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Texas Temptation

Page 106

by Kathryn Brocato

  “Lily, if you’d like to wait out here for a moment and check out the art, my parents have some incredible pieces. I won’t be long.” Glad to give her something to do besides worry about scrutiny from his mother, he showed her to the first piece.

  She needed no further encouragement and stopped in front of a Rembrandt etching his family had purchased when they first began collecting art for the home. Ford followed his father into the study, intending to collect the check and spend the rest of the evening entertaining Lily.

  • • •

  Lily suppressed the urge to run her fingertips over the priceless art lining the home’s hallway. Footsteps rounded the corner, and she smiled, ready to make conversation with Ford’s mother. The greeting died on her lips when Jessica Richardson flicked a look of icy disdain in Lily’s direction and brushed past her, disappearing into the study and closing the door behind her. Soft light and movement filtered through the door’s hammered glass insert. Though she wasn’t usually an eavesdropper, Lily found herself edging closer to the study, quietly listening for a clue about what was happening on the other side.

  “Really, Rutherford, a model? Why didn’t you just find a nice Hooters girl to bring home? Don’t you think you’re taking the trophy wife to a new extreme?” Jessica’s voice carried past the closed door, as though she didn’t care if she was overheard or not.

  “Mother, what are you talking about? I told you at lunch that Lily is a model.” His voice was calm, but there was an edge of impatience.

  “Honestly, I can’t believe you’re actually going through with this. Are you trying to humiliate me or commit career suicide?”

  “I think that’s a bit extreme.” Lily could picture Ford’s jaw clenching as he kept his voice calm. “You’re overreacting.”

  “Of all the potential wives available to you, did you even once consider one of the nice girls from Junior League? Did you look at the women your team went to the trouble to find for you? Ones who were appropriate? It would’ve been nice if you’d chosen someone with a more substantial background, or at least someone more educated.”

  “Jessica, come on now.” Buck interrupted, though his tone said he knew his words would fall on deaf ears. “We trust that the team knows what they’re doing when they say Ford needs to get married. It’s lucky that he was already seeing someone that he has feelings for. It shouldn’t matter if she’s from a certain family or doesn’t have an education.”

  “Lily is a college graduate, Mother, and while I don’t think she’s in Junior League, she’s certainly civic-minded. I don’t have to defend her or my decisions to you, but she is definitely a woman of substance. Not that this is any of your business.”

  The pause that followed was likely accompanied by a look that would turn a lesser man to stone. As horrifying as it was to be torn to shreds by his mother, being defended by Ford was gratifying. They’d been put through their paces with the engagement going public, and at every obstacle, he’d been there ready to fight for her, more than she ever would have expected. “If you intend on bringing someone into this family, it’s most certainly my business. We’re talking about our family, Ford. You are much too cavalier if you think any woman off the street is appropriate to bring into this home without a thought to how it affects everyone else.”

  Ford’s words were soft, and Lily had to lean so close to the door in order to hear that if someone opened it, they’d hit her head. “We will not do this, Mother. With or without your approval, this engagement is going forward. Lily will be a Richardson, and it is your choice whether you embrace that reality or not. Whatever you decide, though, listen closely, because I’m only going to say it once. Regardless of your opinion, you will respect her, or you will not see me or any grandchildren until you do. I’m quite serious, and I won’t listen to you talk about her like this again. Am I making myself clear?”

  Jessica sputtered, but acquiesced. “Of course, Rutherford. I wouldn’t dream of interfering with your marriage.” The prospect of losing contact with her son and potential grandchildren must have hit home. A woman like Jessica likely prided herself on being the center of a strong family, and she couldn’t allow a rift of that size to develop. Lily could picture Jessica holding her head high, swallowing her pride like a bitter pill with every word she bit out.

  Grandchildren? Their fake engagement suddenly became much more real. Either Ford was an excellent actor, or he was more invested in their relationship than she realized. Either way, it was hot, and the shiver that skipped down her spine was unmistakable.

  His father cleared his throat behind the door. “So, how about I get you that check?”

  Terrified she’d be caught eavesdropping, Lily rushed to the far end of the hall, reaching a marble statue in time to arrange her features in casual appreciation before Ford pushed the door open and stormed out. Intensity burned in his eyes as he barreled toward her, rendering her speechless and powerless over her limbs. The strength she’d heard in his voice behind the door was evident in every motion he made, in the way he breathed, turning her knees to jelly.

  With a firm but gentle hand on her arm, he pulled her the few steps down the hall into a luxuriously appointed library. Bookcases lined the walls, stretching from floor to ceiling, and plush carpeting muffled every sound except Ford’s breathing. Silently, purposefully, he closed the door behind them and engaged the lock.

  Lily opened her mouth to speak, to slice through the tension that twanged between them like piano wire. Ford closed the distance between them, his mouth sweeping over hers before a thought could form. Her arms encircled his warm, strong torso as he backed her up against a bookcase full of beautiful leather bound classics. A thick tome toppled off, bouncing softly against the carpet, and he pushed it aside with his foot. Sure, unwavering fingertips skimmed her ribcage through the satiny fabric of her dress, and every hesitation melted away with the warmth of his body pressed against hers. Raking her fingers through his thick hair, she opened her mouth to accept him as he deepened the kiss. Time stopped, everything disappearing but the sound of her heartbeat thundering in her ears, when Ford cupped her jaw in his hands. Gone was the casual attraction, the occasional indulgence in their chemistry. In its place was desire, a passion demanding acknowledgement.

  Meeting his gaze was almost too intense, too real, to face, but Lily couldn’t look away as he pulled back and looked into her eyes. Everything around them faded away, until it was only the two of them in the world and nothing else mattered. Ford was all she could see. Emotions she hadn’t experienced or seen reflected in a man’s eyes in years played across his features, giving form to the intense attachment she hadn’t been able to admit to herself.

  “I never thought I would fall for anyone again, never wanted to. I thought you were a safe bet, that we could keep things from going too far.” His lips brushed against hers, softly sending sparks of pleasure through her, before he continued. “I was wrong.”

  “I felt the same way, but now I’m not so sure.” She couldn’t believe she was admitting to going beyond the superficial, actually giving voice to thoughts she’d kept carefully hidden.

  “This is real.” His voice was little more than a whisper, but there was no hesitation. “You and me. We don’t have to pretend it isn’t. We shouldn’t lie to ourselves anymore.”

  Tears welled in her eyes, threatening to spill over, and a lump formed in her throat as she nodded. “I know. You’re right.” Her answering whisper was rough with both the beauty and the heartache of the moment. So many years had been dedicated to guarding her heart, keeping her love for her husband locked inside. Letting Ford in was a defeat as much as it was a joy, but he was right. It was real. And she didn’t want to hide from love any longer.

  With every obstacle they faced, every person they encountered who questioned their relationship, the fledgling feelings between them grew. Shoring up their resolve to present a united front had forced them into a bubble of intimacy, of a shared goal, and every challenge brou
ght them closer. She was tired of holding back, done telling herself she couldn’t fall for him.

  “I could fall in love with you, Lily,” Ford whispered before capturing her lips in a kiss. She couldn’t answer him, couldn’t bring herself to admit that much out loud, but she knew it was true for her as well. Ford was proving to be exactly the man she’d dreamed of, the man she secretly hoped he would be.

  As he urged her lips opened and deepened the kiss, his mouth tasting of the wine they’d had earlier, she surrendered. The longing she’d suppressed unfurled along with the desire she’d denied. Freed from the self-imposed constraints, she answered his kiss with an urgency that grew with every moment. As though sensing the change in her, his movements became more purposeful, his kiss infused with passion they couldn’t express with words, his hands exploring her body with a new sense of freedom.

  His mouth burned a hot trail across her chest as he dipped his head to capture the soft tops of her breasts exposed by her dress’s low neckline. The groan that rumbled deep in his throat hummed across her skin while he worked one hand beneath the hem of her dress and kept the other steady with a firm hold around her back. Finding her ready and willing, with none of her past hesitance, he worked his fingers beneath the thin fabric of her panties. For a moment, everything around them fell away, and the only sound was their breath in the hushed room. Ford’s blue eyes pierced the haze of need, of want, between them and asked without a word if she wanted the same thing. To answer his silent question, she nodded and moved to unbuckle his pants. He sucked in a sharp breath, encouraging her as she pushed his clothes down his thighs and slipped out of her panties. Glad she’d planned ahead, she fumbled with the clasp on her handbag and fished out a condom. With a wicked grin, Ford took it while she tossed her bag to the floor.

  For a second, his eyes bounced around the room. Settling on the leather chaise situated in the corner, he picked her up until her legs wrapped around his torso and carried her the short distance. A throaty laugh escaped her as the carefree joy of being carried washed over her. Ford buried his face in the soft spot where her neck met her shoulders and kissed her as he set her down. The soft leather was cool to the touch as he stretched out over her. In the soft light of the Tiffany-style floor lamp he ran his fingers through her hair, slowing the manic pace. In his eyes, a new depth of understanding grew, a sense of surrender she’d never seen before. At once, the change between them was forever in the making and completely unexpected.

  When he lowered himself, she tightened her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer for a searing kiss. Reveling in the moment, she explored every inch of Ford she could get her hands on. Starting with his thick, silky hair, she worked her way down, across the soft planes of his muscled shoulders, down to his waist, where she skimmed his ribcage with her fingertips. He sucked in a breath as her hands dipped further, finally discovering the unmistakable evidence that he wanted her.

  Encouraged, he rocked back on his heels until he could free both hands to do his own exploring. He covered the curves of her body with his feather-soft touch until she couldn’t wait any longer. Pulling him down to her, she guided his hands under her dress to show him how ready she was. His eyes blazed with intensity, and without further hesitation, he entered her in one smooth, certain motion. With a sharp gasp, her eyes flew wide open and then squeezed shut as she gave in to the delicious moment. Magic stretched out between them, sweet and shimmery for a few perfect seconds. It was perfect, and worth the wait.

  Their mouths locked, the kiss as mesmerizing as the steady movement of Ford’s sure strokes. Head buzzing, lost in the sensations flooding her body, her climax began to build, rolling through her body. Both unsure she could handle any more and not wanting it to end, she pushed against Ford and tightened her grip on him when he answered with a matched intensity. With a cry that was muffled against Ford’s neck, she released the last bit of tenuous control and gave in. Moments later, Ford followed and gently rolled to her side to nestle against her.

  Breath slowing but still heavy, he braced himself against the arm of the chaise and kissed her. A perfect, solid kiss that said everything they never had. Without words, she knew they were thinking the same thing, that something had shifted between them, that the old worries and hurts didn’t matter when it came to what they shared. That they were together now, and it was real. Though she’d fought against it for so long, had never seriously considered the possibility of falling for anyone else, the panic she expected wasn’t there, just the blissful peace of giving in to what her heart truly wanted.

  They stayed fitted together on the chaise, sleepy and sated. Lily’s eyes wandered across the bookshelf closest to them, and she slowly noticed the titles.

  “Who’s the Danielle Steel fan?” What had to be a complete collection of the author’s work lined the shelves in alphabetical order. “And Nora Roberts?” A similarly full collection was housed above the Steel books.

  Ford’s laugh rumbled deep in his chest. “Mother. She’s a voracious reader.”

  “I would’ve expected something a little more, I don’t know, cold. Her taste in fiction makes me like her a little more.” The more titles she noticed, ranging from historical romances to popular women’s fiction, the funnier it became. If pressed, she would have guessed that Jessica Richardson spent any free time she had perfecting her resting bitch face. Finding out she had a secret life as an actual human being was a refreshing surprise.

  “Don’t let her book collection sway you. She’s just as bad as you thought. In fact, I don’t think there’s any reason for us to stick around and see her again tonight. What do you say we get out of here and go home?” Ford let his hand slip over her hip and rest on her butt, giving her a little squeeze.

  “That sounds perfect.” With a lazy smile, Lily stretched on the chaise. Disentangling themselves from the cozy cocoon was the last thing she wanted to do, but leaving the party promised privacy. “I think I’d like to see what you can accomplish in an actual bed.” She waggled her eyebrows comically, but they both knew she wasn’t joking.

  Sufficiently motivated, they got dressed, smoothing their clothes and hair so they’d appear normal when they returned to the party. Ford carefully returned the books that had been pushed around on the shelves to their previous perfection, then took her hand and pulled her closer to press a kiss to her lips.

  “We’ll slip out. I can’t think of anyone out there I’d like to spend time with when I could have you all to myself.” He unlocked the door. “I don’t know about you, but that was over much too quickly for me.”

  They rushed through the empty hallway, suppressing laughs, and left his parents’ house through a side door, completely unnoticed.

  • • •

  Lily and her father had their big interview on Good Morning, Dallas early the next morning, so she had to leave Ford hours before she was finished exploring the new development in their relationship. Leaving Ford’s bed was torture after spending a few blissful hours letting him demonstrate just how much more time he wanted to spend pleasing her. She definitely looked forward to seeing what else he had in store for her. The newfound perfection in their match intoxicated her, changing the dynamic she’d worked so hard to preserve and making her crave his embrace as soon as she left. Having everything she’d believed for so long shattered so completely made her wonder why she’d ever fought her feelings in the first place.

  She locked up behind her and toed her shoes off near the front door. Sinking her feet into the plush carpet, Lily paused for a moment. Was this really happening? Was it time to move on? Everything about her marriage to Nathan was unique to that relationship, but at the core, the elements that she’d loved the most were growing between her and Ford now. She considered the evening they’d shared and her realizations about him as she got ready for bed. Finding a man who was interesting and made her feel beautiful was easy. Finding one whom she could respect, who would protect her, whose confidence in their relationship was unshakeabl
e, well, that was rare. Being forced into the bubble of secrecy surrounding the circumstances of their engagement had done nothing but bring them closer. Intimacy that could have otherwise taken years to develop, if it ever did, seemed to have blossomed with every interaction.

  Lily was about to crawl into bed when her eyes fell on a framed picture of Nathan on her nightstand. She saw the picture every day, and her reaction to it depended on how life was going at the time. Sometimes seeing his face made her smile at the memories she’d kept so close, sometimes anger at being left to pick up the pieces surprised her, and sometimes she was simply sad. Over the years, the soul-buckling pain of the tragic loss had gradually smoothed out into a bittersweet melancholy. She missed him, thought of him every day, and wished more than anything that he hadn’t been taken from her so quickly, but she accepted her reality. A big part of that was her unwillingness to move on, and she knew that. As long as she told herself that nobody could replace Nathan, she never had to truly give him up.

  It was time.

  Instead of going to bed, Lily pulled Nathan’s footlocker out of her closet and popped the lid open. When the tears she’d expected didn’t surface, she knew she was right. It was past time to put her marriage to bed and move forward. With a tender fondness, she retrieved her photos, wedding mementos, and the stuffed tiger dressed in a camouflage uniform Nathan had left in his place when he deployed. He’d given it to her in a lighthearted moment before he left, trying to tackle the serious matter of his mortality, reminding her to be brave and unafraid of what could lie ahead. Neither of them believed she’d be put to the test so quickly. With every item she tucked into the footlocker, her heart lightened. She ran her hands lightly over his things, remembering the feel of his strong body when they hugged, and felt comforted instead of heartbroken. His handwriting peeked out beneath a picture, reminding her of the intense, all-consuming love they’d shared, and her heart didn’t clutch, just kept beating normally. Everything was going to be okay.


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