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Page 24

by Selena Kitt

  “Good morning, ma tranqililité. I’ve brought you a visitor. Do you feel up to seeing her? After last night’s experience I can understand if you’re not ready. You’ve been through a lot. It’s not every day a woman travels almost two hundred years into the future.”

  She squeaked and grabbed at the covers. It hadn’t been a dream. She’d actually gone into the future! Trembling she yanked the covers over her head as if doing so would whisk her back to her own time. This couldn’t be happening.

  She never saw the humorous looks Ragtow and Jack exchanged. When the total silence finally got to her, she peeked over the edge of the blanket to see both of them watching her with smiles on their faces.

  “What does thou find so funny?” She glared at them both, which had both men struggling not to laugh.

  “We’re not laughing at you, we swear. Your reaction just surprised us.” Jack watched her with mirth in his eyes. She couldn’t help it. His attitude was infectious and she was soon smiling along with him. She never even stopped to wonder at why she felt so at ease with these two strange men.

  “Better?” Ragtow’s question was soft, as his hands gently untangled her death grip on the edge of the blanket. “I assure you that you’ll love this visitor. She’s waited a long time to see you.”

  Nibbling on her lip, she tried to decide. The air filled with tension and Ragtow’s breath hissed out of his chest before Jack swore softly and rubbed his finger over her lower lip to free it from between her teeth.

  “Enough, ma tranqilité. You are tempting two very hungry men. We don’t want to rush this and you’re making it difficult to resist.”

  A tickle of desire settled in her stomach as she looked from man to man. The memories of her dream were tormenting her now. She wanted more than anything to be wrapped up in a world where it was just her and the two men sitting on either side of her.

  A knock broke the spell and her gaze jerked to the door. Jack kept his eyes on her before bidding the person to enter.

  “Come on in.”

  The last thing Onatah expected to see enter the room was the tall slender woman wearing the same blue jeans as Ragtow and a flannel shirt tucked into the waistband. If it weren’t for her beautiful chocolate eyes and slender beaded chocker around her neck, Onatah would’ve never recognized her much loved and mourned older sister.


  “Hiya, baby sister. I see you made it. I’ve missed you.” The lilting quality was still present in her sister’s voice but the words she spoke made very little sense to Onatah.

  “What are thou doing here? Thou died in the river. Am I dead?”

  Orenda smiled and stopped next to the bed. “No. You crossed over just as did I. I foresaw your eventual joining with Pajackok and Ragtow just before I came over to this time. They need you. Their people need you too.”

  Ignoring the part about the men needing her, Onatah focused on the confirmation her sister had just given her. “So it’s true. I’m no longer in 1816. Am I even in the same area as before? Or did I land across the ocean in the land of the white man?”

  Jack answered for Orenda. “You’re in a small cabin outside the town of Gananoque. You’re in Canada, Onatah. From what Orenda has told me, we’re simply on the other side of the river from where your village used to stand.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Then it’s true—the fire destroyed everything?”

  “According to the history books, yes. The Americans burned down many villages and drove many Native Americans from their homes. The Iroquois nation is no longer as mighty as it once was.” Ragtow took her hand in his. “So if you went back it would be to a burned out village with many of your clan already dead. We’d have to find another village and another clan to accept us.”

  She stared up at him. “Us?”

  “Yes.” Ragtow pressed the back of her hand against his mouth. A gasp escaped her before she could stop it. The certainty in his eyes astonished her. “Where you go, ma puissance, so do we. So whatever choice you decide we will follow.”

  “You don’t have to make your decision now, sister. You have until the full moon fades to decide if you and your mates stay in this time or go back home. Before you decided give this time a chance. There are plenty of opportunities here for a healer of your magnitude. Jack works at the hospital and the free clinic. He helps those who can’t afford the most basic of health care. Ragtow works at the production plant in Research and Development and makes unbelievable instruments to help the healers of this time.”

  Tears filled Onatah’s eyes. “And you? What does thou do during this time?”

  “I work at a casino.”

  Onatah tried the word out on her tongue. “A casino? What is…a casino?”

  “It’s a place where men and women alike come and wager money on cards and other games of chance.”

  “Thou does this wagering?”

  Orenda shook her head and sat down next to her sister. “No, I don’t wager. I watch to make sure no one cheats.”

  Staring at her sister, what she’d said had made sense. Before she’d died…no ‘time traveled to the future’… Orenda had settled many disputes between the warriors and their own chieftain. The chief himself had come to her for her prophecies. If her sister could make a spot for herself in this new time, who was to say she couldn’t? With her family gone and everything familiar gone, what was waiting for her in the past? Her head hurt and she leaned back trying to clear her mind.

  “Don’t think so hard about it. You have three days before the full moon fades from the northern sky. If you wish to return home wait by the river where Jack and Ragtow brought you ashore, then the path for you to return home will appear.” Orenda placed her hand over Onatah’s and gave it a squeeze of reassurance. “Now it’s time for me to go. I have my shift starting in less than an hour and I’d better get a move on before my boss decides to write me up for being late again. I love you baby sister. I’ll be back to visit before the full moon fades. Take this time to get to know your mates.” She leaned in and pressed a kiss against Onatah’s forehead before slipping back out of the room.

  She was slightly dazed as her gaze focused on the hot stares coming from the men who were destined to be her mates. She shivered when her body reacted to their obvious desires. When Jack moved, she held up a hand.

  “Wait! Please wait.”

  He stilled even though her protest did little to dampen the desire she saw in his gaze.

  “What is it, Onatah? Are you scared now that your sister has left? We won’t hurt you. We held you between us throughout the night and you remained in your untried state despite our desire.” His voice was hoarse with his deepening desire as he reached for his braids and began to loosen his hair.

  Unable to help herself she sat mesmerized as he finished loosening his hair. When his hands reached for the buttons on his shirt, she adverted her eyes to only be ensnared by Ragtow’s matter of fact removal of his clothes. The soft tunic covering his wide chest was now gone and his hands were smoothly unfastening his breaches. Licking her lips, she jerked her eyes away from the tempting sight. How was she supposed to resist when no matter which way she turned they were tantalizing her senses and stroking her own need higher?

  “Don’t hide from us, ma puissance.” The need in Ragtow’s voice had her swallowing and looking her eyes on his face. His desire was plain to see and she felt a curious melting in her core when he stood and shucked his breeches. It took all of her willpower to not let her gaze fall to his sex. Even as badly as she wanted to see if her dream was correct, she didn’t trust herself not to beg for his hard length in her mouth as she had in the dream. She was virginal but did not feel like it. Only loose women thought such daring exciting thoughts.

  The shift of weight on the bed next to her had her turning to see Jack stretched out on his side next to her. He was quite naked and didn’t seem to be the least bit self-conscious of the fact. Gripping the edge of the blanket in her fingers, she tried to focus on an
ything other than her need. Each breath she took brought their intoxicating scent deeper into her lungs.

  The bed rocked once more as Ragtow settled his muscular frame on the other side of her. She glanced back and forth between them uncertain how to react to the idea she was surrounded by two very virile and vastly aroused males. This was beyond her scope as a healer let alone a woman.

  “I…thou…” A flush washed over her while she tried to cope with their closeness.

  “Shh.” Ragtow’s voice was soft as he slid one arm between her head and the bedding. His arm cradled her head as he bent to brush his lips across hers. Despite the silence coming from her other side, she was almost sure Jack was watching every caress of his cousin’s lips against hers. When a deep hiss came from her left, she knew she’d been right.

  “Dammit, Ragtow, quit fooling around. Kiss her like you mean it or I will.”

  Ragtow lifted his head and gazed down at her with a question in his dark eyes.

  “Aye.” Reaching up, she buried her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down to hers and pressed her mouth to his. A moan built deep inside of her as the rightness of what she was doing washed over her. Her very strict upbringing was being drowned out by the lust which had her in its grips. She wanted them, one or the other or both together. What was more—she needed them.

  When Ragtow finally lifted from her mouth, he sat her up and stripped the soft shirt off her with help from Jack before he arranged her amongst the pillows. “We need you, Onatah. In ways that are sure to scare a virgin such as yourself. We’ll try to control it but we can’t promise there won’t come a time when we…”

  “You’re fumbling this, Ragtow!” Jack’s voice had a hint of laughter in it. “What my dear cousin is trying to explain to you is for our triad to form both of us will have to take you together. Do you understand what that means?” Still laying on his side, his face was mere inches from hers.

  She blushed. “Like the dream?”

  “Close. Instead of using your mouth, ma tranqilité, we shall share you between us.”

  The healer in her was intrigued. “How? Tis not possible.”

  Ragtow chuckled at Jack’s stunned expression. “Now who’s fumbling, cousin?” Lifting her leg over his hip, Ragtow traced his fingers up her inner thigh. “A woman has two portals she may pleasure her lovers with. While one lover slides deep inside her here…” His fingers traced the seam of her pussy lips before trailing down them to rest against the tightly furled entrance to her bottom. “…another may enter here. It allows the woman to pleasure both of her lovers while they in turn pleasure her. I’ve been told the pleasure which comes from sharing a woman this way is like no other in power and joy.”

  She moistened her lips. “I’m not sure if I…”

  “Relax and let us pleasure you, ma puissance, before you decide against it.” Ragtow’s voice gravelly with need, and she could see the desire beginning to overwhelm both of her men’s eyes.

  “I…yes.” She couldn’t help but give into the need which was consuming all three of them.

  * * * *

  Arching her hips towards Jack’s gentle fingers, her world exploded. Onatah was barely aware of the stinging pain as his fingers took her virginity. Ragtow’s mouth left her glistening nipples and pressed gentle kisses against her parted lips and.

  “Shh. That’s the worst of it, Onatah. Thank you for trusting us. Never again will you feel that pain.”

  She gripped his arms as she continued to move against Jack’s tongue and fingers. His continued sipping at her wet flesh forced her body towards another orgasm. This is not what she’d agreed to when she’d said they could pleasure her. This pleasure was bordering on pain, but she needed something more. She felt so empty. “Please!”

  * * * *

  Ragtow turned his head and stared down at Jack. His cousin’s mouth was sealed over the dark curls gracing their lover’s mound and his eyes were closed as he rocked her against his agile tongue. From the flush rushing up Onatah’s chest, Ragtow knew she was close to coming again. She was lost in the throes of passion and the gentle attention Jack was giving her obviously wasn’t enough. His little puissance needed a good hard fucking to put out the fire that was consuming all three of them.

  “Jack, she’s going to lose it! We need to mate with her now!” His words came out thick and rough with his own need.

  Opening his eyes, Jack groaned and finally lifted his mouth. Her juices clung to his lips, chin and lower cheeks. He looked as if he’d been trying to immerse himself. Pressing his lips to her inner thigh, Jack gave it a final nibble before rolling onto his back.

  Ragtow helped Onatah straddle his cousin. The moans ripping free of both Jack and Onatah assured him the time to consummate their union was upon them. As Onatah’s body slowly accepted the hard length of Jack’s need, Ragtow couldn’t help but be awed at the beauty of it. Licking his lips he reached for the special lubrication Jack had set on the stand. Turning he smeared a generous amount of it on his aching cock. A loud groan coming from his cousin had Ragtow turning back to see Onatah rocking on Jack’s cock despite his cousin’s feeble attempts to hold her still.

  Finally exasperated, the palm of Jack’s had landed with a thwack on Onatah’s hip. “Hold still, ma tranqilité, or I’m going to give you the ride you’re asking for before Ragtow joins us.” From the tone, Ragtow could tell Jack had reached his limits. The low wail which escaped Onatah had Jack snarling at Ragtow.

  “Get your ass over here. She’s going up in flames. It has to be now.”

  * * * *

  Onatah cried out as need to move was stronger than anything she’d ever felt before. The sting of Jack’s hand on her hip had done nothing to temper the hunger she felt. Buried deep inside of her, the only feeling she had was of being stretched. Jack had taken care of her virginity, now she was ready for more. Behind her she could hear the thud of a drawer shutting before the bed shifted as Ragtow moved closer to her. She gasped against Jack’s mouth when he pulled her down to kiss her. When something cool teased the entrance of her ass, she moaned. The slippery stuff seemed to ease the stretching.

  “Relax for me, ma puissance. I’m making sure you’re ready to take me. No pain.” His promise fell on deaf ears as she shrieked when two of his finger heavily lubricated eased inside. Within moments, she bucking back towards the fingers. Under her she could hear the low rumbles of pleasure which were escaping Jack’s throat. A low protest escaped her when Ragtow’s fingers slipped free of her. When they returned with more lubrication, she relaxed and opened completely for him. Within moments it felt as if he had three fingers buried in her. Her sheath rippled around Jack and he cursed.

  “Enough, finish it!”

  “Please,” she pleaded. She needed to have both of her men inside of her.

  “And you said I was the one without patience.”

  Onatah wasn’t sure whom Ragtow was talking to but at this point she didn’t care. A shriek of pleasure tore from her as the damp head of Ragtow’s cock slipped past the ring of muscles guarding her bottom. It was his turn to groan as he worked his way deeper inside her.

  All three froze when Ragtow finally slid his entire length inside of her.

  “So full.” Her own voice was so hoarse from pleasure she didn’t even recognize it.

  “Yes.” Jack pressed his head back into the pillows and thumbed her diamond hard nipples while Ragtow’s hands settled on her hips.

  “Are you ready, Onatah?”

  Gasping for breath, she nodded. The air left her lungs with a rush as the men began to rock her between them. Starting out gently they loved her until she was fighting their restraining hands in her efforts to find the peak of the pleasure she knew was just out of her reach.

  “Shhh, wait…we’ll get there.” The voice was strained.

  “Nay!” Reaching down between their bodies, her own fingers found her clit and pressed. The pleasure that had been hovering just out of reach was suddenly upon her. She screa
med and jerked as it swept over her like a tidal wave. She was barely aware of the hoarse curses coming from the men as their control shattered. She screamed again as the pleasure returned even deeper than before as Jack thrust up from under her and Ragtow buried himself as deep as he could go. The warmth filled her as both men released deep inside her body. Sagging on Jack’s damp chest, she closed her eyes and savored the closeness of having both men pressed against her willing sated flesh.

  * * * *

  The Night of the Waning Moon

  Onatah stood on the edge of the water and stared. The last three days spent in the arms of her lovers had been more than she’d ever hoped for. She’d never thought to mate with any man let alone two. Now she was faced with a decision. Would she stay in the future with her lovers or would they go back with her? She knew there was no option of leaving them there in the future and going back alone. Every time she’d brought up the subject of returning alone, both men had loved her until she couldn’t think straight, all thoughts about leaving them lost in the heat of passion.

  “It’s your choice, ma tranqilité.” Jack’s arms wrapped around her from behind. “I love you, Onatah and so does Ragtow. Whichever you choose, where ever you go, we will follow.”

  Tears fell from her eyes as she saw a shimmer on the water. At the edges of it, she saw her mother standing alone. It was so tempting to go to her. The loneliness on her mother’s face was heart breaking. Her mates would protect both her mother and her from any danger in the past. She moved to go forward when her sister’s voice rang out.


  Looking up in surprise, Onatah stared at her sister.


  Orenda stopped and a sad smile crossed her face. “Your place is here, sister. Stay with your mates and fulfill your destiny. My time here is done, it’s time for me to return home.” She turned slowly and entered the water.


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