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Three by Blades

Page 5

by Paul Blades

  There was a stand outside of the kitchen where the waitresses picked up the silverware for the tables. She felt around inside it and found a butter knife. She tiptoed over to the stairs to the basement. They were lit by a red emergency exit sign. Slowly, she went down, being careful not to fall. She was just able to see down the hallway to the bathroom door. When she reached it, she went in and flicked on the light.

  There were no windows in the basement and so there was no chance anyone would see it. She needed it to unscrew the vent anyway. Standing on the toilet, she was just able to reach it. It was a little bit of a job getting the little screws to move, but after some effort and a little elbow grease, she was able to get them out. Pulling the screen away, she peered into Big Al’s office.

  A shiver went through her. That $30,000 was only about twenty feet away. She took a deep breath. It was now or never.

  Standing on her tip toes, she placed her hands on the sides of the vent and began to pull herself up. It was going to be a tight fit. She got one elbow and shoulder in and then had to contort herself to squeeze the other through. She was dangling half in and half out of Al’s office. It was as dark as night in there. She tried to look down to see if there was anything she could use to soften her landing, but it was too dark to tell. She would just have to let herself fall to the floor and hope for the best.

  Counting, “One, two, three….” she wriggled her hips until her torso was all the way through. She put her hands out in front of her and let herself fall. Lucky for her, there was a couch there. She bounced off of it and hit the floor. She was in.

  If she remembered right, there was a light switch to the right of the door. She crawled over on her hands and knees until she bumped up against it. Rising slowly, she placed her hand on the wall looking for the switch. When she found it, she flipped the light open.

  The room filled with a cascade of light. It almost made her jump. Even though there were no windows, she couldn’t help but get the feeling that the light could be seen outside. It was just her nervousness and fear, she knew that. She took a deep breath.

  Al’s office was a pig sty. There were papers and trash and empty beer bottles all over the place. On his desk was a big ash tray with the stubs of what looked like ten or so cigars in it. There were ashes everywhere. A shelf held a set of booze supply catalogues, all tabbed and crinkled. They were covered with dust and ash. On the walls were pictures of naked women showing their stuff. And not just their tits either. One girl had her legs spread and was pulling aside the lips to her cunt. Another was bent over, her head peeking over her hip and her hand between her legs diddling herself.

  And there, on the floor, in the corner of the room, was the safe.

  It was an old job, dark green from oxidation on the outside. A bunch of papers were scattered on top of it. The door was partially closed. As she crouched down to swing the door open, she remembered that she hadn’t brought anything to put the cash in. She looked around and saw an empty plastic bag all scrunched up in the opposite corner. She went back to her feet and retrieved it. Then she returned to the safe.

  Kneeling on the floor, she swung the door open. At first, she couldn’t see anything. The front part of the safe was empty. She leaned over to get a better look and saw the bundles of cash all lined up along the back. It was a pretty sight.

  Her heart was beating wildly. Her mouth was dry and her hands were sweaty. “What are you waiting for, Deirdre, honey?” she thought to herself. “This is what you came for.”

  She reached her right hand into the safe to take hold of one of the bundles. She had just gotten her fingers on it when she felt something move inside the safe. All of a sudden, there was pressure around her wrist and a clicking noise.

  “Owwwww!” she yelled as something pinched her. She tried to pull her hand back, but it was stuck. She yanked it hard several times, but whatever had fastened around her wrist wouldn’t let go. She tried twisting and turning her hand, but the band around her wrist was too tight.

  Deirdre began to panic. “Oh my god!” she thought. If she couldn’t get her hand out, Big Al would find her here in the morning! She had a sinking feeling in her belly. She gave her arm three more, hard yanks. No luck. She fought back her tears.

  “Maybe if I stick in the other hand I can pry it loose,” she thought. “Just don’t panic! There’s got top be a way out of this!”

  She leaned further over and inserted her left hand into the safe. She felt the band around her right wrist. It was metal and hard. She felt around it for a seam. She couldn’t find anything. It was connected to a rod that came out of the top of the safe.

  Shifting herself until she was closer to the safe, she moved her left hand up to see if there was some connector or something that she could loosen. All of a sudden, there was that clicking noise again. Something surrounded her left wrist! She tied to yank it out, but it too was stuck fast.

  “Oh my god! Oh my god!” she moaned. “Oh my god!”

  She panicked. She yanked and yanked and yanked as hard as she could until it felt like her skin was coming off. Her wrists didn’t move at all. She put her feet against the bottom of the safe and pushed, leaning back as far as she could go. That didn’t work either. She yanked again, three, four, five times. It was no use. She was stuck.

  Deirdre burst into tears. She was in a fucking mess! Who knew what Big Al would do to her? Why did these things always happen to her? It was a simple score! Nothing like this should have happened! It was like someone had set a trap for her.

  And then she really got scared. What if it was a trap? What if Al had known she was in the bathroom and set the whole thing up? Nobody knew she was here. She could just disappear. They were probably getting her stuff from the bunk house now even as she knelt here trapped. Her keys were on her dresser. They could just drive her car away and it would be just like she took off.

  Deirdre knelt there getting more and more scared as time went on. It was at least twenty minutes since she had gotten caught. She was thirsty and her back ached from being bent over. The floor was hurting her knees.

  And then she heard voices. Deep, male voices in the hall. She looked at the bottom of the door and she could see that the light was on. “Oh my god! It’s Al!” she screamed inwardly.

  When she heard the key in the lock, she almost threw up. And then the door opened. In walked Big Al and Ray with shiteating grins on their faces.

  “Hiya, honey,” Big Al said. “Did I catch you at a bad moment?”

  Ray guffawed. “That’s a good one, Al! That’s mighty good!”

  Deirdre just looked up at the men dolefully.

  They came up to her and stood there for a few moments looking at her.

  “That’s three this year, Al,” Ray said.

  “No,” Al corrected him, “that’s five. There was one while you away and that one week when we got two.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Ray answered.

  “P,please, Mr. Bundy, I’m sorry. Please let me go. I won’t ever do anything like this again.”

  Deirdre was giving it her best shot. Her voice was meek and self effacing. There were tears in her eyes, and not fake ones either.

  “No, I guess the hell you won’t, sweetie,” Al replied. And then to Ray he said, “Grab her head.”

  Ray stepped forward and took a hold of Deirdre’s thick, black hair. Al had gone over to his desk and returned with a long, wide strip of clear packing tape.

  “Hold her chin,” Al said.

  “No, please….” Deirdre started to say. Ray cut her off by jamming his right hand under her chin and pushing downwards with the hand in her hair. Deirdre’s mouth snapped shut. While Ray held her still, Al applied the tape across her mouth, silencing her.

  “That’ll be all the squawking out of you, honey,” he told her. He walked back to his desk and returned with a pair of scissors. “Here, Ray, you like to do this stuff.”

  Ray took the scissors, smiling. He stepped behind Deirdre and took hold of the bottom of
her t-shirt. Within a few seconds, he had cut it all the way up her back. “No bra!” he announced merrily. He then cut up both sleeves and the t-shirt came peeling off.

  Deirdre moaned in protest. But inside she was saying to herself, “Maybe I’ll get out of this thing by giving these guys a piece of my ass.” But then she heard Big Al get on the phone.

  “Hiya Jesse,” he said. “Sorry to call you so late. I’ve got a live one…..Yeah….Yeah, the regular price….Oh, we’ll have her ready in about a half hour or so….Come by the back door, we’ll be waiting for you.”

  Panic ran through Deirdre’s body. Could what she heard mean what she thought it did? Was Big Al going to sell her to somebody? “Oh my god! Oh my god!” she thought.

  “Please! Please! Don’t sell me, please!” she tried to say. Her voice just came out muffled and incomprehensible.

  Meanwhile, Ray had taken hold of her shorts. He cut up one leg and then the other. Deirdre squealed in protest. When he was done, he pulled them off from behind like a magician pulling a cloth off of a table loaded with china. “Ta dahhhhhhhh!” he announced.

  She felt the fabric run over her bare pudenda, burning her. Except for her high heels, she was as naked as the day she was born. “Mmmmmmpf!” she protested. She gave a few futile, desperate yanks of her hands.

  Al was getting up from his desk. She could see that he had a tube of something in his hand.

  “You cunts think that you’re all so smart. Every couple of months we run this old gag and some skeevy chick like you falls for it. Well, you won’t have the chance to ever do it again, I can tell you that. Not where you’re going.”

  Deirdre whined as she saw him place a dollop of some greasy substance on his left hand. With his right, he was lowering his fly. When it was down, he yanked out his piece.

  He knelt down behind her and applied the gunk to her little brown star.

  “Pleeeeeeeeease! Pleeeeeeeeesae!” she yelled, or tried to. It came out as a muffled and low volume, “…eeeeeee! …eeeeeeee.”

  She felt Big Al press up behind her and probe the entrance to her bowels with the tip of his long, fat prick.

  “…ooooooooo!” she called out. Al lodged the head of his cock just inside her anus and took hold of her hips.

  “Just relax and enjoy it, honey,” he told her, amusement in his voice. “It won’t be the first and it certainly won’t be the last time you’ll be butt fucked. At least this time it won’t cost me $100 bucks!” He laughed. She could hear Ray snorting too.

  Realizing that fighting it would get her nowhere, Deirdre tried to relax her sphincter muscles to admit the hard, swollen member. It still stretched the tender tissues as Al pressed himself forward. She groaned in pain.

  “Oooooooouuuuu!” Al said as he glided inwards. “That’s hot and tight, baby. Oooooooouuuuuu! Yeah!”

  He began to saw himself back and forth. Deirdre cried and moaned as she suffered under his assault. She was leaning forward, her breasts on her knees. “Mmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmm!” she called out as he went to town on her.

  ‘Oh, baby! Oh baby!” he kept saying. He slid his hands off of her hips and grabbed her breasts from behind. He squeezed them harshly, using his fingers to pinch her thick nipples.

  “Ooooooouuuuuuu!” Deirdre yelled as the pain shot through her. “Oooooooouuuuuu! Oooooooooouuu!”

  “Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!” Deirdre just kept repeating to herself. The sawing of Big Al’s cock had gone past the point of pain and she was starting to get a tingling back there. She moaned in unhappiness. She yanked a few more times at her wrists. Al’s belly was up against her back and his hips were pumping furiously.

  “Yi, doggie!” he yelled. “Here it comes, bitch! Here it comes!”

  “Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” Al cried out as he came. The pumping of his hips accelerated. His grips on her tits became more fierce.

  “Ride ‘em cowboy!” he yelled.

  Deirdre heard Ray yell “Oooooooooooweeeeeeee!”

  When Al’s convulsions had finished, he released her bruised breasts and let his cock slip from her bung hole. He got up and pushed his prick back into his pants. Ray stood next to him. He was getting his cock ready.

  “I’m going to fuck her pussy,” he announced.

  Deirdre said to herself, “No way!” It was one thing to have Big Al fuck you, and even that was pretty bad, but Ray was just a skeeve. When she looked at him, his thin, impoverished face, his stringy black and grey hair, his yellow teeth, all she could think of was disease. If he wanted to fuck her, he would have to earn it.

  He knelt behind her. She pressed her knees together. He placed his hands on the insides of her thighs and tried to spread them. Deirdre just kept them as tight as she could. She hadn’t realized it, but she discovered that she had been crying. She hated that. She didn’t want to do any more crying. She would tough it out somehow.

  “What’s the matter, Ray,” Al asked. He was back at his desk, sitting in his chair, unwrapping a long, thick cigar.

  “She won’t open her legs,” Ray complained. “I can’t fuck her if she won’t open her legs!”

  Al laughed. “Here, I’ll take care of that in a jiffy,” he proffered.

  He got up from his desk and pulled a cheap, plastic butane lighter from his pocket. He crouched down next to Ray.

  “Now, honey,” he said. “I’ve got this lighter here and I’m going to use it on your ass until you spread those pretty little legs and let ol’ Ray here fuck you. So unless you want a red behind, I’d spread ‘em if I was you.”

  Deirdre looked back and saw Al smiling like he really wanted to burn her. She heard the click of the lighter and, a second later, felt the heat on the lower cheeks of her ass. She screeched.

  Then the sensation was gone. A few seconds later, it was back. She screeched again. It lasted a little longer this time and began to hurt.

  “I’m just going to leave it a little bit longer each time, honey. You know sooner or later you’ll open up, so all that pain is going to be suffered for nothing.”

  The lighter clicked once more. Its flame licked closer to her small, brown ring. He held it there for three seconds. Deirdre let out a howl. “Ooooooouuuuuuuuu!”

  She was convinced. “Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm!” she whined. She spread her thighs, tears flowing down her face.

  “Now that’s more like it,” Ray said. “Thanks, Al.”

  “No problem, Ray, but don’t take too long. Jessie’ll be here soon.”

  At that Deirdre gave out another moan. She had to convince them not to sell her! She just had too! But with her mouth all closed up, she couldn’t even talk. “Mmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmm!” she whined again.

  Ray had inserted his hand between her legs. She felt his palm and fingers cover her mound. Most of the girls shaved clean down there. Deirdre didn’t. She left a little line of jet black hair around the entrance, just enough so that you could see it. It made a nice contrast with her pale skin and the guys liked to run their hands over the little hairs. “I ain’t no little girl’s pussy,” her twat said, “I’m a cunt!”

  “Hey, she’s all wet,” Ray announced. “She must like to get butt fucked.”

  “They all like it,” Al returned, “even the ones who say they don’t.”

  Deirdre was mortified that her pussy had lubricated. Her mortification was increased exponentially when she felt Ray’s cock press aside her labial lips from behind. “Ooooohhhhhhh!” she moaned.

  Ray took her in hard, short strokes. Like Al, he took hold of her breasts and squeezed them while he ran his pole in and out of her quim. “Why is this happening to me?” Deirdre called out inside. “Why?” She felt like she was in some horrid nightmare. What was happening, and what was apparently going to happen, just couldn’t be real. Could it?

  “Oh, baby, you’ve got a real hot box,” Ray exclaimed. “They’re going to love you down in Mexico.”

  ` “Mexico!” Deirdre exclaimed to herself. “I don’t want to go to Mexico! Oh, please, god, no!”
  Just then Ray’s cock began to throb and pulse within her. Her pussy had just started to respond to his thrusts. “Ahhhhhhhh!” he groaned.

  Deirdre was furious that the two men had dumped their loads into her. The last time she had had sex with someone without a condom she had been in high school and didn’t know any better. Now all that caution was by the boards. Who knew where these scumbags’ cocks had been.

  “You done, Ray?” Big Al asked him. “It’s about time we got this thieving bitch ready for her long ride.”

  Ray was done. While he zippered up, Al came over to where Deirdre knelt on the floor. She looked over her shoulder and saw that he was carrying two pairs of handcuffs. He hung them out and jangled them together for her benefit. “I’ve got some jewelry for you, honey,” he sad gloatingly.

  Ray held her in place while Al fastened one pair of handcuffs to her ankles. She groaned when she heard them grind closed. Then Al knelt next to her and reached in where her hands were confined. He had a little key in his hand. She felt him fiddling at her left wrist and then she felt it come free. For a moment, she was able to waive it around in a futile attempt to prevent the cuff from going on. Al quickly captured it and clicked the steel manacle around her wrist.

  “…ooooooooooo!” Deirdre called out.

  Al ignored her outburst. “Hey, Ray,” he said. “Slide over here and take hold of her wrist behind her back while I unlock the other one.”

  “Okay, Al,” Ray mumbled. Without letting go of her body, he slid behind her and took her left wrist form Al. Al went to the right of her and put his hands in the safe. This time, when he unlocked her right wrist, he took hold of it right away. She tried to resist it being pulled behind her, but her strength was no match for Al’s. Within a few moments he had both wrists locked together.

  “There you go bitch,” Al told her. “All trussed up and ready to go.”


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