa it is today.”

  Everyone joined in the second toast just as the waitress arrived with a tray of salads. Brent reached for the champagne bottle and refilled Deena’s glass the second she’d emptied it.

  Is he trying to get me drunk? She’d never really liked champagne, preferring margaritas over the bubbly stuff, but for some reason, this one tasted awesome. Maybe because it was an expensive brand. Or maybe because she’d already had three glasses and was sitting next to the best looking man in the room.

  Throughout the rest of the dinner—which turned out to be as good as Haley had said it would be, although the butterflies in Deena’s stomach didn’t allow her to eat much—the conversation at their table was dominated by Haley’s stories of all the problems she’d encountered during the renovations. She had them all in stitches, recanting how Deena had nearly flipped out when she’d heard the story of Nûñ'yunu'wï, the stone clad monster.

  “Deena has always been a little superstitious,” Maddy said. “Even as a young girl, she’d line up her dolls on the bed a certain way every time. Said it would be bad luck for them if she didn’t.”

  “Oh, don’t get me started on some of the stories about you, Maddy,” Deena said, playfully. “We could be here all night.”

  “As much as I’d love to hear those stories, it’s time to get this show on the road.” Haley stood and walked to the center of the room where one of the wait staff handed her a microphone.

  “First of all,” her voice filled the room. “I’d like to thank each and every one of you for helping me celebrate the opening of Tranquility Rock. Some of you are considering putting your faith in me and investing in my dream with your hard-earned money. Others are here to get a first-hand look at how the spa can benefit them. As the weekend goes on, I hope to show all of you just how grateful I am for that.” She paused to take a sip of the champagne in her other hand. “So, drink up. There’s a lot more of this stuff to help us relax and get a good night’s rest. Tomorrow, the pampering begins.”

  Deena was so engrossed in Haley’s speech that she almost didn’t notice Brent’s knee touching hers. She knew she should change positions, but the champagne had made her so mellow, and God help her, she was enjoying the way the innocent touch sent chills racing through her body.

  She had to get a grip and stop acting like she knew what she was doing. She was a thirty-five year old widow who’d only made love with one man her entire life—basically still a virgin in the sex department. She had to qu
it acting like sitting next to a man she’d just met and fantasizing about what the night might bring was an everyday thing with her.

  His knee was touching hers, for God’s sake. It wasn’t like he’d just propositioned her.

  When he inched closer, allowing his upper thigh to make contact with hers, she took a deep breath before turning his way and smiling as seductively as she could. She was so green at this flirting ritual and hoped the sweat she knew that had formed on her forehead was not too noticeable. She felt giddy that a man like Brent might be attracted to her, yet terrified of what the weekend could bring if she let go of her inhibitions and flirted back.

  She turned away from him to discreetly wipe her brow and then tried to focus back on Haley. But when she felt Brent’s hand on her knee, playfully massaging it with his fingers, she found that increasingly hard to do. When their eyes met, his told her exactly what he wanted to do with her, even though his facial expression never changed.

  “Before you go to your rooms, I’d like to introduce the head chef and his lovely assistant. Give them a big round of applause for the awesome food they prepared tonight.” She waved toward the kitchen, and a man and a woman emerged.

  “This is Sergio Rolando, world-renowned chef from the fantastic Dolce Basilico in New York City.”

  Deena was almost relieved when Brent’s hand left her thigh to applaud the chef. She didn’t know how much more of his teasing she could take, and she needed to concentrate on Haley. She forced herself to look at the man her boss has just introduced. Standing about five-six or seven at the most, he was dwarfed by his much taller assistant. With his curly black hair almost totally covered by a white chef’s hat and a smile that stretched from ear to ear, Sergio bowed to the crowd.

  “And this is the talented Paulina Ortiz,” Haley said, pointing to the tall woman beside him. “Wait till you taste the filet mignon tomorrow night with her signature red wine cream sauce. You’ll think you died and went to culinary heaven.”


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