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Texas Men

Page 9

by Delilah Devlin

  He turned off the cruiser’s lights, not wanting to alert a driver heading his way of his presence until it was too late.

  He’d been here earlier when Logan had called him to let him know Sarah had left her house in the buff ready to fly by the bar. Joe had cursed, which had elicited a deep rumble of laughter from Logan.

  “Got those barriers up?” Joe had barked into the phone.

  “Everything’s set. Ready to rescue the lady from her own poor judgment?”

  The single beam from a motorcycle had swept the curve of the road in a bright, blinding arc. Joe could tell the moment she spotted the cruiser hidden behind the tree.

  The beam had wobbled as she’d applied the brakes, and Joe had cursed, afraid she’d lay the bike down on the pavement, but the engine revved, and she roared around the curve.

  He’d turned on his headlights, flipped the switch to send the blue lights strobing, and pulled onto the deserted county road.

  “I can’t wait to hear what she has to say,” Logan had said, his voice lazy and amused.

  Joe had listened with only half his brain engaged. His bright twin beams reflected on creamy white skin and a head of pale blond curls that whipped around her shoulders.

  The barricade with its orange lights and the patrol car parked beside it came into view beyond the motorcycle and its driver.

  The bike hadn’t slowed down. And for a second, Joe had wondered if she intended to make a run for it.

  But “Sweet Sarah” had slowed, her tires spitting gravel as she’d turned the bike at the last moment and ground to a halt.

  Joe had idled his engine, knowing better than to cut it with the wild-eyed glance she’d given him and then Logan. She’d still been considering her options.

  He’d hit the speaker switch. “Sarah Michelson, cut your engine. You’re under arrest.”

  Sarah’s face had turned toward his, her full bottom lip pouting. She’d twisted the throttle, and the engine had growled.

  “Don’t even think about it, sweetheart,” he’d said into the mic again.

  Her chin had jutted upward. Her eyes narrowed. She hadn’t liked being called sweetheart.

  But she hadn’t minded straddling a motorcycle buck naked.

  “Sweet, sweet Sarah,” he’d whispered to himself. “Don’t you want to know what happens next?”

  Joe’s cock stirred at the thought of the warm, wet welcome her body had dripped all over his hand. He’d been tempted to take her up on her invitation and bend her over the hood. However, he wasn’t in this for a quickie. He was in for the long haul. Everything he’d learned about her, everything he’d experienced in their short encounter told him she was the one for him.

  He would never have thought a round baby-doll face, wild tangles of white-blond hair, and wide-set pale blue eyes would stop his heart. He’d always preferred brunettes. He’d always dated slender women with boyish hips. But Sarah’s fleshy bottom had felt like heaven. Her large, round breasts had fit his palms just right.

  Still, it wasn’t her sweet body and face or even her tantalizing lemony scent that had convinced him in the end. It had been that hint of fear and spicy arousal, all wrapped up together to make her breaths shiver. The harder his expression had grown, the more aroused she’d become.

  Sarah didn’t know it, and would probably have denied it until the day she died, but she wanted a man to dominate her. The boys she’d been with didn’t have a clue. She’d walked all over them, tossing them away like candy wrappers once they’d been unwrapped and devoured.

  Logan had guessed her proclivity first, as he should. As someone who lived the lifestyle, he had miles more experience recognizing potential submissiveness in a woman. Joe had only dabbled. Had never really considered himself a true dom, but something about Sarah told him he simply hadn’t found the woman he wanted to be the softer half of him.

  He’d watched her for weeks. Gathered all the intel he could from the gossips on the force, from Cody Westhofen over a beer while they’d sat in a deer stand. He thought he’d understood her until she’d slipped off her bike and stuck her chest out in front of him, her chin lifting in a challenge so blatant it rang completely false.

  He’d taken one look at her, seen the excitement that stiffened her nipples into reddened buds, dragged his gaze to hers, and kept it locked there. If he’d dropped it once to study her attributes again, he would have missed it. The initial flare of excitement had dimmed, replaced by a hint of hopefulness. When he’d kept his tone hard, his will stalwart, her skin had flushed, and a thin sheen of sweat had made her skin dewy—she’d glowed.

  He’d never felt more powerful, more deeply aroused or protective of a woman. Sarah had no choice in the matter now. She was going to be his.

  Still, there was going to be a long battle ahead of him, but for now he’d settle for conquering her desire for her father’s attention, no matter how inappropriate the means.

  Had she been a man, her latest high jinks would have been waved off by her daddy with a slap on the shoulder and a wink to the good-ole boys. From what he’d heard, Daddy was exasperated with his little darling and would no longer try to protect her from her actions because he realized he’d spoiled her rotten.

  Daddy wanted Sarah “settled.” Joe didn’t think he’d care too much about the method, which was a good thing because he wanted the judge’s approval of the match on down the road—after he’d taught “Sweet Sarah” the merits of obedience.

  Sarah tugged down the bottom edge of her short, black skirt and sauntered into the Honkytonk, satisfied when gazes swung her way and then stayed glued to the sway of her hips. She’d dressed to kill—or at least to get one deputy’s undivided attention.

  The spandex fabric hugged her ass, leaving no doubt to anyone observing that panties were an optional accessory this night. The black cropped top she wore above it dipped low between her breasts and had just enough stretch in the weave to support her tits without yet another “optional” accessory.

  As she strolled past the bar, Danny Dawg’s eyes lit up, and a low whistle blew between his pursed lips. Still dressed in his plumber’s work shirt and blue jeans that lovingly clung to his nicely shaped body, Danny knew his common appeal and worked it. “Damn, girl. Don’t suppose you’re all wrapped up with a bow for me?”

  The bow was the skinny red ribbon she’d tied around her neck. “I don’t know, Danny. Depends on whether you were the one who ratted me out last night. The cops told me you did.”

  “Me?” he chirped, his eyes widening too innocently to be real. “You think I wasn’t waitin’ at the edge of the parking lot for a peek?”

  She cupped his cheek with her palm and narrowed her eyes at him, but his gaze was far too appreciative, his expression hopeful. Maybe he hadn’t been the one who’d passed the message to the deputies. “Just checkin’. They’re probably just trying to make me think I can’t trust my friends.”

  Danny slid off his stool, a wide grin splitting his face. “Does that mean you’ll let me slide a hand up that skirt to check the plumbing?”

  “My pipes are free and clear. ’Course, if you mean to keep those fingers attached to your hands, you might wanna give that plan a second thought.”

  Danny’s eyelids dipped, and his head tilted back. “What are you up to tonight?”

  “Just makin’ a point. Someone thought they could corral me.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t know you that well, do they?”

  And Danny did. Back in high school she’d dated the star quarterback and rode the team’s bus and Danny’s cock to many a victory. “No, they don’t. But you do, don’t you?” she said, irony thick in her voice. Not that Danny was smart enough to figure out she was laughing at him.

  “Speak of the devils….” Danny cupped the top of her head and swiveled her face to a dark corner of the bar.

  The deputies, looking like a matching pair of brindle pit bulls, sat in a booth watching her.

  Had she been wearing any, her pantie
s would have been soaked in seconds. Sarah grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him toward the dance floor. “Come on. Make it good for me, Danny.”

  “Always ready to oblige a lady,” he said, amusement lacing his warm Texas drawl.

  She slanted a gaze upward, wondering if she’d underestimated him, but his vacuous grin remained in place. “I won’t mind a bit if one of your hands strays south, lover boy.”

  “So long as Deputy Chavez gets an eyeful of me feeling you up?”

  She shot him another glance. So maybe he wasn’t as stupid as she’d always thought. “Don’t be shy.”

  “Not with you, darlin’, although I have to warn you I don’t think he’s the kind to let you play your little games.”

  “Think so? Why’s that? Did he say anything about me?”

  “Something about trimming your wings.”

  Sarah snorted. “As though I’d ever let a man try to cage me.”

  “That’s what I told him, too. But he didn’t seem the least bit put off the challenge.”

  “I appreciate you tellin’ him that, Danny.”

  “Thought you might.”

  He dropped her hand and smoothed both of his over her hips and around to her bottom.

  Sarah snuggled next to his chest and sighed. “Ever wonder why we never got married?”

  “Besides the fact your daddy doesn’t think I’m good enough for you?”

  “My daddy’s not a snob.”

  “Nope, but he told me you were too much filly for me.”

  “I’m surprised you listened.”

  “I didn’t, but the first time you opened my pants in the boy’s locker room and had your wicked way scared the crap out of me. I just knew I was gonna blow my chance for a scholarship with you blowing my dick where anyone could walk in and see.”

  “That why you broke up with me?”

  His arms tightened around her. “I didn’t exactly break up with you,” he grumbled.

  “No, but you did go off to college without me.” That she’d opted out of going to college even though her father had offered to pay for it, she didn’t mention. Instead she’d stayed closer to home, accepting a job clerking at the courthouse—a job her daddy had arranged, reminding her that the courthouse was only ten steps from the jail in his best voice of doom.

  “I told you I’d see you at Christmas break.”

  “But you didn’t exactly stay true to me.”

  “None of those girls could light my torch the way you could. Besides, don’t even try to tell me you waited.”

  “Not even a day, sweetheart.” Sarah sighed again and then jerked when she felt the hem of her skirt inch upward. “What are you doing?”

  “Hiking up your skirt to flash a little cheek. They’re both watchin’ real close.”

  “Trying to get us both arrested?”

  “Nope, but one of ’em is headed this way. That’s what you wanted, right?”

  Sarah laughed against his chest. “Danny, I ever tell you I love you?”

  “Nope. Would have been a lie. And that’s not something you’d ever do.”

  “Excuse me,” came a deep, hard-edged voice beside her.

  Sarah didn’t lift her head.

  “I’m cutting in.”

  “Darlin’,” Danny murmured. “That okay with you?”

  Sarah glanced over her shoulder to meet Deputy Chavez’s steel-eyed glare. “I suppose. Wouldn’t want to make a fuss. Tara might ban me for another week like she did when I chased Cody into the bathroom.”

  Danny released her, tipped the rim of his baseball cap, and sauntered back to the bar. Sarah didn’t have even a second to catch her breath before her wrist was manacled by hard fingers, and she was brought up against a solid chest.

  Her nipples appreciated the pressure, spiking hard.

  “I told you to wait for my call.”

  “Deputy Chavez, I don’t follow orders very well. Ask anyone who knows me.”

  “I think you will. And call me Joe from now on.”

  “How you gonna make me, Joe? You and Logan gonna tie me down and take turns spanking me until I cry uncle?”

  “Is that what it will take?”

  Her tongue wet her lips. “I was just teasing.”

  “Sure you were. That’s why you’ve got goose bumps rising on your skin?”

  “Maybe I’m cold.”

  “Honey, want me to slip my fingers somewhere to see whether you’re telling me the truth?”

  Sarah lifted her chin. “Think my pussy’s some kind of lie detector?”

  “As a matter of fact…” He pressed her hand to his shoulder and angled her body toward the back booth and Logan Ross who sat at the end of the bench seat, one brow raised her way. Then Joe Chavez’s hand slid over her rump, pulled up the edge of her skirt, and rubbed the globe of her ass.

  Sarah drew in a deep breath and glanced around the dance floor, but no one could see what he was doing. His large body blocked their view. Fingers slid between her cheeks, arrowing downward, sliding deeper between her legs until they touched the moisture spilling from her body.

  “Answer seems a very wet yes. Baby girl, you gonna let us take care of you tonight?”

  Sarah wanted to deny him. To prove her will was strong. But he thrust a single digit inside her and swirled, and her knees nearly buckled beneath the wave of heat that suffused her body.

  A thigh nudged between hers, supporting her weight. She clung weakly to his shoulders.

  “Come with us. Now.”

  “I’ll come this second if you’ll just go a little deeper,” she whispered.

  A sexy chuckle shook the chest she cuddled closer to. “Don’t you want to know how we plan to tame you, kitten?”

  “Both of you?”

  “At first. I think I need a little help getting the lessons across.”

  “I don’t need any lessons. I know how to fuck.”

  “But you don’t know how to obey, do you?”

  “Who says I want to learn to obey a man?” she said, weakening, her body melting against his.

  “You do,” he said, swirling his fingers in the excitement spilling over his hand.

  She knew she was going to come, but didn’t like the fact her body telegraphed her decision. “I’m a little bored tonight,” she said lazily. “Maybe I’m just curious.”

  “Whatever you want to call it. All I know is that when I challenge you, you melt like butter. The thought of a man taking charge of your body excites you. You want this.”

  Before she could voice a response, his fingers pulled away and clasped her wrist again, tugging her toward the booth and Logan.

  Logan scooted toward the wall, and she found herself sandwiched between the two men, but not before Joe pulled up her skirt high enough that her bare bottom slid across cool vinyl. “Wouldn’t want you to spoil your pretty skirt,” he murmured.

  As if he cared about her clothing. She snorted.

  Logan lifted his beer with one hand; the other settled between her legs. “Relax. No one can see a thing. Let me take care of you.”

  Sarah stiffened. Relax? Her sex was drenched. Between Danny’s “helpful” naughtiness, Joe’s bossiness, and Logan’s gentle but persistent pressure, she felt like all her defenses were slowly unraveling. Not a bad sensation, but she’d so wanted to be the one in charge tonight.

  She settled her back against the squab and slowly parted her legs.

  Fingers stroked her inner thighs in lazy circles. “Get your bike out of the bushes?” Logan asked, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. “No problems.”

  “Can I get you folks something to drink?” Cody Westhofen sidled up next to the booth, his gaze dropping to where Logan’s hand disappeared. “I take it you won’t be staying long. Want me to get your tab?”

  “What are you doing here anyway?” Sarah gasped, trying to close her legs, but Joe’s wide palm slid down to cup her inner thigh, preventing the move.

Cody’s crooked grin widened when she glared. “Tara’s short-handed. And because she has to be here, I said I’d lend a hand.”

  “Glad things are working out between you two,” Joe said. “She finally let you slip those knots?”

  “Let’s just say we take turns.” His chin jutted toward Sarah. “Looks like you both have a handful.”

  “Appreciate the advice you gave me,” Joe murmured.

  Sarah narrowed her gaze on Joe and then lifted an embarrassed glance to meet Cody’s smiling face. “Men are such gossips.”

  “Had to help out the deputy here. Can’t let the fairer sex think they have the upper hand.”

  Joe lifted his beer in a rueful salute. “This one’s gonna wear the proof on her sexy little ass.”

  “Wish I could be there to see it, but Tara would have my balls.”

  “I’ll be sure to give you all the juicy details.”

  Cody walked away laughing, and Sarah dug her fingernails into two thick wrists. “Not funny, guys. I’m not some blow-up doll. You were discussing me like I didn’t have a say in anything.”

  “You don’t,” Joe said, his words clipped. “That’s what I’m trying to impress on you. From here on out, you’re mine.”

  “Then why are you letting him finger me?” she said, jerking her head toward Logan.

  “Because it’s what I want. And you’ll do whatever I ask.”

  “Cody’s got our ticket ready,” Logan interjected.

  “You go pay,” Joe said, sliding his hand away and standing beside the booth. “I’ll hustle her to the truck.”

  “Maybe I’ve changed my mind,” she gritted out.

  “Do you want me to bend you over the table and let everyone here see how much you really want this?”

  Sarah’s jaw fell open. The thought that he might follow through on his threat was horrifying. So why was she sitting in a puddle of her own desire?


  Joe walked briskly toward his truck, not slowing his steps despite the steady flow of cursing from the woman teetering on heels behind him.


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