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Born Sinner

Page 5

by Glenna Maynard

  “Just this right here. Holding me in your arms, loving me. You’re all I need. All I’ve ever needed.” She cements her words to my lips with a kiss.

  My hands move down to cup that sweet ass of hers as she moans into my mouth, her tongue circling mine. Fuck, she makes me so damn hard. I’d love nothing more than to take her back to my bed, our bed, and make sweet love to her. Right now though, I have other shit to handle. Gotta go to the clubhouse for a meeting. Angus said church was in an hour that was over forty-five minutes ago.

  If I’m late, my ass will have to pay a fine, not that Opal isn’t worth the cost, but with the club holding a shipment of moonshine for the Black Rebel Riders’ MC that is headed to New Jersey for Satan’s Fools…now isn’t the time to be pissing Prez off. I’m in enough shit as it is.

  “Get dressed, gotta ride out. Have a meeting. You can make your calls from the clubhouse.”

  I watch her as she changes into her dress from the night before, wishing there was more time to appreciate her body, her love for me.

  When she doesn’t move to put on her panties, I cup her pussy by the palm of my hand. “No way I can concentrate on much of anything, knowing that what’s mine is bare and there for the taking at any moment.” Opal’s heat burns into me, fuck she’s on fire, burning with desire.

  Tossing her the soiled panties I tell her once more, “Get these on. Now.”

  Those delectable lips arch, pulling into a mischievous grin. “And if I don’t?” Her brow raises up.

  “You wanna play baby we’ll play, but later.” My words are firm.

  “All right,” she concedes.

  Good girl.

  Opal doesn’t whine or sass, she just does as she’s told.


  The ride to the clubhouse goes by in a blur. My emotions are set on overdrive. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that my father is truly dead and that the man I love may or may not be the one who is responsible. The thought should make me question what I’m getting myself into, but it doesn’t. The reality is, I love Trigger for loving me that much. For wanting nothing more than to protect me and to bring justice to the man that tormented me for the duration of my childhood.

  Reverend Sully Willoughby wasn’t a good man. He was a monster, a child abuser. Who’s to say he wouldn’t have found another victim. Who’s to say I was his only victim. However, what’s done is done. There is only one thing left to do—bury the man who raised me but failed me in life.

  Trigger leaves me in Wilcox’s office with the phone at my disposal. I’ve never dealt with anything like this before. I don’t know who to call first or what steps to take. They sure as shit never prepared me for this situation in home economics class. The first thing I need is to make a list. Searching the top of the desk, I find a pen and a notepad.

  People to call:



  Funeral home

  I sigh as I pick up the phone to call Trigger’s Uncle. I don’t want to handle this. Gripping the phone, I start to dial when a soft knock sounds against the door. “Opal,” a warm voice calls my name.

  “Yeah?” Trigger said a woman named Linda would check on me and get me anything I may need. Must be her.

  The door creaks open as the line rings in my ear. “Bob Banks’s office. How may I help you?”

  My voice is stuck in my throat as my eyes meet a pair similar to my own. My mother.

  “Hello, is anyone there?” The receptionist is close to hanging up.

  Clearing my throat, I ask to speak with Bob, ignoring the woman who gave me life, the woman who abandoned me. Out of the corner of my eye though, I appraise her. Noting we share the same blonde hair and almond eyes.

  Bob takes the line saying he has been waiting for my call. “Your father had a will and life insurance. You don’t need to worry about handling any details other than his arrangements. Leave the rest to me.”

  “Okay,” I agree letting out a sigh of relief.

  “I’ll meet you at the funeral home around one to help you. Sully was a friend. He’d want me to be here for you Opal. Do you need a ride?”

  “No, I have someone, Trigger.”

  “Ah, well, I see. Okay, I’ll see you both then.”

  The call ends and Robyn opens her mouth to speak.

  Holding up a hand, I tell her, “Don’t. I don’t want to hear your apologies.”

  “Opal, I’m not here to say I’m sorry. Honey, I had problems. I wasn’t fit to be a mother, not yours, not anyone’s. You may not want to hear what I have to say, but you’re gonna listen to me anyway.”

  My nails bite into my palms. I don’t have to do shit. Not for her or anyone else. Curiosity eats at me though. I’ve wanted answers and here she stands. “Just tell me why? Why did you leave me with him?” Tears threaten to spill, but I hold them at bay. She doesn’t deserve my tears, neither does Rev.

  “I wish I could say that I couldn’t take you with me. I could’ve, but it wasn’t a battle I was prepared to fight. I know that isn’t what you want to hear. But your father was a hard man to live with. He cared more about you and that damn church than he ever cared about me. I was jealous of the way he looked at you. You were his world, and I was an outsider.”

  “I was your daughter!” I scream at her as the heat of my tears warms my cheeks. “You were supposed to protect me, guide me and love me. Not leave me at the mercy of an abuser. Did you know he beat me? Raped me? Do you even care?”

  “He’d never. Why would you say something like that? Rev was strict but a child molester…no. I won’t hear you speak ill of him like that. It isn’t right. You just want to hurt me, make me feel guilty for not fulfilling your fantasy of what you pictured for us. I wasn’t meant to be a mother then Opal.”

  “But you want to try now do you? Well, I don’t want you. I don’t need you. I don’t want to see you. I survived without you.”

  “Opal, you don’t see it now, but I did the best I could for you. I left you in the care of a man who loved you. A man that put you on a pedestal above his wife. A man that married me despite knowing the truth of your origin. He wanted a good life for us, I just wasn’t ready.”

  “A man that raped me. A man that did this to me.” Lifting my hair out of the way, I expose my back to her.

  I flinch at the cold intrusion of her fingers as they brush over my scars.

  “I don’t know what to say, but I owe you the truth.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask stepping out of her reach, feeling sick from her touch.

  “You deserve the truth Opal. Sully wasn’t your father. He couldn’t have kids.”

  “You’re lying to me. Trying to make yourself feel better for leaving me to be fucked my own father. You make me sick.”

  “You can hate me all you want Opal, but it’s the truth. Your daddy was a piece of shit; he went to prison three months after we conceived you. He died a few years ago in a state hospital. Didn’t you get my letters or the cards? I sent you his obituary.”

  “I knew you sent cards, but Rev never allowed me to see them, and if I tried…well, you saw my back.”

  “If I had known…,” she trails off.

  “If you’d known you would’ve what? Came back for me? Don’t fool yourself.”

  “No, but maybe I could’ve done something. You have a brother ya know. His name’s Aaron.”

  Her words whip across my face. “You had another child?” I scoff. I guess nothing should surprise me.

  “No, your father did. He…he wants to meet you. He’s waiting in the hall.”

  Swallowing hard, I gasp for the breath I so desperately need. It’s all too much. Now Rev wasn’t my father, but my real dad is dead too, and I have a brother.


  Fucking Perfect.

  “Anything else you need to throw at me while you’re at it?”

  She shakes her head and steps out into the hall.

  Next thing I know I’m being stared down by some dude
with a head full of thick brown hair with a beard to match. His eyes are green with flecks of yellow sprinkled in.

  “You Opal?”

  I nod with a shrug. “That’s me. You are?” I hedge waiting for an introduction.

  He rocks back on the soles of his black Adidas and I grin. He’s the first man here I’ve seen without riding boots on.

  “I’ll just leave the two of you to it,” Robyn says ducking her head in quickly before closing the door.

  “I’m Aaron,” he says extending his hand out.

  “What? You don’t have some cool biker road name,” I tease.

  He laughs. “You got jokes.”

  I smile weakly as I study his features, trying to catch a glimpse of myself. However, I don’t see any resemblance.

  “Look, I know this is awkward as fuck. I didn’t mean to just spring myself on you, but I’ve been eager to meet you for years. My Uncle, Porter, told me all about you. He raised me. My momma was a clubwhore who moved on not long after I was born. Our old man, well, not much to tell ya there. Johnny Porter went to prison when I was five for murder. He was a bastard, and you didn’t miss much.”

  “You have no idea what I’ve been through Aaron. I was raped and beaten by a man I thought was not only a man of God, but I was lead to believe he was my father. So, forgive me, but I’d much rather been raised by a relative than that piece of shit.”

  “Shit, Opal. I didn’t mean to cheapen what you’ve been through. Fuck, I didn’t know. I just wanted you to know that you aren’t alone. You don’t know me from Adam, but you need me, all you gotta do is say the word. You’re my blood.”

  “Because blood’s thicker than water?” I snort. “No offense, but I’ve had about enough family for today.”

  He frowns under his burly beard. “I can take a hint. I’ll be seeing you around now that you’re with Trigger. Run a garage, bought out Redford’s place. Stop by sometime. I’d love for you to meet Crace.”


  “My boy, your nephew. He’s six. Loves cars like his Pa.” When he speaks of his son, his whole face lights up.

  “Okay, I’ll do that. I’d love to meet him.”

  “Good.” He holds his hand out for me to shake, but something about him gives me a warm and comforting feeling. Taking his hand, I pull him in for a brief hug.

  Trigger picks the moment I’m hugging my brother to pop in. He jerks Aaron back by his shoulder. “The fuck you doing?” His fist is reared back ready to strike.

  “Stop! He’s my brother,” I screech before he can do any permanent damage.

  Trigger pauses as Aaron holds his hands up, signaling he doesn’t have any beef with him.

  “Aaron, give me and Trig a moment. He needs brought up to speed.”

  “Yeah, see ya around man.” My brother pats him on the shoulder, clamping his hand down. “Be good to her man.”

  Rubbing his thumb across his lip, Trigger gives him a chin lift.

  Men and their egos. I shake my head.

  “Start talking Opal.”

  “Well, while you were down in the basement, I was told some things. A lot of things. It’s all still whirling in my head, but Robyn, my mother is here. She says that Rev was never my father, that some guy named Johnny Porter was supposedly my real dad. Apparently, Rev knew this, and no one bothered to clue me in until today.” The weight of everything hits me in the gut, and I nearly topple over as my knees buckle.


  Catching Opal before she hits the floor, I bring her into my lap in a nearby chair. Her sobs rack against my chest, as she lets it all out. “That’s it baby, let it out.” I rub her back, trying to make sense of it all myself. Not once did I ever consider the fact that Opal wasn’t the Rev’s daughter. Doesn’t excuse any of the fucked up shit he put her through, and I’m glad the bastard is dead.

  “Sorry,” she says with a sniffle.

  With a little shuffling, I’m able to dig my bandanna from my back pocket and give it to her. She wipes at her nose as I tell her, “Nothing to be sorry for. Baby you’re dealing with a lot of heavy shit. Got a lot going on. Moving in with me, being my woman. The Rev dying, seeing your mother, and finding out you have a brother. You’ve been through more in twenty-four hours than some people go through in a lifetime. I just want to be here for you, show you that we can make it through anything together. Whatever you need, I got you.”

  Tilting her chin up with my fingers, I take the bandanna and wipe away the rest of her tears.

  “Bob is gonna meet us at the funeral home, said he’d handle everything so I don’t have to. I don’t want to attend his funeral; I don’t want to do any of it. I know the church and people of the town will expect me to be there, be in mourning, but I can’t pretend. I won’t do it Trig.”

  “Then don’t. You don’t owe anyone a damn thing. You get me?”

  She nods, but her gaze falls short of mine.

  “Look at me Opal. You. Don’t. Owe. Anyone. A. Damn. Thing.”

  Letting out a deep sigh, she relaxes against me.

  “Need to take your mind off this shit. Go for a ride with me. I’ll get you a change of clothes first, and some shoes for riding. I’ll call Bob and let him know that you won’t be making arrangements. Got someone I want you to meet.”

  I take Opal back through the club to the kitchen. “Big Momma,” I call out to Wilcox’s old lady, Linda.

  Glancing over her shoulder the voluptuous woman beams at me. “About time you drug your sorry ass in to see me.” She pulls a large spoon to her lips, getting a tester taste. “More pepper,” she huffs to herself pulling a pepper grinder from one of her many apron pockets. Once she is finished, she stirs the contents of her pot and wipes at her brow. “You bring that girl here so I can meet her?” She asks eyeing Opal.

  “Big Momma, this is Opal.”

  My girl smiles brightly, her flame flickering for me, proud to be on my arm. The large woman in front of us puts on her intimidating face, staring Opal down, giving her a once over. Her eyes narrow in on Opal’s chest. “Hmm, looks like you could use some of my cooking. Don’t worry. You take care of Trig and Big Momma will take care of you.” A lock of her dark red hair tumbles from her bun.

  “No worries there. Opal’s gonna take damn good care of me,” I tell her while squeezing Opal’s hip. “Need a favor. Opal needs some clothes, gonna take her for a ride. You think Chelsea Joe still has any clothes upstairs that’d fit her?”

  “She might. Y’all go on up and look, I’ll put together a lunch. Opal needs some meat on her bones.” She winks taking a key from one of her pockets, and I shake my head. Big Momma has always been blunt.

  “Who’s Chelsea?” Opal snaps as I lead her upstairs.

  “Chelsea Joe is Big Momma’s niece, but she moved on to college a year or so ago. Haven’t seen her around in some time. She was about your size.” I shrug.

  Opal stops moving up the stairs with me. Her hands rests on her hips and there is an edge of jealousy in her voice. “Who’s Chelsea Joe to you?”

  Grabbing her hand, I kiss her fingers. “Wasn’t like that baby doll. She was just a friend. You’d like her.”

  “Hmm…” Her lips screw into a pout, but she starts walking again.

  I stop in front of a white door with a decal of an old Chevy truck on it. “CJ is a car fanatic. She’s actually going to school for mechanics,” I explain.

  Opal seems to relax hearing that Chelsea is a tomboy. Her room is mostly bare now, but some clothes remain. Opal fingers through some shirts in the closet while I check the drawers for some jeans.

  A few choices of pants and shirts lay on the bed. Even managed to find some Victoria Secret panties with the tags still on them. Opal shoos me out of the room so she can change. I’m not happy about it, but if I stay, she’ll never make it out of the room. Now that she’s mine and I can have her any damn time I want, it’s motherfuckin’ hard to keep my hands off her and my dick outta her sweet cunt.

  She settles on a pair o
f ripped jeans that hug her ass, a little too damn good. My cock hardens, wanting to slide between her cheeks and feel her slick heat as she steps into the hall wearing a white crop top exposing her stomach. I want nothing more than to kiss her exposed navel, run my tongue along her skin, tasting every fuckin’ inch. Rocking a pair of black boots, she looks sexy as hell. Makes me want to slap a taken patch across her ass.

  Squeezing that fine ass, I tell her, “Thinking the ride can wait.”

  “Oh no you don’t.” She spins away, going for the stairs.

  Hooking my arm around her waist, I drag her back toward the room.

  “You promised me a ride,” she says leaning into me.

  “Oh, I have something you can ride darlin’, he’s one helluva beast.”

  “That so,” Opal mumbles against my lips, her tongue melting into mine.

  Her tongue darts around my mouth, tasting the beer I had with the guys at church.

  “You been drinkin’?”

  “Not much. Let’s get out of here,” I tell her, having to tear myself away.

  Downstairs I give Big Momma her key back and grab the bag she set us up with for lunch.

  Opal’s mom is sitting at the bar with Porter and Aaron. Porter gives me a brief wave. Robyn appears as though she has more to say to Opal, but now isn’t the time. I shake my head and tug my woman out the door, before any of my brothers get any ideas about her ass.

  Thank fuck Angus, River, and Crank took off after church to get the moonshine delivered. Should be on the road with them, but with shit the way it is right now, Wilcox thought it best I hang back. Not ready to leave Opal for a few days either. I just got her. Not looking to spend days on the road without her anytime soon, but at some point, I’ll have to. Comes with the territory.

  Securing our food and drink in my satchel, I put word in to Bob to let me know if there is anything that requires Opal’s attention, then we head out.


  Trigger was right. A ride with him was exactly what I needed. The open road and snuggled against the back of my man’s leather cut, was the escape from my thoughts that I warranted. Coming to a stop much too soon, I recognize where we are, not far from home—Fischer’s Pond.


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