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Stranded - A Second Chance Romance

Page 6

by Piper Phoenix

  “How have things been with Julie?” my brother asked his best friend.

  I’d known Doug for quite a while. My brother had him over sometimes when I was home, but for the most part, they just ignored me.

  “Fuck man. Good I guess,” Doug said and then loudly yawned. They all busted out laughing.

  I twisted my hair and pulled it to one side so I could hear them better. It had gotten so long it apparently had affected my ability to hear well. I pulled my legs to my chest and tucked myself tighter inside my hoodie. Maybe if I made myself smaller, I’d be able to focus on their gossiping better.

  “That’s the way relationships are, man,” one of the others said.

  “Shut the fuck up, Peter! Your wife is so fucking hot, and she still puts out after all the time you’ve been with her. You don’t get to fucking complain,” the heavy-set guy said, as he slammed his cards down on the table. “I’m out, and I gotta get back, my wife is waiting up for me.”

  “Getting lucky tonight, George?” Peter asked, taking a long swig from his bottle of beer.

  The large man, George, snorted. “Shit. Do you think if I got laid I’d look like this?” He patted his round belly.

  “Yeah, yeah you would,” Doug said, reaching over to rub George’s gut. “How far along are you now? Eight months?” The men all laughed, except for George.

  “Very funny, Doug. Verrrrrrry funny. You’d think we’d share a bond considering neither of us are getting laid,” George said, with a grunt.

  “Shit, man. You have a point,” Doug said.

  “Anyway, I’ll catch you guys later.” Moments later, I heard the front door close. One down. Two more to go. Then I could go to my room and warm up.

  “Aww, dammit, I should really get going too,” Peter said, tossing his cards on the table. “I’m out of money anyway.”

  Doug shook his head. “Pussy.”

  “Fuck you. I have to work in the morning,” Peter said, standing up so quickly the chair squeaked against the floor. “Later numb nutses.”

  “Need a cab?” my brother asked.

  “I’m walking.”

  He walked away from the table and seconds later the front door closed again. One left. Doug.

  Maybe since it was just Doug, my brother wouldn’t care if I came in early. Then again, he probably had more than enough to drink. I’d wait.

  Doug was the best looking out of my brother's friends. He was tall, with wavy dark blonde hair. Unlike the other guys, he shaved his facial hair which made him look quite a bit younger. But his very best feature was his sparkling cornflower blue eyes.

  I watched him as he stood up from the table and took a drink from his beer. His body was far better than the others too. He had broad shoulders and quite muscular. It was obvious that he worked out.

  Doug dressed differently than the others too. It seemed as though he actually put thought into what he was wearing rather than grabbing the first clean t-shirt he found. George had worn a Hawaiian shirt, but Doug wore a button-down shirt with a collar. The first couple buttons were undone as if to say he was fun too.

  My brother, Cal, was a bit older than I was. Our parents had me when they were older. I was what they called a surprise. His friends had already graduated college, had jobs and some of them married. Cal, however, had a job, but he didn’t want to grow up, hence the parties.

  If things were different, I would easily have Doug be my first. He was freaking hot. But of course, he was with stupid Julie who didn’t put out and my brother’s best friend. Not to mention the fact I was pretty sure he barely knew I existed.

  I don’t even know why I was thinking about him. He wouldn’t ever be interested in a girl like me… young, no job, no friends. And let’s not forget about Julie.

  But if things were different and there was no Julie… I’d let Doug put his hands anywhere he wanted. He’d slid them up my arms and into my hair before tugging it back slightly so he could kiss me. His lips would move over every inch of my skin.

  “Mmm,” I whispered softly when I felt the little twinge between my legs.

  I tilted my head back and shivered when the cool breeze danced over my skin.

  “What are you doing out here?” Doug asked, and my entire body jerked as if I had been caught doing something wrong. I squinted up at Doug as he lit the cigarette dangling from his lips. “Want company?”

  My insides warmed, and I swallowed hard. “Sure.”

  Chapter 2 - Lissa

  I thought you quit?” I said, ignoring his question. It was also the first thing that came to mind. Far better than blurting out what had really been going through my mind.

  “It’s a work in progress. Harder when I’m drinking… don’t tell Julie,” he said, with a wink. “It’ll be our secret.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Right. I don’t even know Julie.”

  “Neither do I,” Doug said, blowing out a cloud of smoke.

  “What does that mean?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

  “We broke up… I guess.”

  I bobbed my head up and down. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. She was cheating on me. Things were over long ago anyway.” He glanced over at me without turning. “I have no idea why I’m telling you all this.”

  “It’s fine. I’m a good listener,” I said, scrunching up my nose.

  “Seriously though, what are you doing out here? It’s fucking cold as hell. Come inside and warm up.”

  I shook my head. “No can do. Cal has rules. I have to stay out until the party is over.”

  “Jesus Christ, Lissa. What a bossy piece of shit, huh? Aw fuck, I should probably watch my language around you.”

  “Are you serious? I’ve heard worse,” I said, raising my eyebrows as I stood up next to him. “I’m not a kid anymore for Christ’s sake. I can handle it.”

  He looked me up and down. “Sometimes I forget you aren’t that little brat stealing Cal’s things.”

  “He stole my things,” I retorted.

  Doug laughed.

  I looked over his shoulder towards the house wondering if maybe I could sneak in. But I couldn’t see Cal.

  “Am I making you uncomfortable?” Doug asked as he took a long drag off of the cigarette. He exhaled away from my face.

  “Not at all. You aren’t the first drunk guy I’ve been around.”

  “Drunk? Pfft. This is not drunk.” He took a big drink from the bottle of beer he was holding carelessly between his fingertips.

  I looked over his shoulder again. “Where did Cal go? Did he leave?”

  “He went to get more beer.”

  “Ugh, why? Everyone left!” I said sounding both childish and annoyed at the same time.

  “I’m still here beautiful,” he said, waving his cigarette in the air before taking a final drag. He tilted his head back and exhaled. Doug flicked the cigarette to the ground and aggressively stamped it out on the lawn.

  “Smart,” I said, looking down to make sure it was out. “So, anyway, it’s been a real treat catching up with you, but I think I’m going to sneak up to my room now. If you’ll excuse me.”


  I did a small awkward hop and then started to walk away from him. I misjudged my bouncy step and bumped right into his solid body. He grabbed me around the waist and steadied me.

  “Careful there, sweetheart,” he said, looking down at me with his beautiful eyes sparkling like two perfect stars.

  The electricity that ran through my body was undeniable. His gaze sent vibrations through my entire body. By the serious look on his face, I was almost positive, he had felt it too.

  “Did you just call me stupid?” he asked. He was looking intensely into my eyes, but all I could think about was how insanely gorgeous he was. How I wanted his hands all over me.

  “Just that the cigarette on the lawn wasn’t smart. You’re not stupid,” I said, my chest rising and falling with each sharp breath. He leaned closer, and I swallowed down the hard lump that had formed
in the back of my throat. “You’ve had too much to drink.”

  He pulled me harder against his body, and it was like a bolt of lightning raced through my veins connecting to him where my breasts lightly rested against his chest. Doug lightly touched my cheek with his finger, stroking down toward my lips.

  Was this really happening? I recognized the look in his eyes. I’d seen it before even though I was a virgin.

  I’d had boyfriends… I knew that look. That look was the point in the relationship where I usually decided it was time to break up. But with Doug, somehow, it was different. I didn’t pull away. I didn’t even want to.

  Chapter 3 - Lissa

  When did you get so beautiful?” Doug asked with a slight slur. If I was smarter, I’d be figuring out an exit strategy. “Jesus. Look at you.”

  I swallowed hard. God help me, I couldn’t stop staring at his lips.

  Doug lowered his head. “Shit. Goddammit, I’m sorry Lissa. I shouldn’t have said that. You’re just so fucking hot, and I guess I hadn’t realized it until now.”

  “Thanks, Doug,” I said, breathing heavily. He was insanely hot too, and I needed to get myself under control. No matter how much I was drawn to him, nothing could ever happen between us. My brother would go ballistic.

  I stepped away from Doug and peered inside the house to make sure my brother hadn’t returned. I flashed him a smile and a little wave as I turned toward the house.

  “Fuck!” Doug muttered. “Lissa, wait!”


  “I’m sorry I’m being an asshole. It’s the alcohol, you know?”

  My lips formed a thin smile. “I know.”

  Even I could hear the disappointment in my words. The only reason he was telling me I was beautiful was because he’d had too much to drink.

  “Fuuuuck! I just keep making this worse.” Doug sucked down what was left in his bottle and chucked it towards the middle of the yard. I glared at him, but he seemed oblivious. This was not typical Doug behavior. Maybe he had more to drink than I’d originally thought.

  “Seriously, don’t worry about it. No one thinks I’m pretty unless they’ve had some booze in them, I’m used to it. The only guys that ever show interest in me are the ones that are drunk and think they can get any easy lay. Yeah, well, not with me!” I said, clenching my fists, completely aware of how annoying I sounded. But I couldn’t help it. Every past relationship came flooding back. I was frustrated with them, not Doug.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “No, I’m just being—”

  “Jesus, Lissa, you’re fucking hot no matter how much I’ve had to drink. I mean, I used to think you were cute, but seeing you tonight, well, I saw you differently for the first time. You’re not just Cal’s little sister.”

  I shrugged. “I’m still Cal’s little sister.”

  “Yeah.” Doug sighed. “Those other guys were probably just drinking so they could build up some confidence. They probably found it hard to approach someone so beautiful. I mean, come on! Look at you!”

  He reached over and twirled the ends of my hair between his fingertips. When let go, it fell down over my breast and his eyes followed.

  “You have such long, soft hair, and a brightness in your eyes as if you’re seeing the world for the first time. And your lips… your perfect….” He stopped talking.

  I wanted him to kiss me more than anything. I wanted him to touch me so desperately.

  He took a step closer narrowing the gap between us. Our bodies were so close I could feel his warmth, and I could smell the beer on his breath.

  Doug reached out and touched my shoulder, letting his hand slide down my arm. My body warmed and tingled everywhere. He paused, before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me so close our bodies touched. I was hyper aware of where my breasts where resting against his chest.

  My breath was caught in my throat. I was motionless… and confused.

  He placed his hand on my back and guided me away from the house. He stopped once we were out of view.

  It was so dark where he’d taken me that I could barely see anything except for his sparkling eyes. Doug glanced over his shoulder and when he turned back towards me, he slid his hands on either side of my face. He tilted my head so I was forced to look up at him.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but I need to,” he said, softly.

  Before I knew what was happening he pressed his lips to mine. Our mouths moving feverishly against one another.

  His lips were softer than I had imagined. Our tongues glided perfectly against one another. I felt as though I could not get enough.

  Doug’s lips moved to my chin and then hungrily down my neck. He slid his hand around my waist and pulled me closer. Our bodies were so close I could feel his erection pressing against my lower stomach.

  I had a sudden urge to reach and feel his cock, but I resisted. I held back, or rather, I came to my senses.

  “Wait,” I said, stepping a few inches back. When I saw the fire in his eyes, I leaned forward and kissed him again. He pressed his mouth hard against mine, probably in an attempt to silence me. Maybe he already could sense what I was about to say, and I’d imagine somewhere inside, he knew we couldn’t continue. I stepped back further. “Doug, I can’t.

  [Continue Reading Caught!]




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