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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

Page 11

by Autumn Winchester

  The brown bear sat on the shelf in the huge empty closet, alone and almost sad looking, but clean. It was almost as big as a toddler. The light blue bow around its neck was the only sign of age on it. Summer had touched it, feeling how soft and cuddly it must be. She wanted one herself but didn’t think it would be something she should have because she wasn’t a child any longer.

  “Oh, I forgot about Beery,” Kayla said with a sigh. “He used to not go anywhere without that bear for years. I can’t remember who gave it to him. Chase loved that thing.”

  “I still do,” Chase mumbled out, feeling his ears heat up as he realized he had spoken out loud.

  “If you ever have kids, you be sure to pass that toy down. I have all his toys packed away in the attic,” she said. “You should take it home.”

  “If you insist,” Chase said, although his voice was low. He had seen his wife looking at it in a way that he knew she wanted one. He wanted Summer to have the world, even though he knew she didn't want it.

  Once everyone was finished eating, Kayla led everyone to the living room for the couple to open their gifts. She waited until everyone that wanted to watch sat down, Emma included, before she grabbed one of the smallest boxes on the pile.

  The entire gift table had been moved into the living room in front of the lit fireplace. Kayla decided she’d hand them out.

  Ivan finally came down, dressed in a lazy laid back way with sweatpants and a sweater, taking a seat with the windows to his back. He looked like he had a hangover from hell.

  “Hey, old man,” Trent said, a little too loudly and causing the man to grimace.

  “It’s your own fault,” Kayla sang, handing Summer and Chase two similar boxes wrapped in a silver paper with light blue bows. They easily fit in the palm of her hand. “This is from me. I knew neither of you would want to wear the crowns for very long, but it was a tradition.”

  Summer slowly opened hers, seeing a ring in the shape of a Princess Crown. This one had pink jewels as the main color of diamonds on a silver band. Surprisingly, she liked it.

  Chase opened he, finding a silver crown ring. He glanced at his mother, not sure what she expected him to do with such a thing. He already wore a thick gold band he had bought for his wedding.

  “Those are for you to wear, so the world will know you are the Prince and Princess of the Marcel family. You don’t have to wear them, of course, but they are yours to keep,” Kayla explained.

  “Thank you, Kayla,” Summer said, then slipped it on her right-hand ring finger, finding that it fit perfectly. “I love it.”

  “I thought so,” Kayla beamed. She then handed them another gift.

  Slowly, Chase and Summer opened one gift at a time, pausing a few times for pictures to be taken. There were photo frames, bedding, candles, and even fine china. Most of the things Summer had no idea what she would do with them, as they were not things that fit her style, nor Chase’s.

  One thing she did like was a hand painted picture of a sunset behind storm clouds, reflecting on a river. A streak of lightning in the middle, just barely noticeable. Summer loved it and already planned to put it in the student office to add more color to the room. Chase only said it was pretty, as he wasn’t the biggest fan of art. Summer simply rolled her eyes, handing the gift to Clare as she put it in a pile.

  There were a few more gifts, and Chase began to get antsy. Summer only shrugged him off, sure it had to be a guy thing. Most of the stuff was more for her than it was him for some reason. She didn't understand why people would buy such extravagant gifts

  There were a couple bottles of high price wine, and Chase made the comment about how good they would be. Clare, Zinna, and Emma had all gotten Summer nice jewelry, all with blue stones.

  Finally, after what felt like hours, Kayla handed her the last gift. “This isn’t exactly for either of you, but for the next heir.” Slowly, Chase was the one that opened the last gift.

  Inside a nice glass box sat a small, blue sapphire and diamond crown. It was made to fit a child, and would be perfect if they ever did have children. Summer thought how beautiful it was, but wondered why someone would give than this. At the same time, she could already picture taking pictures of a child that wore this crown.

  “That was from Sebastian, as he wasn’t well enough to be here last night. He made sure to tell me that it had to be the last thing you opened,” Ivan spoke, his eyes alight with things he only knew. “He’s sure you would both make great parents one day.”

  “Maybe,” Chase said, handing the gift towards Clare.

  He didn’t want to think about that, but it would be something that they would talk about later after Summer and Chase got time to learn each other better. It would have to be something they both agreed on, and not right away. Later, years down the road, he’d consider it. But right now, there was no way.

  “I’ll make sure everything gets back to your place,” Asher said.

  “Thank you,” Chase said, knowing they needed to get ready to head out. It was already nearing two thirty.

  “Here’s the info, hotel and dinner reservations,” Ivan said, standing up and walking to where Chase sat, handing him an envelope he had stored in his pocket. “Two-night stay, and check out is late afternoon. So see a show or something. I’ll handle any business issues.”

  “Thanks, dad,” Chase said, doing the handshake/hug thing guys usually do.

  Chase was thankful to have a stress free get-a-away. He needed it, and so did Summer. He planned to let her shop as much as she wanted and spend money on her. Most of all, he’d make love to her everywhere in the hotel room that he could, even if it took up the entire time.

  Chapter 12

  The black and white private plane was actually more of a helicopter. The aircraft could take off and land like a helicopter but could fly like a plane at 260 miles per hour. It was originally built for the military, but when you were Ivan Marcel, you could get just about anything. He had spared no expense in making it family friendly either.

  Summer had never seen anything like this before. It had two propeller looking blades, one on each side of the aircraft instead of just one. Upon getting in the seats that were soft leather, with high backs with arms she took note that there was an overabundant amount of legroom.

  This certainly was not the typical private jet.

  Chase had made sure to help Summer get into the vehicle, helping her up the three large steps and buckling her in before he took his own seat right next to her. He reached over and squeezed her hand to reassure her. Summer knew she had to get used to this lifestyle where they had planes or helicopters at their beck and call. She was sure that would be even harder than accepting gifts.

  There were seats that were facing them, and a TV that could be pulled down from the ceiling but was shut off at the moment. Cup holders and food trays were folded down between the seats. Summer was sure that there had to be a place to even sleep somewhere with how much space this thing had.

  Chase handed his wife a headset as Asher placed their bags into the storage compartment as the Pilot began to get ready for take-off. They had even hired Jackson Hawk to fly it for them, as he had been trained for this particular model Helicopter when he was in the Marines. This helicopter had been designed to get in and out of areas fast.

  Another similar helicopter had been used to do just that a time or two when threats were made against Chase and his mother over the years. Most of the hired guards were trained to fly such vehicles.

  “This is Blackhawk,” Jack’s voice said over the headsets.

  Summer was surprised that it was him, but she didn’t really know him all that well anymore. She hadn’t taken the time to seek him out to talk to him, even though she was gaining confidence. As she looked toward the front she noticed Peter in the passenger seat, putting on a headset also.

  Summer was determined to get to know Jack more, as he seemed to still treat her as the little sister he had viewed her as. She could remember the few times tha
t he had taken her share of a punished when it hadn’t been her fault, and times when it had been. Jack was always her protector growing up, and he meant well, even if had caused her more pain sometimes.

  “We will be flying to The London, in New York City. Estimated time is two hours with landing, and about twenty drive time to the hotel,” Jack said, flicking a few things to get the propellers to begin to rotate. “We should have a smooth ride, so kick back and relax.”

  Chase gave Summer a smile, seeing that there was an excitement in her eyes as she watched out the windows as the helicopter began to lift off the ground. He was positive that this ride would be better than the last one she was on.

  Summer watched in amazement as the land that she had just stood on just a few minutes ago shrunk, and the houses became dots. She could see where the pastures became smoother as houses were spread out more. It was a sight to behold, and one she would surely treasure for years to come.

  Jack kept quiet, and Summer didn’t know what to say as Chase simply watched his wife enjoy the ride. He was only five, the first time he was allowed to ride on a plane and this helicopter was the newest aircraft his dad owned, but not the biggest. Since then, he loved nothing more than to fly.

  On his fifteenth birthday, Chase had learned how to fly a small jet. Although he didn’t do it as often anymore, it was still one of his favorite activities to do, other than driving fast down the highway, of course.

  Ivan had other jets that were always at Chase’s disposal at any time. He would have gladly taken one when they had gone to Vegas, but didn’t want to frighten his wife more than she already had been at that time. She was starting to adapt more and he felt she could handle things better now. He couldn’t wait to take her in the luxury plane with a bed to travel to Germany one day. He’d show her the world if she’d let him.

  She was more outspoken and not so skittish, which made outings like this so much easier.

  Before Summer knew it, Jack was landing the helicopter. A black car was sitting a little bit away, waiting for the two to exit the aircraft.

  “I’ll take care of the luggage,” Jack said, shutting the engines down.

  Chase took off his headset, then helped Summer to remove hers. Together, once the stairs were placed against the doorway, they walked hand in hand, feeling the much colder temperatures instantly. It was the middle of December, and New York was forecast to have snow later that night.

  Chase knew it wasn’t the best time to come to the cold city, but he would make the most of it. Kayla had made sure the girls had gotten Summer a heavy coat for the trip.

  “Jack and Peter will be staying close by, but will be in a different room at the hotel. It’s for both of our safeties,” Chase whispered to Summer as he opened her door so she could get into the car. She got in and slid over so Chase could also get in from this side, she wanted to be as close to him as she could be anyway.

  Of course he needed protection, as he was a Marcel, and in turn, Summer needed it. Who knows what kinds of threats were out there. Summer preferred not to know, either. If there was something dire, Chase would be sure to tell her.

  Once they were both seated in the car, the warm air was on full blast, and Summer wished that she had worn the thicker coat that was currently packed. Michigan hadn’t yet been this cold, but she knew it was coming sooner than she’d like. She snuggled close to Chase for the extra warmth.

  It didn’t take them long to get to the hotel, as Jack drove back roads, bypassing all the traffic and backups that many New York roads had. He pulled up to the front door and exited the car and came around and handed the keys to the valet as Peter was opening the door for the couple.

  Once Chase and Summer got through the lobby area, which was clean, white, and seemed way too big and over the top with black out windows, they made their way up to their room. Jackson had already grabbed their room keys

  Ivan had booked them a two-night stay in a room with a terrace. Ivan knew that something could happen at any given moment, just because John was still at large. It was on the twentieth floor, and stepping into the room, Summer wasn’t sure if she wanted to touch anything. Everything was so pristine.

  A huge bed covered in white and silver pillows and blankets sat on the farthest side of the room. A foot bench sat at the end of the bed, two wine glasses, and a bottle of Champagne in a bucket of ice most likely high priced sat on a stand beside the bed. The bed frame was dark leather with matching side tables against a dark wall. The wall had a row of lights from the floor and up to the ceiling, and then two smaller brighter lights that could be dimmed.

  On the dark hardwood floor, about five feet in front of the bed sat a dark wood table, with another bottle of Champagne with more glasses, the Champagne sitting beside a silver bucket of ice.

  Along one wall, there was a wall of windows that led out to the terrace, and snowflakes began to fall from the sky. Summer was slightly saddened that it wouldn’t be warm enough to go out there to stand and see the view for very long.

  Against the other side, more windows sat, along with a huge dark blue round seating area. It held two white pillows, and was big enough to hold both Chase and Summer.

  Chase sat the bags down near the bed as Summer looked around in awe. He did have to give his dad credit for doing a splendid job at picking the room. It was simple, but yet elegant. There was no kitchen space, but it wouldn’t be needed as they would order in, or go out.

  “We haven’t had much time to talk over the past couple of days,” Chase said, breaking the silence.

  “It’s been busy,” Summer agreed, kicking off her shoes before sitting on the most comfortable bed ever, tucking her feet underneath her.

  She had put on light blue jeans and a gray long sweater that was tighter around her body that morning. She wore the ring that Kayla had given her, along with a heart and blue sapphire necklace that Chase had given her the week before. She felt well rested and cherished as Chase took care of her, even when she didn’t know what she needed.

  “Yes, it has been,” he said, moving the Champagne bottle and glasses from near the bed. “What did you think of the reception?”

  “I liked the after party,” Summer said with a giggle as she blushed and ducked her head.

  “I certainly liked that, too,” Chase agreed, pushing some hair back from her face. He more than just liked it.

  Slowly, Summer lifted her head as his hand fell from her face.

  “I like it when you touch me,” she whispered out. “It makes me feel loved.”

  “You are loved, honey,” Chase said, replacing his hand on her cheek. “I love you more than I ever thought was possible.

  She leaned into his palm, feeling his warmth.

  “What about the gifts?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

  “A waste,” she laughed. “I don’t see why people had to give us things we’ll never use.”

  “Me either,” he replied before moving to wrap his arm around Summer. “In a year or so, we can just donate them to someone that needs them, or to one of those stores that people go to when they can’t afford much.”

  “Like Salvation Army?” Summer asked, amused that he didn’t know what such a place was called.

  “Yeah. That place,” he said, shooting her a sweet smile. “Did Clare pack you a swimsuit?”

  “Uh . . . yeah,” she answered, confused, remembering that she saw it there this morning under some of her other clothes that were packed.

  “There’s a private indoor swimming pool. Dad made it available to us all day tomorrow to use it without anyone else,” he explained. “Jack and Peter will probably want to tag along for a little bit. They will be bored just sitting around doing nothing but people watching.”

  “I don’t know how to swim,” Summer stated, her eyes wide.

  “That’s okay,” Chase shrugged, not deterred. “There's a shallow end that's not that deep, plus there is a hot tub I think. If you don’t like it, we won’t have to stay. Plus, I would
love to teach you.”

  “I’ll give it try,” Summer said, not sure about doing something she didn’t know anything about. She still had moments of insecurity, which was expected.

  “That’s all I could ask for,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

  He then laid back, pulling Summer with him, as the mattress gave way to their forms. He would have to order himself a new bed soon, and one like this would be perfect.

  “What do you say about redoing our bedroom, making it more ours instead of just mine?” Chase asked out.

  “I’d love to,” she said, glad he was the one to bring it up. “What will you do with the stuff that’s there now?”

  “Put it in one of the other empty rooms. I never had a need to fill every room with my mother. At least four bedrooms are still empty,” he said easily through a yawn. “Just don’t make it too girly.”


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