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Texas Temptation

Page 121

by Kathryn Brocato

  “Lexie, there is a connection between you and Ryan that we are missing.”

  “If I knew what he wanted, I would have told you.” She grabbed hold of his arm. “I don’t lie, ever! I want this bastard found.”

  “Are you sure you haven’t seen him somewhere? Maybe a friend of a friend or…”

  “No. The first time I ever laid eyes on him was at the café.” She paused as a thought crossed her mind. “But he had this look in his eyes that made me very uncomfortable.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It was like he knew me, knew all my sins. But I don’t know him.” She bit down on her jaw to keep the tears at bay.

  Mac squeezed her hand. He glanced out of the window and nodded to a man and a woman who stood near the entrance. “You stay close and do exactly what I say.”

  Lexie could only nod as fear wedged into her heart, not just for her, but Mac and the agents there to protect her. They moved through the hospital corridors with precision. Mac’s badge got them through the line in the emergency room and then they stood in a small hallway outside Cole’s glass-enclosed cubicle. The curtain was closed around the bed.

  Every second that ticked away on the wall clock peeled another layer off her nerves. Mac positioned himself right behind her, not touching her, but his very presence helped keep her raw emotions under control.

  Something had changed between them overnight that Lexie couldn’t pinpoint. Just knowing Mac’s real role in Rico’s death seemed to chip away at the animosity she carried so close to her heart for the last two years. While everything in her begged to lean against him, the warmth of his body, his strength giving her strength, she didn’t give in. Rico taught her that, too.

  The curtain was pulled back and the medical personnel left the room. Cole was still mostly hidden behind what remained of the curtain. One of the doctors approached Mac.


  “McNeil.” Mac held out his hand and the man shook it.

  “Agent McNeil, my patient needs rest. You have two minutes.”

  “Thank you. How is he?”

  “Banged up pretty badly, but he will recover fully.”

  Mac’s hand went around her waist. If she made a sound at the doctor’s words, she didn’t hear it. Her heart pounded like a freight train between her ears. “Can I go in now?”

  “We go in together, Lexie.”

  Mac eased the door open and stood to the side so she could enter. Part of her didn’t want to see what was on the other side of that curtain, but her friend was hurt and she had to be with him.

  “Cole? It’s Lexie.”

  A moan followed a breathless, “Lexie? God, is that really you?”

  “Yes, it’s me,” she said, and drew the curtain back. Her heart dropped to her stomach. “Cole, what did those bastards—?”

  Her friend’s nose was broken, his eyes black and blue, and his lips were so swollen, cut, and red it hurt to even look at him. His arm was strapped across his chest and in held in a sling. Through the faded gown, Lexie could just make out a bandage that appeared to cover his chest. Tears spilled down her cheeks and she didn’t give a damn. “Why did they do this to you?”

  She rushed to his side and gently hugged him. Another groan escaped his lips and his shoulders shook. She raised her head. His eyes clouded with moisture.

  “Cole?” Her voice was weak, airless.

  “I thought … the agents said you never made it out of the building. We thought you were dead.” He pulled her hard against his chest.

  “Mac got me out. I tried to tell him what faking my death would do to you and Marcus. He was trying to protect me.”

  Mac stepped into view. “And I will continue to protect you, Lexie, even if you don’t like how I do it.”

  Cole peered behind Lexie’s shoulder and a slight smile touched his lips. “This is the guy?”

  Lexie almost punched him. How could he tease her at a moment like this? She lowered her voiced to a whisper and said, “He isn’t the guy. He’s just Special Agent Mac McNeil, a friend.”

  Cole tilted his head as a slight smile touched his lips. “You’re in so much trouble. You’re not going to get this one out of your—”

  Lexie placed her hand over Cole’s battered mouth, trying not to hurt him. “Not funny.”

  “I think it is,” Cole said, hugging her tightly one more time before shooting a look toward Mac. “If you are protecting Lexie, then get her out of here. The men who did this thought we were hiding her and killed your agent because Marcus and I wouldn’t give up Lexie.” The last words came out in a raspy whisper. “Even after he knew I knew nothing, he had his men beat the crap out of me. Placing me in the hospital would draw Lexie out of hiding. You have to protect her, Agent McNeil, and please find my partner, Marcus Aziz.”

  “Who is the man?” Mac asked.

  “I don’t know. Three men crashed through the door, taking the agents by surprise. They fought like soldiers. Hell, I’ve only seen moves like those in the movies.”

  “The leader, can you describe him?”

  “No. If you’re asking if I recognized one of the men as Ryan Smith from the dating site, he wasn’t there. He may have been the one giving them their orders through one of those ear things.” He took her hand in his. “I’m so sorry for signing you up on that site. If all of this is from that, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “No, Cole. Don’t. You and Marcus are the best friends I have ever had, and you just wanted me to be happy. Whatever is going on didn’t begin with you posting my profile on the site.” She turned toward Mac. “I think Ryan used it as an instrument to get close to me.”

  Mac’s stance grew rigid. “Smith must be an alias. We need to come up with a facial composite on this guy. Are you up to working with our forensic sketch artist?” he asked Cole.

  “Yes, but I think the printout of his photo from the dating site is still at the café.”

  “You have a photo of him?” Mac’s voice was calm, but Lexie could feel the impatience rolling off him.

  “Yes, and his bio information. It’s probably all a lie, but there could be a semblance of truth in it you can use.”

  “Where is it?”

  “Last time I saw it, Marcus set it on the shelf above the sink. Unless he threw it away, it should still be there.”

  Mac moved behind Lexie and with his lips to her ear, growled, “I need to make a call. Don’t leave this room.”

  She slammed down her annoyance. Why did he always treat her like she didn’t have the sense God gave a goat? “I’m going to ignore your obnoxious tone this one time, McNeil. Go do your thing.”

  Mac drew her against him and brought his lips down, capturing her mouth in an intense kiss. The sensual assault lasted for an instant before he broke away. “That’s so generous of you, Trevena.” Releasing her as quickly, he stormed out of the room as a nurse entered.

  “Miss, I need you to wait outside.”

  Cole let out a choked laugh. “She was ordered to stay put. She can wait on the other side of the curtain.” He repositioned himself on the bed and nodded at Lexie. “This guy isn’t going away. I hope you realize that.” A deep sadness entered his eyes. “I wish Marcus were here to see your face.”

  She didn’t have a response, but she didn’t need one. The nurse shut the curtain between them. She eased back near the window and touched her lips. God, that man could kiss. It was hard, fast, but damn tender at the same time.

  She tuned out the conversation between Cole and the nurse as she placed a hand over her heart. The rapid beat bounced against her palm, and it was as if every nerve in her body decided to fire at once. Why was Mac doing this to her? He couldn’t be interested in forming something between them. And before she had a chance to truly appreciate the moment, the jerk pulled away, leaving her wanting something she never knew existed.

  And Lexie couldn’t define what that want was. It wasn’t lust because she had been down that road with Rico. And it wasn’t that she
saw Mac as a white-hat-hero who rides in and saves the day. She knew better than to depend on anyone to get her out of trouble. That hard lesson had been drilled into her since childhood. Still, Mac was working his way under her shields, touching her in a place no one had ever cared to reach, and that scared the hell out of her. She had to place some distance between them before she did something really stupid, like fall for the guy. What a disaster that would be. Rico’s rejection had bruised her soul; Mac McNeil would destroy it.

  A phone rang from the other side of the curtain, pulling her out of her head. The nurse offered a quick apology to Cole before turning her cell phone off. From the gap in the curtain, she watched the nurse slip the smartphone back in her lab coat. An instant later, it rang again.

  “I just turned it off. How is it ringing?” The nurse glanced at Cole. “Do you mind if I get this? It could be one of my kids.”

  “Go ahead. I don’t mind at all.”

  After a quick hello, the nurse turned toward Lexie. “Miss, are you Lexie Trevena?”


  “The call is for you. It’s a man.” She held out the phone.

  That same dread that Lexie experienced several times over the last two days consumed her. She searched the hallway, but Mac wasn’t there. Squaring her shoulders, she reached for the phone and forced the words out from the back of her throat. “This is Lexie Trevena.”

  “Lexie, it looks like we’re going to have that date after all.”

  Ryan. The voice on the other end sent a chill down her spine. “Where is Marcus? Damn it, you better not hurt him, you sick bastard—”

  “If you want your friend back alive, you will do exactly what I say. Understand?”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Yes or no, Lexie?”


  “Say nothing to anyone. Walk out the door. Now.”

  “Who is it, Lexie?” Cole’s voice was filled with concern.

  She tried sending Cole a reassuring smile, but failed miserably and walked out the door. Cole’s voice rose in pitch, at first shouting for her to come back, and then yelling for Mac.

  She glanced down the hallway. Mac, whose back was to her, was a few yards away. All she had to do was make some kind of sound and he would see her.

  “Here’s something that wasn’t in my dating profile. The Marines taught me to be a damn good sniper. I’ll kill your agent where he stands, Lexie. Turn right and open the second door on your left.”

  She followed the instructions in her ear, moved toward the door, and stopped. “It’s says staff only.”

  “It’s unlocked.”

  She could feel Mac close, so damn close, but this disembodied voice had already killed a federal agent in cold blood. He would not think twice before killing Marcus or Mac. With a shaky hand, she turned the doorknob.

  “Good. Now cross the room to the other exit. Keep your eyes down and don’t say a word to anyone. I’m watching your every move.”

  Beads of sweat streamed down her back. After two minutes of hell, the ER exit stood in front of her.

  “Walk up to the white van and get into the front seat.”

  “Marcus first. Let him go.”

  “You don’t have any bargaining chips. Do as I say or I’ll start dropping that nice family in front of you where they stand.”

  Again she swallowed her terror, placing her concentration on moving one foot in front of the other. And with each step, Mac’s angry, disappointed expression kept pace with her. What if he believed she walked away willingly to meet Ryan? This was going to send him over the edge, and he might never forgive her.

  Another devastating thought hit her and made the sob in her throat burn. What if Mac didn’t try to find her because he believed she was in on everything from the beginning? How would she ever clear her name?

  Lexie jerked her head to rid her mind of that thought. None of it mattered as long as Marcus, Mac, and the bystanders on the sidewalk were safe.

  The automatic door opened and she charged toward the van. Mac’s calm voice came from behind her the instant her hand touched the door handle.

  “Lexie, where are you going?”

  “Get into the van. Now!” A howl of pain from Marcus followed Ryan’s demand.

  She turned to warn Mac. “Don’t … I’m sorry. Please take care of my son.”

  She swung open the door. As she climbed in, several agents rushed out of the exit.

  Mac’s gun was in his hand, but he didn’t raise it. “Don’t get in that van.”

  “He’ll kill you.” She mouthed the words, praying Mac understood and trusted her.

  “Two seconds,” Ryan threatened into her ear.

  Another pain-filled groan came from the back of the van. She slipped into the passenger seat as her gaze never wavered from Mac. The driver peeled away from the curb and headed toward the exit lane. One of the agents stepped into their path, his weapon aimed at the driver.

  “You’d better pray that your boyfriend has the sense to get his man out of the way.”


  The driver floored the accelerator. The agent leaped out of the way an instant before the van could plow him down. He fired two shots. Lexie could hear Mac scream, but she couldn’t make out what he said. At the road, the driver slowed down just enough to make the turn.

  “Toss the phone.”

  Lexie threw the nurse’s phone out the window. It landed on the grass between the curb and the sidewalk. The side door swung open and a man’s body was tossed onto the asphalt. “Marcus!” A scream came from deep inside her throat as her friend rolled a few feet, his body slamming against the gutter.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The conference room filled with agents, but no one dared glanced in Mac’s direction. The wall-sized screen in front of him rendered a black-and-white security image of Lexie outside the ER, the moment she begged him to take care of Gabriel.

  Mac’s breathing came in ragged gasps. Why did she get in that fucking van?

  Whatever the hell was going on with this case, he needed to remain detached even though every muscle in his body screamed to lash out.

  A coffee mug came into view. “Take it, Mac,” Jason said, nodding at the mug.

  “Last thing I need right now.” He placed the coffee on the table in front of one of the agents as Joe Díaz entered the room.

  “Where are we?” Díaz asked.

  “We tracked the van down 12th Street into East Austin, where it was found abandoned. Sarah is trying to come up with possible search patterns,” Mac answered. He was lead agent on the case and losing Lexie fell in his lap.

  “So we are nowhere, again,” Díaz said.

  “That’s my take, sir.” If Mac let the last thread on his control break, there was no telling what he would do. “I take full responsibility for losing Lexie Trevena.”

  Jason nudged him. “Mac, no one is blaming you for …”

  “She was under my protection.” He swiped a hand across the back of his neck and glared at the screen. “She got into that van on her own accord.”

  “Like hell she did.” Jason jolted from his seat. “She was protecting you, her friend—”

  “Was she? Maybe she’s been in on this all along. Look at the facts, Jason. How do you explain any of it?”

  Sarah strolled into the room and slammed a file into Mac’s chest before joining Jason at the table. “You’re not thinking logically right now, Mac. I suggest you shut up.”

  Did his sister-in-law just tell him to shut up? One day he was going to laugh his fucking head off, but not today. “If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, maybe it’s a duck, Sarah.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Lexie is the victim. Your pride is getting in the way of your common sense. Since she didn’t dive into your strong, manly arms, then she must be guilty of working with this guy? Really, Mac? You’re not that self-absorbed.”

  She clicked a few keys on her laptop and the screen changed. Lexie’s financial stat
ements covered the wall. “The $50,000 deposit and withdrawal from her account yesterday is the only abnormality in the last five years. She’s meticulous where her spending is concerned. Only the basics. No thrills, no frills.” Sarah removed the documents from the screen. “Lexie’s spending patterns reflect who she is, a hard-working single mother.”

  “Sarah, can you retrieve any information from the nurse’s cell phone we found with Marcus Aziz?” Díaz asked.

  “I was able to triangulate an optimal position fix between two cell towers from Ryan’s incoming call.” She loaded a street map of Austin. “The van was located in East Austin, and the signal from the cell phone was only a few blocks away.”

  “Where?” Mac couldn’t keep the heat from his voice.

  “A parking garage near the Capitol building.”

  “Why did Ryan park there?” His mind began to flesh out the possibilities of another attack, this time on government buildings.

  “I haven’t a clue but it’s another piece to this puzzle.”

  “What about the photo of Ryan?” Díaz asked.

  “Your agents located it exactly where Cole Guzman said it would be, and that photo was a small gem of information.” She stopped to gesture impatiently at Mac. “Sit. Your hovering is making even me jumpy.”

  He yanked out a chair next to Jason and dropped into it.

  “We ran the image through facial recognition, and our guy has gone to great lengths to erase his digital footprint, but it’s impossible to erase everything.” She pulled up a black and white image of a clean-cut guy in uniform with hard eyes and a no nonsense flex in his jaw. “Meet former Marine sniper, Mick Ryan. After volunteering for several tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he sustained a brain injury from an IED explosion that got him sent home. His military records paint him as a good soldier, but he didn’t settle back into civilian life well. I can’t find any employment for three years.”

  “Not a lot of positions for a sniper in today’s economy? That’s a shocker,” Jason interrupted.

  “It took three assault and battery charges before this guy was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.”


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