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Everlasting (Family Justice Book 6)

Page 16

by Suzanne Halliday

  Jill shook his hand enthusiastically. “Congratulations, Mr. Dane. Truly. Better hurry along and get that honeymoon started. Please let me know immediately if you need anything else before takeoff. Enjoy your flight, sir.”

  He thanked her appropriately and took his leave, skipping toward the stairs that he took two at a time in his haste to join his bride.

  “Oh, you wicked, wicked man,” Stephanie murmured with awe in her voice. “What have you done?”

  She stopped dead in midstride after climbing the stairs and turning into the cabin. Everywhere her eyes swept was an enormous bouquet of red and white roses. Their sweet, subtle scent drifted in the air.

  Touching one of her delicate dangling earrings, she felt the smile all the way to her soul. The baby gave a wiggle, and she knew the joy in her heart had radiated straight to her womb.

  Stephanie rubbed her belly and held in the tears threatening to rain down her cheeks. Her husband was covering all the bases and making a few more up along the way.

  Her husband. She sighed. Calder was her husband.

  She remembered the moment of stepping through the chapel doors, clinging to dear Alex’s arm, and letting the warm, rich sound of Parker’s guitar wrap around her heart. Then she saw her bridegroom and a flood of incandescent joy rushed into her soul. When he lost it and burst into tears, she felt God’s touch and knew each of his tears were a blessing.

  Stepping farther into the cabin, her hands went out, and her fingertips brushed some of the flowers as she walked to the center and turned in a circle.


  She bent over and peered out a window. Calder was still talking to the flight attendant, so she’d better get her butt in gear. Tossing her purse onto a seat, she quickly unbuttoned the snug and very chic little bolero jacket that was just enough coverage to keep her from shivering in the chilly early morning air. Fluffing her hair, she dropped the jacket on the seat, cracked open her purse, and grabbed a lipstick. Rushing into the small bathroom, she shuddered at the harsh lighting but made fast work of creating a pretty pout. Pinching her cheeks for quick color, she blew her reflection a kiss.

  “Shugah, you got a husband to cherish. And a baby to be wild about!”

  Hurrying back to the cabin, she checked on Calder’s progress and saw he was trying to retreat. Gosh, he was cute.

  Smacking her hands together with anticipation, Stephanie looked around and talked to herself.

  “Okay. What’s my best play? Standing, belly front and center? Hmm. Maybe half-reclined on the sofa?” She studied the space. “Ooh, or how about bent over at the galley like I’m looking for something?” She giggled at the imagined visual.

  And just like that, all thoughts of a cabin seduction went straight out the window when she spied a wrapped platter of food. She was in the middle of making a mess out of the damn plastic wrap when Calder approached her with a sexy chuckle.

  “Duchess, whoa. Slow down. Let me help.”

  “The damn wrap is messing me up,” she muttered disagreeably. Gesturing wildly, she demanded he take over. And hurry.

  With one hand, he somehow managed to get the food platter open while caressing her tummy at the same time.

  “Someone’s got the munchies, I assume.”

  “We skipped breakfast,” she pouted. “I’m huuuuungry,” she griped. “Feed me or else, buster.”

  “Have a seat, my love. We probably should have waited for cruising altitude before breaking out the refreshments, but I’m pretty sure Baby taking precedence over everything else covers us.”

  “Is that avocado?” It was! She could see a big slice of light and dark green poking out of a wrap. The baby took notice and tapped out a message of delight. “I need that in my belly,” she hooted gaily.

  Calder’s happy laugh was filled with the sound of his pleasure—a tone she’d come to know quite well. He helped her get situated, put the platter on the small table, and sat across from her.

  “We had an avocado tree in the backyard when I was a kid. I remember my mom bitching about having too many of the damn things going ripe at the same time. Dad used to needle her about avocado overdose.”

  She took a huge bite of the soft wrap and talked with her mouth half full. “The stories you and Ash tell make them sound like quite the characters.”

  He shrugged but remembered happiness shone in his eyes. “They were human, ya know? They weren’t perfect, and believe me, after they died, there was plenty of piling on. Everybody and their aunt’s yoga instructor had something shitty to say about them going off to play third world saviors while one of their kids was a minor.”

  Stephanie chewed the wrap and nodded as he spoke. She fully understood what it was like to endure people being assholes after a death.

  “Ashleigh and I, though, we saw it differently. Our folks were awesome. It was a sacrifice, a huge personal sacrifice for them, as people—when a passionate calling reached out, and they answered. My parents were all about their fellow man. They were part of the wave of global-minded spirits who offered the world peace and love as an option. I’m proud to be their son.”

  She had a hard time swallowing when his gaze shifted to her belly. “I’m overwhelmed with love and gratitude that we get to pass on the family name.”

  Wiping her mouth with a napkin, she saw the remains of her lipstick on the cloth and rolled her eyes. Whoever inhabited her womb—whether boy or girl—had an insatiable appetite. Meaning her lipstick never stood a chance.

  “I was thinking of the name Annalise for a girl. After your mother. What do you think?”

  Her husband smiled. “It’s very pretty. I like it.”

  “Coming up blank for a boy. You have any ideas?”

  “Yes and no. My instinct is to meet the baby and then decide.”

  She looked up as two uniformed men appeared at the cockpit door. “I believe we have company,” she told him with a bright smile.

  Calder slid from his seat, stood, and turned around. A shiver of delight rocked her. He looked so damn yummy. Alex liked to tease his uncle by saying when he put on a suit it was like seeing Kevin Costner on the red carpet.

  “Mr. Dane. I’m Captain Gerber, and this is Captain Nichols.”

  The three men shook hands. “Two captains?” Calder quipped.

  Captain Nichols made a gravelly sound that sounded like ‘grrr’ and ended with a laugh. “Bentley Sawyer is an old friend. He called in a favor—said you two get VIP treatment. So,” the smirking man said with a shrug, “two instead of one.”

  One time, she accidentally peeked at a card being handed to the emcee of an important pageant and saw the name of the winner. It was a huge rush to think that for a few moments, she knew something no one else did. That was how she felt hearing the name Bentley Sawyer. Holy. Fucking. Hannah. Bentley Sawyer.

  The struggle not to reach for her phone and send a group text to the Justice Ladies was real. So very real.

  And why?

  Because many a conversation and a couple of betting pools had centered around the matter of Alex’s personal pilot and whether Sawyer was his first name or his last. Alex wouldn’t say, so of course, his reluctance triggered the ladies sleuth squad.

  Bentley Sawyer. Oh, my god—this was so rich she could barely contain her giddiness.

  “Stephanie,” Calder purred.

  She met his gaze, and then he made the introduction. The expression of pride in his voice tugged at her heart.

  “Gentlemen, this is my wife. Honey, this is Captain Gerber and Captain Nichols. They’ve been sworn to secrecy about our destination, so don’t bother trying to get it out of them.”

  She leaned forward and smiled while shaking each man’s hand. “Tell me something, Captains,” she cooed in a heavy twang. “Either of you two handsome devils married?”

  Calder flat-out snickered at her Scarlett O’Hara accent and ploy. Both men reacted as expected, awkwardly hurrying to stammer that both, in fact, had wives.

  She gave them a brilli
ant smile coupled with a pouty grimace. “And do both of you keep secrets from your wives?”

  The sputtering mouth gaping and laughter she drew from the men in her sights was one of her special talents.

  “Well, actually, ma’am.” Captain Nichols chuckled. “If the secret was gonna make her happy, I believe I would.”

  She gasped. “Why, Captain, I do believe I envy your wife.”

  Calder shook his head and laughed at her Southern belle antics. “All right, all right. Stop flirting with my wife, or I’m telling Sawyer y’all were dicks.”

  It was easy to dismiss the gaggle of men after spying a small tube of jelly beans under some napkins. Ripping into the plastic, she dumped the sugary nuggets into her hand with a snippy grunt. Sophia Marquez was to blame for this particular obsession. Alex’s sister had a thing for the candies and all but lugged a jar around with her wherever she went. Picking out two black licorice-flavored beans, she put them at Calder’s seat, and then popped a very satisfying red nugget into her mouth.

  “Hello, wife,” her sexy yummerific husband murmured when he leaned over and lifted her chin with a finger.

  She made a smacking sound and pursed her lips. He kissed her sweetly.

  He popped one of the licorice jelly beans into his mouth as he took his seat. “We’ll be getting underway in a few minutes. If you need a bathroom break, I’d do it now.”

  Gesturing at the food platter, she suggested he secure everything for takeoff then picked up her purse and sashayed to the bathroom.

  Hastily freshening up, she went through the visual checklist, took care of issues, and ended with a gentle air spritz of a soft perfume that Calder liked.

  Stowing her things back in her purse, she eyed her reflection one last time. She loved, loved, loved the custom dress designed by one of her old pageant friends. It was sexy but conservative with elbow-length sleeves and a modest scoop neckline. Made of an incredibly soft material, it clung to her figure. The side ruching made her bump and butt look fantastic. Sticking with the white and red bridal theme, she gave the dress a punch of color with candy apple red heels and a red garnet brooch, another gift from her husband that matched the garnet bracelet and earrings she wore.

  She hurried. A sudden need to cuddle with her husband took her over. He’d moved to the sofa and was patting the space next to him when she returned.

  “Let’s get you strapped in.”

  A dozen raunchy comebacks danced on the tip of her tongue. Calder felt the best intimacy aids were his hands and mind, and he was right. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t game for the occasional restrain-and-spank scenario. She sniggered. He was pretty good at that too.

  Taxiing the runway and taking off happened rather efficiently, and before she knew it, they were winging to wherever. It was exciting not to know where he was taking them.

  At the first opportunity, she undid her seat belt, got rid of his belt as well, and climbed onto his lap. She could tell she’d startled him for a second, but he quickly went with the flow. He moved her bottom around until she was delightfully situated. Stephanie kicked off her shoes and curled into her husband’s warmth. The strength in the arms cradling her was deeply reassuring.

  Having what till this point had been the easiest high-risk pregnancy ever didn’t mean she wasn’t on near constant high alert for anything out of the ordinary. It was exhausting at times. Her determination to give Calder a healthy son or daughter was her highest priority.

  The well of his strength was something she drew upon regularly. Without it, she’d be in free-falling panic mode around-the-clock.

  “I like this dress,” he murmured softly. “The material is so soft.” He caressed her hip and thigh as he spoke.

  “Francis and her team made it for me, special. Isn’t it wonderful?”

  His next question surprised her a little.

  “Do you miss it? Your life in Atlanta and the excitement of the pageants?”

  Stephanie drew her knees in and curled even closer to him. If she could crawl inside his skin, she would. With her free hand, she rubbed small circles on his chest.

  “I miss the day-to-day camaraderie, but I knew what I was doing when I left Atlanta. It was the best decision I ever made.”

  Her mind bounced to that day in her condo when she’d packed and was permanently one foot out the door and on her way back to Arizona. Because of him. Because she knew he was worth the sacrifice. And the moment when she answered the doorbell to find Calder Dane standing on the other side of the door. With his suitcase. Because he’d come to her.

  That day, she’d stepped into the future and never looked back.

  “The girls have been great. We text and FaceTime. They’re all so happy for us.”

  “We should have a barbecue after the baby comes. Invite your whole crew. Introduce a bunch of genteel Southern broads to the simple life. You can take them riding.”

  “While you stand on the sidelines and laugh, no doubt.”

  “I want you to be happy, Duchess. Whatever it takes.”

  She thought his words a tad odd but glossed over the feeling. They were still in the bubble of high emotion from the wedding.

  Snuggling into his neck, she sighed and kissed the skin above his collar. Dammit. He had far too many layers on. Frustrated, she pushed at his jacket. With a dissatisfied grunt, she sat up and glared at the offending garment.

  Calder was actively trying not to laugh. “Is there a problem?”

  “Take off the jacket and lose the tie.”

  “Why?” He snickered and smoothed his fingers down the silk tie. “I thought do not dress like a slob was part of the bridegroom’s honeymoon mission statement.”

  Mission statement? She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from giggling and fought off the urge to roll her eyes.

  “How long will we be in the air?”

  “Three hours, give or take.”

  Less than half a day after discovering they were pregnant and he’d overreacted to a joke she made, Stephanie learned to watch what she said. She could tease and pout as long as he knew she wasn’t really complaining.

  Rubbing her cheek, she frowned. “Then the jacket has to go. It’s rough on my skin.”

  Rough on my skin? Her inner comedian shrieked with laughter at how incredibly ditzy that sounded.

  “Don’t worry,” she assured him with a simpering smile. “Your wife will make sure you’re presentable on the other end.”

  He wriggled and squirmed out of the suit jacket, and in doing so, while she tried to stay balanced on his lap, he came very close to dumping her on the floor. As it was, she took an elbow to the shoulder.

  “Now the tie.”

  The look he gave her could burn toast. “The doctor said no nookie at thirty thousand feet.”

  “I think you’re safe, Mr. Dane.” She tilted her head at the cockpit. “That door looks pretty flimsy, and I’m not into exhibitionism.”

  The warmth of his chuckle spread through her veins. He took off the tie and opened a few buttons on his crisp, white dress shirt. Craning his neck, he playfully quipped, “I feel like I’m offering up a banquet for Dracula’s sister.”

  “Hush, you. My lips need a landing zone.”

  “God, I love you,” her husband declared. “Always with the sass.”

  She caught the glimmer of her bridal jewelry and held up her hand. He did the same and showed off his shiny new wedding band. “We match,” she murmured.

  They put their ringed hands on her belly. His reach was awkward, but the symbolism was not.

  “I have the number of a practice that our doctor referred us to.”

  She blinked. “Excuse me, um, what?” This was news to her.

  “This is what husbands do. There was no way I was taking you anywhere without lining up top-notch care for the duration. Once we’re settled, a quick call will get us in their system. In case anything comes up.”

  Emotion swamped her. “What would I do without you?”

�Wipe those fears from your mind. I will take care of everything else while you just focus on you and the baby.”

  Taking his face in her hands, she kissed him with extreme tenderness. “Are you happy, Calder?” she asked when the kiss ended.

  “Oh my god, Duchess. Yes. I have everything I have ever dreamed of now. I think for a long time, some part of me figured the type of love I dreamed about was a fantasy. After a while and a lot of empty years, I stopped looking. And then a beauty queen with an outrageous mouth let me know exactly how unimpressed she was with my boomer shtick. Seriously,” he said with a teasing grin. “What else could I want? Oh, wait. That’s right. And we got a baby out of the deal. Holy shitballs!”

  “Yes, well.” She smirked. “Being the overachiever that you are; of course, you had to go and get me pregnant.”

  “Just proving the old guy still has it.”

  Pfft, she scoffed. “Old guy. Cut me a break.”

  “Thank you,” he murmured in a voice thick with emotion.

  “For what?”

  His face held the answer to her question. She fell into his gaze and let the love she found there consume her.

  Stephanie Dane.

  Mrs. Stephanie Dane.

  Mr. and Mrs. Calder Dane.

  And baby.

  She sighed. The future was theirs for the making.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Olan. My wife will love it.”

  The personal assistant providing full-coverage concierge services for their honeymoon adventure gave him a broad smile.

  “Dixie read me the riot act, Mr. Dane. He said your wife was to be treated like a Duchess. I believe the expression celebrity-level fawning came into play.”

  Calder chuckled. Dixie Michaels was Stephanie’s official gay. His wife loved the flamboyant stylist who did double duty as a costume designer. Of all her girlfriends, Dixie was the most involved—sometimes obnoxiously so—due to his almost daily check-ins.

  A smile spread across his face. Didn’t every kid need a gay uncle? He thought so, and if he had his way, Baby Dane would know a world full of diversity and loving acceptance.

  “Well, he has excellent taste even if the damn stork theme is a bit much.”


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