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Let Me In (The Invisibles #2)

Page 2

by Lynn, Michelle

  “Hey, Grant, nice to see you here,” she says from across the counter.

  “I work here,” I respond flatly.

  “How come you’re in town?” she asks with that annoying high-pitched voice.

  “I’m from here. Born and raised,” I answer, not willing to give her any further information about myself.

  “I just got back from being home. I thought more girls would be back, but no one’s here. What are you doing tonight?” She shuffles from side to side, stretching her arms back and forth, preparing to work-out. I would rather she just go and do her thing.

  “Going to a friend’s party.” As soon as the words cross my lips, I automatically wish I wouldn’t have revealed my plans. After not hearing from her for the past week, Jessa texted me the address this afternoon. When I saw her name light up the screen, I think I smiled for the first time since I said good-bye to her on Christmas.

  “Oh, can I come?” Her voice raises another octave. “Please, Grant. I don’t want to be alone on New Year’s Eve,” she begs in the most annoying baby voice.

  “Um…it’s not a Greek party,” I admit, hoping she’ll back off.

  “That’s okay. Come on, Grant. I don’t want to stay home by myself on New Year’s. You know whoever you kiss tonight, you’re supposed to spend the year with,” she whines, giving me the most flirtatious eyes as she cocks her head to the side.

  “Alright,” I give in, releasing a breath.

  “Great,” she exclaims. “Pick me up?’

  “Sure,” I say, rolling my eyes. How she doesn’t notice my annoyance baffles me. “Where do you live?”

  “You’re so silly, you know where I live.” Oh shit, I don’t want to admit that actually I have no fucking clue where she lives. “DDE,” she tells me and I’m relieved she gives me the information anyway.

  “I’ll be there at ten,” I say, walking backward to the office, hoping to find my escape from her.

  “Oh, I’m so excited, Grant. Who knows, maybe it will be me next to you at midnight,” she says, winking at me before walking away toward the treadmill, swinging those hips. I have to admit, she may be annoying, but she’s got a great ass.

  Jesus, what the fuck did I just do? I’m barely going to fit in at this party, let alone Emily. The two of us will stick out like a runner in the weight room at Barbells. When Jessa invited me, there was no way I was going to say no. Lately, I think I would throw myself into a snake pit just to spend a second with her. Even though Rob will be with her tonight, I pray that he’ll do his usual disappearing act, which in turn will give me some alone time with her. Of course, now I have Emily to deal with as well. Fuck me.

  It’s cold as hell tonight. Not wanting to draw more attention to myself, I opted for a pair of jeans and a Henley. My hair is probably too styled for this bunch, but I’m not ashamed of myself and I’m not about to change my appearance to suit them. I can say one thing; I’m not as noticeably different as Emily. Her micro mini pink dress with platform heels is making all the heads turn as we walk up to the door. Fortunately, it appears the guys like what they see and therefore are disregarding me, making me hopeful that I won’t get into a fight tonight.

  The party isn’t too crowded, so Emily and I are able to make our way to the kitchen to grab a drink fairly quickly. I breathe a little easier when I find Brady and Sadie standing in the corner while Trey, their roommate, pours himself a beer from the keg.

  “Hey man, glad you were able to make it.” Trey puts his hand on my shoulder before giving Emily the once-over. His eyes peruse her body and the sly smile that comes across his face makes me pretty certain he’s imagining her without the dress.

  “Yeah, Jessa told me about it,” I say, scanning the area for her. Trey cocks an eyebrow at me when I turn back around.

  “Well, her and Rob got held up at home,” Trey informs me, giving me a look of curiosity, and I automatically assume he’s noticed too much between us.

  “But they’ll be here soon,” Sadie chimes in, giving me a hug. “Hi, I’m Sadie and this is my boyfriend, Brady.” She holds her hand out, greeting Emily.

  “Hi, I’m Emily,” she says, limply shaking Sadie’s hand while gawking at Brady.

  “How do you know Grant?” Sadie asks, possessively placing her arm around Brady, while he mimics her motions. If Sadie only knew she has nothing to worry about with Emily.

  “I’m in his sister sorority,” she says in her high octave voice, hooking her arm through mine.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” Sadie responds, looking toward the floor. I don’t know all of Sadie’s story, but I know she was in a sorority at her last school, and that there’s a reason why she came here her senior year, just like Jessa. Apparently, they were both running from something in their past. Why else does someone transfer schools a year before they’re going to graduate? As curious as I am about Sadie’s reason, I want to find out what happened to Jessa even more.

  Brady pulls Sadie into him, giving her a kiss on her head, and she smiles up at him. They have an unspoken bond that makes me envious, but I’m not capable of having what they have. “Hey, you came.” Her voice makes me melt like ice cream after hot fudge has been poured over it. I turn around to find her holding hands with Rob. I hope I can disguise the disgust I feel seeing her hand in someone else’s.

  “I told you I would,” I say, my words almost stopping when she wraps those small arms around my neck to hug me.

  “I know, but I worried you would change your mind.” She pulls back from me and smiles before noticing Emily’s arm through mine. “Oh…you brought someone,” she says, clearly taken aback. She stares at Emily, waiting for an introduction.

  “I’d say he did,” Rob adds, smiling at Emily’s tits.

  “Um…” I hesitate.

  “I’m Emily, Grant’s date,” Emily answers for me and I give her a disbelieving look.

  “Not exactly,” I try to reassure Jessa. I just don’t know whose benefit it was for, mine or hers. “I saw Emily at the gym and she didn’t have any plans, so I invited her.” I maneuver my arm away from Emily.

  “The more the merrier,” Jessa casually remarks, and I wonder if I misread any of what just happened. I swear there was jealousy in her demeanor, but my imagination might be getting the better of me.

  “Definitely, the more the merrier,” Rob declares as his eyes roam Emily’s body once again. “I’m Rob, by the way.” He holds out his hand and Emily shakes it, giving him a smile and a giggle.

  “Nice to meet you,” she says, inching closer to him and squeezing Jessa out. Although I like that Jessa is now closer to me, the look on her face while watching Rob ogling Emily distresses me.

  “Let’s go, Emily.” I pull her arm back toward me, leading her into the other room. Once in the living room, I glance back and see Rob standing over the keg and Jessa watching us.

  Emily and I dance to a few songs, but neither one of us is used to this kind of music. It’s heavier rock than even what The Invisibles play. I’ve seen Jessa a few times, lingering between groups of people. Occasionally, our eyes seem to find each other’s at the same moment and we exchange a small smile. So far, I believe Emily is enjoying herself much more than I am. When I tell her I’m going to get us some drinks, she waves me off, sitting on the couch between two guys who are clearly interested in her. Or at least her body anyway.

  “Where did you find her?” Jessa startles me as I’m pouring drinks for Emily and myself.

  “I told you, she belongs to Barbells and she’s in my sister sorority.” I’m having a hard time judging if she’s upset or not.

  “Are you dating her?”

  “No, why?” I want her to say it. God, please tell me she’s jealous.

  “Just curious,” she answers and shrugs her shoulders.

  “So, are you glad Rob’s back?” I ask, diverting the subject back to her. I have to keep reminding myself that she belongs to someone else.

  “Of course,” she says, her voice sounding a little overl
y excited.

  “That’s good.” I hold the two drinks in my hand, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

  “Where is he?”

  “I’m not sure, somewhere around here.”

  “You better find him, it’s almost midnight,” I tell her, praying like hell she stays put.

  “I guess I should,” she says, not moving and taking Emily’s drink from my hand. “Are you going to kiss her at midnight?” she asks.

  “Who? Emily?”

  “Yes, Emily.” She peeks up at me through her eyelashes and I can see it now. Thank God, she’s fucking jealous.

  “I wasn’t planning on it,” I say.

  “Why not?” she asks, shyly biting her lower lip.

  “Because there’s someone else I’d much rather kiss,” I admit. I see that everyone in the room next to us is standing up, eagerly watching the ball start to drop. I look around and notice we’re alone in the kitchen.

  “Who?” She takes the drink from my hand and places it on the counter, trapping me with her arms, as the countdown begins in the next room.

  “I don’t think I should tell you.” My hands stay firmly on the sides of the countertop, gripping the edge so hard my knuckles are white.

  “Say it, Grant,” she whispers, leaning up toward me. Our lips are so close, I can smell the peppermint schnapps on her breath. “Who do you want to kiss at midnight?” she continues, inching closer with every word.

  “You,” I reveal, and just as voices throughout the house scream ‘Happy New Year’, her lips crash into mine. I place my hands on her hips, drawing her closer to me.

  The warmth of her soft lips is enough to undo me. I lick her lips, asking for them to part, and her tongue automatically meets mine. Her hands rest on the back of my head as I move my hands to either side of her face, holding her in place while she lets me greedily consume her mouth. In all my conquests, I’ve never been so turned on by just one kiss. As our kiss come to a gentle closure, I keep my arms wrapped around her, holding her against me. My arms remain intact with my head tucked in the curve of her neck as I give her soft kisses.

  “Happy New Year,” I whisper, nibbling on her ear.

  “Happy New Year,” she says back. For a brief moment, it’s only us in this house.

  “Happy New Year!” Rob’s boisterous voice hollers into the room and Jessa quickly moves away from me, but I grab her hand in the crowd. We hold our fingers together until Rob comes into view with a disheveled Emily right behind him. “Babe, where were you?” He bends down, kissing the same lips I just had against mine only moments ago.

  “I’ve been right here the whole time,” Jessa says, glancing over to me briefly before wrapping her arm around Rob’s waist.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Rob says to her and she nods, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

  As he guides her out of the room and Emily takes Jessa’s place by my side, Jessa turns my way one last time before being swallowed up by the crowd. Things just got more fucked up.


  Rob walks me out of the house while my body is still tingling from having Grant’s lips on mine. I can’t explain what came over me. Seeing that sorority chick all over him got me totally fired up, even though he’s not mine and I have no claim to him. Jesus, I have my own boyfriend, who is now escorting me home.

  “Hey babe, you want to get something to eat?” Rob’s voice pulls me away from my convoluted thoughts. I pray the blush that I’m sure fills my cheeks goes unnoticed.

  “I’m not really hungry,” I tell him, but he pulls up to the drive-thru window anyway, ordering both of us food.

  “I told you I wasn’t hungry,” I inform him. He looks my way and then back to the cashier, handing her his money. “Rob, I’m not going to eat it.”

  “You need it, look how skinny you’re getting.” His eyes roam up and down my body before he turns around to grab the food. “I’m gone for like two weeks and I swear you lost five pounds.” I’m sure it’s his way of caring about me, but lately he seems obsessed with my weight.

  We head back to the house, and it’s the first night that I’m going to spend living under the same roof with Rob. Even though we have separate rooms, I doubt we’ll sleep apart.

  Opening the back door, I see that we’re alone in the house. Rob throws the food on the table and grabs me. “Let’s have round two,” he says, grabbing my ass and hoisting me on the counter. His lips and tongue frantically devour my body, while his hands fiddle with my pants. We had sex when he came back earlier this evening and I enjoyed it…then.

  But now, all I can think of is Grant. I’m picturing his lips on my neck and his strong hands unzipping my pants. My hand grabs the back of Rob’s neck, and when I feel spiky gelled strands instead of soft staggered layers like earlier, I pull back.

  “Let’s eat, we can always do this later.” I push him away and jump off the counter, quickly re-fastening my pants.

  “Well, that’s a first. You want to eat instead of fuck,” he says, but it doesn’t seem to bother him too much.

  “You’re right, I need to eat,” I say, trying to change the subject. If I don’t get these thoughts of Grant out of my head, there’s no way I can be with Rob. How did I get myself into this horrible situation?

  “How was your family?” I ask him after we each take a seat at the table, unwrapping our sandwiches.

  “Good…they missed you,” he says, taking a bite of his sandwich.

  “Mine were upset they didn’t get to meet you.” I’m wondering what kind of response I’ll get from him. As much as I tried to brush it off that he didn’t make the three-hour drive back to meet my parents, it upset me that he couldn’t or wouldn’t fit it into his schedule.

  “I’m not. Don’t get me wrong, babe, but meeting the parents never goes very well for me, and I really don’t want to be grilled on why I like fucking you.” I abruptly pick up my head and drop my sandwich.

  “Is that all I’m good for?” I ask him. He doesn’t even have the courtesy to look up at me. “Rob!” I yell.

  “Of course not, stop being so dramatic. I know you’ve been through shit, but don’t lay that on me. It wasn’t me that did that to you.” He finally looks up and pops a fry in his mouth, completely unfazed by what he just said.

  “Thank you,” I sarcastically say, standing up.

  “For what?” he asks, twirling his tongue around his front teeth.

  “For confirming that I was right when I didn’t FUCK you earlier on the counter.” I slam the chair into the table and walk out of the room.

  “Jessa…Jesus. It’s always drama, drama, drama,” he shouts and I stomp up the stairs, slamming my door.

  He’s been back for less than four hours and we’re already fighting. One thing I’m happy about is that I don’t have to come up with some excuse not to have sex with him tonight. I change into my black pajama pants with pink skulls and crossbones, along with a matching pink shirt. Crawling into bed, I pull the covers up to my neck. I curl into my pillow and wince as all my earrings poke the side of my head.

  Rob just doesn’t understand what happened to me. He thinks I should be able to forget it by now and has no tolerance for my insecurities, even though I’ve come a long way. But his impatience is starting to make me think that we aren’t going to be the ever after I once thought we were destined for.

  As these thoughts tumble through my mind, Jason once again invades my head. I try to push him out but he’s always there. “You’re such a whore!!” he screamed. “Who do you think you are, some fucking sex goddess? You think that every guy wants you?” I fell to my knees and begged him to stop, but he stood over me, pointing his finger in my face and humiliating me in front of all our friends. And as if that wasn’t enough, he finished me off the next day.

  I’ve been honest with Rob about my depression, and he seemed to care in the beginning, but lately he’s changed. If he isn’t fucking me, he’s practicing with the numerous bands he’s a member of. He no longer takes m
e out to dinners or movies. From Thanksgiving to now, our relationship has taken a one-eighty and I’m not sure what happened. The worst part is, I don’t know if it’s him pulling away or if it’s me. Briefly, I’ve wondered if he’s acting on something I’m putting out there. Can he sense my desire for Grant?

  Ugh, Grant…I feel like an idiot for kissing him, even though he definitely didn’t push me away. If anything, he pulled me closer. His tongue was so gentle and soothing as it explored my mouth and I love that he didn’t rush it. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so wanted and desired by someone from only one kiss. When his fingertips grazed the exposed skin above my waistline, chills ran across my back, making me want more. All his passion and need consumed me, and I almost came completely unglued. When I was finally able to step back, his eyes gleamed with a look I’ve never seen before from any guy.

  I tense when I hear Rob stomping up the stairs, but his footsteps continue down the hall. The water turns on and I know he’s going to take a shower. I remind myself that he’s a good guy and he does care about me. I slowly stand up and make my way to the door that connects the bathroom to both our rooms. Rob stands naked, ready to get into the shower. When he sees me, he offers me his hand and I take it. Apologizing in my ear, he slowly pushes my pajama pants and underwear down, and then draws my shirt up over my head. His lean, muscled, tattooed arms wrap around my waist, and I let him saturate my thoughts completely. Forcing Grant out of my head, I give myself fully to Rob. He’s the one I should be with since he accepts my past, and although Grant is a great guy, I don’t think he would be so understanding about it.

  Rob says sweet things in my ear while he washes my body. When I get out, he wraps my body in a towel and leads me into his room. Laying me in his bed naked, he curls up behind me and kisses me on the shoulder, telling me goodnight. When my eyelids become heavy, I’m certain this is exactly where I should be. I just need to keep Grant at an arm’s length and my yearning for him will wane.


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