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Fire Planet Warrior's Baby

Page 8

by Calista Skye

  Then her own heart skipped a beat when he leaned his ruined head into her hand, just for a second.

  The trust and acceptance it spoke of made her well up again. “We can treat these things, Cori'ax. One year of growing time, a couple of days in a hospital, and the burns will be gone. I mean, if you want that.”

  “Warriors treasure their scars.”

  “That's what they say. But you don't treasure this one.”

  His silence said more than any words.

  “It's okay,” she whispered. “You don't need to fix this. The mighty Cori'ax may not be a beauty. But warriors should not be beautiful. The only thing that matters is that they're good fighters. Good leaders. Good men. And you ... are fucking magnificent.”

  He turned his head to face her fully, and there was so much puzzlement on his face Charlotte almost had to laugh.

  She gave him a little smirk. “What? You thought Earth pilots don't understand? That we don't think of ourselves as warriors?”

  For three heartbeats he stared at her with his tiger's eyes, and she began to worry that she'd offended him somehow. Then he placed one giant hand on each side of her face, leaned in and kissed her so tenderly and still with such passion that she thought she'd faint.

  She eagerly returned the kiss as relief and horniness washed over her. This was the Cori'ax she'd thought she'd met that first night, the reckless and hyper competent warrior who was famous for his skill in a species of warriors, the man with a ready glint in his eye and the sexiness of ten normal men. He'd been gone for a while, but now he was back.

  Oh, please let him be back, she thought as the large alien pulled her closer to him and placed one strong arm around her.

  “Let's go into the tent,” she said with a mouth that was dry with arousal. “We don't have to keep looking for predators in there. The fire will take care of itself.”

  Cori'ax looked around once more, then got to his feet and easily lifted Charlotte into his arms and carried her the few steps over to the parachute tent. No one had ever lifted her like that, as if she weighed no more than a rag doll, and his immense strength turned her on even more. It wasn't that he could lift her – it was the way he did it, as if it was nothing special. He didn't try to impress, like so many Earth men would have. No, he just wanted to carry her, so that's what he did.

  She smiled up at his ruined face, feeling the sparks of something more than just lust. This was a man it was worth it to be conquered by. For life, even.

  Then she saw the tent he was pitching in his pants. It seemed to her only slightly smaller than the tent they had set up on the sand. She bit her lower lip in anticipation as he set her down. This could turn into something really good.

  Charlotte crawled into the tent. The air inside was fresh and had a pleasant temperature, even though there was no electronics in it. The nanofabric had a primitive intelligence all of its own, and even let through some of the warm, red light from outside.

  Cori'ax entered after her, and he seemed to fill the tent with his bulk of muscle.

  Charlotte saw no reason to be coy and cupped his large bulge outside his pants before she untied the drawstring in his pants and greedily stuck her hand down them to grab the rock hard manhood.

  He replied with only a grunt and got busy removing her flight suit, with Charlotte discreetly helping. That suit did have electronics embedded in it, and could only be removed if the wearer wanted it or if she was injured and unconscious. Charlotte very much wanted to get naked now, so the suit split down the middle and she slid easily out of it.

  Cori'ax grunted in approval and impatiently pulled his pants all the way off, while Charlotte got rid of her panties and bra in a feverish haze.

  “Fuck me,” she pleaded and took the warrior's cock in both hands, sliding them along the alien shaft and feeling her girly parts become a center of giddy expectation when her hands encountered the many bulbs and ridges and she remembered how they would feel inside her.

  He kissed her passionately on the mouth and she clung to his neck with both arms.

  Then he placed her on her back on the soft fabric that had been his parachute, and she spread her thighs and opened herself wide for him, showing him that she wanted him badly. She had longed for this for too long.

  The sight of it forced a lusty sigh from him, and she felt him place his cock at her entrance. She needed nothing more right now - she was as ready to receive him as she had ever been.

  His yellow eyes pierced her and then he put more weight on his cock, sliding in the first inch to where her tunnel got a little narrower. There he paused for a second, looking deep into her soul, before he applied more pressure, there was a little 'pop' as he slid further in and penetrated her to the core of her being.

  Charlotte couldn't hold back a “yeeaaaahhhhh» as she felt him sliding into her, while the alien protrusions and thicker parts of his cock stimulated every part of her sex and made the sparks fly in her mind as her pussy reported exquisite feelings everywhere. She thought she would come right there and then, just from the first thrust into her, but then he slid slowly out again and the sensations from her sex came again, but in reversed order.

  He paused briefly, gave her a little smile and checked that she was okay, and she relaxed totally and gave herself over to the primal lust. He was taking care of her and would never let anything bad happen. He was a demanding lover, but he was also caring.

  She spread her thighs further to show him that she wanted more, and he penetrated her again, slowly forcing her sex to widen so he could pass, leaving a tiny burning sensation that merged with the exquisite pleasure to create a force of physical delight that Charlotte knew would bring her over the brink to ecstasy very soon.

  Cori'ax fucked her slowly and calmly, letting the good feelings in her build up a little more with each thrust into her. Charlotte heard the wet squelching as he forced the juices from her, and she could smell the musk of their shared arousal in the small tent.

  She instinctively pulled her knees up and apart, the most primal part of her desperate for him to fill her up and to get as deep into her as possible, all the way inside where no other man had been able to reach.

  He increased the speed of his fucking, and his deep grunts each time he penetrated her turned her on even more. Her orgasm wasn't far away, but it was not her choice, and she knew that at any moment, he could and would force it out of her. She was at his command, because he used her body in the same way that he used his sword, with perfect control and mastery.

  A bubble containing all the pleasure in the world grew in her sex, and it grew fast. She gasped. This was it. Whenever he wanted, he could release that inside her -

  And then she felt the vibrations at her clit, right where he had that sensational extra knob that could do those most wondrous things to her. She drew breath as the sensations peaked and then crashed over her in a cascade of pleasure and ecstasy that started at her sex and spread all through her lower body.

  Cori'ax leaned in and grabbed both her breasts in his large, callused hands, caressed the nipples with exquisite tenderness and perfect pressure as the bubble burst in her, her whole body jerked involuntarily and the climax took over.

  She knew that she was screaming and writhing, but she couldn't control it. Cori'ax kept fucking her, hard and relentlessly, and then she felt him climaxing as his thrusts went erratic and his grunts became loud and uncontrolled.

  “Yes, come with me,” she pleaded, half delirious, knowing that it was happening and loving it. They climaxed together and he kept thrusting inside her before he slowed down, collapsed beside her and let her ride out the aftershocks while he pressed his hot, hard body to hers and made her feel safe and loved.

  “You're crazy,” Charlotte panted as she tried to regain some control. “Nobody's supposed to fuck like that. You should be outlawed.”

  He didn't reply, just breathed calmly with his face in her hair.

  She changed her position slightly and only now remembered to cl
ose her legs. “Damn. I was pretty loud, wasn't I?”


  - Charlotte -

  “No,” Cori'ax said lazily after a short pause.

  “Really? I meant to be. I think I was, too. I hope I didn't ruin your hearing.”


  “I said, I hope I didn't ruin your hearing.”


  She turned to face him, starting to worry that she actually had screamed loud enough to deafen him. “I said, I hope I didn't- oh, you scoundrel!”

  He was grinning mischievously at her with shining, white teeth, and she happily punched his meaty shoulder when she realized he was joking with her and that clearly he had heard everything she said. It made her truly happy – he had often joked with the other warriors, but not with her. Until now. She was glad that he was finally showing her that side of him.

  She scratched her chin. “Do you think we attracted a bunch of predators?”

  “With screams like that, I suppose they think someone was being murdered. But you said this is sound proof.” He punched the fabric, and it turned hard at the impact and made it sound like he was punching a sheet of wood.

  “Supposed to be, anyway. I guess we'll find out. But Cori'ax. I have to ask. Why were you so cold to me when I came to be your pilot?”

  He was quiet for a moment, but he squeezed her arm gently so she knew he wasn't ignoring her. “It was difficult,” he said at last. “I am the captain of the squad. A male Earth pilot I didn't know would have been hard enough to deal with. But you? I didn't know how to handle it. I am a simple warrior. I can deal with swords and enemies. But complicated social situations are not my specialty. At all.”

  “But didn't you feel the attraction? I mean, I can understand not being too amorous when the other guys are watching. But even in private, you were so standoffish I thought you hated me.”

  He placed one hand on her thigh and stroked her hair with the other. “I didn't hate you. My feelings were leaning the other way too much. And why didn't you come to me? I was expecting that you would. Didn't you enjoy our first ... meeting?”

  “I think you know I did. But it's not like I'm going to throw myself at a man who is showing every sign of wanting me as far as possible the hell away from him. If you'd shown just a little response, or just treated me like you did everyone else, it might have been different.”

  The warrior thought for a moment. “It might.”

  “I guess it's one of those cultural differences that everyone talks about. You expected me to come to you, and I expected you to come to me. Or to at least give me the time of day.”

  Another short silence. “I suppose I could have handled it better. I'm not sure I can convey exactly how confused I was about it to start with. And then the moment had passed.”

  “Yeah. I see what you mean.”

  Inside the tent the air was still fresh and pleasant, and the red sheen that seemed to come from everywhere at once made Charlotte feel relaxed. “So what will happen when we get picked up? Will you go back to treating me like air?”

  He thought again. “No.”

  “That's it? Just 'no'?”

  His hand sought one of her breasts and gently caressed it. “I will not treat you like air, because now I know more about you and about us. But I have never had a woman in my squad before, and neither has anyone else. How shall I treat you?”

  His hand on her breast was turning her on again, and she could feel something starting to poke her ass. “Hey, treat me like you do the other guys. Joke with me and order me around and ... well, all those things you do.”

  “It will be strange.”

  “No, it will be good. You have the best squad, and they have the best captain. You've had the best pilot in the army weeks now, but you haven't really made the most of her. Now that you're actually speaking to me, we'll be even more effective together. It'll be great.”

  “I suppose it will. But ...” He hesitated.


  “In private, maybe we will be less formal?”

  Charlotte grinned into the darkness, then put on her most serious facial expression and turned around to face him. She put one hand on his chest and fixed him with a grave face. “Oh no! We have to be extremely formal in private. You have to call me Pilot Charlotte, and I have to call you Captain. We can only ever talk about the war and fighting and technical matters, nothing that's the least bit personal. Of course any physical contact will be completely out of the question for as long as we know each other.”

  His face fell, and the huge warrior who was always on top of things looked so shocked and disappointed Charlotte could barely keep from laughing out loud.

  “Oh,” he said and looked down, so boyishly dejected that she wanted to hug him, “I thought maybe ...”

  “But of course,” she said, still managing to keep a serious face, “you will have to spank me occasionally. It's very important. On the bare behind, of course. In fact I do believe you promised me a spanking earlier today. Perhaps you'd like to give it to me now?”

  She took his hand and placed it on the side of her naked hip, then gave him the same mischievous smile he'd given her earlier.

  His confusion gave way to a relieved smile as the penny dropped, and then he laid his head back and laughed thunderously in a way that Charlotte realized that she loved. Like everything else about him, the laughter was genuine and deep and unrestrained. She'd never met a man more real than this.

  He slapped her hip lightly. “You dare joke with mighty Cori'ax! Then I shall show you the consequences. I have studied Earthlings recently and I know what a 'spanking' is. Indeed I agree that you will need many of them, if this shocking insolence is any indication. Now, how shall I position you ...”

  Charlotte helped him place her across his lap, and she realized that she was dripping wet again. She enjoyed a little rougher sex sometimes, including spanking. But only with the right guys, the confident and super-masculine ones, and the strong and decent Cori'ax was so right for it the breath caught in her throat when she felt his large hand stroking her butt cheeks. She arched her back a little in invitation, and he slapped one cheek, and then the other.

  “You can just start anytime,” she teased. She knew he was testing it out to see what she wanted, and she wanted it a lot harder than that.

  He increased the force a little with the next ones, but it was obvious he was afraid of hurting her and didn't realize how much of a spanking her ample behind could handle. She loved that he was being this careful the first time he did something like this. It spoke volumes about him and the man he really was. But still she wanted to feel his strength more, wanted him to make her butt sting and send tingles to her pussy.

  “Is that it? You hit like a girl,” she said, hoping to provoke him into giving it to her better.

  It worked, and he gave her some harder slaps. She egged him on with little sighs and moans and whimpers, and in the end he gave her a decent enough spanking that made her squeal and kick her legs, more for show than because it hurt that much. She was dripping wet, and she'd felt something hard poking her in the hips all through the spanking, so she knew he was ready, too.

  “So I guess now you have to fuck me again?” She got up on all fours in front of him and looked behind her. “I think that's a part of these very formal spankings.”

  She made a quick mental note to bring some of the grilled alien meat back to the Friendship for analysis. That stuff had to contain some aphrodisiac stuff, because she couldn't remember being this outrageously lecherous with any man before. Or maybe Cori'ax just brought it out in her.

  He positioned himself behind her and penetrated her again with that sensational manhood he had. Again she thought she'd orgasm at the first thrust, and again he showed her that he controlled that and that she was just along for the ride. She didn't mind that. She loved how he took responsibility and handled her body so well, as if he'd done nothing else for his whole adult life than thinking of ways to turn her on
and make her feel great.

  Once more she gave herself over to the sensations, and this time is was even better. Because now there was real intimacy between them.

  He fucked her hard, as if the spanking had inspired him, and she went with the flow and came hard when he started vibrating her clit again to ignite the fireworks of sexual bliss he had created inside her.

  She bucked and jerked and whimpered and screamed again as the orgasm shook her and as she felt him coming deep inside her, spraying her with his hot juices.

  She came down slowly, still with him inside her. “Stars, where have you been all my life?”

  He rolled over and placed her upper body on top of him, so that she was resting her head on his massive chest, rising and falling with his slow breathing, hearing the distant thunder of his relaxed heartbeat, feeling the heat from his skin.

  “Let's not think of the past,” he growled into her ear. “Or the future. Right now there is only us.”

  Charlotte felt tiredness engulf her. This had been a pretty eventful day. But the tent gave her a sense of security, and the large warrior putting his strong arm around her helped.

  “You know, I could get used to this,” she mumbled sleepily.


  - Cori'ax -

  Her breathing became slow and even, and he placed the thin blanket over her shoulders.

  He'd never been more delighted or felt more love for another than he did for this alien.

  This was what King Vrax'ton had felt. And Chief Ravex'ton. Cori'ax was sure of it. This mix of attraction and mystery and softness and endless arousal that Charlotte made him feel was the Earthling magic that had ensnared even those two great leaders. To the point where they would marry outside their species. To the point where they were convinced that an alien woman was his Mahan.

  Well, at least Cori'ax could be sure Charlotte wasn't his Mahan. Everything he had heard about the fated mates was that it was a sudden, overwhelming revelation that changed one's entire outlook on the world and on life. New colors, some said. Like being born anew, others claimed.


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