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The Night Killers

Page 3

by Senese, Rebecca M.

  She led them off down the right hand corridor. Rick noted the sporadic lighting, burned out and dying lights. She obviously didn’t care much for maintenance. Two doors to the right, she turned into a room filled with screens. Most were blank but a row of six on the bottom showed a view of the desert above.

  “What are the rest of the screens for?” Rick asked.

  She glanced at him. “The interior of the complex. They’ve been disconnected.” She brushed past him.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go monitor Peter. He needs to be watched for the next twelve hours. I’ll be in the far lab if you need me, but don’t need me.”

  She turned and disappeared down the corridor.

  “Charming,” Rick said to Josh. “I can see why you’re infatuated. All right people, let’s get ready. Dusk is in less than two hours and we have defenses to set up.”

  Sami and Raj dumped the ammunition crates on the floor. Sister Theresa set the flares and the Kaminski barrier field beside them. Rick pressed his thumb to the locks and the ammunition crates sprang open. Raj began loading the Uzi and AK, then handed strands to the squad members. Sami crisscrossed her across her chest like a Mexican bandit. Sister Theresa roped hers around her waist.

  Josh calibrated the canisters and flame throwers as Rick divided up the flares. It wasn’t enough but it would have to do. Rick snuck a glance at the rest of his squad. None of them spoke as they moved efficiently through their preparations. He knew of other squads that squabbled at the slightest provocation and the Night Killers had their tensions but when it came down to business, they were a team.

  They might just survive this night, Rick thought.

  * * * *

  Peter looked over when Lucy walked in. She closed the door behind her and locked it, moving closer to the gurney. She leaned over. He lay there watching the pulse of her heartbeat in her throat, fascinated.

  “How do you feel?” she asked.

  Her words slurred together in his ears. The scent of her skin, her blood, so tantalizingly close, made his mouth water. He could almost taste her, feel the beat of her blood against his tongue, his teeth tearing into her flesh, the blood surging over his lips into his mouth, filling him, quenching him...

  He surged up against the handcuffs. Lucy jumped back but the handcuffs held. She’d cuffed him spread eagle to the gurney and strapped the gurney to a restraining bar against the wall. Her shotgun was within easy reach on the counter behind. She checked her watch. Time for another shot.

  As he struggled on the gurney, she turned away from him, moving toward the counter. She’d set out the vials in order, one through twelve. Two of them were empty and he was already exhibiting symptoms of vampirism. She didn’t know if that was good or bad, dammit, she just didn’t know. For her, the majority of symptoms had taken hold after five shots but did it matter if it happened quicker? None of her tests gave her enough data to accurately predict. All her computer models stated there was a ninety percent success rate in the cure. Her fingers traced along the wooden stake lying beside the vials. This was for the other ten percent.

  She closed her eyes and took a breath. She wouldn’t need it. It would work. She’d been over the tests a hundred times, checking and rechecking; she would not repeat her father’s error, his eagerness to produce results. She worked slowly, painstakingly, to ensure accuracy. Her work would succeed.

  She opened her eyes and snapped the next vial into the syringe.

  When she turned back, he was watching her. His blue eyes looked unnaturally bright, his face flushed with color. As she stepped closer, he moved his body on the gurney, slowly, sensuously, but she knew he was watching her neck, smelling her blood.

  “It’s time for another shot, Peter,” she said, although she didn’t know if he could understand her. He was still in there, trapped inside the virus like a bird in a cage. She was forcing those bars to age prematurely so they would rot and fall away, releasing the bird inside. That gentle young man she’d met would come back but he wasn’t currently in the writhing creature that lay before her.

  She swabbed the side of his thigh and stabbed with the syringe. He snarled and snapped at her as she depressed the plunger. She pulled the needle out and wiped his thigh. When she looked at his face, he licked his lips, lowering his eyelids. He looked tremendously seductive, and she felt her stomach knot. She remembered her father looking at her like that as he came toward her the last time. She’d been afraid but also a little part of her had been excited, mesmerized by his entrancing gaze, making her wait too long to run and he’d caught her, bending her back to sink his teeth into her neck.

  “Nine more, Peter,” she said. His face tilted at her voice. She turned away and headed for the coffee maker. It was going to be a long night.

  * * * *

  “All clear,” Raj said into his throat mike. “Perimeter set.”

  “Roger that,” Rick said. “Set up the patrol. You, Josh and Sister Theresa for the first two hours and we’ll see how long the barrier field holds after that.”

  Rick signed off. He turned to Sami. “So what do you think?”

  “The lab cameras are definitely out,” she said. “I’d give anything to see what she’s doing with Peter but if there’s a chance it could help we can’t mess with her.”

  “I agree,” he said. “Let’s get some shut eye. Half an hour, then we’ll check.”

  She nodded and curled up on the floor. He lay down beside her and closed his eyes. He listened to her breathing.

  “I can’t sleep, Rick,” she said softly.

  He opened his eyes and turned toward her. She was a dark suggestion in the gloom. He reached for her and she slid into his arms, feeling warm and soft. Her lips parted when he kissed her. Her tongue slipped into his mouth.

  He felt her hands tugging at his shirt, his pants. He stroked her body, feeling the familiar curve of her hip. Her breast swelled under his fingers. He slid his hand under her shirt, pinching her nipple erect. She moaned and licked his neck.

  Her hands tugged at the zipper of his pants, slipping inside to grab his stiffening cock. He licked at her breasts as he pulled her pants down and parted her legs. She was wet and ready for him. She pushed him down on the floor and lifted her leg, straddling his hips. Then she lowered herself down.

  He kissed her as she began to move, rocking herself up and down on him. The familiar burn started to grow in the pit of his stomach, spreading throughout his body. He thrust up into her, moving faster, holding her hips. Her breath gasped in his ear. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she rocked herself harder. He grabbed her face, twisted it toward him and kissed her. Her tongue was hot in his mouth. Their rhythm sped up. His heart pounded. He thrust faster then grabbed her hips as the climax overtook him. He gasped against her lips. She moaned as she ground her hips against him. Slowly, she lowered herself onto his chest, her braids tickling his skin. He wrapped his arms around her, his lips brushing her slick forehead. He closed his eyes. Maybe one day they could have more than fifteen minutes snatched here and there.

  Yeah, maybe one day there’d be no more vampires.

  And pigs would fly.

  * * * *

  Lucy was checking the saline drip she’d put in Peter’s arm to prevent dehydration when he broke the handcuffs.

  He surged upright, right hand clamping like a vice around her wrist. She gasped, trying to pull away. It was impossible. He started to drag her closer. She stared back at the counter. Her shotgun was out of reach, so was the stake. Dammit.

  He jerked again, snapping the other handcuff. He sat up, the sheet pooling in his lap. His left hand clamped on her upper arm, squeezing her bicep, pulling her against him. He growled in her face.

  Lucy’s heart pounded. He couldn’t infect her, but he could rip her throat out and kill her. Then he’d be doomed. The transformation would become permanent.

  There was only one thing to do. She had to short circuit his blood lust, focus it somewhere else. She swallowed nervousl

  He snarled and she forced herself to kiss him, cutting short the snarl. She felt his teeth on her lips, already too sharp. God, please, she thought. She pushed her tongue out, touched his teeth then his mouth opened and his tongue surged to meet hers. He twisted her arm around her back as he pulled her against him. She felt his heart pounding against her breasts. His other hand dragged her up onto the gurney, onto his lap. She could feel his erection straining against her hip. Despite the fear, she felt herself start to become aroused. That was good, he’d smell it and respond. She stroked her hand down his body, reaching under the sheet to grab his penis.

  He pulled his face away, his eyes staring madly at her, pupils expanded to swallow the blue of his iris. Then his lips dropped to her neck, fastening on her skin. Her mouth went dry. Fear surged in her, paralyzing. She fought it down. She had to move, distract him from her blood, distract him from killing her.

  She began to stroke him. He growled against her throat. She closed her eyes, swallowed, felt his lips track the movement of her esophagus. Then his other hand tore at her shirt, exposing her breast. His fingers fastened on it, squeezing.

  She winced at the pain even as her nipple stiffened. He seemed to be distracted now; just as long as he didn’t hurt her, she could survive this. His face lifted from her neck and he stared at her.

  “Lucy...” he whispered. She could see him fighting for some kind of control inside, trying not to do it.

  “It’s all right,” she said. “Let go. If you resist, the killing instinct will take over. Better this than that.”

  He swallowed, sweat trickling down his forehead. His lips trembled. Then he lunged forward, his mouth fastening on hers, more like a bite than a kiss. She tried to kiss back, tried to keep her own fear under control. His hand released her breast, tore at her pants. She felt his nails shred the fabric, raking her thigh, blood beading on her skin. Oh god, if he smelled that...

  She pushed him down against the gurney, lying on top of him, twisting her legs to straddle him. She struggled to push her pants out of the way, to open her legs.

  His hand lifted from her thigh, his face turned from her. He was sniffing.

  No, no, no, she thought wildly. Her heart pounded. She grabbed hold of his cock and impaled herself on it with a mighty thrust.

  His gaze jerked back to her.

  “That’s right,” she snarled. “Look at me, not my blood. Me.” She began to move on him. His eyes widened and he grabbed her hips, slamming her down.

  She held either side of his head, forcing him to keep his eyes on her face as she moved. He felt huge and hard inside her, almost painful, but soon pleasure was warming her groin, making her move faster. She leaned forward and kissed him.

  His lips were softer, his tongue caressing, gentle. His right hand stroked her check, pushed her face gently away.

  “Lucy, I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  She shook her head. “It’s all right. It’s all right now.” She kissed him again, this time wanting to. He seemed to understand.

  Their rhythm increased. Her breath came faster, shallower. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation. His hands thrust her harder against him. She threw her head back and moaned as he plunged deeper into her. She gasped for air. He cried out as he came, ramming hard into her, holding her hips down. She trembled against him, sucking in air. His grip loosened and his fingers dropped away from her skin.

  Lucy lifted herself off him. Peter watched, panting, his expression sorrowful.

  “Lucy...” he whispered.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “It was better than the alternative.” She fetched another couple of pairs of handcuffs and recuffed his hands to the gurney. He watched her with haunted eyes.

  “You can make it up to me,” she said, and smiled. “Next time.”

  She covered his body with the sheet then turned to find some more clothes.


  At full dark, the vampires hit the barrier field head on.

  The field crackled and surged, sparking at the point of impact. Rick and Sami climbed out of the tunnel just in time to watch the fireworks. Arks of electricity lit up the sky as the vampires jumped at the field and were repelled. They snarled and hissed at the invisible barrier. The air smelled of ozone from the discharges.

  “I don’t know how long the generators will hold,” Josh said. “It looks like twenty, maybe thirty of them.”

  “Raj, Sister, get downstairs and man the hallways. We’ll take them from here,” Rick said. He holstered the shotgun in his back holster and picked up one of the flame throwers. He checked his supply of stakes. Sami adjusted the extra clips for her Uzi.

  The field hissed from the repeated attacks. Rick motioned to Sami and Josh. They spread out. Rick tracked the vampires near him with the flame thrower. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Josh doing the same. At his back, he knew Sami would be tracking with her Uzi.

  They watched as the barrier field began to fail intermittently. One vampire managed to get halfway through before the field snapped back to full strength. It shrieked as its body was sliced in two. The bottom half fell outside the field perimeter. Three vampires jumped on it like wolves, snarling and ripping.

  Josh stepped forward and drove a stake through the heart of the top half. It convulsed and died, twitching.

  Twenty minutes later, the field failed. The vampires swarmed in.

  * * * *

  Lucy rubbed her eyes. The alarm had gone off, alerting her it was time for another shot. God, what time was it? She stared blurrily at her watch. Midnight. The halfway mark. She stifled a yawn and stood up, stretching. She glanced over at the gurney. Peter lay quietly, his eyes closed. He’d been asleep for a couple of hours, thank god. She didn’t know if she could take any more howling.

  Snapping the vial into the syringe, she stumbled toward the gurney. The other thigh. She moved around to his left side. As she lifted the sheet, his head turned and his eyes opened.

  “How long?” he whispered.

  “Six more after this one,” she said quietly. He swallowed carefully. Sweat matted his hair to his forehead, sharpened the bones in his face. He looked like an old man. She reached up and brushed the hair gently from his eyes.

  “Why didn’t you go to the city?” he asked.

  A bitter smile crossed her face and she closed her eyes. How many times over the years had she dreamed of going to the city? Hundreds? But they’d kill her the minute they took a blood sample.

  “I can’t,” she said. “And now neither can you.” She pressed the syringe into his thigh and pushed the plunger.

  * * * *

  “Bastards,” Rick shouted. Fire sprayed across the three vampires running at him as he swung the flame thrower. They snarled as the fire hit them but still plunged forward even as their legs popped and they stumbled.

  To his left, Sami fired her Uzi steadily into a crowd of vampires. They howled, struggling to get closer, dragging themselves along the ground.

  Josh finished staking one vampire and fired a flare into another one. The vampire growled, took one step and exploded. Pieces of flesh and dirt sprayed the air.

  “Spot light,” Rick shouted. “Fall back.”

  They ran for the entry and crouched around it, setting up a perimeter. The vampires snarled and lunged closer. Sister Theresa opened the door and pushed the spot light onto the dirt. Rick lifted it, checked the generator and turned it on, full force.

  The light blazed out, the same light temperature as daylight. He set it on rotate and it slowly began to spin, a beam of light sweeping in a wide circle. The vampires started screaming and scrambling to get out of the way. The light wouldn’t destroy them the way sunlight would but it sure as hell hurt and weakened them. Easier to stake.

  “Attack!” Rick yelled. Stakes out, they charged at the retreating vampires. The closest ones to the light were the weakest and easier to bring down. They barely struggled. Rick managed to stake three that way before he had to
pull out the shotgun. One woman vampire came rushing at him, shrieking. He leveled the shotgun and fired. Her abdomen dissolved and she doubled over but it didn’t stop her forward rush. She came at him, bent over double. He raised a stake over his head as she ran closer. Her claws scrapped at his leather pants, shredding them. He smashed the stake down, piercing her back. She screamed and collapsed.

  Josh and Sami were working together, bringing down a big male. Sami cut out his knees with the Uzi while Josh moved in with the stake, staying just out of reach of the vampire’s slashing claws. One lunge and it was over.

  The sound of breaking glass and sudden darkness made Rick spin around.

  One of the vampires had broken the spot light. It spun uselessly now. The remaining vampires snarled and advanced.

  Clever fuckers, he would give them that, but that was all. He raised the shotgun and blew off the head of the closest vampire. No more mister nice guy.

  * * * *

  Peter opened his eyes as the alarm sounded. The light in the lab stabbed into his eyes, making him squint. His mouth was dry, his tongue felt like a thick sponge. His joints ached and painful spasms made his muscles jerk, tightening almost beyond their ability before they relaxed. He lay quietly between each one, trying to breath deeply and prepare for the next one. A headache pulsed up the back of his head and into his temples, echoing the beat of his heart. He wondered if he was dying, if somehow it wasn’t working. Could being a vampire be any worse than this?

  He twisted against the cuffs. His wrists and ankles were sore, blood from his wrists, spotted the sheets. At one point, he vaguely remembered trying to get to those spots, straining against the lower cuffs that bound his ankles, howling at the pain, at the desire. But that insanity seemed to have burned itself out, leaving him weak and disoriented.


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