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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

Page 2

by Autumn Winchester

  “How did she do last night?” Clare asked.

  “Not too bad,” Trent shrugged out. “She woke a couple times but didn’t have any issues with going back to sleep. Although she slept in my bed.” He ended with a sheepish expression and ran a hand through his short hair. He had heard so many times from mothers with young children to never let a child sleep in the bed with an adult. He never could figure out why, as long as it didn’t hurt anything and if it kept Sarah content, then he’d do just about anything.

  “There’s toys for me!” Sarah shouted out, a wide smile on her face. “More than the ones at mommy’s house.”

  “Yeah, I may have gone a little overboard with getting her some things,” Trent said embarrassedly, running a hand down his face. He was still such a child himself at times, he couldn’t help but spoil the little girl.

  “Any word on the mother?” Chase said, laying a possessive hand on Summer’s knee. Ryder sat in one of the chairs. The only reason he was here was because he felt that Sarah needed the extra protection. The men couldn’t be too sure on who would come out of the woodwork, claiming the child as their own. It always happened. And was bound to happen now with how adorable Sarah was.

  "A few leads," Ryder answered with a shrug. “A number of people claiming to be a relative of some sort, but Kayla took a DNA test, and we are working on getting one that proves someone is truly related to little Sarah, before letting anyone come near her, but nothing yet.

  “Although, the DNA did match one of the men that have been caught almost a week ago. David Burner was found guilty of child trafficking, drug holding, and a number of other charges. The mother is not known as of yet. Hoping that she will turn up sooner or later.”

  “Are you sure?” Asher asked.

  “Yep,” Ryder drawled out. “Can you do your magic skills, and find every little detail on Mr. Burner? He’s bound to be some sort of social media.”

  “Not a problem,” Asher said, already getting up to grab his computer. Clare took his seat, looking after him with a wistful look. “Give me about an hour.” He then took his computer to the kitchen and set it down. He tended to cuss a lot if the machine refused to work the way he wanted, so he chose to move to the other room away from little ears.

  “Trent?” Sarah asked, sitting up to look at the bigger man that she held no fear for. She looked at him like a girl would to a father figure.

  “Yeah, sweetie?” he answered, his eyes kind and a sweet smile on his face for her, his look similar to hers.

  “Did you get any books?” she asked with her head tilted to the side.

  "Uh . . . no?" Trent answered, not sure why the child would need, or want, a book. He himself never really read unless he had to.

  “Okay,” Sarah answered, only slightly sad at that. “I like books.”

  “I’ll make sure you get some,” Chase said, amused at the shocked look on Trent’s face.

  Shortly after that, Sarah declared she wanted to color, and she somehow talked almost everyone in the room to color with her. Chase leaned against the seat of the couch, paying attention to his wife more than the coloring page that sat on the table in front of him.

  Summer took her time coloring her page that Sarah had picked out, as the child chatted on about a number of things. Chase couldn’t help but notice how Summer was with Sarah, helping her with her colors, and listening to her talk. Maybe he’d have to rethink the entire heir thing, as his mind flashed to picture in his mind of Summer round with his child. She would look sexy being a mother, no doubt about it.

  He could see a light in his wife’s eyes, and he knew it hadn’t been there for many, many years. She had something worth fighting for and he sure as hell would help her fight. He didn't know if he could ever convey to her just how much he loved her but he would spend the rest of their lives showing her.

  Chase couldn’t believe that she let him kiss her that way he had. His lips still tingled, now half an hour later, from the kiss. More importantly, he couldn’t wait to do it again. He was sure that it showed on his face, but thankfully no one commented on it. Yet.

  “Hey, boss man,” Asher hollered out from the kitchen.

  With a suppressed sigh, Chase pushes himself up from the floor, thinking he was getting too old for this crap. Walking to the kitchen, he refilled his coffee cup before looking over Asher’s shoulder to see what he had found.

  “There’s not much, but more than what Ryder could find,” Asher started off. “He’s had a few girls in and out of his home, some dying from ‘natural causes’, so the deaths were never investigated properly. Plus, there was no one looking for the women.

  “He makes a lot of money, but he spends it almost as fast as he gets it. Spends it on drugs, women, and who knows what else. But he sells drugs, and the women that survive in his household, making somewhat of a profit.” Asher brought up a screen that gave detailed accounts of where money left, and where it came in from.

  “No wife, no known children in the database,” he went on, pulling up the man’s Facebook account. “On first glance, he seems like a normal guy, working hard at some accountant office. But here lies his true evil.”

  Asher then pulled up a picture of a young woman that had dark hair. She didn't look like his usual type. She looked like an older version of Sarah, just a tad bit darker skin. Dark brown eyes hid more secrets and pain than the child’s. They could only guess at what dark stories were behind that look.

  “I’m guessing this gal here is Sarah’s mother. There’s no name, but I’ve run it through the face recognition program, and she works a few towns over. There’s not much information on her like she wanted to be unable to be found. Seeing what this guy is capable of who could blame her.

  “Name is Abigail Rihan. I don’t have an exact address for her, but she does work in a coffee shop and motel. No info on a daughter; no unpaid bills,” he finished. “No credit cards. Nothing.”

  “I’ll send Carter to go pick her up,” Chase said after a moment of thought. He sipped his coffee, wondering if there was a way he could figure out if this woman, who was just barely twenty years old, was Sarah’s mother.

  “Do you want anyone else to go with him?” Asher asked, looking over his shoulder at Chase with a calculated look.

  “I should,” the man mused. “But I need men here.”

  “A few of our men have been caught with Jason’s men, others working on giving us the information on who was on his side, and who was on ours. I fear that the ones caught may try to give out Chase’s location so you shouldn't be out and about more than you need to be,” Ryder spoke up.

  “I don’t fear them,” Chase said with a shake of his head. He knew that the men would rat him out, but he made sure everything was clean and tidy. No fingerprints. No cause of alarm. “I’m more worried about my wife being in the crossfire. I can deal with the FEDS if it comes to that.”

  “Of course you can,” Asher laughed out. “What if we send Pa?” Pa was what Asher called Ivan, as it seemed to fit.

  “Or a better idea,” Ryder said as a thought occurred to him. “Let Sarah see the picture. She could tell us if this is her mom. Ivan said he wants out of the day to day stuff, as much as he possibly can be, taking more of a backseat on petty issues.”

  Chase should have thought about it himself, so he simply shrugged, taking another drink of his now lukewarm coffee. Trent was the one that went and got Sarah, asking her to look at the picture for them while Summer and Clare began to make lunch. Clare couldn’t help but notice that there was more bounce to Summer’s steps and movements.

  "That’s mommy!” Sarah exclaimed before anyone could ask her. “I miss her,” her voice turned sad.

  “I know you do,” Trent said, bending to her level. “How about I go and pick her up and bring her here to you?”

  Sarah’s face broke out into a wide grin as she jumped up and down, nodding her head.

  “Okay, then,” Trent laughed. “Carter and I will go get her. I need you stay here w
ith Aunt Summer and Uncle Chase.”

  “Trent,” Chase warned, not wanting to get the child’s hope up, nor his cousin’s.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Carter said, stepping into the kitchen. He caused both girls to jump, as they hadn’t heard him come in. “Sorry, ladies.” He knew that Trent would be keeping the girl, and her mother, if she was in such a rundown part of town as she probably was. Abigail certainly had nothing to go back to, so what better place than somewhere Trent would set up?

  “Where’s Hawk?” Chase asked before they could leave.

  “Dealing with his side of things,” Carter answered. “Peter’s with him, helping to keep him on track. I think. I’m not calling him to check in again.” Carter shivered, remembering the panting he had heard. He knew they were definitely not doing what they said they were. Hopefully, Jack would get his end cleaned up, he was trying to find out what happen in the death of his birth father Ethan Hawk.

  “Fine with me,” Chase laughed, taking a seat on one of the kitchen chairs a little heavier than he intended.

  Carter and Trent left shortly after, saying they’d grab something to eat on the way, as the town that Abigail was in was at least a two-hour drive, depending on traffic. They hoped to get to her before one of Burner’s contacts could.

  Clare and Summer made grilled cheese sandwiches and canned tomato soup for everyone, buttering each side with a garlic butter that was in the fridge. After the first time that Summer had tried it, she couldn’t go back to just regular toasted cheese sandwiches. The garlic butter was one of the best things ever created, she thought.

  It didn’t take long to make enough for everyone still in the house, and Summer was quick to get Sarah a small cup of milk as she sat next to Chase, happily talking his ear off about the TV shows she got to watch that morning. Chase tried to follow along, but he knew nothing about the shows or kid stuff. Apparently, he was doing okay in her eyes as she kept talking. Summer was sure she just liked the attention.

  It didn’t take long for Sarah to practically inhale her food before she dashed off to find a bathroom to go potty. Clare followed her at a slower pace, wanting to give the child the time to learn where the bathrooms were on her own. Everyone knew that Trent would be keeping the girl at a safe place, and most likely be here more often than not.

  Once everyone else was done eating, Summer took care of the plates, even though Chase had told her she didn’t need to worry about it.

  “I don’t mind,” Summer said. “It gives me something to do.” She then brushed a kiss against his cheek before turning to her back to clean the dishes also hiding her blush.

  Chase smiled to himself as his cheek tingled from where her lips had touched. She could do that anytime she wanted to, he decided. He loved that fact that she was showing her emotions more and more. Even with a houseful of people on top of everything else.

  Not long after, Sarah asked if they could make cookies, as she didn’t get to have them often. Of course, being suckered into it by a three-year-old girl, Summer smiled and agreed before getting out the items to make peanut butter with chocolate chip cookies.

  Summer knew that Chase was watching her, so she couldn’t help but tease him, just a little. She didn’t want to draw attention to herself more than she already had, but she felt in control for once in her life. As she added the peanut butter to the dough mixture, she let her hips sway, just a little, to make it looked like it was almost natural as she stirred.

  Chase shifted, trying to get his pants to be a little more comfortable as his cock stirred. He couldn’t wait to see what she’d be like in bed once she figured out how well she was wrapped around his finger. He almost groaned aloud, barely catching himself. Somehow, he was able to contain the groan of want, as Summer put balled cookies on a cookie sheet, Sarah sitting on the counter watching and waiting to steal some uncooked dough. She let Sarah press the balls with a fork so she would feel like she helped.

  Once the cookies were in the oven to cook, Summer handed the almost empty bowl to Sarah, who pretty much licked it clean. Afterward, Summer cleaned her up and wiped down the counters after helping little Sarah get down.

  Once everything was cleaned up, for the time being, Summer turned around, blushing as Chase’s green eyes bore into her. Her heart began to beat faster, and she could feel those butterflies in her lower stomach once again. This time, it was her swallowing a groan as she looked at him.

  What are you doing to me? she thought to herself as she reddened further.

  “You are adorable,” Chase stated, standing up and walking to her. He then caged her in against the counter. “And a tease.”

  “Am not,” Summer breathed out as her voice gave out. But she was, and Summer couldn’t help but love teasing him.

  With an amused smile, Chase leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Summer’s lips, making sure to not let it get out of hand this time.

  Chapter 3


  She couldn’t believe it, let alone still grasp the concept that she was safe. Safe from David and the life he had wanted to force on her.

  Abigail never once thought that her life would turn for the worse like it had. David had seemed to be the sweetest man alive. He had taken care of her, showed her how sweet and loving he could be.

  That only lasted for a short while before his true colors showed. It was such a slow burn; she hadn’t seen it until it was almost too late. It started out with a little control here and there. From what she was allowed to wear, to where she could go and what time she had to be home. It had only escalated from there.

  As time went on, David took charge of what Abigail ate. It got to the point that she felt trapped, and knew she had to get out.

  His jokes about having a slave in the house froze her heart to stone each time, and she knew, without question, that she had to leave. He bragged about her to his male friends, not caring that she heard or about the rude comments they shot her way.

  So she began to save what little money she could. She made sure to keep it hidden the best she could in her purse, wrapped between a couple of girl products, knowing he’d never dare touch them if he could help it.

  When Abigail had found his phone laying out after he went to go take a shower, she had to look. Although her stomach fell to her feet like a sinking stone, she read text messages upon text messages. They went into detail of where he planned to take her the next week. He planned to sell her to the highest bidder, even drugging her if he had to, to get her there.

  A couple of days later, the chance to run arrived. David had a meeting for work, and would be gone for at least an hour. Two tops. Abigail packed a backpack with a few clothes and took off. She left her phone on the filthy sofa and didn’t look back.

  She didn’t stop for two days. First taking a taxi to the bus stop, then she hopped onto a bus and went as far as most of her money would take her. Abigail didn’t care where she ended up, as long as it was as far away from David Bashor as she could get.

  In a blink of an eye, Abigail was living as low as she could. Finding out she was pregnant made her want to return back to her hometown, but yet to keep running at the same time. She knew that David would force her to take care of the baby by making her have an abortion. That was not an option in any way.

  So instead, Abigail took small jobs throughout her pregnancy, making sure she saved whatever she could to pay for hotel rooms or small apartments. She took small jobs, being paid under the table, as the owners of the small jobs felt sorry for her and the predicament she was in.

  Shortly after her baby girl, Sarah was born, Abigail slowly made her way back to her hometown. She hoped that her parents would take her back in. If only for a week or so.

  Abigail never did get along with her parents, as they were the most stuck up people she ever knew. They wanted to her go to college, living a dream that neither of them was able to do. Now, surely that would have been a better way to go than the path that she ended up on.

  She had run
out money by the time she reached a town a couple of hours away from where she last knew her parents lived. Sarah was just three years old, and she knew a new job was needed to finish making her way.

  It didn’t take much work, to talk the owner of the small cafe, and then the coffee shop across the street, to hire her. Her daughter was the key to keeping the low paying jobs, but Abigail would take whatever she could get.

  At first, she took the small loft area above the coffee shop, making a very small rent payment each month right after she found the shop owner. It leaked when it rained, but it was better than living out on the street.

  She was able to live there for a year before Sarah kept getting sick due to the mold. Abigail knew she couldn’t risk her daughter’s health, so she looked around for something a bit warmer and dryer.


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