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The Porfian Princess: The Chronicles of Cornu Book 4

Page 23

by L J Dalton Jr.

  Once Jersey was gone, Alania looked to Christiana and Roddrick. “Jersey is so smart. He’s an easy child, obedient and all that. He knows his numbers and letters. We think he’s starting to read on his own. Ludwiq and I are worried if we are doing the right things.”

  Roddrick answered. “Sounds like Michael. Michael told me that he was reading at an early age. His parents didn’t discover it because his brother and sisters kept them so busy. He just went at it on his own. His sisters did suspect, though.

  If I’m reading my friend right, he thinks that having family around is crucial for children, especially those with gifts like high intelligence. We suspected that he might be like Michael. We’ve brought more books and these flashcards that teach children math and vocabulary. Michael told me he used them a lot as a child. I think that maybe Jersey will as well.”

  That seemed to relieve both Alania and Ludwiq. They talked about what schooling might be available for a bright child, like Jersey. Christiana told them about the research station if he was interested in agriculture or medicine. She also mentioned that her sister and Michael might open up a science and engineering school like the research station in Centralia.

  This gave the parents something to think about.

  The first thing that Prince Mathias, along with his wife and Petor and his wife, did was to see Mordt about getting some wine and good cheese for the wedding. Mordt brought out Haladin, the head vintner, and Joran, who was in charge of making cheese. They sampled the better wines and cheeses that Vinfarm had. In the end, they picked a red and a white. They purchased three large barrels of both, along with several large wheels of cheese.

  Mathias wrote a letter authorizing the payment that they’d negotiated. Sudlund had more than enough funds to pay for this. Mordt was happy to take the letter as payment.

  When they left, Mathias said to Petor. “That wine and cheese were excellent. I could have stayed there all day just drinking that fine wine and eating that excellent cheese.”

  Petor started to agree when he noticed the looks he and Mathias were getting from their wives. Annette let Mathias know. “Husband, I want your head clear this evening, and I’m sure Sharon wants Petor’s too. We have plans for you.”

  Petor just shrugged and smiled. They started to tour the village. They ran into Brandt and his friends and were introduced to Jersey. Mathias and Petor were charming, and their wives made a minor fuss over Jersey. They continued to look around.

  Prince Mathias looked into everything and was very curious about how the village was run and what it produced. Mordt and the others were more than happy to give him all the details. He, his wife, along with Petor and Sharon, took this all in.

  When they were done, Mathias let his group know that he was impressed with how this village was set up. Sudlund was still a bit behind the northern kingdoms, and this village showed what could be done with the farming techniques that had been brought by Dr. Jorgenson and the further developments made at the research station. He wanted to make sure that Sudlund caught up, and that was his focus. The four started talking about what they could use in Sudlund and how to start introducing the changes.

  That evening there was a large feast for the guests. There was good food with wine and cheese, and everyone had a good time and went to bed well-fed and content. The following day, they headed out for Sandford, well aware that there would be no accommodations at all for several days.

  Making A Break

  It was two months to his daughter’s wedding to Prince Arken. King Menounos was determined to go. It was personal as well as politically symbolic. His presence in Koronus would lend legitimacy to Duke Harlold and would enrage the Porfians. His attendance would also signal that he was happy with his daughter entering into the marriage with Prince Arken and his wife, Elizabeth. Prince Arken was clearly a potential successor to him. The Porfians had hoped to put one of their own on the throne after he passed on.

  Another advantage was that with a successor, Prince Arken, who now had ties of marriage to the throne, the King’s life would be more secure. Porfia would gain nothing by assassinating him. Prince Arken, a northerner, would assume the throne. Also, being a northerner insulated him from any plots by the Porfians. Once the marriage took place, the King was going to issue a proclamation declaring Arken his successor.

  With that in place, they could start instituting the kinds of reforms and programs needed to start to bring Tantulus up to the level of the northern kingdoms. He’d already made sure that no more gold and silver flowed out of Akari to Porfia. That had also enraged the Porfians, but there was little that they could do.

  He needed to prepare things so that when he announced that he was going to the wedding and he issued his proclamation, the capital would be secure. He and Jabaro conferred frequently, and the latter made sure that the Guard was ready to deal with any issues the King’s action might provoke up to and including rebellion.

  Jabaro added more people to the Guard, none of them Porfian. He also upped the Guard's training and made sure the best troops were in the capital and that they were in a position to respond as needed.

  The King’s Porfian advisors saw all this and were deeply concerned. Ever since Samos’ death, they’d been worried, and the King had increasingly marginalized them. They still attempted to run the various parts of the government. That had changed as the King brought in educated Tantulusians to be their assistants. Gradually those men had taken over the responsibilities, and the Porfians were now little more than figureheads.

  With the fall of Koronus, some of the families who’d fled the realm when the Porfians took over were starting to return. At the moment, it was a trickle. They brought their families who’d grown up in other kingdoms, primarily in the north. This brought in new ideas and more contact with the outside world. Under the thumb of Porfia, Tantulus had to look to Porfia for everything. Independent contact with any other realm was actively and vigorously discouraged. That was no longer the case. Trade was still embargoed, but people were now expecting that would be lifted.

  They knew that Koronus could trade with the outside world, and they hoped that would be the case with Akari as well in the near future. Upon the death of Samos and the fall of Koronus, the King had sent messages inviting the northern kingdoms to send representatives to Akari. The first of those had already arrived from Nordia and Tandor. More were expected. These representatives met with the King, and they were a conduit of information between him and the outside world.

  A month before the wedding, the King requested his Porfian advisors to meet with him. When they assembled, the advisors noted that the number of Guards in the Palace was far more than they were used to seeing. They also noted that the senior Porfian in the Guard was there as well.

  King Menounos addressed them. “Thank you all for coming. I wanted you to know that in less than two weeks from now, I will travel to Koronus for the wedding of my daughter Alla.”

  He stopped and let that sink in. He wasn’t surprised when one of the more senior advisors spoke up. “Your majesty, I understand that the wedding of your daughter is important. It should be held here. Not in the city ruled by a usurper, who has violently overthrown the rightful ruler of that city. Also, you’ll be attending his wedding, which is going to be at the same time. I must protest that this is most unwise.”

  The King was very tempted just to cut him off, but he smiled. “Duke Harlold is the son of the last rightful Duke of Koronus. He seized his father’s position by force of arms from somebody who’d taken it by force of arms. Somebody who’d killed his family took the businesses from the people and then had those people along with their wives and children murdered. No, I am not at all disturbed by what has happened. I feel that justice has finally been done.

  On another topic. You’ve been here ‘helping’ us for a good long time. While we appreciate your assistance, we have the capability of being able to run this realm quite adequately without your further assistance. As you have seen, the key posi
tions and functions have very competent local people essentially running them now.

  I think that you are now free to return to Porfia with our thanks. That goes for the soldiers that you have so kindly provided us with to ensure our safety.” Menounos noted the shocked looks. He then pointed out two of the advisors. “You two gentlemen aren’t to leave for Porfia. You’re going to enjoy our hospitality for a good deal longer. You seem to have been lining your pockets with our gold and silver. There are also rumors that we haven’t been able to confirm yet. You should hope that we can’t.

  However, we are seizing your property. Your family will be left with enough to survive. It would be best if they returned to Porfia. You two will spend a lot more time with us.” The King then nodded to Jabaro.

  Six burly guards came up and seized the two men and dragged them away. There were also more guards around the remaining Porfians. One started to protest loudly. The senior officer of the Porfians just said. “Shut up, you fool; our time here is done.”

  The King nodded his head. “Very good, Captain. You are quite perceptive; your time here is indeed done. Leonades attempted to beard the Nordian lion in its den. Utterly foolish. Nordia is not Tantulus, and Leonades isn’t his father. In doing this, he went after the King of Sorbia’s daughter and his grandchildren. That did not sit well with him. Of course, the other northern kingdoms also aligned with Nordia, as did Sudlund and Keenelund. Now my kingdom is going to be free of you as well.

  I expect that all of you will be well on your way to Porfia by the time I return. I’m sure that your King will be displeased; that is none of my concern.

  Duke Harlold is trying to equitably separate the Porfians from the businesses that they appropriated in Koronus. I will be following that carefully, and we will eventually do the same. We want to be fair to everyone involved to the extent that we can. You should pass that on to your countrymen who have business in the kingdom.”

  With that, Menounos got up and left the audience chamber, and the guards escorted the Porfians out. They went back to their homes and informed their families that they would be leaving for Porfia shortly and not returning. That caused a lot of consternation. The word quickly spread among the Porfians, and the businessmen started to worry about what they should do.

  Men from the King came around to all the businesses and informed them that they should not be shipping gold and silver back to Porfia. There would be people from the King’s treasurer watching that activity, and anyone who violates it will face stiff fines and their actions noted. The King would decide what to do about their businesses. It would be on a case-by-case basis, but there would be equity in those decisions.

  Catrina’s Assistant

  Catrina and Duke Marvon were talking. “Catrina, you are adjusting very quickly to your new role. The decisions that you are making in settling disputes are very close to what I would do. There are differences, there always will be in these things, but by and large, they are minor. People are starting to trust your judgment. They already like you.

  Michael is doing very well. The work with the Guards has generally gone unnoticed to the outside world, which is good. The Guard is very pleased with the SWAT team; the couple of times they’ve been used, they managed to resolve dangerous situations without anyone being killed, and none of the Guard were seriously injured. That’s all for the good.

  What has caught the attention of everyone is the Steel project. That is starting to show real promise. The investors are both wary like good businessmen and excited at the prospects. I’ve been told that if it is only half as successful as Michael wants, they’ll be thrilled.

  I expect to be handing more and more over to you, and I think you will need some help. Do you have anyone in mind?”

  Marvon knew from his friendship with Dr. Jorgenson that the concept of multiple wives was a difficult one for men from his culture, like Michael. Like his friend Paul, Michael would be very uncomfortable with the prospect of more than one wife and would have to be brought around gently. He was probing to see where Catrina was on the subject.

  He felt that she needed to start making plans as soon she would have a duchy to run, and she’d need another person she could trust absolutely to help her. Close family in kingdoms like Nordia were the ones you could trust the most. He fully expected her to make an excellent choice.

  “The SWAT is a good idea. Our personal Guard is getting the training; that is Michael’s protective nature coming to the fore.

  I know I’m going to need someone to help me. I believe I found that person, Andrea’s daughter Illaria. She and I get along very well. She knows trade and finance and is very astute. I think of her like my mother, Serverna. She’s the one in my father’s marriage that knows that side of the realm. It’s invaluable to my father and grandfather.

  On a personal level, she and I get along wonderfully. We each know what we are good at, and we do it. Jack adores her. If I’m not around and she is, he’ll go to her with any problems. Illaria loves Jack as well. She likes Michael, who is too well, I don’t know what to call it, but too whatever that is to admit, he likes her. He does admit that she’s very attractive.

  I’ve already had her working with me. I plan to talk with her parents soon to make it official. I wonder what your thoughts are?”

  Marvon kept going like they were talking about someone who would be an assistant, not somebody in the marriage. He could just imagine Michael’s consternation when it was brought up. He did manage to keep a straight face.

  “A wonderful choice. I like Illaria, and she gets along with people quite well and is knowledgeable. You should go ahead with your plans. Have you told Michael yet?”

  “No, I’m going to tell him tonight.”

  That evening after they got Jack settled in bed, Catrina told Mike that she wanted to bring in Illaria as her assistant to handle things like business and trade. Mike was all for it. “Great idea, she’s one sharp cookie, I can see that. Andreas and her mothers have trained her well. I guess she is sort of like Serverna is. The expert on trade and business. I’m going to have talk to her about my projects and seek her advice.

  Having two drop-dead gorgeous women around is going to be a bit distracting for people. But screw them if they can’t take a joke.”

  Catrina said she would talk with Illaria in the morning and then her parents after that. They’d have to approve of such a move. Mike was very supportive and told her anything he could do to help, just let him know. They then started to talk about other things.

  The next morning Illaria was coming to visit Catrina. Catrina had her come into the office, and they exchanged hugs. Catrina asked her to sit down. “Illaria, I’m so glad you came. Duke Marvon and I have been talking, and I’m going to be taking on more responsibility. He and I both agree that I need an assistant. The area I’m weakest on is business and trade. I can deal with politics, and Michael deals with innovation and the military, but business and trade are a big hole.

  Both Duke Marvon and I think that you’d be perfect. It would mean that you’ll have to spend more time at the Palace. If needed, we can find you an apartment for those times when it’s too late for you to go home or you wish to freshen up. In fact, now that I said it out loud, that’s exactly what we’ll do. There’s a small apartment right next to ours that I think would be perfect. What do you think?”

  “Catrina, this is a real shock to me. Do you really think that I can be that much help? Also, what are people going to say? While born here, some still consider me a Porfian, and Porfians aren’t in favor at the moment.”

  “Illaria, you don’t give yourself enough credit. You’ve been helping your parents for years, haven’t you?”

  Illaria nodded her head, and Catrina continued. “My father handles politics and the military. My mother Juliana helps with the politics and knows more about the other kingdoms, and my mother Serverna is the expert on trade and business. When that comes up, the crown looks to her to deal with it. I will need someone like you h
ere, and I can’t think of a better person than you.

  We’ve become friends, and Jack adores you. Michael thinks you’re very attractive, which means that if you ever flirt with him, he’ll turn a bright red. My sister enjoys doing that to him, not flirting with him but making him blush.

  As to the Porfian issue, Michael has some crude suggestions for people like that. Being a lady, I won’t mention them, but you can imagine. I trust that nobody says such things around Michael or me. I’ll put them in their place. Michael may just scare them within an inch of their lives.”

  “Michael, that sweet, kind husband of yours would do that?”

  “Illaria, yes, my husband is sweet and kind and a wonderful husband and father. Never forget that he is a highly trained soldier. I saw him kill two assassins armed with swords with nothing but a knife. He is very protective, and that’s when the scary Michael shows up. It’s very, very rare, but you have to remember it’s there. All the Guards know because he’s been training some of them. Being my assistant means that he’ll be protective of you. Of course, he really likes you, so I think being my assistant wouldn’t matter.”

  “Catrina, it’s a very tempting offer. I’m scared that I’m just not up to the job. If you’d let me think about it and talk to my parents, I would appreciate it.”

  “Take your time. Now we’ve got work to do; we really should get to it.” The two women then dug into the issues and reports that they needed to deal with.

  That evening Catrina told Mike about her conversation with Illaria. When she mentioned the issue about her being Porfian, she got the reaction she expected. A visibly angry Michael said. “Anyone has a problem with that; you just send them to me. When I’m done with them, I’m sure that nobody else will give her any of that crap.”

  After a bit, Catrina mentioned that Illaria would have the small apartment next to them. Mike seemed to think that was a good idea. Then Catrina playfully said. “Now, if you get tired of blondes, you can just go next door and have a brunette. I’m sure Illaria will be more than happy to accommodate you.”


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