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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

Page 17

by Autumn Winchester

  With a quiet sigh, she turned around and walked over to where Clare was reading the poems that were engraved in the glass of the jewelry boxes. Each box had its own message on top of it, and some even played music.

  “Find something?” Clare asked, not taking her eyes off the box she held in her hands.

  “Not that I need,” Summer said sadly.

  “Chase said you could get whatever you wanted,” Carter said, coming up to the girls while Zinna and Kayla browsed the handmade puzzles on the other side of the store.

  “I have nowhere to put anything,” Summer said with a shrug. She had no idea where she was going to put anything she got.

  Although, she had a few ideas to make the house something that would fit both her and Chase better, but hadn’t had a chance to talk to him about them. She hoped to do that the following weekend.

  The past two weeks, Chase had been on the phone, or in his office most of the time, so when they did have time to talk, redecorating had been the last thing on her mind. They had taken the time to talk about their days, and Summer’s worries with the upcoming dinner, though she was still a little anxious.

  “He’d be more than happy to let you move things around,” Carter said, looking at Summer like he could see into her very soul.

  When he did that, although it wasn’t often, it made Summer feel small. Carter just had a way looking at people and knowing their wants, almost like Chase was able to do. Although Chase’s look was just stronger, more penetrating.

  “I know, but I don’t want to take over his house,” Summer said with a shrug.

  “Summer, just get it,” Clare said with a glint in her eyes, her voice almost bossy.

  “I don’t need it,” Summer insisted.

  “Well if you change your mind, we can make a stop on our way out later,” Carter said, already determined to talk Summer into getting the doll she wanted. Chase had given him strict orders to make sure that she bought something for herself, no matter what it was.

  “Okay,” Summer replied, happy to drop the topic. Although, if one of them pushed again, she would probably cave and get the dang thing.

  After Clare paid for a small wooden box, Carter stayed behind for a minute to take a phone call while the two girls met up with Zinna and Kayla outside of the store, who each had a bag.

  Once walking down the wide hallway and window shopping, the girls talked back and forth. Summer stayed quieter, keeping her thoughts to herself as she didn’t have much to add to the conversation.

  They ended up stopping at a clothing store called Rue 21. The store was filled to the brink with all types of clothes. No one could possibly squeeze through any of the rows of racks with the way they were nearly on top of one another.

  Clare bought two bags full of a number of items, while Summer only bought a couple pairs of jeans that she thought were cute.

  Once back out in the hallway, Zinna switched topics.

  “So, Ryder gave me this book last year about beginners BDSM, and some of it is pretty fun!” Zinna stated.

  “Oh?” Kayla said, not surprised. “I love it when Ivan takes control. I happen to also like taking control in the bedroom more often than he does, and he doesn’t mind one bit.”

  “What’s BDSM?” Clare asked, confused. She had never heard of it.

  Summer had, but only by chance. Zinna had talked about if briefly once or twice before. It still didn’t help that she blushed from head to toe at the mention of the sex of any kind. Kayla had hinted at it just a couple of weeks ago.

  “Just a fancy way to say that a man, or sometimes a woman, can have control of sex in the bedroom,” Zinna said with a skip. “Some people take it further by having commands given all the time, and every task has to be granted by the Master of the relationship. There are different levels, some just do it in the bedroom, and some do it as play time.

  “We can always get you a copy of the book if you think you want to know more. I can’t have every move I make not be my own, but being tied up and told what to do in the bedroom is amazing. I love it!” Zinna almost squealed, making Summer blush even more.

  "There's a lot of trust in a relationship like that,” Kayla tacked on. “It takes more than just demands. A submissive has to know without a doubt that their partner won’t hurt them, and there are many limits and information needed to know how to live that way.”

  “But being tied up and blindfolded makes it so much fun!” Zinna drawled out with a happy sigh. “And how he used his fingers on me.”

  “You’re gonna make me sick,” Clare moaned, clutching her stomach. “I don’t want to hear about your sex life.”

  “At least I have one!” Zinna shot back.

  “Who says I don’t?” Clare muttered. Asher and Clare had kept their relationship quiet from most of the family, just because they didn’t think they wanted to tell anyone yet. The only reason Summer knew was because they lived in the same house. Even at the ceremony, they made sure to keep their distance, which was a lot harder for both of them then they thought it would be.

  “I know Chase . . . wait,” Zinna said, coming to a stop. “Asher?” She said it in a way like she could never have seen that relationship. Maybe she couldn’t have. Clare had been pretty tight lipped on that certain topic.

  “No?” Clare said blushing all of a sudden.

  “You and Asher? I would have never seen that ” Zinna said before engulfing Clare into a tight hug.

  The next store they went to was yet another clothing store. Summer noticed that most of the clothing stores were fashion oriented, and didn’t find much that she would ever wear. Summer was more of the type to like simple things. She mostly watched Zinna and Clare sort through items, finding things they both liked.

  “How are you doing?” Kayla asked as she waited with Summer. This store wasn’t meant for mothers, at least not ones old enough to be a grandma.

  “Okay,” Summer responded. She was doing okay. She was happy and content with the life she was now given, but it was still all so new to her.

  “That’s better than most,” Kayla said with a motherly smile. “Has Chase talked to you about having children? I’m sure that Sebastian's gift shook him up.”

  Chase had talked to Summer on why the issue was pressed so thoroughly. Other than the reason to have an heir to continue on the bloodline, was because Sebastian was still stuck in his ways. There wasn’t much he could do to force them to have a child. He was dying, and he knew that the Prince would never touch another woman in a sexual manner.

  Chase was sure that Sebastian just wanted to see the Marcel family live on for years to come. And to see how parenthood treated the Prince and Princess.

  “Some,” Summer answered. “We aren’t ready, but we aren’t using extra precautions to prevent it either.” Chase had said that it was important to make it look like they were trying, even though they weren’t entirely trying.

  “Take your time on it. It’ll happen when it’s meant to,” Kayla stated. “Although I’m sure Clare has beaten you to it.”

  “What?” Summer asked, shocked.

  “She has a glow about her,” Kayla said with a smile. “I’ve seen enough young adults with that glow, so I know that look. It looks good on her. She may be young, but at least she’s mentally ready for that step. Plus, she’s not out for Asher’s money.”

  “What about me?” Clare asked, coming up to them with yet another bag. This time, she had bought a couple shirts that would cover her belly as it began to expand.

  “That you have a glow,” Kayla said with a wink, letting the young woman know she had guessed the news.

  “That’s what’s different,” Zinna said, pointing a finger at the younger girl. Clare simply shrugged as Summer laughed at them. Clare and Zinna then chatted on, trying to include Summer as much as they could. She listened and added a little bit here and there, but still felt out of her element.

  Carter trailed behind, holding the bags that belonged to Summer, keeping an eye out for anyt
hing suspicious. He saw nothing out of the ordinary, which was good. He didn’t feel like kicking anyone in their behinds.

  Laughing, the girls finally took a break to get something to eat. Clare and Kayla went to the bathroom while Zinna and Summer sat down with their food – pizza and subway – at one of the empty tables. Carter sat next to them at another table with the bags of clothes sitting next to him.

  “Are you having fun?” Zinna asked between bites.

  “Yeah,” Summer said truthfully. She was enjoying her time out. “Just can’t find anything for Chase, other than the tattoo.”

  “He’s not picky,” Zinna responded. “He will just love to have you all to himself more than he’d want anything else.”

  “That’s why he’s so hard to shop for,” Summer said fondly.

  “So, what is Clare hiding?” Zinna shot out, looking at Summer. “I know she is hiding something.” She then took a huge bite of her sandwich.

  “It’s not for me to tell,” Summer said with a smile. “She’ll tell everyone when she’s ready.”

  “I know her and Asher are dating and probably going to get married sooner or later,” she mused.

  “Most likely,” Summer agreed. “They are good for each other.”

  “Just like you and Chase,” Zinna stated with a smile.

  Clare and Kayla returned, sitting down to eat their own food. Kayla had a pleased smile on her face, no doubt that the two talked about the baby that would be arriving in a matter of months.

  "There's a Victoria Secrets over by the bathrooms,” Clare said before taking a bite of her pizza. “We so have to stop there.”

  “Of course,” Zinna said, bouncing in her seat. “Something sexy for Asher?” she wagged her eyebrows up and down.

  “Well, yeah,” Clare spoke with yet another eye roll. “Plus, they have other good pj’s.”

  “I could use a new robe,” Kayla remarked. “I can get Emma one too.”

  “It’s a shame she couldn’t join,” Summer stated quietly.

  “She likes Jose, and the food is always the best way to win a man’s heart,” Kayla laughed. “She knows you aren’t going anywhere, Summer. Jose is only here for a day or two and they make sure to use that short of time wisely.”

  “I’d rather not know how they do that,” Clare laughed as she sat her half eaten pizza back down on the plate with a look of disgust. “Why does it have to be so greasy?”

  “You’ve had it before,” Zinna said, eyeing Clare as she leaned back in the seat.

  “Yea, but this doesn’t taste as good,” Clare pouted, then shrugged before stealing part of Zinna’s sandwich that laid there on the plate untouched.

  “Hey!” Zinna said, shocked.

  “What?” Clare laughed.

  Summer couldn’t help but laugh. It was nice to watch the two become so close, like sisters.

  After eating, they went to Victoria Secrets, where Clare discretely bought a couple bigger bras, and Summer bought some new cotton pants and underwear sets. She didn’t find much in the bras that she liked, as the ones with underwires dug into her skin.

  Carter, once again, held onto the bags for Summer as they went to a few more stores. They passed a baby store, and Summer heard Clare sigh wistfully at it while Zinna had to coo at how cute the little clothes were and then complain that she wanted a baby to shop for.

  Summer knew that when her sister came out with the news, she’d have so many things for the baby. It would be the same for Summer if she ever became pregnant, if not worse.

  It was a sad thought that Zinna was unable to have any children because of her past. There were other options, and when Zinna was ready, they would certainly adopt.

  Summer was starting to want kids, now that she spent quite a bit of time with Sarah, as Clare would babysit a couple times a week for Abigail as she worked in Trent’s in his shop. Sarah was such a sweetheart and easy to take care of. They had a toddler bed set up in Clare’s old room, along with a box of toys, for the sweet little girl.

  “Hey, can we stop at a toy store?” Summer asked. “I want to get Sarah something.”

  Of course, she had already got a number of gifts for her, but one more couldn’t hurt. Or maybe five. Shopping for a child was addicting.

  Stepping into Disney Toys, there were more toys than any one child would be able to handle. Piles and shelves of so many different things were stacked everywhere. Zinna walked right in, not at all bothered by how crowded the store was.

  Summer took her time looking around the store, knowing that Carter was always within sight. True to his word, he acted as though he wasn’t there. She felt bad just ignoring him, and made sure he was brought into conversations a time or two. Although, he didn’t try to stay included.

  “What will you get Chase?” Summer asked him as she looked at some music toys.

  “I haven’t thought about it,” Carter stated with a blink. “I don’t know if I’ll see him then.”

  “Of course you will,” Summer said. “You are his best guard. He asked me the other day what he should get you.”

  “He did?” Carter responded, not sure to believe the Princess.

  “Yep,” Summer said, taking a musical phone off the shelf that was of Princess Sofia.

  “What did you tell him?” Carter asked.

  “That you would like anything he gave you,” Summer shrugged. It was the truth. Carter was one of the easiest men she had shopped for, as she found a handmade knife set on EBay a few weeks before. It would fit in his pocket, and could be used for just about anything.

  Summer knew he had a gun, but she thought that a knife could possibly come in handy someday.

  “Oh. Okay,” Carter said in thought.

  Summer shook her head and went to look around the store some more. She found a fabric Sofia doll, along with a doll called Mooshka, and knew instantly that Sarah would love them. She also couldn’t help but stop and grab a soft green teddy bear for the newest addition before going to pay.

  Summer was excited to see her sister grow in more ways than she could at the moment, and also she couldn’t wait to see how she could handle a little one in the house. The more she thought about it, the more she was coming to the conclusion she would love to have Chase’s baby one day.

  Chapter 19

  The girls were dead on their feet by the time they made it back home just a little after dinner time. After the mall, they had gone to a salon, where they each had a trim, nails painted, and foot massages. All four sets of fingernails had the same dark green color, as it was Clare’s idea.

  Although the hairdresser wanted to cut Summer’s hair shorter, she only took off an inch. Summer liked her long hair and loved how Chase would run his fingers through it at night as they lay in bed. There was no way she was going to let it be much shorter than it was now unless there was a good reason to.

  Clare cut her hair to just below her shoulders while Kayla simply got an inch cut off. Zinna forewent any hairstyle, as she went to Mica most of the time for her haircuts anyway.

  Carter took all the shopping bags that were Summer’s upstairs, and Asher was quick to grab what Clare had bought, not letting her lift more than she should.

  Summer was engulfed in Chase’s arms right as she entered the house and she couldn’t help but lean into him, soaking up his warmth. He had texted a few times and Summer had been quick to reply each time, but just being in his arms again made her realize how much she missed him.

  “Did you have fun?” Chase asked, stepping back and looking her over from head to toe. He knew, rationally, she had been safe, but he had been out of his mind with worry. He called Carter a number of times during the day just to make sure.

  He almost demanded that she return home, but that wouldn’t have been fair. Yes, there was a threat on her head, but he didn’t want to worry her just because she had a day out shopping, she deserved to get out of the house for a while.

  “Yes, I did,” Summer answered before pressing a kiss to his lips.
  “We all had a good time,” Kayla said, giving Chase a one armed hug. “Now, I must get back home. Your father was in a mood this morning when I left, so hopefully the liquor cabinet has been untouched.”

  “He won’t get drunk unless he knows there’s nothing going to happen,” Chase said. “But he’s been busy helping me get a few things done.”

  “Good,” Kayla said. “I’ll leave you two be.”

  “Bye!” Zinna said with a wave as her and Kayla made their way back out to the car they drove over in.

  Clare then said her goodnights, as she was the most tired out of the group. Summer could understand that, just thinking about how tired she had been before she lost her own baby.


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