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Let Me In (The Invisibles #2)

Page 23

by Lynn, Michelle

  As though he knows, Grant is waiting for me when I get out. The sorrowful look on his face lets me know he’s sympathetic for what I’m going through, but it’s hard to feel sorry for myself when I’m looking at a man who has no parents. He would most likely do anything to see his mom one more time, and here I am, wallowing in my own self-pity about a few months of separation.

  “Sorry, baby, I know you hate saying goodbye to your parents,” he says and wraps me in a tight hug. “Do you want to take the pictures with you?” he asks, and I shake my head.

  “No, I want them to stay here,” I tell him. He gives me a sly grin and walks out of the room.

  I get dressed, finish packing my bag, and stare at my room one last time. I’m struck by how terrified I was coming back, but think of the many ways that Grant made it bearable while we were here. For the first time, I realize that I’m going back to Western a different person than I was when I arrived here. As though I faced my demons and now I’m free. By the time I get outside, my parents and Sam have started saying goodbye to everyone.

  “Take care of her, Grant,” my dad instructs and Grant nods to him. After they shake hands, Grant gives my mom and Sam hugs before stepping back a little to make room for me.

  When I reach my parents, I already feel the tears in my eyes, threatening to fall. I’m not immune to the fact that it probably seems odd for a twenty-two year-old girl to be crying when she says goodbye to her parents, but we’re exceptionally close. And even with a zillion phone calls and emails, it’s not the same as face-to-face contact.

  After a few hugs and words of parting, Grant and I make our way to meet everyone else at the minivan. I give one more wave to my parents before stepping in and cozying up to Grant, who is sitting in the same spot he was in a week ago. He puts his arm around me and I kiss his neck, instantly comforted.

  We all wave to my parents and Sam before Brady drives off. I’m not blind to the fact that Dex is turned around in his seat, still waving to Sam. A minute later, I hear his phone ding, alerting him to a text message. I wonder if it’s my sister or someone else, but my guess is it’s Sam. Maybe I am wrong about them.

  When the pilot announces we’re clear for takeoff, I grab Grant’s hand and glance over to the man I love. The man who holds my fragile heart in his hands. We keep making so many strides, I don’t see how we can’t make it. The odds were stacked against us, but we’re beating them, one by one. Feeling content, I place my head on Grant’s shoulder and the humming of the engines and shuffling of people lulls me to sleep.


  We arrive back at Brady’s house to find a brand new black Mustang with tinted windows and an exhaust system one could hear five miles away parked in the driveway. After I park Jessa’s car, the four of us pile out, and Brady and Sadie get out of his Camaro with the same questioning look as us. We grab our bags and walk up to the back door, finding it open. Trey’s the first one in, and the rest of us bump into one another after he stops in his tracks. We all just stare at Rob, who is drinking a beer in the kitchen, obviously making himself at home.

  I’m sure my body is as tight as a coiled wire as I stand there, unable to move. Jessa weaves through the bodies and, not missing a beat, asks, “What are you doing here?” He continues to down his beer, completely disregarding her.

  “I’m on break,” he says casually, as though it’s no big deal he’s just returned after two months without a word to anyone.

  “So, you came back here?” Trey starts in on him. “Why? You obviously don’t give a shit about us,” he sneers.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Rob walks up to Jessa and kisses her cheek. My bag drops to the floor with a loud thud.

  “Don’t fucking touch her,” I seethe, weaving my way through my friends to reach her.

  “Oh yeah, I heard a little rumor about you two,” he laughs, and Jessa quickly comes to my side. “Really, Jessa? Him?”

  Jessa might be standing by my side, but she isn’t telling Rob she’s with me, choosing instead to remain silent.

  “I know I broke your heart, but come on, a frat boy?” I turn to look at Jessa and see her staring at the ground before she peeks my way.

  “What the hell is he talking about?” I ask her. Anger starts boiling in my blood. Did she fucking run to me after he broke up with her? Rethinking that night, I realize now that she said it was over, but not that she was the one who ended it.

  “Rob, don’t start shit. She’s happy. Just get the fuck out,” Trey hollers at him. I’d actually forgotten they were all here.

  “You didn’t break my heart, you asshole,” Jessa finally says, and I want to thank the heavens above.

  “I’m sorry I never called but things were busy. I’m here now, so why don’t we say you ditch Richie Rich and we can make up for lost time.” Rob steps closer and he’s only inches away from her now. All I want to do is step between them, but I’m trying to be mature about this.

  “Busy with what things? Girls? Pussy? Having your dick sucked?” Trey spouts, coming to stand along the other side of Jessa.

  “Stay out of it, Michaels, this isn’t your business,” Rob warns and I grab Jessa’s hand.

  “Rob, you might not remember because you were either wasted or high or maybe a combination of both, but I broke it off. You were practically having sex on the other end of the phone.” She shifts her weight closer to me and further away from Rob. Quickly, I wrap my arm around her waist to secure her where she should be.

  “What?” he asks, scrunching his eyes in disbelief. “Whatever Jessa, don’t make up shit. If you want it over, it’s over. Believe me, you’re nothing special. All I have to do is say ‘next’ and some hot girl will happily fill your spot.” He tosses his beer bottle in the trashcan and walks out of the room.

  “I already pity her,” Jessa hollers to his back.

  “Brady, you better go kick his ass out,” Trey demands, turning his body toward him.

  “Uh, yeah,” he huffs. “I’ll be right back.” He appears exhausted and annoyed that he has to deal with this drama as he reaches over and grabs Sadie’s bag from the floor before venturing out of the room.

  After Brady leaves to talk to Rob, I take Jessa into my arms. “Are you alright?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry I never told you exactly how we broke up.” She peeks up to me through her eyelashes, obviously wondering how I will take the news.

  “I don’t care how it all went down, as long as it did.” I form it like a question and she snaps her head back.

  “I swear it did. You believe me, right?” she asks, her voice sounding panicky. I gently nudge her head back to my chest.

  “Of course,” I tell her. “Now get your stuff so you can come to my place.”

  “Why?” She pulls back again, but I keep my arms fastened around her waist.

  “You’re not staying here with him,” I say and she cocks her head to the side.

  “And why would that be?” She pulls further away and my body goes cold from the lack of contact.

  “Do I really have to explain it to you?” I regret my tone as soon as the words leave my mouth.

  “I guess you do, because what I’m hearing is that you are trying to order me to go somewhere and that you don’t trust me to be in the same house as my ex.” She grabs her bag, getting ready to wheel it out of the room

  “Jessa, I have to go to that group discussion I told you about for my business management class. You could come to house and stay there until I finish. I really don’t understand what the big deal is.” I step forward to reach her but she steps back.

  Thankfully, Brady comes in at that moment, and I pray he’s about to tell us Rob’s packing his stuff and getting the hell out.

  “So did you kick his ass out?” Trey steps up, asking the question we all want an answer to.

  “I gave him until the end of the week.” Brady sighs, knowing full well that Trey and I are going to argue his decision. “Listen, he has shit to get out. He pr
omised me he’ll stay out of the way and keep his mouth shut.”

  “Is that even possible?” I ask and Brady turns to Jessa.

  “I’m sorry, Jessa. I know this might make it uncomfortable for you. Maybe you should go stay with Grant until he’s gone.” See, I am being rational here. She’s the one who thinks, unrealistically, that her current boyfriend would be okay with her sharing a bathroom with her ex.

  “Don’t worry about it, Brady. I can handle it.” She touches his arm and Brady gives her a sympathetic smile.

  “Yeah, because you’re coming with me.” I move closer and gently place my hand in hers.

  She pulls it back and narrows her eyes at me. “I am not. You know I hate that place. Not to mention, you can come back here when you’re done, if you’re that worried about him being here,” she says, her voice starting to rise. I know we’re about to have our first major fight because I’m not about to let this go.

  “Jessa, you’re being completely irrational,” I say, and everyone wisely starts to move out of the room. Sadie looks back one more time and I see the concerned expression on her face before Brady nudges her forward.

  “Am I?” she counters, clearly ready for a fight. At this point, I’m teetering on whether or not to carry her out of here against her will. “You think I am the one being irrational?”

  “Yes! Now, go get whatever you need and let’s get the hell out of here!” I finally lose it, unable to keep my anger in check any longer. Possessive…yes. Domineering…yes. Shitty…yes. But I’m not about to let my girlfriend stay here with her ex five steps away.

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.” She crosses her arms and shifts her weight onto one hip, staring at me. Her hazel eyes now intently glare into mine. I swear she hasn’t even blinked yet.

  “Jessa,” I grit through clenched teeth. Completely exasperated by this conversation and obviously not thinking straight, I make the mistake of saying, “Either come with me now or I’m not coming back here tonight.”

  Before the answer leaves her mouth, I’m already hitting myself. “Fine, see you around. Call me when you grow the fuck up.” With that, she stomps out of the room.

  “Fuck!” I slam my fist against the doorframe on my way out. How can she not see my point? She’s being naïve as fuck to think the dipshit isn’t going to attempt to get her in his bed. The fact that I just pushed her toward him pisses me off more, but I’m left with no other choice. I have to leave and meet with my group, otherwise I fail. If I fail, we have no future anyway.

  I toss my bag into the bed of my truck, thanking God when it starts after sitting for a week. Peeling out of the driveway, I leave her. Slamming my fist into the steering wheel as I drive to the frat house, I shake my head, outraged at myself. I might have just handed my girlfriend over to her ex. Fuck!

  Chapter 23


  The nerve of Grant. How dare he think I should go stay in that fucking frat house when he won’t even be there? Give me a break. It’s only a matter of five hours that he’ll be gone. What exactly does he think will happen? That I’ll just hop in bed with Rob for old times’ sake? Ugh, he pisses me off.

  I toss my bag onto the chair in my room and see Rob through the open bathroom door, playing his guitar. I slam my bathroom door shut, not wanting to hear anymore shit from him. When he starts playing “Sorry” by Art of Dying, I want to strangle him. Is that his way of apologizing to me? No, I think to myself, he’s just being a smart ass. The longer he plays, the louder he becomes, so I throw my body on the bed and cover my ears with a pillow but it doesn’t help. Every time he sings the words ‘I’m Sorry’, I swear he’s right outside my door. Not being able to take it any longer, I throw the door open and, just as I assumed, Rob’s standing there, playing his guitar and singing for me.

  I cross my arms, impatiently waiting for him to finish. After he sings the last sentence, he bites his lower lip and stares intently at me. In this moment, I don’t see the asshole who cheated on me. I see the guy who helped me forget my past for a few months. Grant might have been the one to help me heal, but Rob provided a distraction from the shame I felt. Rob just isn’t the guy you marry…he’s the one you date before you get married.

  “Are you finished?” I ask him, attempting to accentuate my annoyance.

  “Believe it or not, I am sorry. If what you say is true, that was a shitty thing for me to do.” He stands up and places his hand out for me to shake. I glance down at it skeptically before looking back up at him. “Come on, I’m trying to do the noble thing here.”

  Reluctantly, I shake his hand, feeling the numerous calluses on his fingertips from all the playing he’s done the past few months. “But it’s so out of character for you,” I remark and he chuckles.

  “Maybe I’m trying to turn over a new leaf.” He lets go of my hand and we stand there on either side of the doorway as though we’re strangers.

  “Good luck with that,” I say sarcastically.

  “Thanks, this is my first try. How am I doing?” He smirks at me and I’m hit with the memory of our first meeting.

  “Song helped.”

  “Jessa, I swear I don’t remember having that conversation. Most of the tour was a blur. I was pretty fucked up the whole time. It shouldn’t have been like that. I should have called you…”

  I raise my hand to silence him. “It’s done, Rob. I think you know as well as I do that we weren’t meant for each other. You’re not ready to settle down, and I needed more than you were willing to offer.”

  “And frat boy gives that to you?” he questions and even now, the dislike in his tone is clear.

  “Grant?” I clarify. “Yes, he’s given me everything I need and more.” He nods his head up and down, almost as if absorbing what I’m saying.

  “I still think he’s a douche and won’t stick around,” he says, then automatically puts his hands in the air in defense. “I’m just saying.”

  “Well don’t, Rob. He makes me happy.”

  “It sure didn’t sound like he’s making you happy. I heard the yelling,” he says with a smirk, as though he just made his point.

  “Because of you,” I inform him.

  “Sorry about that. Actually…I’m not.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Can I have a hug?” he asks, and I step up to him hesitantly. There’s nothing wrong with a hug, right?

  As soon as my arms wrap around his neck, he pulls me close, whispering, “I am sorry, Jessa.” He sounds sincere, and I’m thinking about forgiving him when I feel him grab my ass. I abruptly push him away.

  “What the fuck, Rob?” I yell.

  “Oh come on, Jess, just one more time. I’ve missed that body on top of mine and that mouth around my cock. I promise, my lips are sealed. Richie Rich will never know.” He attempts to walk toward me again, but I firmly press him back and he stumbles against the door frame. What happened to that guy who was here a second ago?

  “Jesus, Rob! What happened to turning over a new leaf?” I ask, starting to leave the room.

  “I can’t change, baby, it’s just not in me.” His voice is void of his usual cocky attitude, sounding despondent instead.

  I turn around to face him and see that his crazy blue eyes are filled with emotion. I wonder if I am seeing a side of Rob that most people miss.

  With a quick blink of his eyes, it’s gone. “Well, you know where to find me when you need a good fuck,” he laughs and I shake my head, leaving the room.

  Jogging down the steps, I debate where I should go. I know I need to apologize to Grant, and although I didn’t like his possessive behavior, I understand it. Especially after Rob just groped me. It wouldn’t do any good to go over to his house now, since he’s still at the study session for a couple more hours. I look out the window and see Trey leaning against the porch railing, smoking a cigarette. When did he start smoking?

  With time to kill, I swing the door open and Trey stumbles backward in surprise. “Jessa!” he exclaims, sounding as though he was expecting some
one else.

  “Trey!” I mimic his tone and he chuckles. I swear this boy might be the happiest person I’ve ever met. “What’s with the smoky treat?” I point to the cigarette in his hand.

  “Stress,” he sighs and I giggle.

  “You and stress. That’s an unusual combination,” I joke. He gives me a hardy-har-har before extinguishing his cigarette and throwing his arm around me.

  “Let’s go get some Jack,” he says. I start walking inside, but he quickly circles me around toward the steps leading off the porch.

  “I need some air and I assume you do too after that sweet serenade,” he chuckles, and I’m happy to see the teasing Trey back.

  I playfully smack my hand on his stomach and he shoots back as though I hit him hard. “What? It was…nice,” he kids and I hit him again. “Ouch, stop it!” he whines.

  “Be a man.” We continue our light-hearted banter on the way to the bar. Today is a perfect spring day so we decide to walk instead of drive. As much as I wish I could be making up with Grant right now, I’m happy to have some alone time with Trey. I know how important this group project is to Grant, and I wish I wouldn’t have sent him there upset. But I need to give him the space to do his work and then I’ll jump his bones tonight.

  We arrive at The Loft and Trey grabs a booth, which isn’t difficult since the older bar is mostly vacant of people. I shouldn’t be surprised since it’s a Sunday evening. It’s mainly couples filling the tables, eating pizza and drinking beer. Definitely a much tamer crowd than normal. Trey walks up to the bar to order a few beers and I see a cute girl saunter over to the stool next to him. He glances at her and then turns back toward Pete, the bartender. No flirting, no eye roaming, and no touching. Where the hell is Trey and who’s the preacher at the bar?

  Taking our drinks from Pete, he doesn’t give the flirtatious girl another glance before coming back to the booth. After he sets down the drinks and scoots in across from me, he notices my raised eyebrows.


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