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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

Page 5

by Autumn Winchester

  “Get a room, lovers,” Asher said, leaning against the stairs. He was lucky he hadn’t come into the main house five minutes earlier.

  Summer blushed, as Chase lowed her legs to the floor, hiding her face in Chase’s chest as she shook with amused laughter.

  “It’s my house,” Chase said, but there was a lightness to his voice that hadn’t been there months ago. It was amazing how just a simple orgasm changed his entire mood or even the company of his princess.

  “At least I used my room,” Asher shrugged. Chase hoped that they were using protection since neither of the girls was yet on birth control.

  “Whatever, dude,” Clare said, amused. “How about we go out somewhere to eat dinner tonight. It would be nice to see the town.”

  “Sounds good,” Chase said, keeping his arms wrapped around his wife. “Let me get a few things taken care of, then we can go.”

  “No longer than an hour,” Asher said before turning to go back to his apartment area.

  Clare laughed following behind him, knowing exactly what Chase and Summer were just doing. It didn’t help Summer’s embarrassment at being caught any easier. Chase kissed the top of her head, not wanting to let her go, but the sticky, cooling mess in his pants was not very comfortable.

  “Baby, let’s take a bath?” Summer blushed and nodded her head, looking anywhere but Chase’s eyes. He took her small hand in his to lead her upstairs.

  There, he helped strip her clothes off while waiting for the shower water to warm. He knew that if they did the bathtub, they would surely not be out in time to get to dinner. After kissing Summer’s lips once more, he backed up, taking off his own clothes, watching how his wife’s eyes took in his naked form.

  “See something you like?” he asked, a little too smugly.

  “Of course,” she said, ducking her head, her voice a whisper.

  “Come on, baby,” Chase said, helping her first into the shower before he followed after checking the temperature.

  First, he washed her from head to toe, paying extra attention to her hair and massaging her scalp. Summer loved it when he did that and told him so as she kept her eyes closed. There was just something about the way that he knew her so well. They were both so in tuned to one another, it was almost scary.

  Chase then made sure to rinse her body off completely before she took a hold of the soap, and began to wash him in the same manner. Although, he did duck down so she could reach the top of his head, and he couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight of her nipples.

  Somehow, they did refrain from getting touchy or too carried away. Though, the only thing that was stopping them was the fact that Asher knocked, loudly, on the bathroom door. Chase as well as Summer both groaned out loud, as Asher knocked again. Summer, because it seemed every time she thought she was finally going to get Chase to do more than just a few stolen kisses or a little snuggling something happened to interrupt.

  He turned off the water reluctantly and helped his wife out of the shower, reaching for a towel to dry Summer off, taking care of her. She blushed the whole time, but she didn’t cover herself up. He already had seen her body naked, so there was no point in doing so.

  After she was dried, and Chase had a towel around his waist, Summer went to the closet to pick out clothes. Feeling like she had power over the man, she dressed sexier. Tight fitting jeans and a lower cut dark red shirt that showed some cleavage.

  She headed back into the bathroom to dry her hair as Chase dressed, she couldn’t wait to see how Chase treated her as they would be going out, like a normal couple. Not as the prince and princess.

  Chapter 6

  Summer was cold to the bone. She hadn’t been this cold for a very long time, yet her body was curled into a tight ball. She hardly had any clothes on and her teeth chattered together as her body shuddered. She was twelve at the time, already fearing for her worthless life. It was too soon to fear for one’s life, but living in a world of hatred would do that to anyone.

  She wasn’t sure what she had done, but again she was dragged to the basement. The cold basement in the middle of the winter. There were no blankets, no source of warmth. Not even a light to chase away the shadows. Was she looking at the gifts that were wrapped under the brightly lit tree too long? Or had she merrily forgotten to make a certain meal for the man?

  She had no idea. Of course, she couldn’t remember the man too well, as she was not permitted to look at him in the face. Which was fine by her. But he had a family. She thought maybe, just maybe, she’d be treated like a family member here. Although she didn’t know what that felt like. After all, she was just a pet, not even treated as good as most strays.

  All she could remember before the man grabbed her and dragged her downstairs was walking by the living room to go to the bathroom. The son, David, had looked at her in a lustful way before his father damned her to her prison once more. His greasy black hair always wanted to make her skin crawl, and the pimpled face didn’t help any.

  David was as sick as his father and never hid it from the household. Actually, he was probably worse than his father. The mother was just as bad when she was there. But she wasn’t there half the time, so the man and his son made Summer’s life a living hell. David was four years older than her and he loved to force himself on her, even though she was only fifteen. Sometimes, the father would watch, other times he’d join in. Summer knew she wasn’t the only one that they did it too, either.

  Summer was sure that the two of them had girls lined up, ready for their use at almost any given time. Most may have been outside of the house, as she never saw them. That didn’t mean she never heard them on certain nights when she was locked away.

  She could feel the tears falling down her cheeks, knowing that she really hadn’t done anything to deserve such a life. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see her mom, who she hadn’t seen for over three years now.

  She missed the sweet, concerned eyes of the boy that she only saw that once so long ago. Summer wanted to find out who the green eyes belonged to that she dreamed about. Those were the eyes that looked into her soul and the only thing that gave her the will to keep going most days. She wasn’t even sure if the eyes were a dream or happened in real life anymore. Did it even matter?


  “Honey,” Chase’s voice broke through. “Wake up, Summer.” His voice was persistent and almost sad.

  With a groan, she forced her eyes opened, meeting Chase’s concerned green eyes. The same eyes she had just been dream thinking of.

  “There you are,” he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You were crying in your sleep.” He was worried, and rightfully so. He was unable to stop himself from moving some of the stray hair that covered her face with his fingers.

  “Oh,” Summer said as she slowly became aware. Her cheeks were wet with tears, and Chase gently wiped them away with his thumb. “Just . . . things I can’t change.” She gave him a sad smile and a one-shouldered shrug.

  She laid there on her back, her reddish brown hair almost like a halo around her head and shoulders. Even waking from a nightmare, she was his shining star, the one person he couldn’t help but adore and gaze upon.

  “Are you okay?” Chase asked. He desperately wanted to know what she was dreaming but didn’t want to push her.

  “Yeah,” she said, closing her eyes for a moment again, hiding her blue eyes from his view. “Just a dream of being locked away.”

  “That won’t happen here,” Chase promised. He would prove it to her, even if it took years upon years to do so. He pressed a tender loving kiss to her forehead, and Summer melted into it.

  Summer had made a lot of progress over the last three weeks. She was asking something every day about the way Chase did things, or about his background. She wanted to know everything about him. She felt safe in his presence, and never once feared him. A huge contrast to where she was mentally not that long ago.

  Chase made sure to answer everything as well as he could and s
he was learning some of the ways that Chase dealt with things. Being a Princess of the Marcel family came with a lot of work, but also with a lot of peace of mind. Summer knew that she needed to know how to use the programs Chase used each day, just in case he needed something while he was out of the house and she was home. The programs dealt with the accounts, face recognition, media, and surveillance. There were dozens of programs and Summer took each one in stride, even the ones she found more difficult to grasp.

  It was amazing how many programs he used and relied on constantly. He had surveillance programs set up that would let him know if someone he didn’t trust was within a certain distance. Or if a certain person was seen in an area that he didn’t want them in.

  Although Asher ran most of the programming, Chase knew the ins and out of each computer program just as well. He wasn’t a fan of doing the work behind the scene, but could.

  He was patient, answering questions and re-showing Summer if she didn’t understand something. He was pleasantly surprised that she took to the whole program thing with a new outlook. She didn’t give herself enough credit, and Chase made sure to tell her just that a time or two.

  She had one more week of school to finish, and she had no idea what to do next. She couldn’t believe how fast time had gone by since her dreaded birthday. It was turning out to be better than she could ever expect it to. A year ago, Summer was sure she’d be dead, or close to, by now. But, she was here, alive and well. Her heart still beat inside her body in a steady thump.

  She was sure that the dream was because of her unknown future and what she would do with her life now that she was free. Or maybe it was how Zinna and Clare talked more freely about their past. Clare didn’t bat an eye on what had happened to her. Zinna didn’t talk about her past as much, and neither did Summer. They both felt like there was enough that was already said; no point in keeping it at the front of their minds.

  “Do you want to talk to mom?” Chase asked, already thinking maybe sleeping pills would help. Or maybe she needed to be back on an anti-anxiety med.

  “No. No more drugs,” Summer stated. She was now off the Xanax and she didn’t want to go back on. She knew the motherly figure would want her to go back on the meds, and Summer really was doing well during the day. It was only the recent dreams that affected her now. She was sure that they would pass in due time.

  "Okay," Chase said, obeying her wishes. He kissed her head and brought her closer to his own body.

  She snuggled into his chest, warm and safe. It was such a stark contrast to what her dream was like. All thoughts left her as she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of her husband. She never wanted to move from his hold.

  “I never thought I’d be here,” Summer mused aloud.

  “But I’m so glad you are,” Chase replied, squeezing her to his body for emphasis.

  “Me too,” she replied. She had yet to figure out what to really call him, as he was more than just Chase to her. She pressed a kiss to his bare chest, feeling the small hairs tickling her nose.

  By the time she woke up the next morning, Chase was already up and out of bed and the clock on the bedside table showed that it was just after seven-thirty. She was not yet used to getting so much sleep each night, but it seemed like she could never get enough. Summer’s iron levels were still low but improving every day that went by. Clare and Summer made sure to make at least one meal a day together, let it be breakfast or dinner. It was their time to be together without any men.

  Summer looked forward to that time of day the most, knowing that her time with her sister was soon to be cut short. Asher and Clare would be moving out once she finished high school, as they couldn’t stay living in Chase’s apartment upstairs forever. Although Chase had said that he didn’t mind one bit.

  Chase did stop spending so much money on Clare, just because Asher beat him to buying things more often than not. He still treated her the same way, though, like an equal.

  Chase refused to touch Summer in any way sexually, and since the . . . . pleasurable moment downstairs, nothing else had happened between them. Summer wanted more and knew Chase must too, but he stayed with being a true gentleman. He didn’t want to rush his wife, not matter what her body wanted.

  They still took showers together sometimes and had a few heavy petting sessions, but that was the extent of it. He wanted their first official time to be all about worshiping her body, as a Princess deserved to be worshiped and adored. He didn’t want any type of interruptions.

  Kayla had finally talked the couple into doing a small reception. It was either that or a full re-do of the wedding. Summer didn’t feel the need to re-say her vows, even with a clearer head. She wanted to stay with Chase till death do they part, so there was no point to go through it all again. All it would do would cause more stress for both of them, and they just wanted to move onward. Chase would have preferred to even go without a huge party, no matter who was invited.

  Kayla said she’d only invite a few guests to her house, which Chase knew it would be the entire state if she could. Ivan promised to do his best to keep the get together small. The reception would be later that day, about dinner time, and truthfully, Summer wasn’t looking forward to it. She’d prefer to stay at home and learn more about her husband, or play around with her camera and computer again. Or just lounge and watch crappy TV with Chase.

  Or even better yet, be kissed senseless once more. Summer would even be up to exploring more of her husband’s body, as her own body was craving his touch. She was sure if Chase didn't take her soon she would combust from the tension in her body; it was that bad.

  The girls - Clare, Zinna, and Summer - had spent a night having a sleepover in Clare’s room one night last week. Clare and Zinna talked about sex, causing Summer to be beet red the entire time. The two girls talked about different positions and activities that they had tried and liked. Summer sat and listened but didn’t have anything to add to it, but got enough ideas on what she would like to try, if Chase allowed her to do so. If she even knew how to get him to agree.

  Zinna had talked about how she and Ryder just clicked and how they enjoyed playing around with bondage in the bedroom and found it thrilling, exciting even. Ryder had made sure to say they didn’t go too far into hard bondage or pain.

  “It’s amazing how being tied up willingly heightens every touch,” Zinna had mused.

  With a groan, Summer finally made her way out of bed. At this rate if she didn't get up she might just be tempted to try and lure Chase back to bed. Since Zinna would be by mid-morning to do her hair and makeup, that wasn't an option. But how Summer wished it was.

  Summer was planning on waiting to take a shower until after breakfast. With her messed up bed hair, she padded down the stairs in only a pair of dark blue boy shorts and one of Chase’s gray over-sized shirts. She loved how his eyes would roam over her every time she wore his shirts, that might even be why she wore them if she was honest with herself.

  She paused in the doorway of the kitchen, watching as Chase cooked bacon and eggs. He was dressed in his cotton PJ bottoms. She swallowed down her desire for him and fully entered the kitchen.

  “Good morning,” Chase said, looking over his shoulder. He paused for a moment, not used to seeing her still dressed like that when she would come down. She still looked half asleep and beautiful. She always had to him. Her hair was unbrushed and cascaded down her back with a messy curl.

  “Hi,” Summer said, she looks shy as she gazed at him. He looked like he could take her to the table and have his wicked way with her. Wow, did she want him to do exactly that? She tensed her thighs together at the thought, causing Chase to smirk.

  Summer blushed as Zinna’s words echoed in her head.

  “I liked being fucked hard against the table, my front pressed up against the coldness,” Zinna had said, a look of lust covering her face.

  Chase wondered just what was going through his beautiful wife's mind as he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turn
ed back to plating the food. He wanted his wife desperately but forced himself to wait. He was determined when it happened it would be special.

  “Sleep well?” he asked, setting her plate in front of her.

  “Yeah,” she replied before digging in. She never knew that he could cook so well and couldn’t wait to try more of his cooking. She never knew of a man that could cook, let alone boil water.

  “Your mom will be there today, and of course everyone you know. There will be others you won’t,” Chase spoke. “If you feel like you are overwhelmed at all, we can leave at any time.”

  “We can’t, Chase,” Summer said, amused. He didn’t want to go either. “You are . . . well you.” Chase smirked as she waved her hands up and down his body. “We can’t just show up and then leave half an hour later. I’m sure Kayla expects us to stay ‘till most of the guests leave.”


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