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His Pregnant Nurse

Page 11

by Laura Iding

  “Thanks.” She flushed and could have kicked herself for her instant physical awareness of him, but, darn it, he’d caught her off guard. The mere sight of him stole her breath. Luke in a tux should be declared illegal. A sensual danger to women everywhere. She was suddenly very glad she’d worn the silky dress.

  Luckily, Mitch quickly engaged Luke in conversation, leaving her to concentrate on eating her meal without spilling a good portion of her salad greens topped with a light raspberry vinaigrette dressing into her lap. When Luke leaned toward her a few minutes later, she caught a whiff of his spicy aftershave and thought he smelt better than anything on her plate.

  “Thank you for keeping the dress,” he murmured. “It suits you perfectly.”

  She fingered the fabric of her dress, knowing deep down he was right. “You have very good taste.”

  His lips quirked in a smile. “For once we agree.”

  Caryn gulped her water, glad she wasn’t able to have anything stronger, considering Luke’s attentiveness was enough to drive her senses haywire. She had no idea what she ate for the main course of their meal, but it must have been good.

  The after-dinner program was short, but after the CEO of the hospital gave his heartfelt thanks to all the staff who had pulled together during the Crypto crisis, there was a standing ovation. Luke winked and caught her hand in his and she ducked her head, knowing he was remembering the lingering kisses and the night they’d shared in his call room.

  The CEO had no idea that working through the Crypto crisis hadn’t been all bad.

  As the banquet staff cleared tables off the dance floor, Caryn debated slipping away. Not because she was afraid to dance, but did she really want to be a third wheel to Dana and Mitch if Luke decided he needed to mingle and talk to other guests?

  “Where are you going?” Luke asked when she stood.

  “I, uh, thought I’d better get home.”

  “Already?” Luke quickly rose to his feet. “Are you really too tired? Won’t you stay, at least for a little while longer?”

  “Ah…sure. Why not?” She honestly didn’t put up much of an argument as she wanted to stay more than anything. When the band began to play, she glanced over at the dance floor, noticing many couples already heading there.

  “Dance with me?” Luke asked, taking her hand once again in his.

  She nodded and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor, feeling like a modern-day Cinderella. Luke pulled her into his arms, his arms strong and warm around her. She expected her rounded stomach to get in the way, but their bodies fit together perfectly as if she weren’t pregnant at all.

  “I’m glad you changed your mind about coming tonight,” Luke murmured. “And about the other day, I’m sorry. I never meant to be a bully.”

  Ashamed at how she’d overreacted, she shook her head. “You weren’t, not really. I’m the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No, you were right. I was trying to tell you what to do. Being bossy comes naturally to physicians.” He held her gaze with his. “Forgive me?”

  How could she not? “Of course.”

  He bent his head and kissed her, just the lightest brush of his mouth on hers, but the way his arms tightened around her she realized he was holding himself in check in deference to being surrounded by people they both worked with.

  He lifted his head and slid a hand down into the small of her back, urging her closer. Heat pooled in her groin as they brushed against each other, swaying to the beat of the music.

  She realized the song had ended when he slowed to a stop. “Caryn?”

  “Hmm?” she tipped her head back to see him.

  “Will you let me take you home?”

  She sucked in a breath, knowing this was about more than just simply offering her a lift, but the knowledge of what she was really getting into didn’t stop her from nodding. “Yes.”

  “Great.” The relief on his face was almost comical. He grabbed her hand. “Let’s go.”

  She wanted to laugh at his eagerness, but the anticipation flickering through her veins understood his barely repressed urgency. “Wait.” She tried to marshal her thoughts. “I should probably let Dana and Mitch know.” She glanced around for the couple as Luke led the way back toward their table. “Where did they go? They were just here.”

  “I see them. Sit here for a minute and rest your feet. I’ll tell them we’re leaving.” Luke threaded his way through the crowd.

  She sat and clutched her evening bag with tight fingers. She forced herself to relax. During this whole evening Luke had treated her as a woman, as someone he was attracted to instead of someone he worried about.

  This was exactly what she’d wanted.

  Watching him saying something to Dana and Mitch, she smiled, tempted to kick off her heels but more worried that if she did, she’d never get them back on. She moved from side to side, trying to stretch her back muscles, which lately had been tightening with spasms for no reason.

  Finally the impatient waiting was over. Luke returned and offered his arm. “Ready?”

  “Sure.” She took his arm but as they made their way to the front entrance a tiny kernel of doubt crept in. The valet service would fetch his car, but then hers would be stuck there. She didn’t want to be left at home, dependent on Luke for a ride. “Maybe I should just drive my own car home,” she murmured. “Then I don’t have to figure out how to get my car back.”

  “How about we take your car home instead?” Luke suggested. “I’ll leave my car here. I can get one of the residents to give me a lift later.”

  Once more she was surprised at his thoughtfulness. Had David ever once gone out of his way for her? Not that she could remember. She grinned in relief. “If you don’t mind, that would be great.”

  The valet parking attendant pulled up in her very steady, dependable sedan and she didn’t say anything when Luke took the keys, obviously intending to drive.

  Surely she could give up this little bit of control? Especially when he was making such a great effort on his side.

  Caryn settled into the passenger seat and was pulling the seatbelt crosswise over her body when her back spasmed again. “Oh!” she yelped before she could stop herself.

  Luke reacted as if she’d screamed. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she hastened to assure him, regretting her outburst as she awkwardly reached around to rub her back. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine,” he said, dividing his attention between her and the road. “What if you’re having some sort of premature contractions?”

  She sighed. “They don’t feel like contractions.” The tightening in her muscles eased. “Seriously, I’m fine.”

  The expression on his face didn’t lighten. “You need to talk to your doctor about this.”

  “I was just at the doctor two weeks ago. I’m not due to go back for another two weeks,” she reminded him. “Besides, the spasm is over. Between painting and dancing, I must have strained a few muscles I wasn’t using before.”

  Luke didn’t look entirely convinced. “Promise me you’ll call your doctor,” he repeated stubbornly.

  “Why are you so worried?” she asked in an exasperated tone.

  There was a long pause. “I’m not. I just don’t want you to ignore any signs or symptoms of potential complications.”

  She arched her brow. “Potential complications?”

  “The first sign of placenta previa is sharp stabbing pain,” he said in a low tone. “And it could be anywhere, even your back.”

  She stared at him. The oddly tense expression on his face made her think the comment wasn’t a random one. “Did you know someone who had placenta previa, Luke?”

  He didn’t answer as he pulled into her driveway.

  Rather than push the issue, she gestured to her house. “Do you want to come in for a few minutes?” she offered. The sudden serious turn in the conversation made her wonder if the rest of the evening might not
end as she’d hoped. “I’ll make coffee.”

  “Sure.” He climbed out, coming around to get her door. He walked her inside. “You don’t have to make coffee just for me. I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

  “Herb tea.” She scrunched her face in disgust. “I guess it’s better than nothing.”

  “I’ll get it.” He steered her to a chair and gave a gentle push. “You need to get off your feet.”

  She slipped off her shoes and sighed as her toes stretched comfortably without the pressure. Did feet grow along with the rest of your body when you were pregnant? She wasn’t sure.

  Luke gathered cups and teabags, heating the water in the microwave. It was odd to watch him moving around her kitchen as if he belonged there. She frowned, remembering those first few days with David. David had moved in and taken over and she’d very quickly known she’d made a mistake.

  Luke looked comfortable in her kitchen. In her house. In her life?

  “Here you go.” Luke placed a steaming mug before her, and then grabbed a second one for himself as he took a seat next to her.

  She took a sip of her tea and eyed him over the rim. “Luke, you mentioned having a sister who died. Was she the one who had placenta previa?” she asked again.

  He rubbed a hand over his eyes and slowly nodded. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t want to scare you.”

  Too late, she thought. I’m scared. “What happened? Obstetrics wasn’t my best subject but I do know a mother doesn’t have to die as a result of placenta previa.”

  Pushing his untouched tea to the center of the table, he sighed. “Lisa was several years younger than me. I was in the second year of my residency program and trips home had almost completely fizzled out.” He shrugged. “I didn’t know Lisa was pregnant, she didn’t tell me.”

  “So how did you find out?”

  “My mother actually called me because Lisa suddenly experienced severe pain and bleeding.” Luke stared at his hands, reliving the past. “They’d called for an ambulance to take her to the hospital. When she got there they discovered she had a placenta previa.”

  Caryn knew this was when the placenta broke away from the uterine wall. She sucked in a breath. “The baby?”

  “Didn’t make it. And worse, after they delivered the stillborn baby Lisa continued to hemorrhage. I rushed over and they asked me to do a blood transfusion on the spot because we shared the same blood type and they were afraid she had built up antibodies in her system, which were complicating things.”

  Luke to the rescue. “Didn’t your blood help?”

  “Yeah, but I got there too late.” He lifted his head, gazing at her with red-rimmed eyes full of anguish. “She died before the hospital staff had a chance to get my donated blood transfused into her. We lost Lisa and her son.”


  LUKE stared at Caryn’s wide eyes, her arms protectively crossed over her belly, and could have kicked himself for being so thoughtless. “See? I shouldn’t have said anything. A pregnant woman doesn’t need to hear this. I shouldn’t have upset you.”

  “No, it’s OK.” She gave him a sad smile, then stood and came around toward him. “I’m glad you told me, Luke. Sounds like you and Lisa were close.”

  “We were.” He caught her hand and gave a tug, urging her to sit on his lap. She put her arms around his shoulders and gave him a hug.

  “I’m so sorry, Luke,” she said in a low tone.

  He smoothed his hand over her back. “I took her death hard, almost had to repeat my second year of residency. I finally pulled it together, thanks to Mitch’s help. He was my fellow while I was a resident.”

  She lifted her head to look at him. “I’m glad.”

  His heart squeezed in his chest. Caryn was so beautiful. He marveled at how perfectly she fit into his arms, rounded belly and all.

  He could stay like this with her for ever.

  Amazing how the very idea of spending the next hundred years with Caryn didn’t scare him like it should.

  When she didn’t move away, he lifted a hand to cup her cheek. Holding her gaze, he leaned forward and kissed her.

  She squirmed against him as if to get closer and he broke off the kiss, anxious to feel every inch of her against him. Easing her off his lap, he stood and looked down at her.

  “Do all the clothes fit as nicely as this dress?” he asked in a husky tone.

  “Yes.” She linked her arms around his waist. “But don’t even think of buying any more,” she threatened in a severe tone.

  “I won’t.” He flashed a grin. “Although there were these nightgowns…”

  She blushed. “Right. As if you’re desperate to see a pregnant woman’s figure in a nightgown,” she scoffed.

  “I am.” He let his gaze travel over her, gauging her reaction. He’d managed to maintain control on the dance floor at the charity ball, where all those nosy eyes could see them, but he didn’t think he could walk away from her again. Not tonight. Not now. “Desperate to see you.”

  Her color deepened and he found her shyness enticing.

  “Caryn.” He drew her toward him.

  “What?” her voice was breathless.

  “I need another hug.” I need you. I want you.

  “Oh, Luke.” The words were muffled because she pressed her face into his chest, locking her arms around his waist. “What are we getting ourselves into?”

  He hesitated because he didn’t want her to feel pressured. “Nothing you’re not ready for,” he said honestly. If she pushed him away, he’d go. “It’s up to you. Tell me what you want.”

  “You,” she whispered. “I want you.”

  His body surged with need but he kept himself under tight control as he took his time, enjoying every moment of the kiss. He’d been with other women before, but none as precious, as important as Caryn.

  When he felt the edges of his control begin to disintegrate he lifted his head, gasping for breath, trying to formulate one last coherent thought. “Caryn, please, be sure.”

  “I am,” she assured him, her lips curving in a smile. “Don’t stop now, Luke.”

  He didn’t want to stop either. When she reached down to gather the hem of her dress, as if to prove she was sure, he grasped her wrists. “Wait. Let me.”

  When she dropped her hands, he bent and lifted her in his arms, liking the way her body snuggled against his. Masking his underlying urgency, he asked, “Where’s your bedroom?”

  “Down the hall, across from the nursery.” She wound her arms around his neck. “You’re going to throw your back out carrying a pregnant woman around.”

  “Hardly.” He elbowed through her door and approached the bed, then set her on her feet. He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her again.

  They didn’t speak as he slowly undressed her, taking his time, enjoying every moment. Her breasts were beautiful and sensitive, the merest flick of his tongue against her nipple made her gasp and press against him. As he slowly undressed her, he rid himself of his own clothing ten times faster.

  He tried to be gentle but Caryn urged him on, touching him, stroking him, until he wasn’t sure he could stand it another second without making her his.

  She seemed momentarily surprised when he broke away to fish a condom out of his discarded jeans. Then she smiled and plucked it from him. After opening the packet, she pushed him onto his back and sheathed him. The teasing stroke of her fingers almost made him swallow his tongue.

  “Now.” Sweat broke out on his brow as he lifted her over him then hesitated, worried he’d somehow cause her harm. His fear was unfounded when she slid over him, taking him deep.

  So good, she felt so good he couldn’t stop but urged her to a quicker pace, needing to feel her release.

  But she held out longer than he did, making sure he experienced the rush of pleasure before she let herself go. Blinded by a flash of white light, he momentarily forgot to breathe.

  And when the quivering sensation faded and he cou
ld think clearly again, he gathered her close, tucking the blankets securely around her.

  He couldn’t imagine anything more perfect than falling asleep with the steady beat of Caryn’s heart against his.

  Caryn opened her eyes, blinking against the bright light of morning. Her first thought was how wonderful it felt to wake up beside Luke’s hard muscular body. Her second thought, quickly overshadowing the first, was how she couldn’t ignore the urgent pressure in her bladder. When she moved to get up, she realized Luke still had his arm wrapped protectively around her.

  She smiled and disentangled herself from his embrace. This time he noticed her leaving and lifted his head, glancing around in confusion, as if trying to figure out why she was up and moving away from him.

  “I need to use the bathroom.” She slid from the covers, overly conscious of her nakedness as she walked across the room. She glanced over her shoulder to find Luke’s keen gaze on her. “Stop staring at me.”

  “But I like the view.” His sensual grin sent her pulse skyrocketing. “Hurry back.”

  She could feel her face burning as she ducked out of the room and headed for the bathroom. Thank heavens she’d left her bathrobe on the back of the door. She pulled it on gratefully.

  Hiding in the bathroom wasn’t her style, but now that she was awake and alone, the decisions she’d made the night before came flooding back, along with a smidgen of self-doubt.

  She couldn’t hide from the truth. She loved Luke. More than she’d thought possible. Luke’s protectiveness was easy to understand now that she knew the story behind his sister’s death. He was the complete opposite from David, as he’d proved over and over again by putting her needs first.

  She finally understood her feelings for Luke, but what exactly did he feel toward her? She buried her face in her hands. He hadn’t said anything about love but he must feel something for her, the way he’d made love to her so tenderly. Maybe they should have taken things more slowly. Given themselves time. If she could get herself back on secure financial ground maybe Luke wouldn’t keep seeing her as someone he needed to take care of.


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